EMC Unity - Add hosts to NFS Share
- Summary
- Add hosts to the NFS share with different access types.
- Description
This task map one or more hosts to an NFS share based on selected Access type.
Same host can not be part of more than on Access Type group.
E.g if a host is added to No Access hosts, it can not be part of Root Access or Read write Access or Read Access Groups.
Input Format:
- EMC Unity NFS Share: podName@accountName@spName@id@nasServerName@nasServerID@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@fileSystemName@fileSystemID@nfsShareName@nfsShareID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@TestNAS@nas_4@pool_7@Pool0@TestFS@fs_14@testNFS@NFSShare_18
- Host Access Type: Select the default access Type
- Host(s): Select the hosts to associate to NFS Share
- Inputs
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory EMC Unity NFS Share Choose an NFS share to associate with the host EMCUnityNfsShareIdentity Y Host Access Type Choose a host access type EMCUnityNFSshareHostAccessType Host(s) Choose one or more hosts to associate with the NFS share EMCUnityHostIdentity Y - Outputs
Output Description Type OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_HOST_IDENTITY EMC Unity Host Identity. EMCUnityHostIdentity OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_NFS_SHARE_NAME EMC Unity NFS Share Name gen_text_input OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_SNAPSHOT_IDENTITY EMC Unity Snapshot Identity EMCUnitySnapShotIdentity OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_ACCOUNT_IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity. EMCUnityAccountIdentity OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_NFS_SHARE_EXPORT_PATH EMC Unity NFS Share Export Path gen_text_input OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_NFS_SHARE_LOCAL_PATH EMC Unity NFS Share Local Path gen_text_input OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_NFS_SHARE_IDENTITY EMC Unity NFS Share Identity. EMCUnityNfsShareIdentity