APIC - Container Task Operations

This chapter contains the following sections:

APIC Wrapper

Create an APIC wrapper.
This task creates a APIC wrapper.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Enter Tenant Name gen_​text_​input Y
Application Profile Name Enter Application Profile Name gen_​text_​input Y
Resource Lookup Result Map ID Enter Resource Lookup Result Map gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
WEB_​EPG Web EPG Name gen_​text_​input
APP_​EPG App EPG Name gen_​text_​input
DB_​EPG DB EPG Name gen_​text_​input
WEB_​APP_​CTRL_​PRTCL Web​To​App Contract Protocol gen_​text_​input
WEB_​APP_​CTRL_​PORT Web​To​App Contract Port gen_​text_​input
APP_​DB_​CTRL_​PRTCL App​To​DB Contract Protocol gen_​text_​input
APP_​DB_​CTRL_​PORT App​To​DB Contract Port gen_​text_​input

Add APIC Private Network Profile

Adds a private network profile.
This task adds a private network profile with subnets and supernets.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Private Network(s) Enter Private Network input details.​ private​Network​Profile​Input​Type
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​SUBNETS Subnets gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SUPERNETS Supernets gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​PRIVATE_​NETWORK_​NAMES Private Network Names gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​APIC_​PRIVATE_​NETWORK_​PROFILE APIC Private Network Profile gen_​text_​input

Assign APIC Tenant to Group

Assign an APIC tenant to a group.
This task assigns an APIC tenant to a group on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Select an APIC tenant to assign to a group.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Assign To Users Check or Uncheck this option to allow the resource to Assign or Unassign to users.​
User Group ID Select a UCSD group to assign to the Tenant.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Comments Enter comments gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity

Delete APIC Contract Result

Delete a contract result stored in the UCSD database.
This task deletes an APIC contract result from the UCS Director database. It takes a container and contract rule information as input.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Container Select a container instance Service​Container Y
User Rule Name Enter a user rule name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Get APIC Contract Entities

Retrieves information about a contract between networks in UCSD.
This task retrieves information about contracts between networks (for example, source and destination) in UCS Director. It accepts a tenant name and container info as input.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Select a tenant name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Container Select container instance Service​Container Y
Source network Select a source network.​ container​Tiers Y
Destination Network Select a destination network.​ container​Tiers Y
Is bidirectional Check Is Bidirectional either true or false.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean Y
Rule Name Enter a rule name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Create Rule Check Create Rule either true or false.​ The default value is true.​ Boolean Y
Output Description Type
CONTRACT_​NAME Contract Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity
PROVIDER_​EPG_​IDENTITY Provider EPG Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
CONSUMER_​EPG_​IDENTITY Consumer EPG Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
CONTRACT_​SUBJECT Contract Subject gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​SUBJECT_​IDENTITY Contract Subject Identity Apic​Tenant​Contract​Subject​Identity
APPLY_​BOTH_​DIRECTION Apply Both Directions gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​FILTER Tenant's Filter gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​FILTER_​IDENTITY Tenant Filter Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Filter​Identity
TENANT_​FILTER_​RULE Tenant's Filter Rule gen_​text_​input
CREATE_​TENANT_​FILTER_​RULE Create Tenant's Filter Rule Boolean
IS_​L3_​CONTRACT Is L3 contract Boolean
IS_​SHARED_​L3_​CONTRACT Is Shared L3 contract Boolean
INTERNAL_​EPG_​IDENTITY Internal EPG Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
INTERNAL_​EPG_​TYPE Internal EPG Type gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Network Identity Apic​Device​External​Network​In​Outside​Network​Identity
EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​TYPE External Network Type gen_​text_​input

Get APIC Contracts

Get details about an APIC contract between networks in UCSD.
This task gets information about an APIC contract between networks. It accepts a source and destination network and applied rules as a input.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Source Network Select a source network.​ container​Tiers
Destination Network Select a destination network.​ container​Tiers
Security Rule Select a security rule.​ Security​Rule​Identity Y
Output Description Type
TENANT_​FILTER_​RULE_​IDENTITY Tenant's Filter Rule Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Filter​Rule​Identity
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​SUBJECT_​IDENTITY Contract Subject Identity Apic​Tenant​Contract​Subject​Identity
TENANT_​FILTER_​IDENTITY Tenant Filter Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Filter​Identity
IS_​CONTRACT_​EMPTY Is Contract Empty gen_​text_​input
IS_​SUBJECT_​EMPTY Is Subject Empty gen_​text_​input
CONTAINER_​SRC_​TIER_​IDENTITY Source Tier Identity container​Tiers
CONTAINER_​DEST_​TIER_​IDENTITY Destination Tier Identity container​Tiers
SRC_​APIC_​DEVICE_​TENANT_​EPG_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Device Tenant EPG Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Epg​Contract​Identity
DEST_​APIC_​DEVICE_​TENANT_​EPG_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Device Tenant EPG Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Epg​Contract​Identity

Get APIC Security Rules

Retrieve APIC security rules.
This task to fetches the rules for a container contract.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Source Network Select a source network.​ container​Tiers
Destination Network Select a destination network.​ container​Tiers
Output Description Type
TENANT_​EPG_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant EPG Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Epg​Contract​Identity
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity
IS_​SHARED_​L3_​CONTRACT Is Shared L3 contract Boolean
CONTAINER_​CONTRACT_​RULES Contract Rules gen_​text_​input
NO_​OF_​CONTAINER_​CONTRACT_​RULES Number of Contract Rules gen_​text_​input
SRC_​APIC_​DEVICE_​TENANT_​EPG_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Device Tenant EPG Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Epg​Contract​Identity
DEST_​APIC_​DEVICE_​TENANT_​EPG_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Device Tenant EPG Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Epg​Contract​Identity

Invoke APIC Rollback WorkFlow

Rolls back an executed APIC workflow in UCSD.
This task rolls back an APIC workflow in UCS Director.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
No Inputs
No Outputs

Invoke APIC WorkFlow

Execute any APIC task by invoking it in UCSD.
This task provides information about an APIC workflow name and executes the workflow in UCS Director.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Workflow Name Enter a workflow name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Field 1 Enter Field 1 gen_​text_​input
Field 2 Enter Field 2 gen_​text_​input
Field 3 Enter Field 3 gen_​text_​input
Field 4 Enter Field 4 gen_​text_​input
Field 5 Enter Field 5 gen_​text_​input
Field 6 Enter Field 6 gen_​text_​input
Field 7 Enter Field 7 gen_​text_​input
Field 8 Enter Field 8 gen_​text_​input
Field 9 Enter Field 9 gen_​text_​input
Field 10 Enter Field 10 gen_​text_​input
Field 11 Enter Field 11 gen_​text_​input
Field 12 Enter Field 12 gen_​text_​input
Field 13 Enter Field 13 gen_​text_​input
Field 14 Enter Field 14 gen_​text_​input
Field 15 Enter Field 15 gen_​text_​input
Field 16 Enter Field 16 gen_​text_​input
Field 17 Enter Field 17 gen_​text_​input
Field 18 Enter Field 18 gen_​text_​input
Field 19 Enter Field 19 gen_​text_​input
Field 20 Enter Field 20 gen_​text_​input
Field 21 Enter Field 21 gen_​text_​input
Field 22 Enter Field 22 gen_​text_​input
Field 23 Enter Field 23 gen_​text_​input
Field 24 Enter Field 24 gen_​text_​input
Field 25 Enter Field 25 gen_​text_​input
Field 26 Enter Field 26 gen_​text_​input
Field 27 Enter Field 27 gen_​text_​input
Field 28 Enter Field 28 gen_​text_​input
Field 29 Enter Field 29 gen_​text_​input
No Outputs

Persist APIC Container Network Result

Persist an APIC container network result.
This task persists an APIC container network result, for example an application profile, private network, bridge domain, EPG, VM network, or L3 out.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Container Select Tenant Network container instance.​ Service​Container Y
Tier Enter Tenant Network Tier.​ gen_​text_​input
APIC Application Profile Identity Select Tenant Application profile.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Appln​Profile​Identity
APIC Private Network Identity Select Tenant Private Network.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Private​Network​Identity
APIC Bridge Domain Identity Select Tenant Bridge Domain.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity
APIC EPG Identity Select Tenant EPG.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
VCenter DV Port Group Select VCenter DV Port Group.​ VMware​DVPortgroup​Identity
Hyper​V Port Group Select Hyper​V Port Group.​ hyperv​VMNetwork​Identity
Hyper​V IP Pool Enter Hyper​V IP Pool.​ hyperv​Ip​Pool​Identity
Hyper​V EPG VLAN Enter Hyper​V EPG VLAN.​ vlan​ID
L3 Out BD Select L3 Out Bridge Domain.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity
L3 Out EPG Select L3 Out EPG.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
L3 Out Contract Select L3 Out Contract.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity
L3 Out Subject Select L3 Out Subject.​ Apic​Tenant​Contract​Subject​Identity
Output Description Type
TENANT_​PRIVATE_​NETWORK Private Network on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY Bridge Domain Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity
TENANT_​EPG_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant EPG Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
TIER_​NAME Tier Name gen_​text_​input

Persist APIC Contract Result

Persist an APIC contract result in database in UCSD.
This task writes an APIC contract result into the UCS Director database.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Select a tenant name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
Container Select a container instance.​ Service​Container
Contract Name Select a contract name for which subject to be added.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity
Contract Subject Identity Select a contract subject name.​ Apic​Tenant​Contract​Subject​Identity
Filter Identity Select a filter name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Filter​Identity
Filter Rule Name Enter a filter rule name.​ gen_​text_​input
Source Network Select a source network.​ container​Tiers
Destination Network Select a destination network.​ container​Tiers
External​Network Select an external network.​ Apic​Device​External​Network​In​Outside​Network​Identity
Is L3 Check Is L3 either true or false.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
Source Port Start Enter a Source Port start from the range 0 to 65535.​ gen_​text_​input
Source Port End Enter Source Port end from the range 0 to 65535.​ gen_​text_​input
Destination Port Start Enter Destination Port start from the range 0 to 65535.​ gen_​text_​input
Destination Port End Enter Destination Port end from the range 0 to 65535.​ gen_​text_​input
User Rule Name Enter a user rule name.​ gen_​text_​input
User Rule Description Enter a user Rule description.​ The description can be up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
Protocol Enter a protocol.​ Specify any valid protocol.​ For example: ip, tcp, udp, icmp.​ gen_​text_​input
Is bidirectional Check Is Bidirectional either true or false.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
Operation Choose Operation either create or delete.​ The default value is 'create'.​ gen_​text_​input
No Outputs