Add APIC VzAny Contract Interface To VRF
- Summary
- Add APIC VzAny Contract Interface To VRF.
- Description
- This task removes an APIC vzAny contract interface from vzAny.
- Inputs
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory VRF Select a VRF. ApicDeviceTenantPrivateNetworkIdentity Y Contract Interface Click to choose a contract interface that you want to add to the contact. ApicDeviceTenantImportContractIdentity Y QOS Choose the priority level of the service contract. The default value is unspecified. ApicCustomQosPriorityContractInterfaceIdentity - Outputs
Output Description Type APIC_ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed ApicDeviceIdentity TENANT_NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_text_input TENANT_IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity ApicDeviceTenantIdentity TENANT_PRIVATE_NETWORK Private Network on which the selected operation was performed gen_text_input PRIVATE_NETWORK_IDENTITY Private Network Identity ApicDeviceTenantPrivateNetworkIdentity OUTPUT_CONTRACT_INTERFACE_NAME Contract Interface Name gen_text_input OUTPUT_CONTRACT_INTERFACE_IDENTITY Contract Interface Identity APIC_CONTRACT_INTERFACE_IDENTITY