ACI MSC - Site Operations

This chapter contains the following sections:

ACI MSC - Add OSPF Policy

ACI MSC - Add OSPF Policy.
This task will allow the User to Add OSPF Policy to Control Plane BGP configuration of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
ACI Multi-Site Account Name Select an ACI multi-site account name MSCDevice​Identity Y
Site Site MSCDevice​Schema​Site​Identity
Policy Name Provide a policy name gen_​text_​input Y
Network Type Select a network type.​ The default is broadcast.​ ACIMulti​Sit​EOspf​Network​Type​Identity
Priority Provide a priority.​ Priority must be between 0 and 255.​ The default value is 1.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Cost OF Interface Provide a cost of interface.​ The cost of interface must be between 0 and 65535.​ The default value is 0.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Interface Controls Select one or more interface controls ACIMulti​Site​Interface​Controls​Identity
Hello Interval (SECONDS) Provide a hello interval in seconds.​ The hello interval must be between 1 and 65535.​ The default value is 10.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Dead Interval (SECONDS) Provide a dead interval in seconds.​ The dead interval must be between 1 and 65535.​ The default value is 40.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Retransmit Interval (SECONDS) Provide a retransmit interval in seconds.​ The retransmit interval must be between 1 and 65535.​ The default value is 5.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Transmit Delay (SECONDS) provide Transmit Delay (SECONDS) gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
OUTPUT_​MULTI_​SITE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Device Multi Site Identity MSCDevice​Multi​Site​Identity
OUTPUT_​ACI_​OSPF_​NAME ACI Multi-Site OSPF Policy Identity ACIMulti​Site​OSPFPolicy​Identity
OUTPUT_​ACI_​OSPF_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site OSPF Policy Identity ACIMulti​Site​OSPFPolicy​Identity

ACI MSC - Add Port to Infra Spine Settings

ACI MSC - Add Port to Infra Spine Settings.
This task will allow the User to Add Port to Infra Spine Settings of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Spine Name Select a spine name ACIMulti​Site​Fabric​Spine​Identity Y
Port ID Provide a slot number and a port number formatted as slot_​number/port_​number.​ For example: 1/10.​ gen_​text_​input Y
IP Address Provide an IP address formatted as valid_​ip/valid_​prefix_​length.​ For example: 31.​31.​31.​1/12.​ gen_​text_​input
MTU Provide an MTU.​ The MTU must be between 576 and 9000.​ gen_​text_​input
OSPF Policy Select an OSPF policy ACIMulti​Site​OSPFPolicy​Identity
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SITE_​SETTINGS_​IDENTITY Site Setting Identity on which the selected operation was performed ACIMulti​Site​Settings​Identity
POD_​SETTINGS_​IDENTITY Pod Setting Identity on which the selected operation was performed ACIMulti​Site​Pod​Identity
OUTPUT_​MULTI_​SPINE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Multi Spine Identity ACIMulti​Site​Fabric​Spine​Identity
OUTPUT_​MULTI_​SPINE_​PORT_​ID ACI Multi-Site Multi Spine Port Id gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​MULTI_​SPINE_​PORT_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Multi Spine Port Identity ACIMulti​Site​Fabric​Ports​Identity

ACI MSC - Configure Control Plane BGP

ACI MSC - Configure Control Plane BGP.
This task will allow the User to Configure Control Plane BGP on ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
ACI Multi-Site Account Name Select an ACI multi-site account name MSCDevice​Identity Y
Bgp Peering Type Select a BGP peering type.​ The default value is full-mesh.​ ACIMulti​Site​Peering​Type​Identity Y
Keep Alive Interval (SECONDS) Provide a keep-alive interval in seconds.​ The BGP keep-alive interval must be between 0 and 3600.​ The default value is 60 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Hold Interval (SECONDS) Provide a hold interval in seconds.​ The BGP Hold Interval must be between 0 and 3600.​ The default value is 180 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Stale Interval (SECONDS) Provide a stale interval in seconds.​ The BGP stale interval must be between 1 and 3600.​ The default value is 300 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Graceful Helper Check to enable graceful helper.​ By default this field is checked.​ Boolean
Maximum AS Limit Provide a maximum AS limit.​ The BGP maximum AS limit must be between 0 and 2000.​ The default value is 0.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Bgp TTL Between Peers Provide a BGP TTL between peers.​ The BGP TTL must be between 1 and 255.​ The default value is 10.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
OUTPUT_​MULTI_​SITE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Device Multi Site Identity MSCDevice​Multi​Site​Identity

ACI MSC - Create Site

ACI MSC - Create Site.
This task creates a site on the ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
ACI Multi-Site Account Name Select an ACI multi-site account name MSCDevice​Identity Y
Site Name Enter a site name.​ The name can be up to 64 characters, must begin with an alphanumeric character, and can contain only alphanumeric characters and the following four symbols: "-", ".​", ":", and "_​".​ gen_​text_​input Y
Site label Select a site label MSCDevice​Label​Identity
APIC CONTROLLER URL Provide one or more comma-separated APIC controller URLs.​ For example: http://10.​30.​113.​170/, https://msc-site1-apic1.​cisco.​com.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Username Provide a username gen_​text_​input Y
Password password Y
APIC SITE ID Provide an APIC site ID between 1 and 255 gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​DATACENTER Name of the Datacenter on which the selected operation was performed datacenter​Name
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​DEVICE_​IP IP address of the ACI Multi-Site device on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SITE_​NAME Site Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SITE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Identity MSCDevice​Site​Identity

ACI MSC - Delete OSPF Policy

ACI MSC - Delete OSPF Policy.
This task will allow the User to Delete OSPF policy from BGP Configuration of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Policy Name Select a policy name ACIMulti​Site​OSPFPolicy​Identity Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
OUTPUT_​MULTI_​SITE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Device Multi Site Identity MSCDevice​Multi​Site​Identity
OUTPUT_​ACI_​OSPF_​NAME ACI Multi-Site OSPF Policy Identity ACIMulti​Site​OSPFPolicy​Identity
OUTPUT_​ACI_​OSPF_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site OSPF Policy Identity ACIMulti​Site​OSPFPolicy​Identity

ACI MSC - Delete Site

ACI MSC - Delete Site.
This task deletes a site from the ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Site Name Select a site name MSCDevice​Site​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Site? This input is a label only.​ It does not take a value.​ Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SITE_​NAME Site Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SITE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Identity MSCDevice​Site​Identity

ACI MSC - Remove Port from Infra Spine Settings

ACI MSC - Remove Port from Infra Spine Settings.
This task will allow the User to Remove Port from Infra Spine Settings of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Port ID Select a port ID ACIMulti​Site​Fabric​Ports​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Port From Spine? This input is a label only.​ It does not take a value.​ Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SITE_​SETTINGS_​IDENTITY Site Setting Identity on which the selected operation was performed ACIMulti​Site​Settings​Identity
POD_​SETTINGS_​IDENTITY Pod Setting Identity on which the selected operation was performed ACIMulti​Site​Pod​Identity
OUTPUT_​MULTI_​SPINE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Multi Spine Identity ACIMulti​Site​Fabric​Spine​Identity
OUTPUT_​MULTI_​SPINE_​PORT_​ID ACI Multi-Site Multi Spine Port Id gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​MULTI_​SPINE_​PORT_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Multi Spine Port Identity ACIMulti​Site​Fabric​Ports​Identity

ACI MSC - Update Infra POD Settings

ACI MSC - Update Infra POD Settings.
This task will allow the User to Update Infra POD Settings of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Pod Name Select a pod name ACIMulti​Site​Pod​Identity Y
Data Plane Unicast TEP Provide an IP address for the data plane unicast TEP.​ For example: 31.​31.​31.​1.​ ipaddress
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
DATA_​PLANE_​UNICAST_​TEP Data Plane Unicast TEP on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SITE_​SETTINGS_​IDENTITY Site Setting Identity on which the selected operation was performed ACIMulti​Site​Settings​Identity
POD_​SETTINGS_​IDENTITY Pod Setting Identity on which the selected operation was performed ACIMulti​Site​Pod​Identity

ACI MSC - Update Infra Site Settings

ACI MSC - Update Infra Site Settings.
This task will allow the User to Update Infra Site Settings of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Site Name Select a site name ACIMulti​Site​Settings​Identity Y
Site is Multi Site Enabled Check to enable the ACI multi-site option for the site.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Data Plane Multicast TEP Provide an IP address for data plane multicast TEP.​ For example: 31.​31.​31.​1.​ ipaddress
BGP Autonomous System Number Provide a BGP autonomous system number.​ This number uniquely identifies the neighbor autonomous system.​ The autonomous system number is between 1 and 4294967295, in 4-byte as plain format.​ gen_​text_​input Y
BGP Password Provide a BGP password password
BGP Community Provide a BGP community For example: extended:as2-nn4:5:16.​ The numbers are variable.​ gen_​text_​input
OSPF Area Id Provide an OSPF area ID.​ This can be a number or ip address.​ For example: 31.​31.​31.​1.​ gen_​text_​input
OSPF Area Type Select an OSPF area type ACIMulti​Site​OSPFArea​Type​Identity
External Routed Domain Select an external routed domain ACIMulti​Ext​Routed​Domain​Identity
IP Subnets to import This input is a label only.​ It does not take a value.​
Subnet Provide one or more comma-separated subnet or subnet/netmask.​ For example: 10.​10.​10.​10, 20.​20.​20.​20/24.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SITE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Identity MSCDevice​Site​Identity
SITE_​SETTINGS_​IDENTITY Site Setting Identity on which the selected operation was performed ACIMulti​Site​Settings​Identity

ACI MSC - Update Infra Spine Settings

ACI MSC - Update Infra Spine Settings.
This task will allow the User to Update Infra Spine Settings of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Spine Name Select a spine name ACIMulti​Site​Fabric​Spine​Identity Y
BGP Peering Check to enable BGP peering.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Control Plane TEP Provide an IP address for the control plane TEP.​ Format For example: 31.​31.​31.​1.​ gen_​text_​input
Spine is Route Reflector Check to enable route reflector in the spine.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SITE_​SETTINGS_​IDENTITY Site Setting Identity on which the selected operation was performed ACIMulti​Site​Settings​Identity
POD_​SETTINGS_​IDENTITY Pod Setting Identity on which the selected operation was performed ACIMulti​Site​Pod​Identity
OUTPUT_​MULTI_​SPINE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Multi Spine Identity ACIMulti​Site​Fabric​Spine​Identity

ACI MSC - Update OSPF Policy

ACI MSC - Update OSPF Policy.
This task will allow the User to Update OSPF Policy on Control Plane BGP configuration of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Policy Name Select a policy name ACIMulti​Site​OSPFPolicy​Identity Y
Network Type Select a network type.​ The default value is broadcast.​ ACIMulti​Sit​EOspf​Network​Type​Identity Y
Priority Provide a priority.​ The priority must be between 0 and 255.​ The default value is 1.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Cost OF Interface Provide a cost of interface.​ The cost of interface must be between 0 and 65535.​ The default value is 0.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Interface Controls Select one or more interface controls ACIMulti​Site​Interface​Controls​Identity
Hello Interval (SECONDS) Provide a hello interval in seconds.​ The hello interval must be between 1 and 65535.​ The default value is 10.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Dead Interval (SECONDS) Provide a dead interval in seconds.​ The dead interval must be between 1 and 65535.​ The default value is 40.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Retransmit Interval (SECONDS) Provide a retransmit interval in seconds.​ The retransmit interval must be between 1 and 65535.​ The default value is 5.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Transmit Delay (SECONDS) Provide a transmit delay in seconds.​ The transmit delay must be between 1 and 450.​ The default value is 1.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
OUTPUT_​MULTI_​SITE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Device Multi Site Identity MSCDevice​Multi​Site​Identity
OUTPUT_​ACI_​OSPF_​NAME ACI Multi-Site OSPF Policy Identity ACIMulti​Site​OSPFPolicy​Identity
OUTPUT_​ACI_​OSPF_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site OSPF Policy Identity ACIMulti​Site​OSPFPolicy​Identity

ACI MSC - Update Port to Infra Spine Settings

ACI MSC - Update Port to Infra Spine Settings.
This task will allow the User to Update Port to Infra Spine Settings of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Port ID Select a port ID ACIMulti​Site​Fabric​Ports​Identity Y
IP Address Provide an IP address formatted as valid_​ip/valid_​prefix_​length.​ For example: 31.​31.​31.​1/12.​ gen_​text_​input
MTU Provide an MTU.​ The MTU must be between 576 and 9000.​ gen_​text_​input
OSPF Policy Select an OSPF policy ACIMulti​Site​OSPFPolicy​Identity
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SITE_​SETTINGS_​IDENTITY Site Setting Identity on which the selected operation was performed ACIMulti​Site​Settings​Identity
POD_​SETTINGS_​IDENTITY Pod Setting Identity on which the selected operation was performed ACIMulti​Site​Pod​Identity
OUTPUT_​MULTI_​SPINE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Multi Spine Identity ACIMulti​Site​Fabric​Spine​Identity
OUTPUT_​MULTI_​SPINE_​PORT_​ID ACI Multi-Site Multi Spine Port Id gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​MULTI_​SPINE_​PORT_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Multi Spine Port Identity ACIMulti​Site​Fabric​Ports​Identity

ACI MSC - Update Site

ACI MSC - Update Site.
This task updates a site from the ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Site Id Select a site ID MSCDevice​Site​Identity Y
Site Name Provide a site name gen_​text_​input Y
Site label Select a Site label MSCDevice​Label​Identity
APIC CONTROLLER URL Provide one or more comma-separated APIC controller URLs.​ For example: http://10.​30.​113.​170/, https://msc-site1-apic1.​cisco.​com.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Username Provide a Username gen_​text_​input Y
Password password Y
APIC SITE ID Provide an APIC site ID between 1 and 255 gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SITE_​NAME Site Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SITE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Identity MSCDevice​Site​Identity