Procedural Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Acquire lock on a named Resource

Acquire a lock on a named resource.
This task acquires a lock on any named resource. If the named resource is free, meaning no other task holds a lock on it, then the acquisition of the resource succeeds and the task completes successfully. If another task holds a lock on the named resource, then the calling task is suspended until the other task releases the lock. Re-entrant acquisition is permitted and is always successful. A lock can be acquired by a sub-task within a compound task. If the lock is already held by the compound task (or its parent workflow, or a parent's parent), the acquisition is considered re-entrant and always succeeds. For example: Workflow WF-A acquires a lock L1 and spawns a Compound Task CT1. If a sub-task in CT1 tries to acquire L1, then the acquisition succeeds. Similarly, suppose workflow WF-B acquires a lock L2 and spawns CT2, which in turn spawns CT3. If a sub-task in CT3 tries to acquire L2, it will succeed because WF-B is an (indirect) parent of CT2. A workflow should relinquish the lock on the resource (using the Release Resource Lock task) as soon as it is done using the resource. Behavior during Rollback of an SR When a workflow is rolled back, the tasks are executed in reverse order of normal execution. When a workflow containing an AcquireLock followed by a ReleaseLock task is subjected to Rollback, the roles of AcquireLock and ReleaseLock are reversed. For example, consider this workflow: AcquireLock(R1) -> Task1 -> Task2 -> ReleaseLock(R1) In this example, AcquireLock(R1) acquires lock on resource R1 and ReleaseLock(R1) relinquishes the lock on R1. As part of a rollback, the ReleaseLock(R1) task is executed first. But since the intent is ensure safe access to resouce R1, this ReleaseLock behaves like an AcquireLock(R1) task and acquires the lock on R1. Subsequently, when the AcquireLock(R1) task is invoked it executes the ReleaseLock(R1) operation, relinquishing the lock on resource R1.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Resource name Name of resource that must be locked gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
Resource​Name Name of the Resource that was acquired for exclusive access gen_​text_​input

Clone Workflow

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Workflow Workflow to clone workflow​Selector Y
Cloned Workflow Name Workflow Version to clone gen_​text_​input Y
New Folder Select to give a new Folder name Boolean
Folder Name Folder Name gen_​text_​input
New Folder Name Folder Name gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​SOURCE_​WF_​NAME Source WF Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SOURCE_​WF_​ID Source WF ID gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​CLONE_​WF_​NAME Source WF Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​CLONE_​WF_​ID Source WF Name gen_​text_​input

Conditional Task

Select the next Task based on the evaluation of Boolean statements, similar to a "switch" statement in most programming languages.
This task takes as input two or more conditions and associated labels. The labels are mapped to other tasks. At runtime, the conditions are evaluated in order and control is passed to the task associated with the first condition that evaluates to True. If no condition evaluates to True, the Conditional Task fails.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
List of Conditions Add List of Conditions
No Outputs

End Loop

End a loop.
This task marks the end of a loop in the workflow.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
No Inputs
No Outputs

If Else

If Else Conditional Task.
This task evaluates the condition given as input. Depending on the result, it passes control to a different task.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Specify the condition Specify the condition Y
No Outputs

Release lock on a named Resource

Release a lock held on a named resource.
This task releases a lock held on a named resource. Lock acquisition is described in the Acquire Resource Lock task. Acquired locks must be released when the acquiring task is done with the resource. This implies that, within a workflow, the number of Acquire operations should equal the number of Release operations. A spurious Release (release of a lock that was never held) is ignored. A workflow should only release a lock that it successfully acquired using the Acquire Resource Lock task. For behavior of locks during rollback, please see AcquireLock task
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Resource name Name of resource that must be unlocked gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
Resource​Name Name of the Resource that was released from exclusive access gen_​text_​input

Resume Task

Wait until a date and time.
This task pauses the workflow execution until the date and time specified in the input.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Time Time to execute date_​time Y
No Outputs

Start Loop

Start a loop.
This task begins a loop in the workflow based on the input condition.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
List based iteration List based iteration
Input for list based iteration Input for list based iteration gen_​text_​input Y
User Input to assign iterated values User Input to assign iterated values
Count based iteration Count based iteration
Number of times to loop Enter a positive integer gen_​text_​input Y
Starting Index Enter the starting value of the iteration index gen_​text_​input Y
Step Increment Enter an integer (positive or negative).​ gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
ITERATION_​COUNT_​OUTPUT Iteration Count gen_​text_​input
ITERATION_​INDEX_​OUTPUT Iteration Index gen_​text_​input
START_​LOOP_​OUTPUT Each Iteration Value gen_​text_​input