Virtual SAN Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Add Disks to Disk Group for VMware Virtual SAN

Adds disks to a disk group.
This task adds disks to a disk group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VSAN Cluster Choose a VSAN cluster vsan​Cluster Y
Hosts Choose a host vmare​Host Y
Disk Group Name Choose a disk group name disk​Group​Name Y
Select Disks Choose one or more disks add​Disksto​Disk​Group Y
No Outputs

Claim Disk for VMware Virtual SAN

Claims disks.
This task organizes disks into default disk groups under different hosts.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VSAN Cluster Choose a VSAN cluster vsan​Cluster Y
Select Disk Choose one or more disks Virtual SAN Disk Identity Y
Output Description Type
Claim Disks For Virtual​SAN Virtual SAN Claim Disk Identity Virtual SAN Claim Disk Identity

Cleanup Virtual SAN Cluster

Clean up a Virtual SAN cluster.
This task helps to clean up the Virtual SAN cluster information on an ESXi Host. This task is executed during the rollback of the Create or Expand Virtual SAN Cluster tasks.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Host Node Enter a host IP address gen_​text_​input Y
Host User ID Enter a host user ID gen_​text_​input Y
Host Password Enter the host password password Y
No Outputs

Convert UCS Disk State JBOD to UGood

Convert an ESXi host disk state from JBOD to UGood.
This task converts the physical disk drive state of an ESXi host from just a bunch of disks (JBOD) to UGood so that RAID0 configuration can be done on the ESXi host. The host must have storcli installed to run the commands.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
IP Address Host IP Address gen_​text_​input Y
User ID Host User ID gen_​text_​input Y
Password Host Password password Y
No Outputs

Convert UCS Disk State UGood to JBOD

Convert an ESXi host Disk State from UGood to JBOD.
This task converts the physical disk drive state of an ESXi host from UGood to just a bunch of disks (JBOD). The host must have storcli installed to run the commands.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
IP Address Host IP Address gen_​text_​input Y
User ID Host User ID gen_​text_​input Y
Password Host Password password Y
No Outputs

Create Disk Group for VMware Virtual SAN

Creates a disk group.
This task creates a disk group under a host.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VSAN Cluster Choose a VSAN cluster vsan​Cluster Y
Host Choose a host vmare​Host Y
Select Disk Choose one or more disks Virtual SAN Disk Identity Y
No Outputs

Create Virtual Drives for ESXi LSI Storage Controller

Create virtual drives on a C240M3.
This task creates virtual drives On a C240M3. It deletes existing virtual drives and creates new virtual drives with RAID0 configuration.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
IP Address Host IP Address gen_​text_​input Y
User ID Host User ID gen_​text_​input Y
Password Host Password password Y
No Outputs

Decommission VMware Multi Host Node

Decommission a multi-host node.
This task decommissions multiple virtual SAN host nodes. Optionally, the task also disassociates and deletes the service profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Pod Choose a pod Virtual SAN Pod Y
Cluster Choose a cluster vsan​Cluster Y
Host Node Choose one or more host nodes to decommission vsan​Multi​Host​Node​Identity Y
Host Password Enter the host password password Y
Disassociate Service Profile Check to disassociate the service profile Boolean
Delete Service Profile Check to delete the service profile Boolean
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​SR_​ID_​LIST SR IDs gen_​text_​input

Delete Disk Group for VMware Virtual SAN

Deletes a disk group.
This task deletes a disk group under a host.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VSAN Cluster Choose a VSAN cluster vsan​Cluster Y
Host Choose a host vmare​Host Y
Disk Group Name Choose a disk group name disk​Group​Name Y
No Outputs

Delete Disk from Disk Group for VMware Virtual SAN

Deletes disks from a disk group.
This task deletes disks from a disk group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VSAN Cluster Choose a VSAN cluster vsan​Cluster Y
Host Node Choose a host node vmare​Host Y
Disk Group Name Choose a disk group name disk​Group​Name Y
Select Disks Choose one or more disks Delete​Disks​From​Disk​Group Y
No Outputs

Delete VMware Virtual SAN Cluster

Delete Virtual SAN Cluster.
This task deletes Virtual SAN Cluster information from UCSD. It is executed during rollback of Create Virtual SAN Cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Choose an account name gen_​text_​input
Datacenter Name Choose a datacenter name gen_​text_​input
Cluster Name Enter a cluster name gen_​text_​input
No Outputs

Enable Megaraid Controller Driver on C240M4

Enable a Megaraid Controller.
This task enables a Megaraid Controller on a C240M4 server.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
IP Address Host IP Address gen_​text_​input Y
User ID Host User ID gen_​text_​input Y
Password Host Password password Y
No Outputs

Install Multi ESXi on SD for UCS Virtual SAN

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Choose the UCS Server Pool or UCS Server from the list select​Server​Poolor​UCSServer
Server Pool Choose Server Pool ucs​Server​Pool​Tag​Identity
UCS Server Choose one or more UCS Server ucs​Multi​Server​Identity
Number of Host Nodes Enter number of host nodes gen_​text_​input
Service Profile Template Select service profile template name from which to create service profiles ucs​Service​Profile​Template​Identity Y
Service Profile Name Enter Service Profile Name gen_​text_​input
LAN Boot Policy Select new Boot Policy to apply ucs​Boot​Policy​Identity Y
Scrub Policy Select new scrub Policy to apply ucs​Scrub​Policy​Identity Y
Management IP Pool Choose Management IP Pool VMWare​IPPool​Policy Y
BMA Server Select the BMA for PXE setup BMA Y
DNS Server Name Enter DNS server name gen_​text_​input
Timezone Choose the time zone from the list Timezone Y
Host Name Enter a host name for the v​SAN cluster gen_​text_​input Y
Host User ID Enter a host user ID for the v​SAN cluster gen_​text_​input Y
Host Password Enter a host password for v​SAN cluster password Y
OS Type Choose the OS type from the list OSType Y
RAID Mode Select Cisco VSAN raid mode with supported RAID RAIDMode​LOV
Workflow Name Enter Workflow Name gen_​text_​input Y
Cluster Name Enter a cluster name for the v​SAN cluster vsan​Cluster
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​SR_​ID_​LIST SR IDs gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HOST_​IP_​ADDRESS_​LIST Host IP Addresses gen_​text_​input

Mark SSD Disks on UCS for ESXi LSI Storage Controller

Mark the SSD on a C240M3.
This task marks the SSD disk on a C240M3 in order to differentiate the SSD disk from other disks.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
IP Address Host IP Address gen_​text_​input Y
User ID Host User ID gen_​text_​input Y
Password Host Password password Y
No Outputs

Move VMWare Host to Maintenance Mode

Moves the host to maintenance mode.
This task moves a Virtual SAN host to maintenance mode.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name vmware​Account​Name Y
Cluster cluster​List Y
Host Node vmare​Host Y
Maintenance Mode Vsan​Cluster​Maintance​Mode​Type Y
Remove from v​Center Boolean
No Outputs

Persist VMware Virtual SAN Cluster

Persist Virtual SAN cluster information.
This task persists the Virtual SAN cluster information in UCS Director. The task is executed while creating a Virtual SAN cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Pod Name Choose a pod name Virtual SAN Pod
Cluster Name Enter a cluster name gen_​text_​input
Account Name Choose an account name gen_​text_​input
Host Nodes Enter one or more host nodes.​ Separate the host nodes with commas.​ gen_​text_​input
Host User ID Enter a host user ID gen_​text_​input
Host Password Enter the host password password
Datacenter Name Choose a datacenter name gen_​text_​input
Claim Disk Mode Choose a claim disk mode gen_​text_​input
Managemant IP Pool Policy Choose a management IP pool policy gen_​text_​input
VM Net IP Policy Choose a VM net IP policy gen_​text_​input
Virtual​SAN IP Policy Choose a virtual SAN IP policy gen_​text_​input
VMotion IP Policy Choose a VMotion IP policy gen_​text_​input
MTU Size Choose an MTU size gen_​text_​input
RAID Mode Choose a supported Cisco VSAN RAID mode RAIDMode​LOV
No Outputs

Toggle VMWare Virtual SAN

Enables a VSAN cluster.
This task enables a VSAN Cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Choose a account name with which to enable the VSAN cluster gen_​text_​input Y
Datacenter Name Choose a datacenter name in which to create the cluster datacenter​Name Y
Claim Disks Choose a mode with which to claim disk VMWare​Claim​Disk​Mode​List Y
Turn on Virtual SAN Check to turn on virtual SAN
Cluster Choose a cluster on which to enable VSAN gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs