Cisco UCS Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Add NTP Server to UCSM

Add an NTP server to a UCS Manager Account.
This task adds an NTP server to a UCS Manager account. Task Outputs are:
  • ACCOUNT_NAME - The name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed.
  • OUTPUT_NTP_SERVER - the NTP server.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
UCSM Choose the UCSM ucs​Account​Name Y
NTP Server Name Enter the NTP server name gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​TIME_​ZONE Time Zone Identity ucs​Time​Zone​Identity

Add Servers to UCS Server Pool

Adds servers to a UCS server pool.
This task adds one or more servers to an existing UCS server pool. Output of this task is the identity of the modified server pool.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Server Pool Choose a server pool to add servers to ucs​Server​Pool​Identity Y
Servers Choose one or more servers from the list ucs​Multi​Server​Identity Y
Output Description Type
SERVER_​POOL_​IDENTITY UCS Server Pool Identity ucs​Server​Pool​Identity

Add UCS Manager Account

Add a UCS Manager Account.
This task adds a new UCS Manager account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Pod Name Choose the pod from the drop-down list gen_​text_​input Y
Authentication Type Choose the authentication type from the list Y
Server Management Choose the server management from the list Y
Account Name Enter a UCS account name gen_​text_​input Y
Server Address Enter a UCS server IP address ipv4Address Y
Use Credential Policy Select if you want to use policy to give the credentials.​
Credential Policy Choose or add a credential policy Y
Username Enter a UCS user name gen_​text_​input Y
Password Enter a UCS password password Y
UCS Authentication Domain Choose an authenticaton domain Y
Protocol Choose the HTTP or HTTPS protocol from the list Y
Port Choose the port number based on protocol selection Y
Description Enter a description of UCSM
Contact Email Enter the email address of the UCSM admin
Location Enter location details of UCSM
Service Provider Enter service provider details of UCSM
Output Description Type
UCS_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY UCS Account Identity ucs​Account​Identity

Add UCS Service Profile Template

Create a Service Profile Template.
This task creates a new service profile template. The user selects Organization, Type, Power State UUID pool, Server Pool, Management IP Pools, Network Policy, Storage Policy, Boot Policy, Placement Policy, and other operational policies to create the service profile template. The Power State of the server once the service profile is associated can also be specified while creating a new service profile. Placement Policy can be used to specify the vNIC/vHBA placement mapping between vNIC/vHBA and Virtual Interface Network Cards (vCon). The user can select a server pool to associate with this service profile template. Output of this task is the Service Profile Template Identity (which contains the Account, Organization and Domain Name of the service profile template) and the Organization Identity.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Template Name Enter the name of the UCS service profile template.​ The name must be unique within the organization.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter a description of the UCS service profile template gen_​text_​input
Type Choose a type to be applied to the UCS service profile template ucs​SPTemplate​Type​LOVProvider Y
Server Power State Choose a power state to be applied to the server when service profile is associated ucsserver​Power​State Y
Organization Choose a UCSM organization under which to create the service profile template ucs​Organization​Identity Y
UUID Assignment Choose a UUID to be assigned to the server associated with service profile template.​ If no selection is made, the UUID will be assigned from the default pool ucs​UUIDIdentity Y
Server Pool Choose Server Pool ucs​Server​Pool​Identity
Outband IPv4 Check to select an outband pool name from the list
Outband Pool Name Choose the outband pool from the list ucs​IPPool​Identity Y
Inband Check to choose a name for an Inband pool of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
Inband IPv4 Pool Name Choose an IPv4 pool from the list ucs​IPPool​Identity Y
Inband IPv6 Pool Name Choose an IPv6 pool from the list ucs​IPPool​Identity Y
Storage Profile storage​Profile Configuration storage​Profile​Identity
IPMI Access Profile Choose the IPMI profile to access the CMIC on the server externally ucs​Ipmi​Access​Profile
SOL Configuration Profile Choose the SOL configuration profile to enable serial over LAN access to the server ucs​SOLPolicy
Storage Policy Choose a UCSD Storage Policy to define disk policies and SAN configuration information ucs​Storage​Policy​Identity Y
Network Policy Choose a UCSD PXE Network Policy to define the LAN configuration for a PXE Installation ucs​Network​Policy​Identity Y
Placement Policy Choose the placement policy for mapping v​NIC and v​HBA to Interface cards (v​Cons) ucsplacementpolicy
Server Boot Policy Choose the SAN boot policy for the server ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity Y
BIOS Policy Choose the BIOS policy to associate with the service profile template to override the default BIOS settings ucs​BIOSPolicy
Threshold Policy Choose the threshold policy to determine when the system sends fault messages based on the values of the associated counters and gauges ucs​Stats​Threshold​Policy​Identity
Scrub Policy Choose the scrub policy to enable and disable disk and BIOS scrubbing ucs​Scrub​Policy​Identity
Host Firmware Policy Choose the host firmware policy to associate with the service profile template to update the host firmware.​ If no firmware policy is chosen, the system uses the server's preinstalled firmware.​ ucs​Firmware​Policy
Maintenance Policy Choose the maintenance policy for the service profile template Ucs​Maintenance​Policy​Identity
Power Control Policy Choose the power control policy for the service profile template ucspower​Control​Policy
v​Media Policy Choose the v​Media configuration for the service profile template ucsv​Media​Policy​Identity
Output Description Type
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Template Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Template​Identity

Add UCS Storage Profile

Create a storage profile in a UCS manager account.
This task creates a place to define the number of storage disks. A storage profile encapsulates the storage requirements for one or more service profiles.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Enter PCH name Y
Description Enter a description for the storage profile
Organization Choose the UCSM organization under which to create the storage profile ucs​Organization​Identity Y
Local LUN Create a local LUN local​Lun​Input​Type
PCH Controller Definition Create a PCH controller definition pch​Controller​Def
Output Description Type
OP_​UCS_​STORAGE_​PROFILE UCS Storage Profile Identity storage​Profile​Identity

Add UCS VLAN to vNIC Template

Add a VLAN to a vNIC template.
This task adds a VLAN to a vNIC template.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​NIC Template Choose the v​NIC template to modify Ucs​VNICTemplate​Identity Y
VLANs Choose the VLAN to add to the v​NIC template ucs​Multi​Vlan​Identity Y
Native VLAN Choose one or more VLANs to add to the v​NIC template gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OP_​UCS_​VNIC_​TEMPLATE UCS v​NIC Template Identity Ucs​VNICTemplate​Identity
OP_​UCS_​VNIC_​TEMPLATE_​MULTI_​VLAN_​IDENTIY UCS v​NIC Template VLAN Identity Ucs​VNICTemplate​Multi​VLANIdentity

Add UCS vNIC Template

Add a UCS vNIC template.
This task adds a UCS vNIC template.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Enter v​NIC Template Name Y
Description Enter Description
Organization select the organization under which to create new v​NIC Template ucs​Organization​Identity Y
Fabric ID Specify Fabric A or B Y
Enable Failover Check to enable Failover
Target Target
Adapter Check to enable Adapter
VM Check this option to use VM
Template Type Choose the template type as Intial Template or Updating Template Y
VLANs Add VLANs to v​NIC Template ucs​Multi​Vlan​Identity
Native VLAN Select Native VLAN gen_​text_​input
MTU Enter an MTU value.​ Specify an integer between 1500 and 9000.​ Y
MAC Pool Choose the MAC Pool from the list ucs​Mac​Pool​Identity
Qo​S Policy Choose the QOS Policy from the list
Network Control Policy Choose the Network Control Policy from the list
Pin Group Choose the Pin Group from the list
Stats Threshold Policy Choose the Stats Threshold Policy from the list
Connection Policies Choose the Connection Policy from the list Y
Dynamic v​NIC Connection Policy Choose the Dynamic v​NIC Policy from the list.​ If no policy is selected, the default policy is used.​
us​NIC Connection Policy Choose the us​NIC Connection Policy from the list.​ If no policy is selected, the default policy is used.​
VMQ Connection Policy Choose the VMQ Connection Policy from the list.​ If no policy is selected, the default policy is used.​
Output Description Type
OP_​UCS_​VNIC_​TEMPLATE UCS v​NIC Template Identity Ucs​VNICTemplate​Identity

Add VLAN to Multiple UCS Managers

Add a VLAN to multiple UCS managers.
This task adds a VLAN to multiples UCS Managers' service profiles and VLAN Groups.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VLAN Name Enter VLAN Name gen_​text_​input Y
VLAN ID(Common/Global) Enter VLAN ID (Common/Global) vlan​ID Y
UCSM Accounts Select UCSM Account Name under which VLAN will be created ucs​Account​Identity Y
Add VLAN to Service Profile v​NICs Select the v​NICs to add VLAN ucs​Service​Profile​Multiv​NICIdentity
Set as default VLAN Check this option to set the VLAN as Native VLAN
VLAN Group Name Enter VLAN Group name gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
UCS_​MULTI_​SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Multi Service Profile Identity ucs​Multi​Service​Profile​Identity
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​MULTI_​VNIC_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Multi v​NIC Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Multiv​NICIdentity
MULTI_​VLAN_​GROUP_​IDENTITY VLAN Group Identity.​ gen_​text_​input
MULTI_​VLAN_​IDENTITY VLAN Identity.​ gen_​text_​input


Add a VLAN to a UCS and its managed objects.
This task adds a VLAN to a UCS Manager along with its managed objects. If the user selects only physical infrastructure, the VLAN is added to the UCS Manager only. If the user selects virtual infrastructure, the VLAN is added to all the service profiles, service profile templates, and vNIC templates for the selected organization. Output of this task is the VLAN ID, VLAN name, and the objects that are affected.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VLAN Name Enter VLAN Name .​UCSAnnotation​Constants.​ANNOTATION_​NAME_​32_​CHAR gen_​text_​input Y
Account Name Select UCSM Account Name under which VLAN will be created ucs​Account​Name Y
Physical Infrastructure Select Physical Infrastructure needs to be updated with new VLAN
VLAN Type Choose VLAN Type ucs​Vlan​Type​Provider
VLAN ID(Common/Global) Enter VLAN ID (Common/Global) vlan​ID Y
VLAN ID (Fabric A) Enter VLAN ID for Fabric A vlan​ID Y
VLAN ID (Fabric B) Enter VLAN ID for Fabric B vlan​ID Y
VLAN ID A(Both Fabrics Configured Differently) Enter VLAN ID(Both Fabrics Configured Differently) vlan​ID Y
Sharing Select sharing type ucs​Vlan​Sharing​Type​Provider Y
Primary VLAN Choose Primary VLAN
VLAN ID B(Both Fabrics Configured Differently) Enter VLAN ID(Both Fabrics Configured Differently) vlan​ID Y
Sharing Select sharing type ucs​Vlan​Sharing​Type​Provider Y
Primary VLAN Choose Primary VLAN
Virtual Infrastructure Check to choose virtual infrastructure
Organizations Check to choose organizations for auto VLAN modification ucs​Multi​Organization​Identity Y
Service Profiles Check to choose service profiles for auto VLAN modification ucs​Multi​Service​Profile​Identity
Service Profiles Templates Check to choose service profiles templates for auto VLAN modification ucs​Multi​Service​Profile​Template​Identity
v​NIC Templates Check to choose v​NIC templates for auto VLAN modification Ucs​Multi​VNICTemplate​Identity
Output Description Type

Add VLAN to UCS Service Profile

Add a VLAN to a service profile.
This task adds a VLAN to a service profile vNIC. The user can choose the vNIC to which the VLAN is added.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Select UCSM service profile to modify ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Add VLAN to selected v​NICs Check this option to add VLAN to selected v​NICs in the Service Profile
v​NICs Select the v​NICs to add VLAN ucs​Service​Profile​Multiv​NICIdentity Y
VLAN Type Select VLAN Type
Common/Global VLANs Select a Common/Global VLAN gen_​text_​input
Set as Native VLAN Check this option to set the VLAN as Native VLAN
VLANs (Fabric A) Select VLAN gen_​text_​input
Set as default VLAN Check this option to set the VLAN as Native VLAN
VLANs (Fabric B) Select VLAN gen_​text_​input
Set as default VLAN Check this option to set the VLAN as Native VLAN
VLANs (Fabric A) Select VLAN gen_​text_​input
Set as default VLAN Check this option to set the VLAN as Native VLAN
VLANs (Fabric B) Select VLAN gen_​text_​input
Set as default VLAN Check this option to set the VLAN as Native VLAN
Output Description Type
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity


Add one or more VLANs to a VLAN Group.
This task adds one or more VLANs to a VLAN Group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VLAN Group Choose the UCS VLAN group from the list ucs​Vlan​Group​Identity Y
VLAN Choose the VLAN from the list ucs​Multi​Vlan​Identity Y
Output Description Type
VLAN_​GROUP_​IDENTITY VLAN Group Identity.​ ucs​Vlan​Group​Identity

Add iSCSI vNIC to UCS Service Profile

Add an iSCSI vNIC to a UCS service profile.
This task adds an iSCSI vNIC to a UCS service profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose the UCSM service profile ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
i​SCSI v​NIC Name Enter a i​SCSI v​NIC name gen_​text_​input Y
Overlay v​NIC Choose the overlay v​NIC gen_​text_​input Y
i​SCSI Adapter Policy Choose the i​SCSI adapter policy
MAC Pool Choose the UCSM MAC pool
VLANs Choose the VLAN ucs​Vlan​Identity Y
Output Description Type
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​ISCSI_​VNIC_​NAME i​SCSI v​NIC NAME gen_​text_​input

Add vHBA to UCS Service Profile

Add a vHBA to a UCS Service Profile.
This task adds a vHBA to a UCS Service Profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose the UCS service profile to modify ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
v​HBA Name Enter the v​HBA name gen_​text_​input Y
Use v​HBA Template Check to use v​HBA template Boolean
Fabric ID Choose Fabric A or B ucs​Fabric​Interconnect​Identity Y
VSAN Choose the VSAN to add the v​HBA to ucs​Vsan​Identity
Persistent binding Check to enable or disable persistent binding Boolean
Max Data Field Size Enter the maximum data field size as an integer between 256 and 2112 gen_​text_​input Y
Pin Group Choose the pin group from the list ucs​San​Pin​Group​Identity
WWPN Pool Choose the WWPN pool from the list ucs​WWPNPool​Identity
Adapter Policy Choose the adapter policy from the list ucs​San​Adapterpolicy​Identity
Qo​S Policy Choose the Qo​S policy from the list ucs​Qos​Policy​Identity
Stats Threshold Policy Choose the threshold policy from the list ucs​Stats​Threshold​Policy​Identity
v​HBA Template Choose the v​HBA template from the list Ucs​VHBATemplate​Identity Y
Output Description Type
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA_​IDENTITY v​HBA Identity of service profile's v​HBA that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​HBAIdentity

Add vMedia Mount to UCS vMedia Policy

Add a vMedia mount to a UCS vMedia policy.
This task creates a vMedia mount in the selected UCS vMedia policy. Mandatory inputs are the vMedia policy identity, the mount name, a hostname or IP address, a remote file, and a remote path for the vMedia mount. The task outputs the modified vMedia policy identity and the newly added vMedia Mount identity.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​Media Policy Choose the v​Media policy under which to add the v​Media Mount ucsv​Media​Policy​Identity Y
Name Enter v​Media Mount Name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter a description for the v​Media Mount gen_​text_​input
Device Type Choose the device type for v​Media mount from the list ucsv​Media​Mount​Device​Type
Protocol Choose the protocol for v​Media Mount from the list ucsv​Media​Mount​Protocol
Authentication Protocol Choose the authentication protocol for v​Media Mount from the list ucsv​Media​Mount​Authentication​Protocol
Hostname/IP Address Enter a hostname or IP address for the v​Media mount gen_​text_​input Y
Image​Name Variable Choose the image name variable to use when adding the v​Media mount ucsv​Media​Mount​Image​Name​Variable
Remote File Enter remote file name for adding v​Media mount gen_​text_​input Y
Remote Path Enter the remote path for the v​Media mount gen_​text_​input Y
Username Enter a user name for the v​Media mount gen_​text_​input
Password Enter a password for the v​Media mount password
Output Description Type
OP_​UCS_​v​MEDIA_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS v​Media Policy Identity ucsv​Media​Policy​Identity
OP_​UCS_​v​MEDIA_​MOUNT_​IDENTITY UCS v​Media Mount Identity ucsv​Media​Mount​Identity

Add vNIC to UCS Service Profile

Add a vNIC to a UCS service profile.
This task adds a vNIC to a UCS service profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose the UCSM Service Profile to which to add the v​NIC ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
v​NIC Name Ente the new v​NIC name gen_​text_​input Y
MAC Pool Choose the MAC Pool from the list ucs​Mac​Pool​Identity Y
Fabric ID Choose the Fabric ID.​ Choose A or B.​ ucs​Fabric​Interconnect​Identity Y
Enable Failover Check to Enable Failover
VLANs Choose the VLAN from the list ucs​Vlan​Identity Y
Set as Native VLAN Choose the Native VLAN
MTU Enter an MTU value.​ Specify an integer between 1500 and 9000.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Pin Group Choose the Pin Group from the list ucs​Pin​Group​Identity
Adapter Policy Specify Adapter Policy
Qo​S Policy Choose Qo​S Policy
Network Control Policy Choose Network Control Policy
Stats Threshold Policy Choose Stats Threshold Policy
Output Description Type
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​VNIC_​NAME v​NIC NAME gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity

Associate Storage Profile to Service Profile

Associate a storage profile with a service profile.
This task associates a storage profile to a service profile. The storage profile must be supported by the UCS Manager.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose a UCSM service profile to be associated with the storage profile ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Storage Profile Choose the storage profile to be associated with service profile storage​Profile​Identity Y
Output Description Type
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity
OP_​UCS_​STORAGE_​PROFILE UCS Storage Profile Identity storage​Profile​Identity

Associate UCS Service Profile

Associate a service profile with a server.
This task associates a service profile with a server. Output of this task is the MAC Address assigned to the server by the service profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose the service profile to associate with the server or server pool.​ ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Server Selection Scope Choose the server or server-pool to define the selection scope
Server Choose the server to associate with the service profile ucs​Server​Identity Y
Server Pool Choose the server pool to associate with the service profile ucs​Server​Pool​Identity Y
Server Pool Policy Qualification Choose the server pool policy qualification ucs​Server​Pool​Qualification​Identity
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​UCS_​BLADE_​MAC_​ADDRESS MAC Address of the UCS Server to which Service Profile is associated.​ gen_​text_​input
SERVER_​IDENTITY UCS Server Identity ucs​Server​Identity
UCS_​SERVER_​OUTBAND_​MGMT_​IP_​ADDRESS UCS Server Outband Management IP address gen_​text_​input
SERVER_​QUALIFICATION_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Server Qualification Policy Identity ucs​Server​Pool​Qualification​Identity

Associate UCS Service Profile Template

Associate a service profile template with a server pool.
This task associates a service profile template with a server pool. Output of this task is the identity of the service profile template.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Template Select Service Profile Template ucs​Service​Profile​Template​Identity Y
Server Pool Select Server Pool to associate Service Profile Template ucs​Server​Pool​Identity Y
Server Pool Policy Qualification Select Server Pool Policy Qualification ucs​Server​Pool​Qualification​Identity
Output Description Type
SERVER_​POOL_​IDENTITY UCS Server Pool Identity ucs​Server​Pool​Identity
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Template Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Template​Identity
SERVER_​QUALIFICATION_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Server Qualification Policy Identity ucs​Server​Pool​Qualification​Identity

Bind UCS Service Profile to Template

Bind a UCS service profile to a template.
This task binds a UCS service profile to a service profile template.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose the UCS Service Profile from the list ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Service Profile Template Choose the UCS Service Profile Template to bind ucs​Service​Profile​Template​Identity Y
Output Description Type
ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed ucs​Account​Name
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Template Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Template​Identity

Bind UCS ServiceProfile vNIC to Template

Bind a UCS service profile vNIC to a template.
This task binds a UCS service profile vNIC to a vNIC template.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose the UCS Service Profile from the list ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Service Profile v​NIC Choose the UCS Service Profile v​NIC from the list ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity Y
v​NIC Template Choose the v​NIC Template from the list Ucs​VNICTemplate​Identity Y
Output Description Type
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OP_​UCS_​VNIC_​TEMPLATE UCS v​NIC Template Identity Ucs​VNICTemplate​Identity

Change UCS Maintenance Policy

Change a maintenance policy.
This task changes the maintenance policy of a service profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose the UCS service profile from the list ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Maintenance Policy Choose the maintenance policy to change Ucs​Maintenance​Policy​Identity Y
Output Description Type
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity

Check UCS Service Profile Association Status

Check a UCS service profile association status.
This task checks a UCS service profile association status.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profiles Choose the service profile from list to check the association status ucs​Multi​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Output Description Type
MULTI_​SERVER_​IDENTITY UCS Multi Server Identity ucs​Multi​Server​Identity

Clone UCS Boot Policy

Create a clone of a selected UCS boot policy.
This task clones an existing boot policy, creating an identical new boot policy. Output of this task is the name of the newly created boot policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Master Boot Policy Name Choose the Master Boot Policy from the list ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity Y
Clone Boot Policy Name Enter a name for the Clone Boot Policy gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
BOOT_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Boot Policy Identity ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity

Clone UCS Service Profile

Clone a UCS service profile.
This task clones a UCS service profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Select UCS Service Profile to clone ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Clone Service Profile Name Enter the UCS service profile name gen_​text_​input Y
Organization Choose the UCSM organization under which to create the service profile ucs​Organization​Identity Y
Output Description Type
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​NAME Name of the Service Profile on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY1 UCS Service Profile Identity created ucs​Service​Profile​Identity

Clone UCS Service Profile Template

Clone a UCS service profile template.
This task clones an existing UCS Manager service profile template. Output of this task is the service profile template identity of the cloned service profile template.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Template Choose Service Profile Template ucs​Service​Profile​Template​Identity Y
Service Profile Template Name Enter service profile template name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Organization Choose Organization ucs​Organization​Identity Y
Output Description Type
NEW_​SERVICE_​PROFILE_​TEMPLATE_​NAME Name of new Service Profile Template gen_​text_​input
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Template Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Template​Identity
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity
NEW_​SERVICE_​PROFILE_​TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Template Identity created ucs​Service​Profile​Template​Identity

Collect UCS Chassis Inventory

This task fetches a UCS chassis inventory.
This task fetches the chassis inventory for a UCS Manager account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
UCSM Account Choose a UCSM account for which to collect chassis inventory ucs​Account​Identity Y
Output Description Type
ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed ucs​Account​Name

Configure UCS Server Port

Configure a UCS fabric port as a server port.
This task enables the UCS fabric port and configures it as a server port.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Ethernet Ports Choose one or more ethernet ports to configure as server ports ucs​Fabric​Port​Identity Y
Output Description Type
UCS_​FABRIC_​PORT_​IDENTITY UCS Fabric Port Identity ucs​Fabric​Port​Identity

Create UCS Boot Policy

Create a new UCS boot policy.
This task creates a new UCS boot policy to specify the boot order for a server.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Policy Name Enter a name for the Boot Policy gen_​text_​input Y
Policy Description Enther the description for Boot Policy
Organization Choose the UCSM Organization to put the Boot Policy under ucs​Organization​Identity Y
Reboot On Order Change Check Reboot On Order Change
Enforce v​NIC/v​HBA Name Check Enforce v​NIC/v​HBA Name
Boot Mode Choose the Boot Mode from the list UCSServer​Boot​Modes
Boot Security Check Boot Security
Add Boot Device Add Boot Device
Add CD ROM Check to add CD ROM to the boot order
Add Local CD/DVD Check to add local CD/DVD to the boot order
Add Remote CD/DVD Check to add remote CD/DVD to the boot order
Add Floppy Disk Check to add floppy disk to the boot order
Add Local Floppy Disk Check to add local floppy disk to the boot order
Add Remote Floppy Disk Check to add remote floppy disk to the boot order
Add Local Disk Check to add local disk to the boot order Boolean
Add Local Lun Check to add local LUN to the boot order
Add Primary Local Lun Check to add primary local LUN to the boot order
Add Secondary Local Lun Check to add a secondary local LUN to the boot order
Add Local JBOD Check to add a local JBOD to the boot order
Add SD Card Check to add an SD card to the boot order
Add Internal Usb Check to add internal USB to boot order
Add External Usb Check to add external USB to the boot order
Add Embedded Local LUN Check to add an embedded local LUN to the boot order
Add Embedded Local Disk Check to add an embedded local disk to the boot order
Add NVMe Check to add NVMe to the boot order
Add Remote Virtual Drive Check to add remote virtual to the boot order
Add CIMC Mounted CD/DVD Check to add a CIMC mounted CD/DVD to the boot order
Add CIMC Mounted HDD Check to add a CIMC mounted HDD to the boot order
Add Primary LAN Boot Check to add primary LAN boot to the boot order
Primary v​NIC Enter a v​NIC name for primary LAN boot for the boot policy gen_​text_​input
Add Secondary LAN Boot Check to add secondary LAN boot to the boot order
Secondary v​NIC Enter a v​NIC name for secondary LAN boot for the boot policy gen_​text_​input
Add SAN Boot Check to add SAN boot to the boot order
Add Primary SAN Boot Check to add primary SAN boot to the boot order
Primary v​HBA Enter a v​HBA name for primary SAN boot for the boot policy gen_​text_​input
Add Primary SAN Boot Target Primary Check to add primary SAN boot target primary
Primary Boot Target LUN Primary Enter the target LUN ID gen_​text_​input
Primary Boot Target WWPN Primary Enter the target WWPN gen_​text_​input
Add Primary SAN Boot Target Secondary Check to add primary SAN boot target secondary
Primary Boot Target LUN Secondary Enter the target LUN ID gen_​text_​input
Primary Boot Target WWPN Secondary Enter the target WWPN gen_​text_​input
Add Secondary SAN Boot Check to add secondary SAN boot to the boot order
Secondary v​HBA Enter v​HBA name for secondary SAN boot gen_​text_​input
Add Secondary SAN Boot Target Primary Check to add secondary SAN boot target primary
Secondary Boot Target LUN Primary Enter the target LUN ID gen_​text_​input
Secondary Boot Target WWPN Primary Enter the target WWPN gen_​text_​input
Add Secondary SAN Boot Target Secondary Check to add secondary SAN boot target secondary
Secondary Boot Target LUN Secondary Enter the target LUN ID gen_​text_​input
Secondary Boot Target WWPN Secondary Enter the target WWPN gen_​text_​input
Add Iscsi Boot Check to add i​SCSI boot to the boot order
Add Primary Iscsi Vnic Enter the primary i​SCSI v​NIC gen_​text_​input
Add Iscsi Boot Check to add secondary i​SCSI boot to the boot order
Add Secondary Iscsi Vnic Enter the secondary i​SCSI v​NIC gen_​text_​input
Add EFI Shell Check to add EFI shell to the boot order
Output Description Type
BOOT_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Boot Policy Identity ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity

Create UCS Disk Group Policy

Create a UCS Disk Group Policy.
This task creates a UCS Disk Group Policy. The user selects Organization, RAID Level, and Configuration Type. If 'Automatic' is selected as the Disk Group Configuration Type, then the user needs to select further inputs, including Number of Drives, Drive Type, Number of Dedicated Hot Spares, Number of Global Hot Spares, Min Drive Size (GB), Use Remaining Disks, and Use JBOD Disks. If 'Manual' is selected as the Disk Group Configuration, then the user needs to select inputs including Slot Number, Role, and Span ID. The Virtual Drive Configuration includes Strip Size (KB), Access Policy, Read Policy, Write Cache Policy, IO Policy, Drive Policy, and Security. The output of this task is the new Disk Group Policy Identity. This task supports a Rollback Action.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Enter Disk Group Policy name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter description for the Disk Group Policy gen_​text_​input
Organization Select UCSM Organization under which to create the diskgroup policy ucs​Organization​Identity Y
RAID Level Choose the RAID level from the list UCSRaid​Level​LOV
Disk Group Configuration Type Choose the disk group configuration from the list Y
Number of Drives Enter the number of drives.​ Valid range is between 0 and 60.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Drive Type Choose the drive type from the list UCSDrive​Type​LOV
Number of Dedicated Hot Spares Enter the number of dedicated hot spares.​ Valid range is between 0 and 60.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Number of Global Hot Spares Enter the number of global hot spares.​ Valid range is between 0 and 60.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Min Drive Size (GB) Enter the minimum drive size in GB.​ Valid range is between 0 and 10240.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Use Remaining Disks Check to choose the remaining disks from the list.​ UCSYes​No​LOV
Use JBOD Disks Choose the use JBOD disks Yes/No from the list UCSYes​No​LOV
Local Disk Configuration Create Local Disk Configuration
Stripe Size (KB) Choose the stripe size from the list UCSStrip​Size​LOV
Access Policy Choose the access policy from the list UCSAccess​Policy​LOV
Read Policy Chosse the read policy from the list UCSRead​Policy​LOV
Write Cache Policy Choose the write cache policy from the list UCSWrite​Cache​Policy​LOV
IO Policy Choose the IO policy from the list UCSIOPolicy​LOV
Drive Cache Choose the drive cache from the list UCSDrive​Cache​LOV
Security Choose the security Yes/No from the list UCSYes​No​LOV
Output Description Type
DISKGROUP_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Disk Group Policy Identity UCSDisk​Group​Policy​Identity
DISKGROUP_​POLICY_​NAME UCS Disk Group Policy Name gen_​text_​input
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity

Create UCS Maintenance Policy

Create a maintenance policy.
This task creates a UCS maintenance policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Enter the maintenance policy name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter the maintenance policy description
Organization Select UCSM Organization under which to create the maintenance policy ucs​Organization​Identity Y
Soft Shutdown Timer Select timer UCSShutdown​Timer​Identity Y
Storage Config Deployment Policy Select storage config deployment policy type UCSStorage​Config​Deployment​Identity Y
Reboot Policy Select reboot policy UCSReboot​Identity Y
On Next Boot Check to apply the changes on next boot Boolean Y
Schedule Select schedule UCSSchedule​Identity Y
Output Description Type
UCS_​MAINTENANCE_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Maintenance Policy Identity Ucs​Maintenance​Policy​Identity
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity

Create UCS Network Control Policy

Create a UCS network control policy.
This task creates a UCS network control policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Enter Network Control Policy Name gen_​text_​input Y
Account Name Choose the UCS account name from the list ucs​Account​Name Y
Organization Choose the UCS organization under which the network control policy is to be created ucs​Organization​Identity Y
CDP Choose the CDP from the list Y
Action on Uplink Fail Choose the Uplink Fail Action from the list Y
Forge Choose the Forge from the list Y
Output Description Type
NETWORK_​CONTROL_​POLICY_​NAME UCS Network Control Policy Name gen_​text_​input
ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed ucs​Account​Name
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity
NETWORK_​CONTROL_​POLICY_​DN_​IDENTITY UCS Network Control Policy DN ucs​Network​Control​Policy​Identity

Create UCS Organization

Create a UCS Organization.
This task creates an organization under a UCS Manager account. Output of this task is the identity of the new organization.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Enter Name .​UCSAnnotation​Constants.​ANNOTATION_​NAME_​16_​CHAR gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter description for the organization.​
Organization Choose the parent UCSM organization from the list ucs​Organization​Identity Y
Output Description Type
ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed ucs​Account​Name
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity

Create UCS QoS Policy

Create a UCS QoS Policy.
This task creates a UCS QoS Policy. The user selects Organization, Policy Name, Description, Priority, Burst (Bytes), \ Rate (Kbps), and Host Control. The output of this task is the new QoS Policy Identity and Name. This task supports a rollback action.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Enter Qo​S Policy name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter a description of Qo​S policy.​
Organization Select the organization where you want to create the Qos policy ucs​Organization​Identity Y
Priority Choose a Priority from the list UCS_​QOS_​PRIORITY_​LIST_​PROVIDER Y
Burst(Bytes) Enter the valid burst value.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Rate(Kbps) Choose the Rate type Y
Output Description Type
UCS_​QOS_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS QOS Policy Identity ucs​Qos​Policy​Identity

Create UCS Scrub Policy

Create a UCS Scrub Policy.
This task creates a UCS Scrub Policy. The user selects Organization, Disk Scrub Supports, BIOS Settings Scrub, FlexFlash Scrub, Policy Name, and Description. The output of this task is the new Scrub Policy Identity. This task supports a Rollback Action.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Enter Scrub Policy name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter description gen_​text_​input
Organization Choose the UCS organization from the list ucs​Organization​Identity Y
Disk Scrub Choose Yes or No for Disk Scrub UCSYes​No​LOV
BIOS Settings Scrub Choose Yes or No for BIOS Setting Scrub UCSYes​No​LOV
Flex​Flash Scrub Choose Yes or No for Flex​Flash Scrub UCSYes​No​LOV
Output Description Type
SCRUB_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Scrub Policy Identity ucs​Scrub​Policy​Identity
SCRUB_​POLICY_​NAME UCS Scrub Policy Name gen_​text_​input
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity

Create UCS Server Pool

Create a UCS server pool.
This task creates a UCS server pool and adds servers to it. Output of this task is the identity of the new server pool.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Server Pool Name Enter a server pool name gen_​text_​input Y
Server Pool Description Enter a server pool description
Organization Choose the organization for server pool ucs​Organization​Identity Y
Servers Choose one or more servers from the list ucs​Multi​Server​Identity
Output Description Type
SERVER_​POOL_​IDENTITY UCS Server Pool Identity ucs​Server​Pool​Identity
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity

Create UCS Service Profile

Create a new service profile.
This task creates a new service profile. The user selects Organization, UUID pool, Network Policy, Storage Policy, PXE boot policy, Blade boot policy, Placement Policy, and other operational policies to create the service profile. The user can specify the firmware policy to use according to the version of UCS. The Power State of the server once the service profile is associated can also be specified while creating a new service profile. PXE boot policy is used first when the service profile is created. In case of PXE Boot, Blade policies are applied to the service profile after LAN boot is complete. Placement Policy can be used to specify the vNIC/vHBA placement mapping between vNIC/vHBA and Virtual Interface Network Cards(vCon). Output of this task is the service profile domain name (DN) followed by PXE boot policy, blade boot policy, and a list of vHBAs and vSANS for the service profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Name Enter the name of the service profile.​ The name must be unique within the organization.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter a description for the profile.​ gen_​text_​input
Organization Choose Organization ucs​Organization​Identity Y
UUID Assignment Choose the UUID.​ If no selection is made, the UUID is assigned from the default pool.​ ucs​UUIDIdentity Y
Storage Policy Choose the disk group policy from the list ucs​Storage​Policy​Identity Y
Network Policy Choose the network policy from the list ucs​Network​Policy​Identity Y
Placement Policy Choose the placement policy for mapping v​NICs and v​HBAs to interface cards (v​Cons).​
PXE Boot Policy Choose the PXE boot policy from the list
Server Boot Policy Choose the boot policy from list ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity Y
BIOS Policy Choose BIOS Policy
IPMI Access Profile Choose IPMI Access Profile
SOL Configuration Profile Choose SOL Configuration Profile
Management IP Addresses Management IP Addresses
Outband IPv4 Check this option to use an outband IPv4
IP Address Choose the IP Address for the UCS service profile gen_​text_​input Y
Subnet Mask Choose the subnet mask for the UCS service profile gen_​text_​input Y
Default Gateway Choose the default gateway for the UCS service profile gen_​text_​input Y
Outband Pool Name Choose an IPv4 or IPv6 IP pool.​ Y
Inband Check this option to use an inband IPV4 and IPV6 management policy
Inband Pool Name Choose Inband Pool Name Y
IP Address Choose the IP Address from the list gen_​text_​input Y
Subnet Mask Choose the subnet mask from the list gen_​text_​input Y
Default Gateway Choose the default gateway from the list gen_​text_​input Y
IPV6 Address Enter an IPV6 address for the UCS service profile gen_​text_​input Y
Prefix Enter a prefix for the UCS service profile gen_​text_​input Y
Default Gateway Enter the default gateway for the UCS service profile gen_​text_​input Y
Inband Pool Name Choose Inband Pool Name Y
Threshold Policy Choose Threshold Policy
Scrub Policy Choose Scrub Policy
Host Firmware Policy Choose Host Firmware Policy
Maintenance Policy Choose Maintenance Policy
Power Control Policy Choose Power Control Policy
Server Power State Choose Server Power State gen_​text_​input Y
v​Media Policy Choose the v​Media configuration from the list ucsv​Media​Policy​Identity
Storage Profile Choose the storage profile configuration from the list storage​Profile​Identity
Output Description Type
ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed ucs​Account​Name
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity
BLADE_​BOOT_​POLICY Name of the server boot policy that was used for creating service profile ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity
SP_​BOOT_​POLICY Name of new Boot Policy created ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity
SERVICEPROFILE_​NAME DN of the Service Profile on which the selected operation was performed ucs_​service_​profile
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​NAME Name of the Service Profile on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OP_​CSV_​SP_​VHBAs Comma separated Names and WWPNs of the VHBA that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba1@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA1 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba1@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA2 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba2@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA3 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba3@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA4 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba4@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA5 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba4@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA6 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba4@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA7 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba4@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA8 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba4@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA9 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba4@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA10 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba4@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VSAN1 Name and ID of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan1@120) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VSAN2 Name and ID of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan2@120) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VSAN3 Name and ID of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan3@120) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VSAN4 Name and ID of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan4@120) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC1 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC2 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC3 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC4 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC5 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC6 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC7 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC8 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC9 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC10 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SERVICE_​PROFILE_​WWN_​LIST Comma separated Names and WWNs of the VHBA that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba1@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA1_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 1 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA2_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 2 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA3_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 3 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA4_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 4 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA5_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 5 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA6_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 6 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA7_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 7 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA8_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 8 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA9_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 9 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA10_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 10 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​UCS_​BLADE_​MAC_​ADDRESS MAC Address of the UCS Server to which Service Profile is associated.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY1 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 1 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY2 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 2 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY3 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 3 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY4 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 4 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY5 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 5 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY6 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 6 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY7 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 7 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY8 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 8 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY9 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 9 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY10 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 10 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
SP_​VNIC1_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC2_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC3_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC4_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC5_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC6_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC7_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC8_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC9_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC10_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA1_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA2_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA3_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA4_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA5_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA6_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA7_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA8_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA9_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA10_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​MULTI_​VNIC_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Multi v​NIC Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Multiv​NICIdentity

Create UCS Service Profile from Template

Create one or more service profiles from a service profile template.
This task creates one or more new service profiles from a service profile template. For the Updating Type Global Service Profile template, the workflow task is executed successfully when the number of available servers is equal to the number of service profiles. The workflow task fails when the number of servers available for association is less than the number of service profiles. Before failing, the task associates service profiles (selected at random) to all the available free servers. The workflow task fails when a service profile captured in the log file is not associated to a server. For the Initial Type Global Service Profile template, the workflow task is executed successfully even when the number of available servers is not equal to the number of service profiles. The user enters the prefix for the service profile name and the number of service profiles to be created, or Create Single SP without appending a suffix. If the user selects Create Single SP without appending a suffix, a single service profile with the given name is created. If Create Single SP without appending suffix is not selected, the ID is appended to the service profile name starting with 1 and incremented by 1 for each service profile. The service profile template accepts only a semicolon-separated identity string. For example: UCSMAccountName;OrgDn;ServiceProfileTemplateDn. Output of this task is the list of service profiles, the service profile domain name (DN) for the first service profile, the boot policy, and lists of vHBAs and vSANS for the service profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Name Prefix Enter service profile name prefix.​ All the service profiles created from this template will be prefixed with the specified name gen_​text_​input Y
Create Single SP without appending suffix Choose this option to create Single SP without appending suffix Boolean
Number of Service Profiles Enter number of service profiles to be created from the template gen_​text_​input Y
Organization Choose Organization ucs​Organization​Identity Y
Service Profile Template Select service profile template name from which to create service profiles gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
ALL_​SERVICEPROFILE_​NAMES DN of the Service Profiles on which the selected operation was performed ucs_​service_​profile
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity
ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed ucs​Account​Name
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity
BOOT_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Boot Policy Identity ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity
SCRUB_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Scrub Policy Identity ucs​Scrub​Policy​Identity
UCS_​SERVICE_​PROFILE_​OPER_​STATE UCS Service Profile Operational State ucs​Service​Profile​Oper​State
OP_​CSV_​SP_​VHBAs Comma separated Names and WWPNs of the VHBA that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba1@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA1 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba1@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA2 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba2@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA3 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba3@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA4 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba4@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA5 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba4@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA6 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba4@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA7 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba4@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA8 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba4@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA9 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba4@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA10 Name and WWPN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba4@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VSAN1 Name and ID of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan1@120) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VSAN2 Name and ID of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan2@120) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VSAN3 Name and ID of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan3@120) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VSAN4 Name and ID of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan4@120) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA1_​VSAN Name of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan1) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA2_​VSAN Name of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan2) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA3_​VSAN Name of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan3) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA4_​VSAN Name of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan4) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA5_​VSAN Name of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan5) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA6_​VSAN Name of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan6) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA7_​VSAN Name of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan7) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA8_​VSAN Name of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan8) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA9_​VSAN Name of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan9) gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA10_​VSAN Name of the virtual Storage Area Network that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vsan10) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SERVICE_​PROFILE_​WWN_​LIST Comma separated Names and WWNs of the VHBA that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: vhba1@20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA1_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 1 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA2_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 2 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA3_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 3 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA4_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 4 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA5_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 5 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA6_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 6 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA7_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 7 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA8_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 8 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA9_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 9 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VHBA10_​WWN WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 10 that was created as part of service profile.​ (Example: 20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a1:20:00:00:25:b5:00:aa:a0) gen_​text_​input
SERVICEPROFILE_​NAME DN of the Service Profile on which the selected operation was performed ucs_​service_​profile
UCS_​MULTI_​SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Multi Service Profile Identity ucs​Multi​Service​Profile​Identity
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​NAME Name of the Service Profile on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
ALL_​SERVICE_​PROFILE_​NAMES Name of the Service Profiles on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
ALL_​SERVICE_​PROFILE_​ACCOUNTNAME_​DNS Account Name and DN's of the Service Profiles on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC1 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC2 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC3 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC4 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC5 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC6 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC7 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC8 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC9 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC10 Name of Service Profile v​NIC.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY1 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 1 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY2 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 2 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY3 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 3 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY4 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 4 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY5 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 5 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY6 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 6 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY7 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 7 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY8 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 8 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY9 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 9 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​SP_​VNIC_​IDENTITY10 v​NIC Identity of service profile's v​NIC 10 that was created as part of service profile.​ ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity
OUTPUT_​UCS_​BLADE_​MAC_​ADDRESS MAC Address of the UCS Server to which Service Profile is associated.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC1_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC2_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC3_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC4_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC5_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC6_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC7_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC8_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC9_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VNIC10_​MAC v​NIC's MAC Address that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA1_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA2_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA3_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA4_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA5_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA6_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA7_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA8_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA9_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​VHBA10_​WWPN v​HBA's WWPN that was created as part of service profile.​ gen_​text_​input
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​MULTI_​VNIC_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Multi v​NIC Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Multiv​NICIdentity
SERVER_​IDENTITY UCS Server Identity ucs​Server​Identity
UCS_​SERVER_​OUTBAND_​MGMT_​IP_​ADDRESS UCS Server Outband Management IP address gen_​text_​input
ISCSI_​IQN UCS Service Profile i​SCSI v​NIC's IQN gen_​text_​input
ISCSI_​ADDR UCS Service Profile i​SCSI v​NIC's IP Address gen_​text_​input
SP_​i​SCSI_​PRIMARY_​IP Primary i​SCSI Static IP Address.​ Static​Pool​IP
SP_​i​SCSI_​PRIMARY_​SUBNET Primary i​SCSI Subnet IP Address.​ subnet​Mask
SP_​i​SCSI_​PRIMARY_​GATEWAY Primary i​SCSI Gateway IP Address.​ gen_​text_​input
SP_​i​SCSI_​SECONDARY_​IP Secondary i​SCSI Static IP Address.​ Static​Pool​IP
SP_​i​SCSI_​SECONDARY_​SUBNET Secondary i​SCSI Subnet IP Address.​ subnet​Mask
SP_​i​SCSI_​SECONDARY_​GATEWAY Secondary i​SCSI Gateway IP Address.​ gen_​text_​input

Create UCS Service Profile iSCSI Boot Policy

Create a UCS service profile boot policy.
This task configures the iSCSI boot policy for a UCS Manager service profile. You can set iSCSI Boot Parameters and can create iSCSI Static Targets.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose the UCSM service profile to modify ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Add LAN Boot Check to add a LAN Boot
Primary v​NIC Enter the primary v​NIC name for the LAN Boot gen_​text_​input
Secondary v​NIC Enter secondary v​NIC name for LAN Boot gen_​text_​input
Add Primary i​SCSI Boot Check to add the primary i​SCSI Boot for the LAN Boot
Primary i​SCSI v​NIC Enter primary i​SCSI v​NIC name for primary i​SCSI boot gen_​text_​input Y
Add Secondary i​SCSI Boot Check to add secondary i​SCSI boot for LAN Boot
Secondary i​SCSI v​NIC Enter secondary i​SCSI v​NIC name for secondary i​SCSI Boot gen_​text_​input Y
Set Boot Parameters Check to Set Boot Parameters Y
Set i​SCSI Boot Parameters Set i​SCSI Boot Parameters
Authentication Profile Choose the authentication profile from the list ucs​Iscsi​Authentication​Profile​Identity
Initiator Name Assignment Choose the initiator name assignement from the list ucs​Iqn​Pool​Identity Y
Initiator IP Address Policy Choose the IP address policy from the list gen_​text_​input Y
Create i​SCSI Static Target Create i​SCSI Static Target
Select Storage Account Type Choose the storage account type from the list gen_​text_​input
Select Storage Account Choose the filer name.​ ISCSI Supported Storage Accounts
SVM Name Choose the SVM from which the i​SCSI boot policy is to be created netapp​Cluster​VServer​Identity
i​SCSI Target Name Choose the i​SCSI target name from the list gen_​text_​input Y
Port Enter Port gen_​text_​input Y
Authentication Profile Choose the authentication profile from the list ucs​Iscsi​Authentication​Profile​Identity
IPv4 Address Choose the i​SCSI enabled VLAN IP from the list gen_​text_​input Y
LUN Id Enter LUN Id gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity
ISCSI_​IQN UCS Service Profile i​SCSI v​NIC's IQN gen_​text_​input
ISCSI_​ADDR UCS Service Profile i​SCSI v​NIC's IP Address gen_​text_​input

Create UCS VLAN Group

Create a VLAN Group.
This task creates a VLAN Group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Choose Account Name
Name Enter Name .​UCSAnnotation​Constants.​ANNOTATION_​NAME_​32_​CHAR gen_​text_​input Y
VLANs Choose one or more VLANs gen_​text_​input
Native​VLAN Select Native VLAN gen_​text_​input
Uplink Ports Check to add uplink ports to the VLAN group
Port Channels Check to add port channels to the VLAN group
Output Description Type
VLAN_​GROUP_​IDENTITY VLAN Group Identity.​ ucs​Vlan​Group​Identity

Create UCS vMedia Policy

Create a UCS vMedia Policy.
The task creates a UCS vMedia policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Enter the v​Media policy name.​ Policy name can be alphanumeric, no more than 16 characters and can include the following special characters: _​, -, .​ and :, .​ gen_​text_​input Y
Policy Description Enter description for v​Media policy gen_​text_​input
Organization Choose the UCSM organization from the list under which to create the v​Media policy ucs​Organization​Identity Y
Retry on Mount Failure Check to set retry mode for the v​Media policy ucs​Vmedia​Retry
Output Description Type
OP_​UCS_​v​MEDIA_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS v​Media Policy Identity ucsv​Media​Policy​Identity

Create iSCSI IP Pool Block

Create an iSCSI IP pool block.
This task creates an iSCSI IP pool block.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
UCS Account Name Choose the UCS Account name from the list ucs​Account​Identity Y
From Enter IP Address ipv4Address Y
Size Enter range of the IP Addresses to be created gen_​text_​input Y
Subnet Mask Enter subnet mask address ipv4Address Y
Default Gateway Enter default gateway address ipv4Address Y
Primary DNS Enter Primary DNS ipv4Address Y
Secondary DNS Enter Secondary DNS ipv4Address Y
Output Description Type

Delete LUNs From Server

Delete LUNs From a server.
This task deletes orphaned LUNs From a server. Inputs are the server identity (required), a Boolean flag to delete all LUNs from the server (default is TRUE, Delete All LUNs), and a multi-select list of LUNs to delete. Output is a multi-select list of LUNs that were deleted.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Server Choose the server from the list ucs​Server​Identity Y
Delete All LUNs Check to delete all orphaned LUNs from the selected server.​ Uncheck to select individual LUNs to delete.​ Boolean
LUNs Choose the LUN from the list ucs​Multi​Lun​Identity
Output Description Type
LUN_​IDENTITY UCS Multi Lun Identity ucs​Multi​Lun​Identity

Delete NTP Server from UCSM

Delete an NTP server from UCS Manager.
This task deletes an NTP server from UCS Manager.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
NTP Server Choose the NTP server to be deleted ucs​Time​Zone​Identity Y
No Outputs

Delete Servers from UCS Server Pool

Delete servers from a UCS server pool.
This task removes one or more servers from a UCS Manager server pool. Output of this task is the identity of the modified server pool.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Server Pool Choose the server pool from which to delete the servers ucs​Server​Pool​Identity Y
Servers Choose one or more servers from the list to be deleted ucs​Multi​Server​Identity Y
Output Description Type
SERVER_​POOL_​IDENTITY UCS Server Pool Identity ucs​Server​Pool​Identity

Delete UCS Boot Policy

Delete a UCS boot policy.
This task deletes a boot policy. Output of this task is the identity of the deleted boot policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Boot Policy Choose the UCSM boot policy to be deleted ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity Y
Output Description Type
BOOT_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Boot Policy Identity ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity

Delete UCS Disk Group Policy

Delete a UCS Disk Group Policy.
This task deletes a UCS Disk Group Policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Disk Group Policy Select UCS Disk Group policy to delete UCSDisk​Group​Policy​Identity Y
Output Description Type
DISKGROUP_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Disk Group Policy Identity UCSDisk​Group​Policy​Identity

Delete UCS Firmware

Delete one or more UCS firmware bundles and the related firmware packages.
This task deletes one or more firmware bundles. The firmware package matching each of the firmware bundle file names is also deleted.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Choose UCS Manager account name ucs​Account​Identity Y
Firmware Bundle Choose firmware files to delete from the firmware download task ucs​Firmware​Download​Task​Identity Y
No Outputs

Delete UCS Iqn Pool

Delete a UCS Iqn pool.
This task deletes a UCS Iqn Pool.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Iqn Pool Choose the UCS IQN pool from the list ucs​Iqn​Pool​Identity Y
Output Description Type
UCS_​IQN_​POOL UCS IQN Pool Identity ucs​Iqn​Pool​Identity

Delete UCS Maintenance Policy

Delete a UCS maintenance policy.
This task deletes a UCS maintenance policy from UCS Manager.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Maintenance Policy Select UCSM Maintenance Policy to be deleted Ucs​Maintenance​Policy​Identity Y
Output Description Type
UCS_​MAINTENANCE_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Maintenance Policy Identity Ucs​Maintenance​Policy​Identity

Delete UCS Manager Account

Delete a UCS Manager Account.
This task deletes a UCS Manager account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
UCS Account Name Choose the UCSM account to be deleted ucs​Account​Identity Y
Output Description Type
UCS_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY UCS Account Identity ucs​Account​Identity

Delete UCS Network Control Policy

Delete a UCS network control policy.
This task deletes a UCS network control policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Network Control Policy Choose the network control policy to be deleted ucs​Network​Control​Policy​Identity Y
No Outputs

Delete UCS Organization

Delete a UCS Organization.
This task deletes a UCS Organization.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Organization Choose the UCSM organization to be deleted ucs​Organization​Identity Y
Output Description Type
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity

Delete UCS QoS Policy

Delete a UCS QoS Policy.
This task deletes a UCS QoS Policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Qo​S Policies Select Qo​S Policy to delete ucs​Qos​Policy​Identity Y
Output Description Type
UCS_​QOS_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS QOS Policy Identity ucs​Qos​Policy​Identity

Delete UCS Scrub Policy

Delete a UCS Scrub Policy.
This task deletes a UCS Scrub Policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Scrub Policy Choose the scrub policy ucs​Scrub​Policy​Identity Y
Output Description Type
SCRUB_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Scrub Policy Identity ucs​Scrub​Policy​Identity

Delete UCS Server Pool

Delete a UCS server pool.
This task deletes a UCS server pool from UCS Manager. Output of this task is the identity of the deleted server.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Server Pool Choose the UCSM server pool to be deleted ucs​Server​Pool​Identity Y
Output Description Type
SERVER_​POOL_​IDENTITY UCS Server Pool Identity ucs​Server​Pool​Identity

Delete UCS Service Profile

Delete a UCS service profile.
This task deletes a service profile. If the service profile is associated with a server, it is first dissociated from the server, then deleted. Output of this task is the name of the deleted service profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose the UCSM service profile to be deleted ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Output Description Type
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity

Delete UCS Service Profile Template

Delete a UCS service profile template.
This task deletes a UCS service profile template.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Template Select UCSM service profile template to Delete ucs​Service​Profile​Template​Identity Y
Output Description Type
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Template Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Template​Identity

Delete UCS Storage Profile

Delete a UCS storage profile.
This task deletes a storage profile from a UCS Manager account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Storage Profile Choose the storage profile to be deleted storage​Profile​Identity Y
No Outputs


Delete a UCS VLAN.
This task deletes a VLAN from UCS and from its managed objects. Output of this task is the ID of the deleted VLAN.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VLAN Select VLAN to be deleted ucs​Vlan​Identity Y
No Outputs

Delete UCS VLAN Group

Delete a UCS VLAN Group.
This task deletes a UCS VLAN Group from UCS Manager.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VLAN Group Choose the UCS VLAN group to be deleted ucs​Vlan​Group​Identity Y
No Outputs

Delete UCS VLAN from vNIC Template

Delete a vLAN from a vNIC template.
This task deletes a vLAN from a vNIC template.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​NIC Template Select v​NIC Template to delete VLAN Ucs​VNICTemplate​Identity Y
v​NIC Template VLAN Select v​NIC Template VLAN Ucs​VNICTemplate​Multi​VLANIdentity Y
Output Description Type
OP_​UCS_​VNIC_​TEMPLATE_​MULTI_​VLAN_​IDENTIY UCS v​NIC Template VLAN Identity Ucs​VNICTemplate​Multi​VLANIdentity

Delete UCS vMedia Policy

Delete a UCS vMedia Policy.
The task deletes a vMedia policy. Input is the identity of the vMedia policy to delete.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​Media Policy Choose the v​Media policy+C310 to be deleted ucsv​Media​Policy​Identity Y
No Outputs

Delete UCS vNIC Template

Delete a UCS vNIC template.
This task deletes a UCS vNIC template.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​NIC Template Choose the v​NIC template to be deleted Ucs​VNICTemplate​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OP_​UCS_​VNIC_​TEMPLATE UCS v​NIC Template Identity Ucs​VNICTemplate​Identity

Delete VLAN from UCS Service Profile

Delete a VLAN from a service profile.
This task deletes a VLAN from a service profile vNIC.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose Service Profile ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Switch ID Select Switch ID Y
VLAN ID Select VLAN ID to delete from Service Profile Y
No Outputs

Delete VLAN from UCS Service Profile vNIC

Remove a VLAN from a service profile vNIC.
This task removes a VLAN from a service profile vNIC.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile v​NIC Select Service Profile v​NIC to delete VLAN ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity Y
VLAN Select VLAN ucs​Vlan​Identity Y
Output Description Type

Delete VLANS from UCS VLAN Group

Delete VLANs from a VLAN Group.
This task deletes VLANs from a VLAN Group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VLAN Group Choose the UCS VLAN group from the list ucs​Vlan​Group​Identity Y
VLAN Choose the UCS VLAN to be deleted ucs​Vlan​Group​Multi​Vlan​Identity Y
Output Description Type
VLAN_​GROUP_​IDENTITY VLAN Group Identity.​ ucs​Vlan​Group​Identity

Delete iSCSI IP Pool Block

Delete an iSCSI IP pool block.
This task deletes an iSCSI IP pool block.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
i​SCSI IP Pool Choose the i​SCSI IP pool from the list UCS_​ISCSI_​IP_​POOL_​BLOCK_​IDENTITY Y
Output Description Type

Delete iSCSI vNIC from UCS Service Profile

Delete an iSCSI vNIC from a UCS service profile.
This task deletes an iSCSI vNIC from a UCS service profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile i​SCSI v​NIC Choose the i​SCSI v​NIC to be deleted from the service profile ucs​Service​Profilei​SCSIv​NICIdentity Y
No Outputs

Delete vHBA from UCS Service Profile

Delete a vHBA from a UCS Service Profile.
This task deletes a vHBA from a UCS Service Profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose the UCS service profile from the list ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Service Profile v​HBA Choose the v​HBA to be deleted from the UCS service profile ucs​Service​Profilev​HBAIdentity Y
No Outputs

Delete vMedia Mount from UCS vMedia Policy

Delete one or more vMedia mounts from a UCS vMedia policy.
The task deletes one or more vMedia mounts from a UCS vMedia policy. Inputs are the vMedia policy identity and multiple identities of vMedia mounts to delete. The task outputs the modified vMedia policy identity.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​Media Policy Choose the v​Media policy from the list ucsv​Media​Policy​Identity Y
v​Media Mounts Choose the v​Media mounts be deleted ucsv​Media​Mount​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OP_​UCS_​v​MEDIA_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS v​Media Policy Identity ucsv​Media​Policy​Identity

Delete vNIC from UCS Service Profile

Delete a vNIC from a UCS service profile.
This task deletes a vNIC from a UCS service profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile v​NIC Choose the service profile v​NIC to be deleted ucs​Service​Profilev​NICIdentity Y
No Outputs

Disassociate Storage Profile from Service Profile

Dissociate a storage profile from a service profile.
This task dissociates a storage profile from a service profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose the UCSM service profile to be disassociated from the storage profile ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Output Description Type
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity

Disassociate UCS Server

Dissociates a UCS server from a server pool.
This task dissociates a UCS server from a server pool.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Server Choose the servers ucs​Server​Identity Y
Output Description Type
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity
SERVER_​IDENTITY UCS Server Identity ucs​Server​Identity

Disassociate UCS Service Profile

Disassociate a UCS service profile from a server.
This task dissociates a Profile from a server. If on, the server is turned off.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Select UCSM service profile to Disassociate ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
No Outputs

Disassociate UCS Service Profile Template

Dissociate a UCS service profile template.
This task dissociates a UCS service profile template from a UCS server pool.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Template Select UCSM SP Template to Disassociate ucs​Service​Profile​Template​Identity Y
No Outputs

Download UCS Firmware

Download a UCS firmware image.
This task downloads a firmware image from a remote path. The task waits for download completion or failure until the configured timeout. The default timeout is 15 minutes. The minimum wait time is 5 minutes and the maximum wait time is 90 minutes.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Choose UCS Manager account name ucs​Account​Identity Y
Protocol Choose protocol ucs​Firmware​Download​Task​Protocol​Selector
Server Enter Server gen_​text_​input Y
File Name Enter File Name gen_​text_​input Y
Remote Path Enter remote path gen_​text_​input
User Enter username gen_​text_​input
Password Enter password password
Timeout (minutes) Enter the length of time the task should wait.​ The minimum allowed wait time is 5 minutes and the maximum is 90 minutes.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OP_​UCS_​FIRMWARE_​DIST_​PACKAGE_​IDENTITY UCS Host Firmware Package Identity ucsfirmware​Dist​Package​Identity
OP_​UCS_​FIRMWARE_​DOWNLOAD_​TASK_​IDENTITY UCS Host Firmware Download Task Identity ucs​Firmware​Download​Task​Identity
UCS_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY UCS Account Identity ucs​Account​Identity

Get UCS Infra Firmware Upgrade Status

Get a UCS infra firmware upgrade status.
This task gets the current status of the UCS infra firmware upgrade.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Choose UCS Manager account name ucs​Account​Identity Y
Output Description Type
UCS_​FIRMWARE_​STATUS UCS Multi Server Firmware Status Identity ucsfirmwarestatus

Get UCS Server Firmware Upgrade Status

Get the status of the UCS server firmware upgrade.
This task gets the current status of the UCS server firmware upgrade.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Choose UCS Manager account name ucs​Account​Identity Y
Servers Select one or more servers from the list ucs​Multi​Server​Identity
Output Description Type
MULTI_​SERVER_​IDENTITY UCS Multi Server Identity ucs​Multi​Server​Identity
OP_​UCS_​MULTI_​SERVER_​IDENTITY_​ALL UCS Multi Server Identity (all affected servers identity) ucs​Multi​Server​Identity
UCS_​MULTI_​SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Multi Service Profile Identity ucs​Multi​Service​Profile​Identity
OP_​UCS_​MULTI_​SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY_​ALL UCS Multi Service Profile Identity (all affected service profile identity) ucs​Multi​Service​Profile​Identity
UCS_​FIRMWARE_​STATUS UCS Multi Server Firmware Status Identity ucsfirmwarestatus

Get UCS vMedia Policy

Get a UCS vMedia Policy.
This task fetches the properties of a UCS vMedia policy. Input is the vMedia policy identity. The task outputs the vMedia policy identity, properties of the policy, and the vMedia mount identities available under the vMedia policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​Media Policy Select the v​Media policy ucsv​Media​Policy​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OP_​UCS_​v​MEDIA_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS v​Media Policy Identity ucsv​Media​Policy​Identity
ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed ucs​Account​Name
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity
UCS_​v​MEDIA_​POLICY_​DESCRIPTION UCS v​Media Policy Description ucsv​Media​Policy​Description
UCS_​v​MEDIA_​POLICY_​RETRY UCS v​Media Policy Retry ucsv​Media​Policy​Retry
OP_​UCS_​v​MEDIA_​MOUNT_​IDENTITY UCS v​Media Mount Identity ucsv​Media​Mount​Identity

Install UCS Infra Firmware

Install UCS Infra Firmware.
This task immediately triggers an infrastructure firmware upgrade for a Cisco UCS Manager account. The task upgrades all infrastructure components in a Cisco UCS domain, including Cisco UCS Manager and all fabric interconnects and I/O modules.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Choose a UCS Manager account name ucs​Account​Identity Y
Description Enter the description gen_​text_​input
Infra Pack Choose a Infra Pack.​ ucsfirmware​Dist​Package​Identity
Force Check to enable force option.​ Boolean
Evacuate Check to enable evacuate option.​ FI evacuation will be turned OFF at the end of Auto Install.​ Boolean
Output Description Type
UCS_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY UCS Account Identity ucs​Account​Identity

Install UCS Server Firmware

Install UCS server firmware.
This task triggers a firmware upgrade of the UCS managed servers. Servers matching the policies are upgraded to the selected firmware package versions.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Choose UCS Manager account name ucs​Account​Identity Y
B-Series Blade Server Firmware Choose a B-Series blade server firmware version if you have blade servers servers managed by UCS Manager.​ Firmware upgrades on individual servers can be controlled by choosing appropriate firmware packages.​ ucsfirmware​Dist​Package​Identity
C-Series Rack Mount Server Firmware Choose a C-Series rack-mount server firmware version if you have rack-mount servers managed by UCS Manager.​ Firmware upgrades on individual servers can be controlled by choosing appropriate firmware packages.​ ucsfirmware​Dist​Package​Identity
Host Firmware Packages Choose host packs that must be modified to the selected server packages.​ Selecting the default host firmware package may result in the reboot of associated service profiles lacking an explicit host firmware package, as well as the firmware upgrade of non-associated servers.​ ucs​Firmware​Policy Y
Output Description Type
MULTI_​SERVER_​IDENTITY UCS Multi Server Identity ucs​Multi​Server​Identity
UCS_​MULTI_​SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Multi Service Profile Identity ucs​Multi​Service​Profile​Identity
UCS_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY UCS Account Identity ucs​Account​Identity

Manage UCS Servers

Move unmanaged servers to the Managed state.
This task queries all the servers in the Unmanaged state in UCSD and moves them to the Managed state.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Discovered Servers Select UCS Servers to be managed ucs​Discovered​Multi​Server​Identity Y
Output Description Type
DISCOVERED_​MULTI_​SERVER_​IDENTITY UCS Discovered Multi Server Identity ucs​Discovered​Multi​Server​Identity

Modify UCS Boot Policy LUN ID

Modify a SAN Target LUN ID for the selected boot policy.
This task modifies a LUN ID for the SAN Target of the selected boot policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
PXE Boot Policy PXE Boot Policy to be modified ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity Y
Server Boot Policy Choose the server boot policy from the list ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity Y
Lun ID Enter the LUN ID to modify.​ gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Modify UCS Boot Policy WWPN

Modify the WWPN of a SAN target for a selected boot policy.
This task modifies a world wide port name (WWPN) for the SAN target of the selected boot policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Boot Policy Choose the boot policy from the list ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity Y
Primary Boot Target WWPN Primary Enter the primary boot target WWPN primary gen_​text_​input
Primary Boot Target WWPN Secondary Enter the primary boot target WWPN secondary gen_​text_​input
Secondary Boot Target WWPN Primary Enter the secondary boot target WWPN primary gen_​text_​input
Secondary Boot Target WWPN Secondary Enter the secondary boot target WWPN secondary gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
BOOT_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Boot Policy Identity ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity
OUTPUT_​BOOT_​POLICY_​SAN_​PRIMARY_​PATH_​PRIMARY Primary WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 1 that was created as part of Boot Policy.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​BOOT_​POLICY_​SAN_​PRIMARY_​PATH_​SECONDARY Secondary WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 1 that was created as part of Boot Policy gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​BOOT_​POLICY_​SAN_​SECONDARY_​PATH_​PRIMARY Primary WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 2 that was created as part of Boot Policy.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​BOOT_​POLICY_​SAN_​SECONDARY_​PATH_​SECONDARY Secondary WWN of the virtual Host Bus Adapter 2 that was created as part of Boot Policy.​ gen_​text_​input

Modify UCS Manager Password

Modify a UCS Manager Password.
This task modifies the password in a UCS Manager account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
UCS Account Name Choose the UCS account name to change the password of ucs​Account​Identity Y
New Password Enter a new password password Y
Confirm Password Enter same password to confirm password Y
Output Description Type
UCS_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY UCS Account Identity ucs​Account​Identity

Modify UCS Service Profile

Modify a UCS service profile's pools and policies.
This UCSM task modifies existing service profile pools and policies. The user cannot remove an existing policy. The task returns the service profile identity and the identities of the modified pools and policies.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose a service profile to modify ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Description Enter the service profile description
Server Power State Choose the power state to be applied to the server when a service profile is associated ucsserver​Power​State Y
UUID Pool Choose an UUID Pool from the list ucs​UUIDIdentity
In-band Management IP Pool (IPv4) Choose an In-band management IP Pool IPv4 from the list ucs​IPPool​Identity
Out-band Management IP Pool (IPv4) Choose an Out-band management IP Pool IPv4 from the list ucs​IPPool​Identity
In-band Management IP Pool (IPv6) Choose an In-band management IP Pool IPv6 from the list ucs​IPPool​Identity
Management VLAN Choose a management VLAN from the list ucs​Vlan​Identity
IP Pool Choose an IP pool from the list ucs​IPPool​Identity
IQN Pool Choose an IQN Pool from the list ucs​Iqn​Pool​Identity
LAN Adapter Choose a LAN adapter policy from the list ucs​Lan​Adapter​Policy​Identity
SAN Adapter Choose a SAN adapter policy from the list ucs​San​Adapterpolicy​Identity
Local Disk Configuration Choose a local disk configuration policy from the list ucs​Local​Disk​Configuration​Policy
Maintenance Choose a maintenance policy from the list Ucs​Maintenance​Policy​Identity
Host Firmware Package Choose a host firmware package policy from the list ucs​Firmware​Policy
BIOS Choose a BIOS policy from the list ucs​BIOSPolicy
Boot Choose a boot policy from the list ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity
Scrub Choose a scrub policy from the list ucs​Scrub​Policy​Identity
Power Control Choose a power control policy from the list ucspower​Control​Policy
IPMI Access Profile Choose an IPMI access profile from the list ucs​Ipmi​Access​Profile
Serial over LAN Choose a serial over LAN policy from the list ucs​SOLPolicy
Statistics Threshold Choose a statistics threshold policy from the list ucs​Stats​Threshold​Policy​Identity
v​Media Choose a v​Media policy from the list ucsv​Media​Policy​Identity
Storage Profile Choose a Storage profile from the list storage​Profile​Identity
Output Description Type
ORGANIZATION_​IDENTITY UCS Organization Identity ucs​Organization​Identity
SERVICE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY UCS Service Profile Identity ucs​Service​Profile​Identity
UCS_​INBAND_​IPV4_​POOL_​IDENTITY UCS In​Band IPv4 Pool Identity ucs​IPPool​Identity
UCS_​INBAND_​IPV6_​POOL_​IDENTITY UCS In​Band IPv6 Pool Identity ucs​IPPool​Identity
UCS_​MANAGEMENTIP_​POOL_​IDENTITY UCS IPv4 Pool Identity ucs​IPPool​Identity
UCS_​MANAGEMENT_​VLAN_​IDENTITY UCS Management VLAN Identity ucs​Vlan​Identity
UCS_​IQN_​POOL UCS IQN Pool Identity ucs​Iqn​Pool​Identity
UCS_​LAN_​ADAPTER_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS LAN Adapter Policy Identity ucs​Lan​Adapter​Policy​Identity
UCS_​SAN_​ADAPTER_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS SAN Adapter Policy Identity ucs​San​Adapterpolicy​Identity
BOOT_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Boot Policy Identity ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity
UCS_​BIOS_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Bios Policy Identity ucs​BIOSPolicy
UCS_​IPMI_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS IPMI Policy Identity ucs​Ipmi​Access​Profile
UCS_​SOL_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS SOL Policy Identity ucs​SOLPolicy
SCRUB_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Scrub Policy Identity ucs​Scrub​Policy​Identity
UCS_​HOSTFIRMWARE_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Host Firmware Policy Identity ucs​Firmware​Policy
UCS_​MAINTENANCE_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Maintenance Policy Identity Ucs​Maintenance​Policy​Identity
UCS_​POWERCONTROL_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Power Control Policy Identity ucspower​Control​Policy
UCS_​STATS_​THRESHOLD_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS Threshold Policy Identity ucs​Stats​Threshold​Policy​Identity
LOCAL_​DISK_​CONFIGURATION_​POLICY UCS Local Disk Configuration Policy ucs​Local​Disk​Configuration​Policy
OP_​UCS_​v​MEDIA_​POLICY_​IDENTITY UCS v​Media Policy Identity ucsv​Media​Policy​Identity
OP_​UCS_​STORAGE_​PROFILE UCS Storage Profile Identity storage​Profile​Identity

Modify UCS Service Profile Boot Policy

Modify a boot policy of a service profile.
This task modifies a service profile's boot policy. A user can specify the new boot policy for the selected service profile and modify the service profile with it. This modifies the boot order for the service profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose the UCSM service profile to modify ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Boot Policy Choose the new boot policy from the list ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity Y
No Outputs

Modify UCS Service Profile Boot Policy to Boot From iSCSI

Modify a service profile to boot from iSCSI.
This task selects one service profile for modification.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose the UCSM service profile to modify ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
No Outputs

Modify UCS Service Profile Scrub Policy

Modify the scrub policy of a service profile.
This task specifies a new scrub policy for a service profile and modifies the service profile with it.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Service Profile Choose the UCSM service profile to modify ucs​Service​Profile​Identity Y
Scrub Policy Choose the scrub policy from the list ucs​Scrub​Policy​Identity Y
No Outputs

Modify UCS VLAN/VLAN Group Org Permissions

Modify UCS VLAN/VLAN Group organization permissions.
This task modifies organization permissions for UCS VLANs or VLAN groups.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VLAN/VLAN Group Choose the VLAN/VLAN group from the list gen_​text_​input Y
VLAN Group Choose the VLAN group from the list ucs​Vlan​Group​Identity Y
VLAN Choose the VLAN from the list ucs​Vlan​Identity Y
Organizations Choose the organizations to add permission to ucs​Multi​Organization​Identity
No Outputs

Modify UCS vMedia Policy

Modify a UCS vMedia Policy.
This task modifies the properties of a UCS vMedia policy. Inputs are the vMedia policy identity, a policy description, and a retry option. The task outputs the vMedia policy identity, properties of the policy, and the vMedia mount identities available under the vMedia policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​Media Policy Choose the v​Media policy to modify ucsv​Media​Policy​Identity Y
Name Enter Name Y
Policy Description Enter description for v​Media policy gen_​text_​input
Retry on Mount Failure Choose the retry on mount failure from the list ucs​Vmedia​Retry