Create APIC Tenant Application Profile
- Summary
- Create a tenant application profile.
- Description
- This task creates a tenant application profile on the APIC controller.
- Inputs
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory Tenant name Select a tenant name. ApicDeviceTenantIdentity Y Application Profile Enter a name for the application profile. gen_text_input Y Description Enter a description. The description can be up to 128 alphanumeric characters. gen_text_input Alias Enter an alias, a changeable name for an object. Unlike the name of an object, the alias can be changed. gen_text_input Tags Select comma seperated Tag(s) ApicDeviceTagIdentity QOS Choose a QoS class. Specify any one of these values: level1, level2, level3, unspecified. The default value is 'level1'. gen_text_input Monitoring Policy Select a monitoring policy. ApicDeviceTenantMonitoringPolicyIdentity - Outputs
Output Description Type APIC_ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed ApicDeviceIdentity TENANT_NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_text_input TENANT_IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity ApicDeviceTenantIdentity TENANT_APPLN_PROFILE Tenant's Application Profile gen_text_input TENANT_APPLN_PROFILE_IDENTITY APIC Tenant Application Profile Identity ApicDeviceTenantApplnProfileIdentity DEVICE_TENANT_MONITORING_POLICY Apic Monitoring Policy gen_text_input DEVICE_TENANT_MONITORING_POLICY_IDENTITY Apic Monitoring Policy Identity ApicDeviceTenantMonitoringPolicyIdentity DEVICE_TENANT_TAG_IDENTITY Apic Tag Identity ApicDeviceTagIdentity