EMC RecoverPoint Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Add RecoverPoint Copy Link

Add RecoverPoint Journal Volume

Add a RecoverPoint journal volume.
This task adds a RecoverPoint journal volume.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Copy Choose a Recover​Point consistency group copy Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity Y
Journal Volume Choose the volume to add as a journal volume to copy Recover​Point​Volume​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​COPY_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Copy Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY EMC RP Cluster Identity.​ Recover​Point​Cluster​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​COPY_​JOURNAL_​VOLUME_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Copy Journal Volume Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Journal​Volume​Identity

Add RecoverPoint User Volume

Add a RecoverPoint user volume.
This task adds a RecoverPoint user volume.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Replication Set Select Recover​Point Replication Set Recover​Point​Replication​Set​Identity Y
Consistency Group Copy Choose a Recover​Point consistency group copy Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity Y
User Volume Choose the volume to add as a user volume to the copy Recover​Point​Volume​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​COPY_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Copy Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY EMC RP Cluster Identity.​ Recover​Point​Cluster​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​REPLICATION_​SET_​VOLUME_​IDENTITY EMC RP Replication Set Volume Identity.​ Recover​Point​Replication​Set​Volume​Identity

Apply RecoverPoint Bookmark

Apply a RecoverPoint bookmark.
This task applies a RecoverPoint bookmark.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Consistency Group Choose a consistency group for which to create a bookmark Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity Y
Bookmark Name Enter a name for the bookmark gen_​text_​input
Consistency Type Choose a consistency type RPConsistency​Type Y
consolidation Policy Choose a consolidation policy RPConsolidation​Policy Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity

Assign EMC RecoverPoint Cluster to Pod

Assign a RecoverPoint cluster to a pod.
This task assigns an EMC RecoverPoint cluster to a pod.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Cluster Choose a Recover​Point cluster Recover​Point​Cluster​Identity Y
Select Pod Choose the pod to assign to the selected cluster Recover​Point​Pod​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY EMC RP Cluster Identity.​ Recover​Point​Cluster​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RECOVERPOINT_​POD_​IDENTITY EMC RP Pod Identity.​ Recover​Point​Pod​Identity

Attach RecoverPoint ReplicationSet Volume to Splitter

Attach a RecoverPoint ReplicationSet volume to a splitter.
This task attaches a RecoverPoint ReplicationSet volume to a splitter.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Replication Set Volume Choose a user volume of a replication set to attach a splitter to Recover​Point​Replication​Set​Volume​Identity Y
Splitter Choose the Recover​Point splitter to attach to the selected volume Recover​Point​Splitter​Identity Y
Attach as Clean Check if the volume has no data written already.​ If left unchecked, a volume sweep is performed.​ EMCRPBoolean​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​REPLICATION_​SET_​VOLUME_​IDENTITY EMC RP Replication Set Volume Identity.​ Recover​Point​Replication​Set​Volume​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SPLITTER_​IDENTITY EMC RP Splitter Identity.​ Recover​Point​Splitter​Identity

Collect RecoverPoint Snapshots

Collect RecoverPoint snapshots.
This task collects updated RecoverPoint snapshots.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Choose a consistency group for which to collect the latest snapshots Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity

Create RecoverPoint Consistency Group

Create a RecoverPoint consistency group.
This task creates a RecoverPoint consistency group (CG).
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Recover​Point Account Choose a Recover​Point account Recover​Point​Account​Identity Y
Consistency Group Name Enter a name for the consistency group gen_​text_​input
Production Name Enter a descriptive name for the production copy gen_​text_​input
RPA Cluster Choose the RPA cluster responsible for managing the production copies and the production journal Recover​Point​Cluster​Identity Y
Modify Group Policy Check to modify the group policy EMCRPBoolean​List
Primary RPA Choose the primary RPA for the consistency group Recover​Point​RPAIdentity
Priority Choose the priority level RPCGGroup​Policy​Priority
Distribute Group Check to create a distributed group.​ A distributed group writes across multiple RPAs.​ EMCRPBoolean​List
Secondary RPAs Choose secondary RPAs for the distributed consistency group Recover​Point​RPAMulti​Select Y
Modify Copy Policy Check to modify the copy policy EMCRPBoolean​List
Host OS Choose the host operating system RPCGProd​Policy​Host​OS Y
Journal Compression Choose the journal compression level RPJournal​Compression Y
Maximum Journal Lag Choose the type of journal lag RPMax​Journal​Lag​Type Y
Maximum Journal Lag Size Enter the maximum journal lag gen_​text_​input
Journal Lag Unit Choose the unit of the journal lag RPMax​Journal​Lag Y
Required Protection Window Check to enable a protection window EMCRPBoolean​List
Protection Window Enter the length of time for the protection window gen_​text_​input Y
Window Unit Choose the protection window time unit RPJournal​Protection​Settings Y
Enable Snapshot Consolidation Check to enable snapshot consolidation EMCRPBoolean​List
Do not consolidate snapshots for at least Enter the length of time for which snapshot consolidation is not to be performed gen_​text_​input Y
Unit(Consolidation Period) Choose the unit for the consolidation period RPJournal​Protection​Settings Y
consolidate to one snapshot per day Enter the number of days after which the snapshots are to be consolidated gen_​text_​input Y
Indefinitely Consolidate Snap​Shot indefinitely for day EMCRPBoolean​List
consolidate to one snapshot per week Enter the number of weeks after which the snapshots are to be consolidated gen_​text_​input Y
Indefinitely Check to enable snapshot consolidation for an indefinite number of weeks EMCRPBoolean​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​COPY_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Copy Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY EMC RP Cluster Identity.​ Recover​Point​Cluster​Identity

Create RecoverPoint Consistency Group Copy

Create a RecoverPoint consistency group copy.
This task creates a RecoverPoint consistency group (cg) copy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Choose a Recover​Point consistency group Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity Y
Copy Name Enter a name for the consistency group copy gen_​text_​input
Cluster Name Choose a Recover​Point cluster on which to create the copy Recover​Point​Cluster​Identity Y
Host OS Choose the host operating system RPCGProd​Policy​Host​OS Y
Journal Compression Choose the journal compression level RPJournal​Compression Y
Maximum Journal Lag Choose the type of journal lag RPMax​Journal​Lag​Type Y
Maximum Journal Lag Size Enter the maximum journal lag gen_​text_​input
Journal Lag Unit Choose the unit of the journal lag RPMax​Journal​Lag Y
Required Protection Window Check to enable a protection window EMCRPBoolean​List
Protection Window Enter the length of time for the protection window gen_​text_​input Y
Window Unit Choose the protection window time unit RPJournal​Protection​Settings Y
Enable Snapshot Consolidation Check to enable snapshot consolidation EMCRPBoolean​List
Do not consolidate snapshots for at least Enter the length of time for which snapshot consolidation is not to be performed gen_​text_​input Y
Unit(Consolidation Period) Choose the unit for the consolidation period RPJournal​Protection​Settings Y
consolidate to one snapshot per day Enter the number of days after which the snapshots are to be consolidated gen_​text_​input Y
Indefinitely Check to enable snapshot consolidation for an indefinite number of days EMCRPBoolean​List
consolidate to one snapshot per week Enter the number of weeks after which the snapshots are to be consolidated gen_​text_​input Y
Indefinitely Check to enable snapshot consolidation for an indefinite number of weeks EMCRPBoolean​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​COPY_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Copy Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY EMC RP Cluster Identity.​ Recover​Point​Cluster​Identity

Create RecoverPoint Group Set

Create a RecoverPoint group set.
This task creates a RecoverPoint group set.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Recover​Point Account Choose a Recover​Point account Recover​Point​Account​Identity Y
Group Set Name Enter a name for the group set gen_​text_​input
Consistency Group Name Choose the consistency group to add to the group set Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Multi​Select Y
Frequency Enter the time frequency between bookmark creation gen_​text_​input Y
Unit Choose the unit of time for bookmark frequency RPGroup​Set​Frequency​Interval Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RECOVERPOINT_​GROUP_​SET_​IDENTITY EMC RP Group Set Identity.​ Recover​Point​Group​Set​Identity

Create RecoverPoint Replication Set

Create a RecoverPoint replication set.
This task creates a RecoverPoint replication set.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Name Choose a Recover​Point consistency group Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity Y
Replication Set Name Enter a name for the replication set gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​REPLICATION_​SET_​IDENTITY EMC RP Replication Set Identity.​ Recover​Point​Replication​Set​Identity

Delete RecoverPoint Consistency Group

Delete a RecoverPoint consistency group.
This task is deletes a RecoverPoint consistency group (CG).
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Consistency Group Choose the consistency group to be deleted Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected consistency group? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity

Delete RecoverPoint Consistency Group Copy

Delete a RecoverPoint consistency group copy.
This task removes a replication copy from a consistency group (CG) . Production copy can not be removed.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Consistency Group Copy Choose the consistency group copy to be deleted Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected consistency group copy? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity

Delete RecoverPoint Group Set

Delete a RecoverPoint group set.
This task deletes a RecoverPoint group set.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Group Set Choose the group set to delete Recover​Point​Group​Set​Identity Y
Do you want to remove the selected group set? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RECOVERPOINT_​GROUP_​SET_​IDENTITY EMC RP Group Set Identity.​ Recover​Point​Group​Set​Identity

Delete RecoverPoint Replication Set

Delete a RecoverPoint replication set.
This task deletes a RecoverPoint replication set.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Replication Set Choose the Recover​Point replication set to be deleted Recover​Point​Replication​Set​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected replication set? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity

Detach RecoverPoint ReplicationSet Volume from Splitter

Detach a RecoverPoint ReplicationSet volume from a splitter.
This task detaches a RecoverPoint ReplicationSet volume from a splitter.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Replication Set Volume Choose a user volume of a replication set from which to detach a splitter Recover​Point​Replication​Set​Volume​Identity Y
Splitter Choose the Recover​Point splitter to detach from the selected volume Recover​Point​Splitter​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​REPLICATION_​SET_​VOLUME_​IDENTITY EMC RP Replication Set Volume Identity.​ Recover​Point​Replication​Set​Volume​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SPLITTER_​IDENTITY EMC RP Splitter Identity.​ Recover​Point​Splitter​Identity

Disable RecoverPoint Image Access

Disable RecoverPoint image access.
This task disables RecoverPoint image access.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Copy Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​COPY_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Copy Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity

Edit RecoverPoint Copy Policy

Edit RecoverPoint copy policy.
This task edits RecoverPoint copy policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Copy Choose a Recover​Point consistency group copy Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity Y
Copy Name Enter a name for the consistency group copy Y
Host OS Choose the host operating system RPCGProd​Policy​Host​OS Y
Journal Compression Choose the journal compression level RPJournal​Compression Y
Maximum Journal Lag Choose the type of journal lag RPMax​Journal​Lag​Type Y
Maximum Journal Lag Size Enter the maximum journal lag gen_​text_​input
Journal Lag Unit Choose the unit of the journal lag RPMax​Journal​Lag Y
Required Protection Window Check to enable a protection window EMCRPBoolean​List
Protection Window Enter the time for the protection window gen_​text_​input Y
Window Unit Choose the window time unit RPJournal​Protection​Settings Y
Enable Snapshot Consolidation Check to enable snapshot consolidation EMCRPBoolean​List
Do not consolidate snapshots for at least Enter the length of time for which snapshot consolidation is not to be performed gen_​text_​input Y
Unit(Consolidation Period) Choose the unit for the consolidation period RPJournal​Protection​Settings Y
consolidate to one snapshot per day Enter the number of days after which the snapshots are to be consolidated gen_​text_​input Y
Indefinitely Consolidate Snap​Shot indefinitely for day EMCRPBoolean​List
consolidate to one snapshot per week Enter the number of weeks after which the snapshots are to be consolidated gen_​text_​input Y
Indefinitely Check to enable snapshot consolidation for an indefinite number of weeks EMCRPBoolean​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​COPY_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Copy Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity

Edit RecoverPoint Group Policy

Edit RecoverPoint group policy.
This task edits RecoverPoint group policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Consistency Group Choose a Recover​Point consistency group Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity Y
Consistency Group Name Consistency group name Y
Primary RPA Choose a primary RPA for the consistency group Recover​Point​RPAIdentity
Priority Choose a priority level RPCGGroup​Policy​Priority
Distribute Group Check to create a distributed group.​ A distributed group writes across multiple RPAs.​ EMCRPBoolean​List
Secondary RPAs Choose a secondary RPA for the distributed consistency group Recover​Point​RPAMulti​Select Y
External Application Choose an external device RPCGGroup​Policy​External​Application Y
Recovery Copy Choose a recover copy Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity Y
Managed By Choose an appliance to manage RPCGGroup​Policy​Ext​App​Manged​By Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity

Edit RecoverPoint Group Set

Edit a RecoverPoint group set.
This task edits a RecoverPoint group set.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Group Set Choose the group set to modify Recover​Point​Group​Set​Identity Y
Group Set Name Enter a name for the group set
Frequency Enter the time frequency between bookmark creation gen_​text_​input
Unit Choose the unit of time for bookmark frequency RPGroup​Set​Frequency​Interval Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RECOVERPOINT_​GROUP_​SET_​IDENTITY EMC RP Group Set Identity.​ Recover​Point​Group​Set​Identity

Edit RecoverPoint Link Policy

Edit RecoverPoint Replication Set

Edit a RecoverPoint replication set.
This task edits a RecoverPoint replication set.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Replication Set Choose a replication set to modify Recover​Point​Replication​Set​Identity Y
New Replication Set Name Enter a new name for the replication set gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​REPLICATION_​SET_​IDENTITY EMC RP Replication Set Identity.​ Recover​Point​Replication​Set​Identity

Enable RecoverPoint Image Access

Enable RecoverPoint image access.
This task enables RecoverPoint image access.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Copy Choose a consistency group copy on which to enable image access Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity Y
Image to access Choose an image to access RPImage​To​Access Y
Image Access Mode Choose a mode of access for the image RPImage​Access​Mode Y
Snapshot Image Choose a snapshot to access Recover​Point​Snapshot​Identity Y
Point in Time Choose a point in time to access date_​time Y
Seconds Enter the second in time you would like to access for the selected point in time gen_​text_​input
Book​Mark Enter a bookmark gen_​text_​input
Exact Check to match the bookmark exactly EMCRPBoolean​List
Image type Choose the type of image RPImage​Type Y
Max range Enter a value for the maximum range gen_​text_​input
Max Range Units Choose a unit for the maximum range RPImage​Max​Range Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SNAPSHOT_​IDENTITY EMC RP Snapshot Identity.​ Recover​Point​Snapshot​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​COPY_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Copy Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity

Get RecoverPoint Volume Information

Get RecoverPoint volume information.
This task fetches RecoverPoint volume information.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Storage Array Type Choose the type of storage array from which the volume is exposed to Recover​Point Storage​Array​Type​List Y
LUN Choose the LUN for which to fetch information emc​LUNIdentity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RECOVERPOINT_​VOLUME_​IDENTITY EMC RP Volume Identity.​ Recover​Point​Volume​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY EMC RP Cluster Identity.​ Recover​Point​Cluster​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SPLITTER_​IDENTITY EMC RP Splitter Identity.​ Recover​Point​Splitter​Identity

Recover RecoverPoint Production

Recover RecoverPoint production.
This task recovers production.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Copy Choose the Recover​Point consistency group copy to recover Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity Y
Image to access Choose an image to access RPImage​To​Access Y
Snapshot Image Choose a snapshot to access Recover​Point​Snapshot​Identity Y
Point in Time Choose a point in time to access date_​time Y
Seconds Enter the second in time to access for the selected point in time gen_​text_​input
Book​Mark Enter a bookmark gen_​text_​input
Exact Check to match the bookmark exactly EMCRPBoolean​List
Image type Choose the type of image RPImage​Type Y
Max range Enter a maximum range gen_​text_​input
Max Range Units Choose a unit for the maximum range RPImage​Max​Range Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SNAPSHOT_​IDENTITY EMC RP Snapshot Identity.​ Recover​Point​Snapshot​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​COPY_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Copy Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity

RecoverPoint Failover

Fail over.
This task fails over to an image snapshot.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Copy Choose a consistency group copy Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity Y
Image to access Choose an image to access RPImage​To​Access Y
Snapshot Image Choose a snapshot to access Recover​Point​Snapshot​Identity Y
Point in Time Choose a point in time to access date_​time Y
Seconds Enter the second in time to access for the selected point in time gen_​text_​input
Book​Mark Enter a bookmark gen_​text_​input
Exact Check to match the bookmark exactly EMCRPBoolean​List
Image type Choose the type of image RPImage​Type Y
Max range Enter a value for the maximum range gen_​text_​input
Max Range Units Choose a unit for the maximum range RPImage​Max​Range Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SNAPSHOT_​IDENTITY EMC RP Snapshot Identity.​ Recover​Point​Snapshot​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​COPY_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Copy Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity

Remove RecoverPoint Copy Link

Remove RecoverPoint Journal Volume from Group Copy

Remove a RecoverPoint journal volume from a group copy.
This task removes a RecoverPoint journal volume froma group copy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Copy Choose a Recover​Point consistency group copy Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity Y
Journal Volume Choose the journal volume to be removed from consistency group copy Recover​Point​Journal​Volume​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity

Remove RecoverPoint User Volume from Group Copy

Remove a RecoverPoint user volume from group copy.
This task removes a RecoverPoint user volume from a group copy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Replication Set Choose a Recover​Point replication set Recover​Point​Replication​Set​Identity Y
Replication Set Volume Choose the user volume from which to remove the replication set Recover​Point​Replication​Set​Volume​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity

Rescan RecoverPoint Storage Volumes

Rescan RecoverPoint storage volumes.
This task rescans RecoverPoint Storage volumes.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Cluster Choose a Recover​Point cluster to rescan for storage volumes Recover​Point​Cluster​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity

Resume RecoverPoint Production after Failover

Resume RecoverPoint production after failover.
This resumes RecoverPoint production after failover.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Copy Choose a consistency group copy to resume production Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity Y
Image to access Choose a image to access RPImage​To​Access Y
Snapshot Image Choose a snapshot to access Recover​Point​Snapshot​Identity Y
Point in Time Choose a point in time to access date_​time Y
Seconds Enter the exact second you would like to access for the selected point in time gen_​text_​input
Book​Mark Enter a bookmark gen_​text_​input
Exact check to match the exact bookmark EMCRPBoolean​List
Image type Choose the type of image RPImage​Type Y
Max range Enter a value for the maximum range gen_​text_​input
Max Range Units Choose a unit for the maximum range RPImage​Max​Range Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SNAPSHOT_​IDENTITY EMC RP Snapshot Identity.​ Recover​Point​Snapshot​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​COPY_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Copy Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity

Set RecoverPoint Consistency Group Copy Status

Set RecoverPoint consistency group copy status.
This task sets RecoverPoint consistency group (CG) copy status. Disabling a copy stops all replication, deletes journals, and causes a volume sweep when the copy is re-enabled. Enabling a disabled copy starts replication and begins a volume sweep.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Copy Name Choose a Recover​Point consistency group copy Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity Y
Enable Check to enable the selected consistency group copy EMCRPBoolean​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​COPY_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Copy Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity

Set RecoverPoint Consistency Group Copy Transfer Status

Set RecoverPoint consistency group transfer copy status.
This task sets RecoverPoint consistency group (CG) copy transfer status. Start Transfer starts the transfer of writes from the production host to the selected copy. Pause Transfer pauses the transfer of writes from the production host to the selected copy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Copy Name Choose a Recover​Point consistency group copy Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity Y
Enable Transfer Check to start transfer in the selected consistency group copy EMCRPBoolean​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​COPY_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Copy Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity

Set RecoverPoint Consistency Group Status

Set RecoverPoint consistency group status.
This task sets RecoverPoint consistency group (CG) Status. Disabling a CG stops all replication, deletes journals, and causes a full sweep when the group is enabled. Enabling a disabled CG starts replication and begins a full sweep.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Name Choose a Recover​Point consistency group Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity Y
Enable Check to enable the selected consistency group EMCRPBoolean​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity

Set RecoverPoint Consistency Group Transfer Status

Set RecoverPoint consistency group transfer status.
This task is used to Set RecoverPoint consistency group (CG) Transfer Status. Start Transfer causes the transfer of writes from the production host to all copies of the selected CG to start. Pause Transfer causes the transfer of writes from the production host to all copies of the selected CG to pause.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Name Choose a Recover​Point consistency group Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity Y
Enable Transfer Check to start transfer in the selected consistency group EMCRPBoolean​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity

Set RecoverPoint Copy as Production

Set a RecoverPoint copy as production.
This task sets a RecoverPoint copy as production.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Consistency Group Copy Choose a consistency group copy to make the production copy Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​COPY_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Copy Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Copy​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CG_​IDENTITY EMC RP CG Identity.​ Recover​Point​Consistency​Group​Identity

Unassign EMC RecoverPoint Cluster from Pod

Unassign an EMC RecoverPoint cluster from a pod.
This task removes an EMC RecoverPoint cluster from a pod.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
RPA Cluster Choose a Recover​Point cluster to be unassigned from the pod Recover​Point​Cluster​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY EMC RP Cluster Identity.​ Recover​Point​Cluster​Identity

Update RecoverPoint CG Copy Transfer Status

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Recover​Point Account Choose a Recover​Point account to update consistency group copy transfer status Recover​Point​Account​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity

Update RecoverPoint CG Transfer Status

Update the RecoverPoint CG transfer status.
This task updates the RecoverPoint CG transfer status.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Recover​Point Account Choose a Recover​Point account to update consistency group transfer status Recover​Point​Account​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​RP_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC RP System Identity.​ Recover​Point​Account​Identity