APIC - L4-L7 Services - Device Operations

This chapter contains the following sections:

Add Cluster Interface to L4-L7 in APIC

Add cluster interface details like name, path, and logical interface to a L4-L7.
This task adds cluster interface details like name, path, and logical interface to an L4-L7 on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Name Provide Device Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity Y
Concrete Interface Provide Concrete Interface gen_​text_​input Y
Path Provide Static Path Apic​Device​Static​Path​Identity
v​NIC Provide v​NIC gen_​text_​input
Device Cluster Name Provide Device Cluster Name Apic​Device​Cluster​Device​Package​Identity Y
Interface Name Provide Interface Name gen_​text_​input Y
Interface Type Provide Interface Type Apic​Device​Package​Interface​Identity Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE APIC Tenant Device Cluster Concrete Device Identity gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Concrete Device Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​INTERFACE APIC Tenant Concrete Interface Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Interface​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​INTERFACE_​STATIC_​PATH APIC Tenant Concrete Interfaces Static Path gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​INTERFACE_​STATIC_​PATH_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Concrete Interfaces Static Path Identity Apic​Device​Static​Path​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Interface​Identity
DEVICE_​PACKAGE APIC Tenant Device Package gen_​text_​input
DEVICE_​PACKAGE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Package Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Package​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​DEVICE_​PACKAGE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Device Package Identity Apic​Device​Cluster​Device​Package​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE_​TYPE APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input

Add Concrete Device to L4-L7 in APIC

Add Concrete Device to L4-L7 in APIC.
This task adds a concrete device to L4-L7 on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Cluster Name Select a Device Cluster.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity Y
Device Name Enter a Device Cluster Concrete device name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Device Context Label Enter a Device Cluster Context Label.​ gen_​text_​input
VM Name Enter a VM name.​ gen_​text_​input
v​Center Name Enter a v​Center name.​ gen_​text_​input
IP Address Enter IP Address for Management Interface in IPv4 format: x.​x.​x.​x.​ ipaddress
Port Enter a port number (X) or range (X-Y).​ gen_​text_​input
User Name Enter a user name.​ gen_​text_​input
Password Enter a password.​ password
Confirm Password Enter the same password to confirm the password.​ password
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE APIC Tenant Device Cluster Concrete Device Identity gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Concrete Device Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity

Add Interface to Concrete Device in APIC

Add interface details like name, path, and logical interface to a concrete device.
This task adds interface details like name, path, and logical interface to a concrete device that is part of a device cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Name Provide Device Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity Y
Concrete Interface Provide Concrete Interface gen_​text_​input Y
Path Provide Static Path Apic​Device​Static​Path​Identity
v​NIC Provide v​NIC gen_​text_​input
Interface Name Provide Interface Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Interface​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE APIC Tenant Device Cluster Concrete Device Identity gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Concrete Device Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​INTERFACE APIC Tenant Concrete Interface Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Interface​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​INTERFACE_​STATIC_​PATH APIC Tenant Concrete Interfaces Static Path gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​INTERFACE_​STATIC_​PATH_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Concrete Interfaces Static Path Identity Apic​Device​Static​Path​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Interface​Identity

Add Logical Interface to L4-L7 in APIC

Add Logical Interface to L4-L7 in APIC.
This task adds a logical interface to an L4-L7 on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Cluster Name Provide Device Cluster Name Apic​Device​Cluster​Device​Package​Identity Y
Interface Name Provide Interface Name gen_​text_​input Y
Interface Type Provide Interface Type Apic​Device​Package​Interface​Identity
Encapsulation Provide Encapsulation gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
DEVICE_​PACKAGE APIC Tenant Device Package gen_​text_​input
DEVICE_​PACKAGE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Package Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Package​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​DEVICE_​PACKAGE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Device Package Identity Apic​Device​Cluster​Device​Package​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Interface​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE_​TYPE APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input

Add Subnet to Cluster Interface Context in APIC

Add Subnet to Cluster Interface Context in APIC.
This task adds a subnet to the cluster interface context on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Logical Interface Context Select a logical interface context.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity Y
IP Address Enter a gateway IP address in this format: valid IP/prefix length.​ For example: 1.​2.​3.​1/22.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Scope Choose a scope.​ The default value is private to VRF.​ APICSubnet​To​Logical​Interface​Context​Scope​Identity
Shared Between VRFs Check to enable shared between VRFs.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Description Enter a description for the logical interface context subnet.​ gen_​text_​input
Subnet Control (ND RA Prefix) Check to enable subnet control of ND RA prefix.​ Defaults to checked.​ Boolean
Subnet Control (No Default SVI Gateway) Check to enable subnet control of no default SVI gateway.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Subnet Control (Querier IP) Check to enable subnet control of querier IP.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Preferred Check to enable preferred.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Type Behind Subnet Check this to enable Any​Cast MAC.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
MAC Address Enter a MAC Address in the format of XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX , for Example : aa:11:bb:11:cc:11.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CONNECTOR_​NAME_​IDENTITY Connector Name Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity
TENANT_​SUBNET_​OF_​LOGICAL_​INTERFACE_​CONTEXT Subnet of Logical Interface Context gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​SUBNET_​OF_​LOGICAL_​INTERFACE_​CONTEXT_​IDENTITY Subnet of Logical Interface Context Identity APICSubnet​Of​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity

Add Virtual IP Address to Logical Interface in APIC

Add Virtual IP Address to Logical Interface in APIC.
This task adds a virtual IP Address to a logical interface on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Logical Interface Context Select a logical interface context.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity Y
IP Address Enter IP Address in the format of IPv4 for Example : 2.​2.​2.​2 ipaddress Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CONNECTOR_​NAME Connector Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONNECTOR_​NAME_​IDENTITY Connector Name Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity
OUTPUT_​VIRTUAL_​IP_​ADDRESS_​FOR_​LOGICAL_​INTERFACE Virtual IP Address for Logical Interface gen_​text_​input

Configure APIC Port Channel Members To L4 L7 Device

Configure port channel members to an L4-L7 device.
This task configures port channel members to an L4-L7 device on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Cluster Select a Device Cluster.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity Y
Port Channel Member Enter a Port Channel Member.​ The characters '/', '\' and ' ' (space) are not allowed in the folder name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Interface Enter an interface name.​ gen_​text_​input
Channel Group ID Enter an integer value for a Channel Group ID between 1 and 100.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
OUTPUT_​PORT_​CHANNEL_​MEMBERS_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Port Channel Members Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Port​Channel​Member​Identity

Configure Failover For ASA in APIC

Configure failover for an ASA security device.
This task configures failover for an ASA device on the APIC Controller. Input includes a device cluster device name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Name Select a device name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity Y
Failover Active IP Enter a Failover Active IP.​ For example: 10.​1.​1.​1.​ gen_​text_​input
Failover IP Interface Name Enter a Failover IP Interface name.​ gen_​text_​input
Failover IP Netmask Enter a Failover IP Netmask in the range 1 to 30.​ gen_​text_​input
Failover Standby IP Enter a Failover Standby IP.​ For example: 10.​1.​1.​1.​ gen_​text_​input
Failover LAN Interface Name Enter a Failover LAN Interface name.​ gen_​text_​input
Failover Link Active IP Enter a Failover Link Active IP.​ For example: 10.​1.​1.​1.​ gen_​text_​input
Failover Link IP Interface Name Enter a Failover Link IP Interface name.​ gen_​text_​input
Failover Link IP Netmask Enter a Failover Link IP Netmask in the range 1 to 30.​ gen_​text_​input
Failover Link Standby IP Enter a Failover Link Standby IP.​ For example: 10.​1.​1.​1.​ gen_​text_​input
Failover Link Interface Name Enter a Failover Link Interface name.​ gen_​text_​input
Management Standby IP Enter Management Standby IP, For example: IPv4 Address 10.​1.​1.​1.​ gen_​text_​input
LAN Unit Enter LAN Unit.​ Use only alphanumeric characters.​ For example: Lan10.​ gen_​text_​input
Failover Enter a Failover.​ Use only alphanumeric characters.​ For example: Failover1.​ gen_​text_​input
LACP Max Bundle PC ID Enter LACP Max Bundle PC ID.​ Use only alphanumeric characters.​ For example: Lacp10.​ gen_​text_​input
Port Channel Members Provide one or more Port Channel Members.​
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​NAME APIC Tenant Device Cluster Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE_​NAME APIC Tenant Device Cluster Concrete Device Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Concrete Device Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity

Create APIC Cluster Interface Context

Create APIC cluster interface context.
This task creates a cluster interface context on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Logical Device Context Select a Logical Device Context Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Device​Context​Identity Y
Connector Name Provide a connector name or label for the logical interface context & it shouldn't exceed 64 characters.​ The default value is 'any'.​ Use alphanumeric characters only.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Logical Interface Name Select Logical Interface Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Interface​Identity Y
Bridge Domain Name Select a Bridge Domain Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity
L3 Network Select a L3 Network Apic​Tenant​External​Network​To​External​Routed​Network​Identity
L3 Destination(VIP) Choose true to enable select L4-L7 Policy Based Redirect.​ By default, it it unspecified APICCheck​Box​Trueor​False​Type
Custom Qo​S Policy Select a Custom Qo​S Policy Apic​Tenant​Custom​Qos​Policy​Identity
Permit Logging Check this to permit logging, By default, this field is unchecked APICCheck​Box​Trueor​False​Type
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONNECTOR_​NAME Connector Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONNECTOR_​NAME_​IDENTITY Connector Name Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​LOGICAL_​DEVICE_​CONTEXT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Logical Device Context Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Device​Context​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Interface​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN Bridge Domain Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY Bridge Domain Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Network Identity Apic​Device​External​Network​Identity
TENANT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​POLICY_​IDENTITY Custom QOS Policy Identity Apic​Tenant​Custom​Qos​Policy​Identity

Create APIC Logical Device Context

Create a logical device context.
This task creates a logical device context for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Cluster Select a Device Cluster Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity Y
Contract Name Select a Contract Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity Y
Graph Name Select Graph Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Service​Graph​Identity Y
Node Name Choose a Node Name Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
Context Name Enter the context name for Device Context, Name shouldn't exceed 64 characters gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CONTRACT APIC Tenant Contract gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity
TENANT_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Bidirectional Service Graph Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Service​Graph​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
TENANT_​LOGICAL_​DEVICE_​CONTEXT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Logical Device Context Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Device​Context​Identity

Create L4-L7 Devices in APIC

Create L4-L7 devices in APIC.
This task creates L4-L7 devices in APIC on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Provide Tenant Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Managed Managed Boolean
Device Cluster Name Provide Device Cluster Name gen_​text_​input Y
Device Package Provide Device Package Apic​Device​Tenant​Package​Identity
Promiscuous Mode Check to enable Promiscuous Mode.​ Default value is unchecked.​ gen_​text_​input
Context Aware Provide Device Context gen_​text_​input Y
Service Type Provide Service Type gen_​text_​input
Device Type Provide Device Type Apic​Device​Cluster​Type Y
Domain Provide Domain Apic​Domain​Profile​Identity Y
APIC to Device Management Connectivity Select a Device Management Connectivity Type APIC_​DEVICE_​MGMT_​CONNECTIVITY_​TYPE
EPG Provide EPG Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
Virtual IP Address Provide Virtual IP Address ipaddress
Port Provide Port gen_​text_​input
User Name Provide User Name gen_​text_​input
Password Provide Password password
Confirm Password Confirm Password password
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
DEVICE_​PACKAGE APIC Tenant Device Package gen_​text_​input
DEVICE_​PACKAGE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Package Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Package​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​DEVICE_​PACKAGE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Device Package Identity Apic​Device​Cluster​Device​Package​Identity
PHYSICAL_​DOMAIN APIC Tenant Physical Domain gen_​text_​input
PHYSICAL_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Physical Domain Identity Apic​Physical​Domain​Identity
TENANT_​EPG APIC Tenant EPG gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant EPG Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
VIRTUAL_​IP_​ADDRESS APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
PORT APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input

Delete APIC Cluster Interface Context

Delete APIC cluster interface context.
This task deletes a cluster interface context from the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Logical Interface Context Select a Logical Interface Context to be removed.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Logical Interface Context? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CONNECTOR_​NAME Connector Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONNECTOR_​NAME_​IDENTITY Connector Name Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity

Delete APIC Logical Device Context

Delete a logical device context.
This task deletes a logical device context from a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Logical Device Context Select a logical device to be removed.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Device​Context​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Logical Device Context? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CONTRACT APIC Tenant Contract gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity
TENANT_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Bidirectional Service Graph Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Service​Graph​Identity
TENANT_​LOGICAL_​DEVICE_​CONTEXT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Logical Device Context Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Device​Context​Identity

Delete Failover Configuration For ASA in APIC

Remove failover information from an ASA device.
This task removes the failover informations from an ASA device, including failover config, port channel members, and LACP max bundle information.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Name Select Device for ASA Failover Configuration.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Params​Identity Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE APIC Tenant Device Cluster Concrete Device Identity gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Concrete Device Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity

Delete Imported L4-L7 Device from APIC

Delete imported L4-L7 device from APIC.
This task deletes an imported L4-L7 device on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Imported Device Cluster Select an Imported Device Cluster.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Imported​Device​Cluster​Identity Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity

Delete L4-L7 Device in APIC

Delete L4-L7 device in APIC.
This task deletes an L4-L7 device on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Cluster Select a Device Cluster.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Device Cluster? Do you want to delete the selected Device Cluster? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity

Delete Port Channel Members From L4 L7 Device in APIC

Delete port channel members from an L4-L7 device.
This task deletes port channel members from an L4-L7 device on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Port Channel Member Select Port Channel Member from L4 L7 Device.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Port​Channel​Member​Identity Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
OUTPUT_​PORT_​CHANNEL_​MEMBERS_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Port Channel Members Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Port​Channel​Member​Identity

Export L4-L7 Device in APIC

Export L4-L7 device in APIC.
This task exports an L4-L7 device on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Cluster Select a Device Cluster.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity Y
Tenant Name Select an APIC Tenant.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Description Enter a description of the Export Device Cluster.​ Up to 128 characters are allowed.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity

Remove Cluster Interface from L4-L7 in APIC

Remove cluster interface from L4-L7 in APIC.
This task deletes a cluster interface from an L4-L7 on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Interface Name Select Logical Interface from an APIC Device Cluster.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Interface​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Device Cluster Logical Interface? Do you want to delete the selected Device Cluster Logical Interface? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Interface​Identity

Remove Concrete Device from L4-L7 in APIC

Remove concrete device from L4-L7 in APIC.
This task removes a concrete device from L4-L7 in APIC on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Name Select a Cluster Concrete Device.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Device Cluster Concrete Device? Do you want to delete the selected Device Cluster Concrete Device? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE APIC Tenant Device Cluster Concrete Device Identity gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Concrete Device Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity

Remove Interface from Concrete Device in APIC

Remove interface from concrete device in APIC.
This task removes an interface from a concrete device on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Concrete Interface Select a Concrete Interface.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Interface​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Concrete Interface From Device? Do you want to delete selected Concrete Interface From Device? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE APIC Tenant Device Cluster Concrete Device Identity gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Concrete Device Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​INTERFACE APIC Tenant Concrete Interface Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Interface​Identity

Remove Subnet from Cluster Interface Context in APIC

Remove subnet from cluster interface context in APIC.
This task removes a subnet from a cluster interface context on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Subnet Select a Subnet to remove from APIC Logical Interface Context.​ APICSubnet​Of​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity Y
Do you want to remove the selected Subnet from Logical Interface Context? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CONNECTOR_​NAME_​IDENTITY Connector Name Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity
TENANT_​SUBNET_​OF_​LOGICAL_​INTERFACE_​CONTEXT Subnet of Logical Interface Context gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​SUBNET_​OF_​LOGICAL_​INTERFACE_​CONTEXT_​IDENTITY Subnet of Logical Interface Context Identity APICSubnet​Of​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity

Remove Virtual IP Address from Logical Interface in APIC

Remove Virtual IP Address from Logical Interface in APIC.
This task removes a virtual IP Address from a logical interface on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Virtual IP Address Select a virtual IP address to be deleted.​ VIRTUAL_​IP_​FOR_​LOGICAL_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Y
Do you want to delete the selected Virtual IP Address? Do you want to delete the selected Virtual IP Address? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CONNECTOR_​NAME Connector Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONNECTOR_​NAME_​IDENTITY Connector Name Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity
OUTPUT_​VIRTUAL_​IP_​ADDRESS_​FOR_​LOGICAL_​INTERFACE Virtual IP Address for Logical Interface gen_​text_​input