RecoverPoint Account |
Choose a RecoverPoint account |
RecoverPointAccountIdentity |
Y |
Consistency Group Name |
Enter a name for the consistency group |
gen_text_input |
Production Name |
Enter a descriptive name for the production copy |
gen_text_input |
RPA Cluster |
Choose the RPA cluster responsible for managing the production copies and the production journal |
RecoverPointClusterIdentity |
Y |
Modify Group Policy |
Check to modify the group policy |
EMCRPBooleanList |
Primary RPA |
Choose the primary RPA for the consistency group |
RecoverPointRPAIdentity |
Priority |
Choose the priority level |
RPCGGroupPolicyPriority |
Distribute Group |
Check to create a distributed group. A distributed group writes across multiple RPAs. |
EMCRPBooleanList |
Secondary RPAs |
Choose secondary RPAs for the distributed consistency group |
RecoverPointRPAMultiSelect |
Y |
Modify Copy Policy |
Check to modify the copy policy |
EMCRPBooleanList |
Host OS |
Choose the host operating system |
RPCGProdPolicyHostOS |
Y |
Journal Compression |
Choose the journal compression level |
RPJournalCompression |
Y |
Maximum Journal Lag |
Choose the type of journal lag |
RPMaxJournalLagType |
Y |
Maximum Journal Lag Size |
Enter the maximum journal lag |
gen_text_input |
Journal Lag Unit |
Choose the unit of the journal lag |
RPMaxJournalLag |
Y |
Required Protection Window |
Check to enable a protection window |
EMCRPBooleanList |
Protection Window |
Enter the length of time for the protection window |
gen_text_input |
Y |
Window Unit |
Choose the protection window time unit |
RPJournalProtectionSettings |
Y |
Enable Snapshot Consolidation |
Check to enable snapshot consolidation |
EMCRPBooleanList |
Do not consolidate snapshots for at least |
Enter the length of time for which snapshot consolidation is not to be performed |
gen_text_input |
Y |
Unit(Consolidation Period) |
Choose the unit for the consolidation period |
RPJournalProtectionSettings |
Y |
consolidate to one snapshot per day |
Enter the number of days after which the snapshots are to be consolidated |
gen_text_input |
Y |
Indefinitely |
Consolidate SnapShot indefinitely for day |
EMCRPBooleanList |
consolidate to one snapshot per week |
Enter the number of weeks after which the snapshots are to be consolidated |
gen_text_input |
Y |
Indefinitely |
Check to enable snapshot consolidation for an indefinite number of weeks |
EMCRPBooleanList |