IBM Storwize RemoteCopy Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Create IBM Storwize Remote Copy Relationship

Create IBM Storwize Remote Copy Relationship
This task creates a new Global or Metro Mirror relationship. A Metro Mirror relationship defines the relationship between two volumes: a master volume and an auxiliary volume. This relationship persists until it is deleted. The auxiliary volume must be identical in size to the master volume or the command fails, and if both volumes are in the same system, they must both be in the same I/O group. The master and auxiliary cannot be in an existing relationship. Any defined FlashCopy(R) mappings that have the proposed master volume as the target of the FlashCopy mapping must be using the same I/O group as the master volume. Any defined FlashCopy mappings that have the proposed auxiliary volume as the target of the FlashCopy mapping must be using the same I/O group as the auxiliary volume. You cannot create a remote copy relationship with this command if the auxiliary volume is an active FlashCopy mapping target.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Choose an IBM Storwize account account​Name Y
Copy Type Choose a copy type ibm​Storwize​Rc​Type​List
Name Enter a name gen_​text_​input Y
Master Volume Choose a master volume ibm​Storwize​Rc​Master​Vol​List
Auxiliary Volume Choose an auxiliary volume ibm​Storwize​Rc​Auxiliary​Vol​List
Sync Status Choose a sync status ibm​Storwize​Rc​Sync​Status​List
Copy Status Choose a copy status ibm​Storwize​Rc​Start​Status​List
Output Description Type
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​REMOTE_​COPY_​IDENTITY Output of Remote​Copy identity ibm​Storwize​Remote​Copy​Identity
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​REMOTECOPY_​NAME Output of Remote Copy Relationship name gen_​text_​input

Delete IBM Storwize Remote Copy

Delete IBM Storwize Remote Copy
This task deletes the relationship that is specified. Deleting a relationship only deletes the logical relationship between the two volumes; it does not affect the volumes themselves.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Remote Copy Choose a remote copy to delete ibm​Storwize​Remote​Copy​Identity Y
Select check box to delete relationship even when data on the target volume is inconsistent, or if target volume has other dependencies.​ Warning message
Force Delete Check this option to perform recursive deletion IBMStorwize​Boolean​List
Output Description Type
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​REMOTE_​COPY_​IDENTITY Output of Remote​Copy identity ibm​Storwize​Remote​Copy​Identity
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​REMOTECOPY_​NAME Output of Remote Copy Relationship name gen_​text_​input

Rename IBM Storwize Remote Copy Relationship

Rename a remote copy relationship created on an IBM device.
This task renames an existing remote copy relationship of an IBM device. The remote copy relationship identity and the new name are mandatory inputs. Input Format:
  • Consistency Group: podName;accountName;id;remoteCopyRelationshipName. For example: Default Pod;IBM_AccountName;4;Gmirror
  • Relationship Name: New Valid Relationship Name - The following special characters are not allowed: " % & ' * + . / \ : ; < = > ? ^ @ | ,
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Remote Copy Relationship Choose a remote copy relationship to rename ibm​Storwize​Remote​Copy​Identity Y
Relationship Name Enter a new name for the relationship gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​REMOTE_​COPY_​IDENTITY Output of Remote​Copy identity ibm​Storwize​Remote​Copy​Identity
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​REMOTECOPY_​NAME Output of Remote Copy Relationship name gen_​text_​input

Start IBM Storwize Remote Copy Relationship

Start IBM Storwize Remote Copy Relationship
This task starts a stand-alone relationship. The command fails if it is used to start a relationship that is part of a consistency group. This task can only be issued to a relationship that is connected. For a relationship that is idling, this task assigns a copy direction (primary and secondary roles) and begins the copy process. Otherwise, this task restarts a previous copy process that was stopped either by a stop command or by some I/O error. If the FlashCopy mapping is active, the remote copy cannot be started.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Remote Copy Relationship Choose a remote copy relationship to start ibm​Storwize​Remote​Copy​Identity Y
Output Description Type
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​REMOTE_​COPY_​IDENTITY Output of Remote​Copy identity ibm​Storwize​Remote​Copy​Identity
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​REMOTECOPY_​NAME Output of Remote Copy Relationship name gen_​text_​input

Stop IBM Storwize Remote Copy Relationship

Stop IBM Storwize Remote Copy Relationship
This task stop a relationship that is copying from primary to secondary volumes. The task fails if it is addressed to a relationship that is part of a consistency group
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Remote Copy Relationship Choose a remote copy relationship to stop ibm​Storwize​Remote​Copy​Identity Y
Allow secondary read/write access Check this option to allow secondary read-write access IBMStorwize​Boolean​List
Output Description Type
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​REMOTE_​COPY_​IDENTITY Output of Remote​Copy identity ibm​Storwize​Remote​Copy​Identity
IBM_​STORWIZE_​OUTPUT_​REMOTECOPY_​NAME Output of Remote Copy Relationship name gen_​text_​input