IBM Storwize RC Consistency Group Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Create IBM Storwize Remote Copy Consistency Group

Create a new remote copy consistency group on an IBM device.
This task creates a new remote copy consistency group on an IBM device. The IBM account and consistency group names are mandatory inputs. Input Format:
  • IBM Account Name: AccountName. For example: IBM_AccountName
  • Consistency Group Name: Valid Consistency Group Name - The following special characters are not allowed: " % & ' * + . / \ : ; < = > ? ^ @ | ,
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Choose an IBM Storwize account account​Name Y
Consistency Group Name Enter a name for the consistency group gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​RC_​CONSISTENCY_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Output of remote copy consistency group identity ibm​Storwize​Consistency​Group​Identity
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​ACCOUNT_​NAME Output of infra account name account​Name
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​RC_​CONSISTENCY_​GROUP_​NAME Output of remote copy consistency group name gen_​text_​input
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​DATACENTER Output of datacenter name on which selected operation was performed datacenter​Name

Delete IBM Storwize Remote Consistency Group

Delete a remote consistency group from an IBM device.
This task deletes a remote consistency group from an IBM device. This is the rollback task for Create IBM Storwize Remote Copy Consistency Group. Input Format: Consistency Group: podName;accountName;id;remoteCopyCGName. For example: Default Pod;IBM_AccountName;0;remCopy
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Choose a consistency group to delete ibm​Storwize​Consistency​Group​Identity Y
Output Description Type
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​RC_​CONSISTENCY_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Output of remote copy consistency group identity ibm​Storwize​Consistency​Group​Identity
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​ACCOUNT_​NAME Output of infra account name account​Name
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​RC_​CONSISTENCY_​GROUP_​NAME Output of remote copy consistency group name gen_​text_​input
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​DATACENTER Output of datacenter name on which selected operation was performed datacenter​Name

Rename IBM Storwize Remote Consistency Group

Rename a remote consistency group created on an IBM device.
This task renames a remote consistency group of an IBM device. The remote copy consistency group identity and the new name are mandatory inputs. Input Format:
  • Consistency Group: podName;accountName;id;consistencyGroupName. For example: Default Pod;IBM_AccountName;0;recgName
  • Consistency Group Name: New Valid Consistency Group Name - The following special characters are not allowed: " % & ' * + . / \ : ; < = > ? ^ @ | ,
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Choose a consistency group to rename ibm​Storwize​Consistency​Group​Identity Y
Consistency Group Name Enter a new name for the consistency group gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​RC_​CONSISTENCY_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Output of remote copy consistency group identity ibm​Storwize​Consistency​Group​Identity
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​ACCOUNT_​NAME Output of infra account name account​Name
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​RC_​CONSISTENCY_​GROUP_​NAME Output of remote copy consistency group name gen_​text_​input
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​DATACENTER Output of datacenter name on which selected operation was performed datacenter​Name

Start IBM Storwize RC Consistency Group

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Choose a consistency group to start ibm​Storwize​Rc​Consistency​Group​Identity Y
Select the primary (source) volume for remote-copy relationship Choose the primary (source) volume for the remote-copy relationship ibm​Storwize​Rc​Direction​List Y
Output Description Type
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​RC_​CONSISTENCY_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Output of remote copy consistency group identity ibm​Storwize​Consistency​Group​Identity
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​RC_​CONSISTENCY_​GROUP_​NAME Output of remote copy consistency group name gen_​text_​input
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​REMOTE_​COPY_​IDENTITY Output of Remote​Copy identity ibm​Storwize​Remote​Copy​Identity
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​REMOTECOPY_​NAME Output of Remote Copy Relationship name gen_​text_​input

Stop IBM Storwize RC Consistency Group

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Select IBM Storwize Remote​Copy Consistency Group to stop ibm​Storwize​Rc​Consistency​Group​Identity Y
Allow secondary read/write access Check this option to allow secondary read/write access IBMStorwize​Boolean​List
Output Description Type
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​RC_​CONSISTENCY_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Output of remote copy consistency group identity ibm​Storwize​Consistency​Group​Identity
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​RC_​CONSISTENCY_​GROUP_​NAME Output of remote copy consistency group name gen_​text_​input
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​REMOTE_​COPY_​IDENTITY Output of Remote​Copy identity ibm​Storwize​Remote​Copy​Identity
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​REMOTECOPY_​NAME Output of Remote Copy Relationship name gen_​text_​input