Business Process Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Budget Watch

Perform a budget availability check.
This task performs a budget availability check for the operations which need budget checks. Output of this task is a true or false depending on the budget check computation.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Groups Choose the group user​Group Y
Select Catalog Choose the catalog on which to perform the action catalog Y
Select v​DC Choose the v​DC on which to perform the action v​DC Y
Number of v​CPUs Choose the number of v​CPUs to allocate v​CPUCount
Memory Choose the amount of memory to allocate mem​Size​MB
Disk Choose the amount of disk to allocate disk​Size​GB
Charge Frequency Choose the charge frequency of the VM (hourly/monthly) vm​Charge​Frequency
Output Description Type
BUDGET_​WATCH_​STATUS Status (true/false) of budget check task gen_​text_​input

Resource Limit

Perform a group resource limit check.
This task performs a check on UCSD group-level resource limits. The output of this task is True or False depending on the UCSD group resource limit check computation.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Group Choose the group user​Group Y
Select Catalog Choose the catalog on which to perform the action catalog Y
Select v​DC Choose the v​DC on which to perform the action v​DC Y
Output Description Type
RESOURCE_​LIMIT_​STATUS Status (true/false) of resource limit check task gen_​text_​input