EMC Unity - NAS Server Operations

This chapter contains the following sections:

EMC Unity - Create DNS Server

Create a new DNS Server for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task creates a new DNS Server for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity storage array. One DNS Server can support a maximum of three IP Addresses. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity Account Name: podName@AccountName. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid
  • EMC Unity NAS Server: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@nasServerName@nasServerID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4
  • Domain: Valid domain name-Fully qualified domain name of DNS Server
  • Ip Address: Valid IPv4 or IPv6 Address-Prioritized list of one to three IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses of DNS server(s) for the domain
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity Account Choose an EMC Unity account EMCUnity​Account​Identity Y
EMC Unity NAS Server Choose an EMC Unity NAS server EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity Y
Domain Enter the fully qualified domain name of the DNS server gen_​text_​input Y
IP Addresses Enter one to three IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses of DNS servers in order of priority, separated by commas.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​DNS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity DNS Server Identity EMCUnity​Dns​Server​Identity

EMC Unity - Create File Interface

Create a new file interface for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task creates or adds a new file interface for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity storage array. The user must select one NAS Server while creating the file interface. Once the file interface is created with the selected NAS Server, it cannot be changed. The user must select one IP port that will be listed based on the storage processor selected while creating the NAS Server. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity Account Name: podName@AccountName. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid
  • EMC Unity NAS Server: podName@accountName@spName@spid@storagePoolName@storagePoolid@nasServerName@nasServerID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4
  • IP Port: podName@accountName@spName@spid@iportName@ipPortId. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@SP A I/O Module 0 Ethernet Port 0@spa_iom_0_eth0
  • IP Address: A valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
  • Subnet Mask or Prefix Length: A valid IPv4 Address for IPv4 Addresses or a valid prefix length for IPv6 addresses.
  • Gateway: A valid IPv4 address
  • VLAN ID: Change this value only if you have configured your switch port to support VLAN tagging of multiple VLAN IDs. The network does not work properly if this value is set incorrectly.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity Account Select EMC Unity account to File Interface EMCUnity​Account​Identity Y
NAS Server Choose an EMC Unity NAS server EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity Y
IP Port Choose an EMC Unity IP port EMCUnity​Ip​Port​Identity Y
IP Address Enter the IP address of the network interface in IPv4 or IPv6 format gen_​text_​input Y
Subnet Mask or Prefix Length Enter the subnet mask if IPv4, or prefix length in the range 1 to 128 if IPv6, for the network address gen_​text_​input Y
Gateway Enter a gateway address for the network interface gen_​text_​input
VLAN ID Enter a VLAN identifier for the interface gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​FILE_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY EMC Unity File Interface Identity.​ EMCUnity​File​Interface​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity

EMC Unity - Create NAS Server

Create a new NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task creates a new NAS Server on an EMC Unity storage array. Storage Pool is mandatory for creating an NAS Server. Once the NAS server is created with the selected storage pool, it can't be changed. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity Account Name: podName@AccountName. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid
  • Server Name: Valid NAS Server Name - The following special characters are not allowed: " % & ' * + . / \ : ; < = > ? ^ @ | ,
  • Pool: PodName@accountName@storagePoolName@storagePoolId. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid@Pool1@pool_7
  • Storage Processor: podName@accountName@spName@id. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity Account Select EMC Unity account to add host EMCUnity​Account​Identity Y
Server Name Enter a name for the NAS server.​ The following 19 special characters are not allowed: ", %, &, ', *, +, .​, /, \, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, ^, @, | and ," gen_​text_​input
Pool Choose an EMC Unity storage pool to store the NAS server configuration information EMCUnity​Storage​Pool​Identity Y
Storage Processor Choose an EMC Unity storage processor on which to run the NAS server EMCUnity​Storage​Processor​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​STORAGE_​POOL_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Storage Pool Identity EMCUnity​Storage​Pool​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity

EMC Unity - Create NFS Server

Create a new NFS Server for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task creates a new NFS Server for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity storage array. This task allows you to enable or disable NFS V4 support while creating the NFS Server. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity Account Name: podName@AccountName. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid
  • EMC Unity NAS Server: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolid@nasServerName@nasServerID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4
  • NFSv4 Enabled: Check box-Indicates whether NFSv4 is enabled on the NFS server
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity Account Select EMC Unity account to add NFS Server EMCUnity​Account​Identity Y
NAS Server Choose an EMC Unity NAS server EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity Y
NFSv4 Enabled Check to enable NFSv4 Linux/Unix shares on the NAS server Boolean
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NFS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nfs​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity

EMC Unity - Create NIS Server

Create a new NIS Server for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This creates an NIS Server for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity storage array. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity Account Name: podName@AccountName. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid
  • EMC Unity NAS Server: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@nasServerName@nasServerID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4
  • Domain: Valid domain name-Fully qualified domain name of NIS Server
  • Ip Address: Valid IPv4 or IPv6 Address-Prioritized list of one to three IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses of NIS server\(s\) for the domain
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity Account Choose an EMC Unity account EMCUnity​Account​Identity Y
EMC Unity NAS Server Choose an EMC Unity NAS server EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity Y
Domain Enter the domain name of the NIS server gen_​text_​input Y
IP Addresses Enter one to ten IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses of NIS servers in order of priority, separated by commas.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NIS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NIS Server Identity EMCUnity​Nis​Server​Identity

EMC Unity - Create SMB Server

Create an SMB Server for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task creates a new SMB server for an NAS server on an EMC Unity storage array. Both standalone and active directory are supported. Only one SMB server can be created on an NAS Server. If the SMB server type is Standalone then you must provide a Workgroup and Administrator Password. If the SMB server type is Active Directory then you must provide a Windows domain, domain administrator name, domain administrator password, and organizational unit. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity Account Name: podName@AccountName. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid
  • EMC Unity NAS Server: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolid@nasServerName@nasServerID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4
  • Server Type: Two Inputs. For example: Standalone, Active Directory
  • NetBIOS Name: Valid name
  • Description: Valid Description
  • Workgroup: Valid Workgroup(Standalone Server Type)
  • Administrator Password: Valid password-The password must be 8 to 40 characters in length,must contain one Upper case and lower case letter,one numeric and one special character(! , @ # $ % ^ * ? _ ~)(Standalone Server Type)
  • Windows Domain: Valid Domain name where SMB server is registered in Active Directory(Active Directory Server Type)
  • Domain Administrator Name: Valid Active Directory domain user name(Active Directory Server Type)
  • Domain Administrator Password: Valid Active Directory domain password(Active Directory Server Type)
  • Organizational Unit: Valid LDAP organizational unit of SMB server in Active Directory(Active Directory Server Type)
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity Account Choose an EMC Unity account EMCUnity​Account​Identity Y
NAS Server Choose an EMC Unity NAS server to be added to the SMB server EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity Y
SMB Server Type Choose a SMB server type EMCUnity​SMBServer​Type
Net​BIOS Name Enter the name of the SMB server in the Windows network gen_​text_​input
Description Enter a description for the SMB server gen_​text_​input
Workgroup Enter a standalone SMB server workgroup gen_​text_​input Y
Administrator Password Enter a standalone SMB server administrator password.​ The password must be 8 to 40 characters long and contain at least one upper and one lower case letter, one numeral, and one special character: (! , @ # $ % ^ * ? _​ ~) password Y
Windows Domain Enter a domain name where the SMB server is registered in Active Directory gen_​text_​input Y
Domain Administrator Name Enter the Active Directory domain user name gen_​text_​input Y
Domain Administrator Password Enter the Active Directory domain password password Y
Organizational Unit Enter the LDAP organizational unit of the SMB server in Active Directory gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​CIFS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity SMB Server Identity EMCUnity​SMBServer​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity

EMC Unity - Delete DNS Server

Delete an existing DNS Server for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task deletes a DNS Server configured for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity storage array. Delete EMC Unity DNS Server is also the rollback task for Create EMC Unity DNS Server. Input Format:
  • DNS Server: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@nasServerName@nasServerID@domainName@dnsID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4@DNS_test@dns_140
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity DNS Server Enter an EMC Unity DNS server to be deleted EMCUnity​Dns​Server​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​DNS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity DNS Server Identity EMCUnity​Dns​Server​Identity

EMC Unity - Delete File Interface

Delete a file interface from an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task deletes a file interface from an NAS Server on EMC Unity storage array. Delete EMC Unity File Interface is the rollback task for Create EMC Unity File Interface. Input Format: File Interface: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolid@nasServerName@nasServerID@iportName@ipPortId@ipAddress@fileInterfaceID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4@SP A I/O Module 0 Ethernet Port 0@spa_iom_0_eth0@
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
File Interface Select File Interface to delete EMCUnity​File​Interface​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​FILE_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY EMC Unity File Interface Identity.​ EMCUnity​File​Interface​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​STORAGE_​POOL_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Storage Pool Identity EMCUnity​Storage​Pool​Identity

EMC Unity - Delete NAS Server

Delete an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task deletes an NAS Server on an EMC Unity storage array. All the NFS, SMB, DNS, and NIS Servers and File Interfaces associated with the NAS Server are deleted. Delete EMC Unity NAS Server is the rollback task for Create EMC Unity NAS Server. Input Format: Unity NAS Server: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@nasServerName@nasServerID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
NAS Server Choose an EMC Unity NAS server to be deleted EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​STORAGE_​POOL_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Storage Pool Identity EMCUnity​Storage​Pool​Identity

EMC Unity - Delete NFS Server

Delete an NFS Server from an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task deletes an NFS from an NAS Server on an EMC Unity storage array. Delete EMC Unity NFS Server is the rollback task for Create EMC Unity NFS Server. Input Format:
  • Server Name: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@nasServerName@nasServerID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
NAS Server Choose an EMC Unity NFS server to be deleted EMCUnity​Nfs​Server​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NFS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nfs​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity

EMC Unity - Delete NIS Server

Delete an existing NIS Server for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task deletes an existing NIS Server configured for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity storage array. Delete EMC Unity NIS Server is also the rollback task for Create EMC Unity NIS Server. Input Format:
  • NIS Server: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@nasServerName@nasServerID@domainName@nisID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4@NIS_test@nis_140
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity NIS Server Choose an EMC Unity NIS server to be deleted EMCUnity​Nis​Server​Identity Y
Ignore Warnings Check to ignore warnings during the modification process Boolean
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NIS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NIS Server Identity EMCUnity​Nis​Server​Identity

EMC Unity - Delete SMB Server

Delete an SMB Server from an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task deletes an existing SMB Server configured for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity storage array. Delete EM Unity SMB Server is the rollback task for Create EMC Unity SMB Server. Input Format:
  • SMB Server: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolid@nasServerName@nasServerID@smbServerID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4@cifs_15
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
SMB Server Choose an EMC Unity SMB server to be deleted EMCUnity​SMBServer​Identity Y
Delete and remove the server reference from the Active Directory Keep SMB server account unjoined in Active Directory after deletion.​ If it it is not selected, You will have to manually delete a record of computer from the Active Directory Domain.​ Alternatively you can reuse this SMB name later for another SMB server Boolean
Domain Username Enter the Active Directory domain username gen_​text_​input Y
Domain Password Enter the Active Directory domain password password Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​CIFS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity SMB Server Identity EMCUnity​SMBServer​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity

EMC Unity - Modify DNS Server

Modify a DNS Server for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task modifies a DNS Server for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity storage array. Input Format:
  • DNS Server: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@nasServerName@nasServerID@domainName@dnsID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4@DNS_test@dns_140
  • Domain: Valid domain name-Fully qualified domain name of DNS Server
  • Ip Address: Valid IPv4 or IPv6 Address-Prioritized list of one to three IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses of DNS server(s) for the domain
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity DNS Server Enter an EMC Unity DNS server to be modified EMCUnity​Dns​Server​Identity Y
Domain Enter the fully qualified domain name of the DNS server gen_​text_​input
IP Addresses Enter one to three IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses of DNS servers in order of priority, separated by commas.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​DNS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity DNS Server Identity EMCUnity​Dns​Server​Identity

EMC Unity - Modify File Interface

Modify an EMC Unity file interface for an NAS server on an EMC Unity array.
This task modifies a file interface for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array. You can change the IP port that was selected while creating the file interface. You can also change the IP address, gateway, subnet mask/prefix length, or VLAN ID. Input Format:
  • File Interface: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolid@nasServerName@nasServerID@iportName@ipPortId@ipAddress@fileInterfaceID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4@SP A I/O Module 0 Ethernet Port 0@spa_iom_0_eth0@
  • IP Port: podName@accountName@spName@id@iportName@ipPortId. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@SP A I/O Module 0 Ethernet Port 0@spa_iom_0_eth0
  • IP Address: A valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
  • Subnet Mask or Prefix Length: A valid IPv4 Address for IPv4 addresses or a valid prefix length for IPv6 addresses.
  • Gateway: A valid IPv4 address.
  • VLAN ID: Change this value only if you have configured your switch port to support VLAN tagging of multiple VLAN IDs. The network does not work properly if this value is set incorrectly.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
File Interface Choose an EMC Unity file interface to be modified EMCUnity​File​Interface​Identity Y
Ip Port Choose an EMC Unity IP port EMCUnity​Ip​Port​Identity Y
Ip Address Enter the IP address of the network interface in IPv4 or IPv6 format gen_​text_​input Y
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask if IPv4, or prefix length in the range 1 to 128 if IPv6, for the network address gen_​text_​input
Gateway Enter a gateway address for the network interface gen_​text_​input
VLAN ID Enter a VLAN identifier for the interface gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​FILE_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY EMC Unity File Interface Identity.​ EMCUnity​File​Interface​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity

EMC Unity - Modify NAS Server

Modify an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task modifies an NAS Server on an EMC Unity storage array. This task can be used to modify NAS server name and storage processor values. At least one of the parameters must be modified to successfully execute the task. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity NAS Server: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@nasServerName@nasServerID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4
  • Server Name: Valid Storage Pool Name - The following special characters are not allowed: " % & ' * + . / \ : ; < = > ? ^ @ | ,
  • Storage Processor: podName@accountName@spName@id. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity NAS Server Choose an EMC Unity NAS server to be modified EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity Y
Server Name Enter a name for the NAS server.​ The following 19 special characters are not allowed: ", %, &, ', *, +, .​, /, \, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, ^, @, | and ," gen_​text_​input
Storage Processor Choose an EMC Unity storage processor on which to run the NAS server EMCUnity​Storage​Processor​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​STORAGE_​POOL_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Storage Pool Identity EMCUnity​Storage​Pool​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity

EMC Unity - Modify NFS Server

Modify an NFS Server for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task modifies an NFS server associated with an NAS Server on an EMC Unity storage array. Only NFS V4 support can be enabled or disabled using this operation. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity Account Name: podName@AccountName. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid
  • EMC Unity NAS Server: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@nasServerName@nasServerID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4
  • NFSv4 Enabled: Check box-Indicates whether NFSv4 is enabled on the NFS server
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity Account Choose an EMC Unity account EMCUnity​Account​Identity Y
NFS Server Choose an EMC Unity NAS server to be modified EMCUnity​Nfs​Server​Identity Y
NFSv4 Enabled Check to enable NFSv4 Linux/Unix shares on the NAS server Boolean
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NFS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nfs​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity

EMC Unity - Modify NIS Server

Modify an NIS Server for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity array.
This task modifies an NIS Server for an NAS Server on an EMC Unity storage array. Input Format:
  • NIS Server: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@nasServerName@nasServerID@domainName@nisID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4@NIS_test@nis_140
  • Domain: Valid domain name-Fully qualified domain name of NIS Server
  • Ip Address: Valid IPv4 or IPv6 Address-Prioritized list of one to three IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses of NIS server\(s\) for the domain
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity NIS Server Choose the EMC Unity NIS server to be modified EMCUnity​Nis​Server​Identity Y
Domain Enter the domain name of the NIS server gen_​text_​input
IP Addresses Enter one to ten IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses of NIS servers in order of priority, separated by commas.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NIS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NIS Server Identity EMCUnity​Nis​Server​Identity

EMC Unity - Modify SMB Server

Modify an SMB Server on an EMC Unity NAS Server.
This task modifies the properties of an SMB Server created over an NAS Server. Input Format:
  • SMB Server: podName@accountName@spName@id@storagePoolName@storagePoolid@nasServerName@nasServerID@smbServerID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@pool_7@Pool0@TestNAS@nas_4@cifs_15
  • Server Type: Two Inputs. For example: Standalone, Active Directory
  • NetBIOS Name: Valid name
  • Description: Valid Description
  • Workgroup: Valid Workgroup(Standalone Server Type)
  • Administrator Password: Valid password-The password must be 8 to 40 characters in length,must contain one Upper case and lower case letter,one numeric and one special character(! , @ # $ % ^ * ? _ ~)(Standalone Server Type)
  • Windows Domain: Valid Domain name where SMB server is registered in Active Directory(Active Directory Server Type)
  • Domain Administrator Name: Valid Active Directory domain user name(Active Directory Server Type)
  • Domain Administrator Password: Valid Active Directory domain password(Active Directory Server Type)
  • Organizational Unit: Valid LDAP organizational unit of SMB server in Active Directory(Active Directory Server Type)
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
SMB Server Choose an EMC Unity SMB server to be modified EMCUnity​SMBServer​Identity Y
SMB Server Type Choose a SMB server type EMCUnity​SMBServer​Type
Net​BIOS Name Enter the name of the SMB server in Windows network gen_​text_​input
Description Enter a description for the SMB server gen_​text_​input
Workgroup Enter a standalone SMB server workgroup gen_​text_​input
Administrator Password Enter a standalone SMB server administrator password.​ The password must be 8 to 40 characters long and contain at least one upper and one lower case letter, one numeral, and one special character (! , @ # $ % ^ * ? _​ ~).​ password
Windows Domain Enter a domain name where the SMB server is registered in Active Directory gen_​text_​input
Domain Administrator Name Enter the Active Directory domain user name gen_​text_​input
Domain Administrator Password Enter the Active Directory domain password password
Organizational Unit Enter the LDAP organizational unit of the SMB server in Active Directory gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NAS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NAS Server Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nas​Server​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​CIFS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY EMC Unity SMB Server Identity EMCUnity​SMBServer​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity