HyperFlex Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Configure VMware Host Power Action

Powers On/Off a VMware host.
This task performs power actions such as Host Power up from Standby, Down to Standby, Enter Maintenance Mode, and Exit Maintenance Mode.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Host Select the Host for which action need to be performed vm​Host Y
Host Power Action Select action gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​IDENTITY VMware Host Node Identity vmware​Host​Node​Identity

Create HyperFlex Datastore

Create a HyperFlex datastore.
This task creates a datastore. You must provide the size in TB, GB, or MB.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Hyper​Flex Account Name Select a Hyper​Flex account name Hyper​Flex​Account​Identity Y
Datastore Name Enter the Datastore Name gen_​text_​input Y
Storage Capacity Available (GB) Storage Capacity Available in GB
Size Enter the Datastore Size gen_​text_​input Y
Size Metric (MB/GB/TB) Select the size metric for the datastore size (MB, GB, or TB) Hyper​Flex​Unit​Size Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Hyper​Flex Account Identity Hyper​Flex​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​POD_​NAME Name of the Pod gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​NAME Name of the Datastore gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Hyper​Flex Account Identity Hyper​Flex​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Datastore name identity vmware​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Datastore Account Identity vmware​Datastore​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​MOUNT_​STATUS Mount Status Boolean
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​NAME Name of the VMware Datastore gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​MOR Name of the VMware Datastore MOR gen_​text_​input

Create HyperFlex ReadyClones of a VM

Create clones of a VM.
This task creates clones of a VM. Use this task to clone many VMs quickly. Internally, the Hyperflex ReadyClones feature uses VMware vSphere Storage API Array Integration (VAAI) data offloads to clone VMâs.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
HX Account Name Select a Hyper​Flex account name Hyper​Flex​Account​Name Y
VM Template Name Select a VM template name Hyper​Flex​VMTemplate​Name Y
Number of Clones Enter the Number of Clones to be created gen_​text_​input Y
Customization Spec Name Select a customization spec name to be applied on the Ready​Clone VMs Hyper​Flex​Customization​Spec
Resource Pool Name Select the resource pool name vmware​Resource​Pool​Identity
VM Name Prefix Enter the VM name prefix for the new clones gen_​text_​input Y
Guest Name Prefix Enter the guest name prefix for the new clones gen_​text_​input Y
Start clone number Enter the starting clone number for the Ready​Clone gen_​text_​input Y
Increment clone number Enter an integer by which to increment the clone number gen_​text_​input Y
Power ON after deploy Select to power on Ready​Clone VMs after cloning Boolean
Protect VM Enable to protect the Ready​Clone VMs Boolean
Protection Type Select the protection type Hyper​Flex​Protection​Type​List
Protection Group Select the protection group Hyper​Flex​Protection​Group​Identity
Interval Select the replication interval for the protection group Hyper​Flex​Protection​Interval​List
Protect now or later Enable protection now or later Hyper​Flex​Protection​Schedule​List
Protection Time Enter the start protection time date_​time
Use VMware Tools to quiesce the virtual machine Enable to Use VMware Tools to quiesce the virtual machine Boolean
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​RAPIDCLONE_​OUTPUT Hyper​Flex Rapid Clone VMs Ids gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​RAPIDCLONE_​VMIDENTITIES_​OUTPUT Hyper​Flex Rapid Clone VMs Identities gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​RAPIDCLONE_​VMNAME_​OUTPUT Hyper​Flex Rapid Clone VMs Names gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY VMWare Account Identity Hyper​Flex​VMWare​Account​Identity

Create Protection Group

Create Protection Group on the HyperFlex Cluster.
This task will create protection group on the HyperFlex Cluster, we can protect multiple VMs by adding them to protection group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Replication Pair Select the Replication Pair to be protected Hyper​Flex​Replication​Pair​Identity Y
Name Enter the name of the Protection Group gen_​text_​input Y
Interval Select the replication interval for the protection group Hyper​Flex​Protection​Interval​List Y
Protect now or later Enable protection now or later Hyper​Flex​Protection​Schedule​List Y
Protection Time Enter the start protection time date_​time
Use VMware Tools to quiesce the virtual machine Enable to use VMware Tools to quiesce the virtual machine Boolean
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​PROTECTION_​GROUP_​NAME Name of the Protection Group gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​PROTECTION_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Identity of the Protection Group Hyper​Flex​Protection​Group​Identity

Delete HyperFlex Datastore

Delete a HyperFlex datastore.
This task deletes a datastore. The datastore must first be unmounted.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Hyper​Flex Account Name Select a Hyper​Flex account name Hyper​Flex​Account​Identity Y
Hyper​Flex Datastore Select the Hyper​Flex datastore to be deleted Hyper​Flex​Datastore​Identity Y
Are you sure you want to delete the selected datastore? Datastore delete warning message Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Hyper​Flex Account Identity Hyper​Flex​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Hyper​Flex Account Identity Hyper​Flex​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Datastore name identity vmware​Datastore​Identity

Delete PortGroup

Deletes a port group.
This task deletes a port group that is part of a vSwitch. Once a port group is deleted, all the VMs associated with the port group are associated with the default port group in the default vSwitch of that host.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Port​Group Name Select the Port​Group to be deleted.​ port​Group​Identity Y
No Outputs

Delete Protection Group

Delete Protection Group on the HyperFlex Cluster.
This task will delete protection group on the HyperFlex Cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Protection Group Select Protection Group to delete Hyper​Flex​Protection​Group​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​PROTECTION_​GROUP_​NAME Name of the Protection Group gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​PROTECTION_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Identity of the Protection Group Hyper​Flex​Protection​Group​Identity

Edit HyperFlex Datastore

Change the size of a HyperFlex datastore.
This task modifies the amount of storage allocated to a datastore.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Hyper​Flex Account Name Select a Hyper​Flex account name Hyper​Flex​Account​Identity Y
Hyper​Flex Datastore Select the Hyper​Flex datastore to be resized Hyper​Flex​Datastore​Identity Y
Storage Capacity Available (GB) Storage Capacity Available in GB
Size Enter the new Datastore Size gen_​text_​input Y
Size Metric (MB/GB/TB) Select the size metric for the datastore Resize (MB, GB, or TB) Hyper​Flex​Unit​Size Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Hyper​Flex Account Identity Hyper​Flex​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​POD_​NAME Name of the Pod gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​NAME Name of the Datastore gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Hyper​Flex Account Identity Hyper​Flex​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Datastore name identity vmware​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Datastore Account Identity vmware​Datastore​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​MOUNT_​STATUS Mount Status Boolean
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​NAME Name of the VMware Datastore gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​MOR Name of the VMware Datastore MOR gen_​text_​input

HX ESXi Host Maintenance Mode

Puts an ESX server in a storage cluster into HX maintenance mode.
This task puts an ESX server in a storage cluster into HX maintenance mode. This task can perform both entry to and exit from the maintenance mode.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Hyper​Flex Account Identity Select Account Identity gen_​text_​input Y
Account Name vmware​Account​Name
Cluster cluster​List
Host Node vmare​Host
Host Node Id gen_​text_​input
ESXi Action gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​IDENTITY VMware Host Node Identity vmware​Host​Node​Identity

Modify Replication Schedule

Modify Replication Schedule on the HyperFlex Cluster.
This task will modify Protection Group or VM Schedule options like interval, protection time , quiesce type on the HyperFlex Cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Protection Type Protection Type Hyper​Flex​Protection​Type​List Y
Protection Group Select Protection Group Hyper​Flex​Protection​Group​Identity Y
Select VM Select the VM to be protected Hyper​Flex​Protected​VMList​Popup Y
Interval Select the replication interval for the protection group Hyper​Flex​Protection​Interval​List Y
Protect now or later Enable protection now or later Hyper​Flex​Protection​Schedule​List Y
Protection Time Enter the start protection time date_​time
Use VMware Tools to quiesce the virtual machine Enable to use VMware Tools to quiesce the virtual machine Boolean
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​PROTECTION_​GROUP_​NAME Name of the Protection Group gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​PROTECTION_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Identity of the Protection Group Hyper​Flex​Protection​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​PROTECTION_​TYPE Protection Type Hyper​Flex​Protection​Type​List

Mount HyperFlex Datastore

Mount a HyperFlex datastore.
This task mounts a datastore. You select the datastore from a list of available datastores.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Hyper​Flex Account Name Select a Hyper​Flex account name Hyper​Flex​Account​Identity Y
Hyper​Flex Datastore Select the Hyper​Flex datastore to be mounted Hyper​Flex​Datastore​Identity Y
Do you want to Mount the selected datastore? Mount datastore warning message Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Hyper​Flex Account Identity Hyper​Flex​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​POD_​NAME Name of the Pod gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​NAME Name of the Datastore gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Hyper​Flex Account Identity Hyper​Flex​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Datastore name identity vmware​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Datastore Account Identity vmware​Datastore​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​MOUNT_​STATUS Mount Status Boolean
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​NAME Name of the VMware Datastore gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​MOR Name of the VMware Datastore MOR gen_​text_​input

Protect VM

Protect VM on the HyperFlex Cluster.
This task will protect VM independently or with protection group on the HyperFlex Cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Replication Pair Select Replication Pair Hyper​Flex​Replication​Pair​Identity Y
Protection Type Select the Protection Type Hyper​Flex​Protection​Type​List Y
Protection Group Protect VM using either thru Protection Group or Independently Hyper​Flex​Protection​Group​Identity Y
Select VM Select the VM to be protected Hyper​Flex​Unprotected​VMList​Popup Y
Interval Select the replication interval for the protection group Hyper​Flex​Protection​Interval​List Y
Protect now or later Enable protection now or later Hyper​Flex​Protection​Schedule​List Y
Protection Time Input the start protection time date_​time
Use VMware Tools to quiesce the virtual machine Use VMware Tools to quiesce the virtual machine Boolean
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​REPLICATION_​PAIR_​NAME Name of the Replication Pair gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​REPLICATION_​PAIR_​IDENTITY Identity of the Replication Pair Hyper​Flex​Replication​Pair​Identity
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​PROTECTION_​GROUP_​NAME Name of the Protection Group gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​PROTECTION_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Identity of the Protection Group Hyper​Flex​Protection​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​PROTECTION_​TYPE Protection Type Hyper​Flex​Protection​Type​List
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​VM_​PROTECTION_​INTERVAL Protection Interval Hyper​Flex​Protection​Interval​List

Rename HyperFlex Datastore

Rename a Hyperflex datastore.
This task checks that the new datastore name is not the same as the original and renames the datastore. The datastore must be in an unmounted state.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Hyper​Flex Account Name Select a Hyper​Flex account name Hyper​Flex​Account​Identity Y
Select Datastore Select the Hyper​Flex datastore to be renamed Hyper​Flex​Datastore​Identity Y
New Datastore Name Input the new datastore name gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Hyper​Flex Account Identity Hyper​Flex​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​POD_​NAME Name of the Pod gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​NAME Name of the Datastore gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Hyper​Flex Account Identity Hyper​Flex​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Datastore name identity vmware​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Datastore Account Identity vmware​Datastore​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​MOUNT_​STATUS Mount Status Boolean
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​NAME Name of the VMware Datastore gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​MOR Name of the VMware Datastore MOR gen_​text_​input

Unassociate UCS VLAN from vNICs

Dissociate UCS vNICs from a VLAN.
This task verifies that vNICs are associated with a UCS service profile, service profile template, vNIC template or LAN connectivity policy and dissociates the vNICs from VLAN accordingly.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VLAN Select VLAN to be deleted ucs​Vlan​Identity Y
Host List gen_​text_​input Y
v​Switch Name Select the v​Switch on which Network connection needs to be deleted.​ vmware​VSwitch​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​UCSM_​VLAN Name of the UCSM VLAN on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input

Unmount HyperFlex Datastore

Unmounts a HyperFlex datastore.
This task unmounts a datastore. You select the datastore from a list of available datastores.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Hyper​Flex Account Name Select Account name Hyper​Flex​Account​Identity Y
Hyper​Flex Datastore Select Hyper​Flex Datastore Hyper​Flex​Datastore​Identity Y
Unmount the selected datastore? Unmount datastore warning message Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Hyper​Flex Account Identity Hyper​Flex​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Datastore name identity vmware​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Datastore Account Identity vmware​Datastore​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​POD_​NAME Name of the Pod gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​NAME Name of the Datastore gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Hyper​Flex Account Identity Hyper​Flex​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​MOUNT_​STATUS Mount Status Boolean

Unprotect VM

Unprotect VM on the HyperFlex Cluster.
This task will Unprotect VM independently or from protection group on the HyperFlex Cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM to disable the Protection Hyper​Flex​Protected​VMList​Popup Y
Output Description Type

Update UCS vNICs

Associate UCS vNICs with a VLAN.
This task checks that vNICs are associated with a UCS Service Profile, Service Profile Template, vNIC Template, or LAN Connectivity policy and updates the vNICs accordingly.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VLAN Name Enter the VLAN Name gen_​text_​input
VLAN Id Enter the VLAN Id gen_​text_​input
UCS Account Name Select a UCS account under which to create the VLAN ucs​Account​Name Y
v​Switch Name Select the v​Switch on which to create the network connection vmware​VSwitch​Identity Y
Host List Enter the Host List gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Validate create Dv port group inputs

Validate inputs to create a Dv port group.
This task validates its inputs. It returns the following exceptions:
  • DV Switch Identity is null.
  • Invalid VMware DV Switch Identity format.
  • VLAN ID should be a numeric value between [1-3967] and [4048-4093].
  • No VMware account found.
  • No UCS account found in pod.
  • No hosts found in a cluster.
  • DV Switch is not configured on all the ESXi hosts in the HX Cluster.
  • DV Switch is not configured on any ESXi hosts in the HX Cluster.
  • DV Port Group already exists.
  • No switch configuration found on the hosts in the clusters.
  • check for the existing UCS VLAN with the same name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Dv​Switch Name Select the Dv​Switch VMware​DVSwitch​Identity Y
Dv Port Group Name Enter the DV port group name to be created gen_​text_​input Y
Number of Ports Enter number of ports to be created gen_​text_​input Y
Port binding Select the Port binding type for the ports VMware​DVPort​Group​Port​Binding Y
VLAN ID Enter the VLAN ID for the network connection vlan​ID
Create VLAN on UCS Check this option to create the VLAN on UCS Boolean
VLAN Name Enter the VLAN Name gen_​text_​input Y
Fabric ID Enter the Fabric ID ucs​Vlan​Type​Provider
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Hyper​Flex Account Identity Hyper​Flex​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​NAME Name of the Port Group on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​VLAN VLAN of the Port Group on which the selected operation was performed vlan​ID
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Identity of the Port Group port​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​VM_​PORT_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Identity of the VMware Generic port Group vmware​Vm​Port​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​CREATE_​VLAN_​ON_​UCSM Create Vlan on UCSM Boolean
OUTPUT_​UCSM_​VLAN Name of the UCSM VLAN on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​FABRIC_​ID Name of the Fabric ID on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​HOST_​LIST Names of the hosts on which create vm port group operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​UCSM_​ACCOUNT Names of the UCSM account on which create vlan operation was performed ucs​Account​Name
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​VSWITCH_​IDENTITY v​Switch Name vmware​VSwitch​Identity
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​CONNECTION_​TYPE Connection Types gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​POD_​NAME Name of the Pod gen_​text_​input

Validate create VMKernel port group inputs

Validate the inputs to create a VMKernel port group.
This task validates its inputs. It returns the following exceptions:
  • vSwitch Identity is null.
  • Invalid VMware vSwitch Identity format.
  • VLAN ID should be a numeric value between [1-3967] and [4048-4093].
  • No VMware account found.
  • No VMware account found.
  • No UCS account found in pod.
  • No hosts found in a cluster.
  • vSwitch has no uplinks on the host.
  • No switch configuration found on the hosts in the clusters.
  • check for the existing UCS VLAN with the same name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​Switch Name Select the v​Switch on which to add the network connection vmware​VSwitch​Identity Y
Connection Types Select the connection type to be added to the v​Switch gen_​text_​input Y
Network Label Enter the name of the connection type to create gen_​text_​input Y
Enable v​Motion Check this option to enable v​Motion Boolean
Enable Fault Tolerance Check this option to enable fault tolerance Boolean
Enable Management Check this option to enable Management Boolean
Enable v​Sphere Provisioning Check this option to enable v​Sphere Provisioning Boolean
Enable vsan Check this option to enable vsan Boolean
Enable v​Sphere​Replication​NFC Check this option to enable v​Sphere​Replication​NFC Boolean
Enable v​Sphere​Replication Check this option to enable v​Sphere​Replication Boolean
VLAN ID Enter the v​Lan Id for the network connection vlan​ID
Create VLAN on UCS Check this option to create the VLAN on UCS Boolean
VLAN Name Enter the VLAN Name gen_​text_​input Y
Fabric ID Enter the Fabric ID ucs​Vlan​Type​Provider
Network Type Select the network type gen_​text_​input Y
Enable DHCP Check this option to enable DHCP Boolean
Static IP Pool Provide IP address range or comma separated IP addresses or both Static​Pool​IP
Subnet Mask Enter the Subnet Mask subnet​Mask
Gateway IP Address Enter the IP address of the default gateway for this network gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Hyper​Flex Account Identity Hyper​Flex​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​NAME Name of the Port Group on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​VLAN VLAN of the Port Group on which the selected operation was performed vlan​ID
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Identity of the Port Group port​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​VM_​PORT_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Identity of the VMware Generic port Group vmware​Vm​Port​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​CREATE_​VLAN_​ON_​UCSM Create Vlan on UCSM Boolean
OUTPUT_​UCSM_​VLAN Name of the UCSM VLAN on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​FABRIC_​ID Name of the Fabric ID on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​HOST_​LIST Names of the hosts on which create vm port group operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​UCSM_​ACCOUNT Names of the UCSM account on which create vlan operation was performed ucs​Account​Name
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​VSWITCH_​IDENTITY v​Switch Name vmware​VSwitch​Identity
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​CONNECTION_​TYPE Connection Types gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​POD_​NAME Name of the Pod gen_​text_​input

Validate create port group inputs

Validate the inputs to create a port group.
This task validates its inputs. It returns the following exceptions:
  • vSwitch Identity is null.
  • Invalid VMware vSwitch Identity format.
  • VLAN ID should be a numeric value between [1-3967] and [4048-4093].
  • No VMware account found.
  • No VMware account found.
  • No UCS account found in pod.
  • No hosts found in a cluster.
  • Port Group already exists on hosts.
  • vSwitch has no uplinks on the host.
  • No switch configuration found on the hosts in the clusters.
  • check for the existing UCS VLAN with the same name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select v​Switch Select the v​Switch on which to add a network connection vmware​VSwitch​Identity Y
VM Port Group Name of the VM port group to be created gen_​text_​input Y
VLAN ID The v​Lan Id for the network connection vlan​ID
Create VLAN on UCS Check this option to create the VLAN on UCS Boolean
VLAN Name Enter the VLAN Name gen_​text_​input Y
Fabric ID Enter the Fabric ID ucs​Vlan​Type​Provider
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​NAME Name of the Port Group on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​VLAN VLAN of the Port Group on which the selected operation was performed vlan​ID
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Identity of the Port Group port​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​VM_​PORT_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Identity of the VMware Generic port Group vmware​Vm​Port​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​CREATE_​VLAN_​ON_​UCSM Create Vlan on UCSM Boolean
OUTPUT_​UCSM_​VLAN Name of the UCSM VLAN on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​FABRIC_​ID Name of the Fabric ID on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​HOST_​LIST Names of the hosts on which create vm port group operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​UCSM_​ACCOUNT Names of the UCSM account on which create vlan operation was performed ucs​Account​Name
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​VSWITCH_​IDENTITY v​Switch Name vmware​VSwitch​Identity
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​CONNECTION_​TYPE Connection Types gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​POD_​NAME Name of the Pod gen_​text_​input

Validate modify Dv port group inputs

Validate inputs to modify a Dv port group.
This task validates its inputs. It returns the following exceptions:
  • Port Group Identity is empty.
  • Port Group is null or account, DV Switch or host are empty.
  • Invalid VMware DV Switch Identity format.
  • VLAN ID should be a numeric value between [1-3967] and [4048-4093].
  • No VMware account found.
  • No UCS account found in pod.
  • No hosts found in a cluster.
  • DV Switch is not configured on all the ESXi hosts in the HX Cluster.
  • DV Switch is not configured on any ESXi hosts in the HX Cluster.
  • DV Port Group already exists.
  • No switch configuration found on the hosts in the clusters.
  • check for the existing UCS VLAN with the same name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Port​Group Name Select the Port​Group to be Modify VMware​DVPortgroup​Identity Y
Net​Work Label Enter a Network Label gen_​text_​input
Number of Ports Enter number of ports to be created gen_​text_​input Y
Port binding Select the binding type for the ports.​ VMware​DVPort​Group​Port​Binding Y
VLAN ID Enter the VLAN ID for the network connection vlan​ID
Create VLAN on UCS Check this option to create the VLAN on UCS Boolean
VLAN Name Enter the VLAN Name gen_​text_​input Y
Fabric ID Enter the Fabric ID ucs​Vlan​Type​Provider
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​NAME Name of the Port Group on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​NETWORK_​LABEL Name of the modified Port Group name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​VLAN VLAN of the Port Group on which the selected operation was performed vlan​ID
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Identity of the Port Group port​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​VM_​PORT_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Identity of the VMware Generic port Group vmware​Vm​Port​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​CREATE_​VLAN_​ON_​UCSM Create Vlan on UCSM Boolean
OUTPUT_​UCSM_​VLAN Name of the UCSM VLAN on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​FABRIC_​ID Name of the Fabric ID on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​HOST_​LIST Names of the hosts on which create vm port group operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​UCSM_​ACCOUNT Names of the UCSM account on which create vlan operation was performed ucs​Account​Name
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​VSWITCH_​IDENTITY v​Switch Name vmware​VSwitch​Identity
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​CONNECTION_​TYPE Connection Types gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​POD_​NAME Name of the Pod gen_​text_​input

Validate modify port group inputs

Validate the inputs to modify a port group.
This task validates its inputs. It returns the following exceptions:
  • Port Group Identity is empty.
  • Port Group is null or account, vSwitch or host are empty.
  • VLAN ID should be a numeric value between [1-3967] and [4048-4093].
  • No VMware account found.
  • No UCS account found in pod.
  • No hosts found in a cluster.
  • vSwitch has no uplinks on the host.
  • No switch configuration found on the hosts in the clusters.
  • check for the existing UCS VLAN with the same name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Port​Group Name Select the port group to be modified port​Group​Identity Y
Net​Work Label Enter a Network Label gen_​text_​input
VLAN ID Enter the VLAN ID for the network connection vlan​ID
Create VLAN on UCS Check this option to create the VLAN on UCS Boolean
VLAN Name Enter the VLAN Name gen_​text_​input Y
Fabric ID Enter the Fabric ID ucs​Vlan​Type​Provider
Connection Types Select the connection type to be added to the v​Switch gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​NAME Name of the Port Group on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​NETWORK_​LABEL Name of the modified Port Group name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​VLAN VLAN of the Port Group on which the selected operation was performed vlan​ID
OUTPUT_​PORT_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Identity of the Port Group port​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​VM_​PORT_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Identity of the VMware Generic port Group vmware​Vm​Port​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​CREATE_​VLAN_​ON_​UCSM Create Vlan on UCSM Boolean
OUTPUT_​UCSM_​VLAN Name of the UCSM VLAN on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​FABRIC_​ID Name of the Fabric ID on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​HOST_​LIST Names of the hosts on which create vm port group operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​UCSM_​ACCOUNT Names of the UCSM account on which create vlan operation was performed ucs​Account​Name
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​VSWITCH_​IDENTITY v​Switch Name vmware​VSwitch​Identity
OUTPUT_​HYPERFLEX_​CONNECTION_​TYPE Connection Types gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​POD_​NAME Name of the Pod gen_​text_​input