EMC Unity - Consistency Group Operations

This chapter contains the following sections:

EMC Unity - Add LUN to Consistency Group

Add one or more LUNs to a consistency group.
This task adds one or more LUNs to a Consistency Group on an EMC Unity Array. Newly added LUN can be accessed to all the Hosts which are associated with Consistency Group. If LUN is already associated to one Consistency Group, it can not be added to other Consistency Groups. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity Account Name: podName@AccountName. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid
  • Consistency Group: podName@AccountName@consistencyGroupName@ConsistencyGroupID. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid@TestCG@res_26
  • LUN: PodName@accountName@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@lunName@lunID. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid@Pool1@pool_7@TestLUN@lun_7
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity Account Select Account name EMCUnity​Account​Identity Y
Consistency Group Choose an EMC Unity consistency group to add LUNs to EMCUnity​Consistency​Group​Identiry Y
LUN Choose one or more LUNs to be added to the consistency group EMCUnity​Lun​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​CONSISTENCY_​GROUP_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Consistency Group Identity EMCUnity​Consistency​Group​Identiry
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​LUN_​IDENTITY EMC Unity LUN Identity EMCUnity​Lun​Identity

EMC Unity - Create Consistency Group

Create a new consistency group on an EMC Unity array.
This task creates or adds a new Consistency Group on an EMC Unity storage array. Optionally you can add LUN and associate Snapshot schedule to this consistency Group. For host association, you must associate atlease one LUN. Host can be associated to existing Consistency Group using Map EMC Unity LUN task. Create EMC Unity Consistency Group is also the rollback task for Delete EMC Unity Consistency Group. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity Account Name: podName@AccountName. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid
  • Name: Valid LUN Name - The following special characters are not allowed: " % & ' * + . / \ : ; < = > ? ^ @ | ,
  • Description: Valid Description
  • Snapshot Schedule: Select the schedule you to associate to LUN-Snapshot schedule settings for the LUN
  • Snapshot Schedule Paused: Check box- Indicates whether the Snapshot Schedule to be paused or not. If it is paused, no snapshot will be taken, until it is turned off
  • Access Hosts: podName@AccountName@hostName@hostID. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid@TestHost@Host_1
  • LUN: Select the existing LUN to add to Consistency Group. For example: PodName@accountName@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@lunName@lunID. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid@Pool1@pool_7@TestLUN@lun_7
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity Account Choose an EMC Unity account EMCUnity​Account​Identity Y
Name Enter a name for the consistency group.​ The following 19 special characters are not allowed:", %, &, ', *, +, .​, /, \, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, ^, @, | and ," gen_​text_​input
Description Enter a description for the consistency group gen_​text_​input
Snapshot Schedule Check to pause the snapshot schedule EMCUnity​Snapshot​Schedule​Identity
Snapshot Schedule Paused Check to pause the snapshot schedule Boolean
LUN Choose one or more LUNs to be added to the consistency group EMCUnity​Lun​Identity
Access Hosts Choose one or more host access settings for the consistency group, as defined by the block host access EMCUnity​Host​Identity
Access Type Choose an access type EMCUnity​Host​Lun​Access​Type
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​LUN_​IDENTITY EMC Unity LUN Identity EMCUnity​Lun​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​CONSISTENCY_​GROUP_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Consistency Group Identity EMCUnity​Consistency​Group​Identiry
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​HOST_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Host Identity.​ EMCUnity​Host​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​SNAPSHOT_​SCHEDULE_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Snapshot Schedule Identity EMCUnity​Snapshot​Schedule​Identity

EMC Unity - Delete Consistency Group

Delete a consistency group object from an EMC Unity array.
This task deletes a Consistency Group from an EMC Unity storage array. Use Force Snapshot Deletion and Force LUN Deletion options to delete in case it contains Snapshots are LUNs. Once it is deleted, it can not be recovered, if you need to protect LUN from deletion, Perform Remove LUN from EMC Unity Consistency Group, so that, LUNs can be managed stand alone. Delete EMC Unity Consistency Group is also the rollback task for Create EMC Unity Consistency Group. Input Format:
  • Consistency Group: podName@AccountName@consistencyGroupName@ConsistencyGroupID. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid@TestCG@res_26
  • Force Snap Deletion: Whether to delete a storage resource's snapshots along with the storage resource
  • Force LUN Deletion: Whether to delete a storage resource's LUN's along with the storage resource
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Choose an EMC Unity consistency group to be deleted EMCUnity​Consistency​Group​Identiry Y
Force Snap Deletion Check to delete a storage resource's snapshots along with the storage resource Boolean
Force LUN Deletion Check to delete a storage resource's LUNs along with the storage resource Boolean
No Outputs

EMC Unity - Modify Consistency Group

Modify a consistency group.
This modifies an EMC Unity Consistency Group. Name, Description and Snapshot schedule can be modified using this task. Limitation: Snapshot Schedule can be added or changed but cannot be removed from the Consistency Group Input Format:
  • EMC Unity Account Name: podName@AccountName. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid
  • Consistency Group: podName@AccountName@consistencyGroupName@ConsistencyGroupID. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid@TestCG@res_26
  • Name: Valid LUN Name - The following special characters are not allowed: " % & ' * + . / \ : ; < = > ? ^ @ | ,
  • Description: Valid Description
  • Snapshot Schedule: Select the schedule to associate to LUN-Snapshot schedule settings for the LUN
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity Account Select Account name EMCUnity​Account​Identity Y
Consistency Group Choose an EMC Unity consistency group to be modified EMCUnity​Consistency​Group​Identiry Y
Name Enter a name for the consistency group.​ The following 19 special characters are not allowed: ", %, &, ', *, +, .​, /, \, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, ^, @, | and ," gen_​text_​input
Description Enter a description for the consistency group gen_​text_​input
Snapshot Schedule Choose a snapshot schedule for the consistency group.​ A snapshot schedule can be added or changed but cannot be removed from the consistency group.​ EMCUnity​Snapshot​Schedule​Identity
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​CONSISTENCY_​GROUP_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Consistency Group Identity EMCUnity​Consistency​Group​Identiry

EMC Unity - Remove LUN from Consistency Group

Remove one or more LUNs from a consistency group.
This task removes one or more LUNs from a Consistency Group on an EMC Unity Array. Host(s) can access their LUNs, though it is removed from Consistency Group. Only its association to Consistency group is removed. Remove LUN from EMC Unity Consistency Group is also the rollback task for Add LUN to EMC Unity Consistency Group. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity Account Name: podName@AccountName. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid
  • Consistency Group: podName@AccountName@consistencyGroupName@ConsistencyGroupID. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid@TestCG@res_26
  • LUN: PodName@accountName@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@lunName@lunID. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid@Pool1@pool_7@TestLUN@lun_7
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity Account Select Account name EMCUnity​Account​Identity Y
Consistency Group Choose an EMC Unity consistency group from which to remove LUNs EMCUnity​Consistency​Group​Identiry Y
LUN Choose one or more EMC Unity LUNs to be removed from the consistency group EMCUnity​Lun​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​CONSISTENCY_​GROUP_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Consistency Group Identity EMCUnity​Consistency​Group​Identiry
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​LUN_​IDENTITY EMC Unity LUN Identity EMCUnity​Lun​Identity