EMC Unity - Pause Snapshot Creation
- Summary
- Pause snapshot creation.
- Description
This task pauses snapshot creation of a file system, a LUN, or a Consistency Group on an EMC Unity storage array.
There will not be any Snapshots created by system until it is moved from Paused state.
Input Format:
- Storage Resource: Storage Resource can be either Consistency Group, LUN or File System
- Consistency Group: podName@AccountName@consistencyGroupName@ConsistencyGroupID. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid@TestCG@res_26
- EMC Unity File System: podName@accountName@spName@id@nasServerName@nasServerID@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@fileSystemName@fileSystemID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@TestNAS@nas_4@pool_7@Pool0@TestFS@fs_14
- LUN: PodName@accountName@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@lunName@lunID. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid@Pool1@pool_7@TestLUN@lun_7
- Inputs
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory Storage Resource Choose a storage resource type EMCUnityStorageResourceSnapType File System Select FileSystem to modify EMCUnityFileSystemIdentity Y LUN Select LUN to modify EMCUnityLunIdentity Y Consistency Group Select EMC Unity Consistency Group to modify EMCUnityConsistencyGroupIdentiry Y - Outputs
Output Description Type OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_ACCOUNT_IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity. EMCUnityAccountIdentity OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_LUN_IDENTITY EMC Unity LUN Identity EMCUnityLunIdentity OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_CONSISTENCY_GROUP_IDENTITY EMC Unity Consistency Group Identity EMCUnityConsistencyGroupIdentiry OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_FILE_SYSTEM_IDENTITY EMC Unity File System Identity. EMCUnityFileSystemIdentity OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_SNAPSHOT_SCHEDULE_IDENTITY EMC Unity Snapshot Schedule Identity EMCUnitySnapshotScheduleIdentity