F5 Big IP Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Add Member to F5 Pool

Add a member to an F5 pool.
This task adds a member to an F5 pool in an F5 Load Balancer.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select the Pool name Select the pool name F5LBPool​Identity
Address Provide a node IP address.​ For example: 12.​23.​2.​1.​ Y
Do you want to use existing Node Check this if you want to add an existing node.​ By default this field is unchecked.​
Node Name Select the node name Y
Service Port Enter a valid service port value.​ Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​POOL_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Pool Identity.​ F5LBPool​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​POOL_​MEMBER_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Pool Member Identity.​ F5LBPool​Member​Identity

Create F5 Load Balancer Application Service

Create an F5 Load Balancer application service.
This task creates an iApp Application Service.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select F5 Account Select an F5 account F5LBAccount​Identity Y
Select F5 Partition Select an F5 partition F5LBPartition​Identity Y
Application Service name Provide an application service name gen_​text_​input Y
Template This field is not editable.​ By default the application service template is f5.​http.​ Y
Virtual Server IP Provide a virtual server IP address of this form: A.​B.​C.​D.​ For example: 12.​2.​3.​44.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Virtual Server Port Provide a virtual server port gen_​text_​input Y
FQDN names of Virtual server Provide one or more FQDN names for the virtual server, separated with commas.​ For example: abc.​com, f5.​com.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Nodes list Provide one or more node details that can be associated with the virtual server.​ Y
Inherit Device Group from current Partition/Path Check this if you want to inherit the device group from the current partition and path.​ By default this field is checked.​ Y
Device Group Select the device group F5LBDevice​Group​Identity Y
Inherit Traffic Group from current Partition/Path Check this if you want to inherit the traffic group from the current partition and path.​ By default this field is checked.​ Y
Traffic Group Select the traffic group F5LBTraffic​Group​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​APPLICATION_​SERVICE_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Application Service Identity.​ F5LBApplication​Service​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​TRAFFIC_​GROUP_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Traffic Group Identity.​ F5LBTraffic​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​DEVICE_​GROUP_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Device Group Identity.​ F5LBDevice​Group​Identity

Create F5 Load Balancer Device Group

Create an F5 Load Balancer device group.
This task creates a device group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select F5 Account Choose an F5 account F5LBAccount​Identity Y
Select F5 Partition Select an F5 partition F5LBPartition​Identity Y
Name Enter a device group name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter a device group description gen_​text_​input
ASM Syncronize Check this to synchronize the ASM.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Group Type Choose a group type: sync-only or sync-failover.​ By default sync-only is selected.​ gen_​text_​input
Auto Syncronize Check this for auto-synchronization.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Full Load On Synchronize Check this to enable full load on synchronize.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Network Fail​Over Check this for network failover.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Incremental Config Synchronize Size​Max Enter an incremental config synchronize size.​ The default is 1024.​ gen_​text_​input
Save On Auto Synchronize Check this to save on auto-syncronize.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Memebers Provide one or more member details that can be associated with the device group.​
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​PARTITION_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Partition Identity.​ F5LBPartition​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​DEVICE_​GROUP_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Device Group Identity.​ F5LBDevice​Group​Identity

Create F5 Load Balancer Partitions

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select F5 Account Select an F5 account F5LBAccount​Identity Y
Partition name Provide a partition name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Provide a partition description gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​PARTITION_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Partition Identity.​ F5LBPartition​Identity

Create F5 Load Balancer Pool

Create an F5 Load Balancer pool.
This task creates a pool in an F5 Load Balancer.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select F5 Account Select an F5 account F5LBAccount​Identity Y
Select F5 Partition Select an F5 partition F5LBPartition​Identity Y
Pool name Provide a pool name gen_​text_​input Y
Load Balancing method Choose a load balancing method F5LBLoad​Balancing​Identity Y
Use existing Nodes list Provide one or more node details that can be associated with the virtual server
Add new Nodes list Provide one or more node details that can be associated with the virtual server
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​POOL_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Pool Identity.​ F5LBPool​Identity

Create F5 Load Balancer Traffic Group

Create an F5 Load Balancer traffic group.
This task creates a traffic group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select F5 Account Select an F5 account F5LBAccount​Identity Y
Select F5 Partition Select an F5 partition F5LBPartition​Identity Y
Name Enter a traffic group name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter a traffic group description gen_​text_​input
Failover Method Choose a failover method: HA Group, HA Order or Load Aware.​ gen_​text_​input
Ha Load​Factor Enter an HA load factor value.​ Range is 1 to 1000.​ gen_​text_​input
Auto Failback Time Enter the auto failback time in seconds.​ gen_​text_​input
Auto Failback Enabled Check this to enable auto failback.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Ha Group Select an HA group F5LBHa​Group​Identity
MAC Enter a traffic MAC address in this format: XY:XY:XY:XY:XY:XY.​ For example: C8:53:A6:C1:B9:4A.​ gen_​text_​input
Failover Order Provide one or more failover order details that can be associated with the traffic group
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​PARTITION_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Partition Identity.​ F5LBPartition​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​TRAFFIC_​GROUP_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Traffic Group Identity.​ F5LBTraffic​Group​Identity

Create F5 Load Balancer Virtual Server

Create an F5 Load Balancer virtual server.
This task creates a virtual server in an F5 load balancer.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select F5 Account Select an F5 account F5LBAccount​Identity Y
Select F5 Partition Select an F5 partition F5LBPartition​Identity Y
Virtual Server name Provide a virtual server name gen_​text_​input Y
Virtual Server Description Provide a virtual server description gen_​text_​input
Virtual Server Type This is not an editable field.​ By default the virtual server type is Standard.​ Y
Destination IP Provide a destination IP such as 10.​2.​3.​1 gen_​text_​input Y
Destination IP Provide a destination IP such as 10.​2.​3.​1 ipv4Address
Destination IP Mask Provide a destination IP mask of the form 255.​x.​x.​x gen_​text_​input
Destination IP Mask Provide a destination IP mask of the form 255.​x.​x.​x subnet​Mask
Service Port Choose a service port for the virtual server: FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, Telnet, PPTP, SNMP, SNMP_​TRAP,SMTP, SSH or Other gen_​text_​input Y
Port number Enter a valid port number gen_​text_​input Y
Protocol Choose a protocol for the virtual server: TCP or UDP gen_​text_​input
Protocol TCP Profile(Client) Select a client protocol TCP profile F5LBTCPProfile​Client​Identity Y
Protocol TCP Profile(Server) Select a server protocol TCP profile F5LBTCPProfile​Server​Identity Y
Protocol UDP Profile(Client) Select a client protocol UDP profile F5LBUDPProfile​Client​Identity Y
Protocol UDP Profile(Server) Select a server protocol UDP profile F5LBUDPProfile​Server​Identity Y
Default Pool Select the pool name F5LBPool​Identity
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​VIRTUAL_​SERVER_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Virtual Server Address Identity.​ F5LBVirtual​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​POOL_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Pool Identity.​ F5LBPool​Identity

Delete F5 Load Balancer Application Service

Delete an F5 Load Balancer application service.
This task deletes the iApp Application Service from an F5 load balancer.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select F5 Application Service Select the F5 application service to delete F5LBApplication​Service​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Application​Service? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity

Delete F5 Load Balancer Device Group

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Name F5LBDevice​Group​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Device Group? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​PARTITION_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Partition Identity.​ F5LBPartition​Identity

Delete F5 Load Balancer Node

Delete an F5 Load Balancer Node.
This task deletes an F5 Load Balancer node.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select F5 Node Select an F5 node to delete F5LBNode​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Node? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​NODE_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Node Identity.​ F5LBNode​Identity

Delete F5 Load Balancer Partition

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select F5 Partition Select an F5 partition to delete F5LBPartition​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Application​Service? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity

Delete F5 Load Balancer Pool

Delete an F5 Load Balancer pool
This task deletes a pool from an F5 load balancer.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select F5 Pool Select F5 Pool F5LBPool​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Pool? Y
No Outputs

Delete F5 Load Balancer Traffic Group

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Select a traffic group to delete F5LBTraffic​Group​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Traffic Group? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​PARTITION_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Partition Identity.​ F5LBPartition​Identity

Delete F5 Load Balancer Virtual Server

Delete an F5 Load Balancer Virtual server.
This task deletes a virtual server from an F5 load balancer.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select F5 Virtual Server Select an F5 virtual server to delete F5LBVirtual​Server​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Virtual Server? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​VIRTUAL_​SERVER_​NAME F5 Load Balancer Virtual Server Name.​ F5LBVirtual​Server​Name

Force F5 Load Balancer Traffic Group To Standby

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Select a traffic group for force standby F5LBTraffic​Group​Identity Y
Do you want to Force This Traffic Group To Standby ? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​PARTITION_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Partition Identity.​ F5LBPartition​Identity

Modify F5 Load Balancer Application Service

Modify the iApp Application Service attributes.
This task updates the iApp Application Service attributes, including the virtual server, virtual server port, FQDN names of the virtual servers, and the node list.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Application Service Select the application service name F5LBApplication​Service​Identity Y
Virtual Server IP Provide a virtual server IP address of this form: A.​B.​C.​D.​ For example: 12.​2.​3.​44.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Virtual Server Port Provide a virtual server port.​ gen_​text_​input Y
FQDN names of Virtual server Provide one or more FQDN names for the virtual server, separated with commas.​ For example: abc.​com, f5.​com.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Nodes list Provide one or more node details that can be associated with the virtual server Y
Inherit Device Group from current Partition/Path Check this if you want to inherit the device group from the current partition and path.​ By default this field is checked.​ Y
Device Group Select the device group F5LBDevice​Group​Identity Y
Inherit Traffic Group from current Partition/Path Check this if you want to inherit the traffic group from the current partition and path.​ By default this field is checked.​ Y
Traffic Group Select the traffic group F5LBTraffic​Group​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​APPLICATION_​SERVICE_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Application Service Identity.​ F5LBApplication​Service​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​TRAFFIC_​GROUP_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Traffic Group Identity.​ F5LBTraffic​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​DEVICE_​GROUP_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Device Group Identity.​ F5LBDevice​Group​Identity

Modify F5 Load Balancer Device Group

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Select the device group to modify F5LBDevice​Group​Identity Y
Description Enter a device group description gen_​text_​input
ASM Syncronize Check this to synchronize the ASM.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Group Type Choose a group type: sync-only or sync-failover.​ by default sync-only is selected.​ gen_​text_​input
Auto Syncronize Check this for auto-synchronization.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Full Load On Synchronize Check this to enable full load on synchronize.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Network Fail​Over Check this for network failover.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Incremental Config Synchronize Size​Max Enter incremental config synchronize size.​ The default is 1024.​ gen_​text_​input
Save On Auto Synchronize Check this to save on auto-synchronize.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Memebers Provide one or more member details that can be associated with the device group.​
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​PARTITION_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Partition Identity.​ F5LBPartition​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​DEVICE_​GROUP_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Device Group Identity.​ F5LBDevice​Group​Identity

Modify F5 Load Balancer Traffic Group

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Select a traffic group to modify F5LBTraffic​Group​Identity Y
Description Description gen_​text_​input
Failover Method Failover Method gen_​text_​input
Ha Load​Factor Enter an HA load factor value.​ Range is 1 to 1000.​ gen_​text_​input
Auto Failback Enabled Check this to enable auto failback.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Ha Group Select an HA group F5LBHa​Group​Identity
Auto Failback Time Enter the auto failback time in seconds.​ gen_​text_​input
MAC Enter a traffic MAC address in this format: XY:XY:XY:XY:XY:XY.​ For example: C8:53:A6:C1:B9:4A.​ gen_​text_​input
Failover Order Provide one or more failover order details that can be associated with the traffic group
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​PARTITION_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Partition Identity.​ F5LBPartition​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​TRAFFIC_​GROUP_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Traffic Group Identity.​ F5LBTraffic​Group​Identity

Modify F5 Load Balancer Virtual Server

Modify an F5 Load Balancer Virtual server.
This task modifies a virtual server in an F5 load balancer.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Virtual Server Select the virtual server that you want to modify F5LBVirtual​Server​Identity Y
Virtual Server Description Provide a virtual server description
Destination IP Provide a destination IP such as 10.​2.​3.​1 gen_​text_​input Y
Destination IP Mask Provide a destination IP mask address of the form 255.​x.​x.​x gen_​text_​input Y
Service Port Choose a service port for virtual server: FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, Telnet, PPTP, SNMP, SNMP_​TRAP,SMTP, SSH or Other gen_​text_​input Y
Port number Enter a valid port number gen_​text_​input Y
Default Pool Select the pool name F5LBPool​Identity
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​VIRTUAL_​SERVER_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Virtual Server Address Identity.​ F5LBVirtual​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​POOL_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Pool Identity.​ F5LBPool​Identity

Remove Member from F5 Pool

Remove a member from an F5 pool.
This task removes a member from an F5 pool in an F5 Load Balancer.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select F5 Pool Member Select an F5 pool member to delete F5LBPool​Member​Identity Y
Do you want to remove selected Pool Member? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​POOL_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Pool Identity.​ F5LBPool​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​NODE_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Node Identity.​ F5LBNode​Identity

Update F5 Load Balancer Traffic Group to Virtual Server Address

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select F5 Virtual Server Address Select an F5 virtual server Address F5LBVirtual​Server​Address​Identity Y
Inherit Traffic Group from current Partition/Path Check this if you want to inherit traffic group from the current partition and path.​ By default this field is checked.​ Y
Traffic Group Select the traffic group F5LBTraffic​Group​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Account Identity.​ F5LBAccount​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​VIRTUAL_​SERVER_​ADDRESS_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Virtual Server Identity.​ F5LBVirtual​Server​Address​Identity
OUTPUT_​F5_​LB_​TRAFFIC_​GROUP_​IDENTITY F5 Load Balancer Traffic Group Identity.​ F5LBTraffic​Group​Identity