APIC - Tenant Policies Operations

This chapter contains the following sections:

Add DSCP to Priority Map in APIC Custom QoS Policy

Add DSCP to Priority Map in APIC Custom QoS Policy.
This task ads a DSCP to a priority map in a custom QoS policy on an APIC tenant.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Custom QOS Policy Name Select a Custom QOS Policy Name.​ Apic​Tenant​Custom​Qos​Policy​Identity Y
Priority Choose Priority.​ The priority level of the Qo​S can be unspecified, level1, level2 or level3.​ The default value is 'unspecified'.​ Apic​Custom​Qos​Priority​Identity Y
DSCP Range from Select DSCP Range from value between 0 to 63 and default value is none Apic​Custom​Qos​Policy​Dscp​Range​From​Identity Y
Enter DSCP Range from Enter DSCP Range from value between 0 to 63.​ gen_​text_​input Y
DSCP Range to Select DSCP Range to value between 0 to 63 and default value is none Apic​Custom​Qos​Policy​Dscp​Range​To​Identity Y
Enter DSCP Range to Enter DSCP Range to value between 0 to 63.​ gen_​text_​input Y
DSCP Target Select DSCP Target value between 0 to 64 and default value is 'unspecified' Apic​Custom​Qos​Policy​Dscp​Target​Identity
Enter DSCP Target Enter DSCP Target value between 0 to 64 and default value is 'unspecified' gen_​text_​input
Target Cos Select DSCP Target Cos value between 0 to 8 and default value is 'unspecified' Apic​Custom​Qos​Policy​Dscp​Target​Cos​Identity
Enter Target Cos Enter DSCP Target Cos value between 0 to 8 and default value is 'unspecified' gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​POLICY_​IDENTITY Custom QOS Policy Identity Apic​Tenant​Custom​Qos​Policy​Identity
OUTPUT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​DSCP_​PRIORITY_​RANGE Custom Qo​S's DSCP Priority Range to Map gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​DSCP_​PRIORITY_​RANGE_​IDENTITY Custom Qo​S's DSCP Priority Range to Map Identity Custom​Qos​Dscp​Priorityto​Map​Range

Add Dot1P Classifiers to Custom QOS Policy in APIC Protocol

Enables configuring a custom QoS policy for different levels of service to be assigned to classes of network traffic, including specifications for the 802.1p Dot1p priority.
This task creates a Dot1P classifier for an APIC tenant's custom QoS policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Custom QOS Policy Select a custom QOS policy Apic​Tenant​Custom​Qos​Policy​Identity Y
Priority Choose a Priority.​ The priority level of the Qo​S can be unspecified, level1, level2 or level3.​ The default value is 'unspecified'.​ Apic​Custom​Qos​Priority​Identity
Dot1P Range from Choose the starting value for the dot1p range.​ The default value is unspecified.​ Apic​Custom​QOSDot1PRange​From​Identity Y
Dot1P Range to Choose the ending value for the dot1p range.​ The default value is unspecified.​ Apic​Custom​QOSDot1PRange​To​Identity Y
DSCP Target Choose a DSCP target to which the dot1p range has to be mapped.​ The default value is unspecified.​ Apic​Custom​Qos​Dscp​Target​Identity
Enter DSCP Target Enter any value between 0 and 64 as the DSCP target.​ The default value is unspecified.​ gen_​text_​input
Target Co​S Choose a target cost of service (Co​S) from the drop-down list.​ The default value is unspecified.​ Apic​Custom​Qos​Dscp​Target​Cos​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​POLICY_​IDENTITY Custom QOS Policy Identity Apic​Tenant​Custom​Qos​Policy​Identity
Custom​QOSDot1PClassifier​Identity Custom QOS Dot1P Classifier Identity APIC Custom QOS Dot1P Classifier Identity

Add IGMP Interface Policy

Add IGMP Interface Policy.
This task adds an IGMP interface policy to a tenant in APIC.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Select a tenant name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
IGMP Interface Policy Name Enter an IGMP interface policy name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter an description for the IGMP interface policy, up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
Allow v3 ASM Check to enable v3 ASM.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Fast Leave Check to enable fast leave.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Report Link Local Groups Check to enable report link local groups.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Group Timeout (sec) Enter an group timeout in seconds.​ The default value is 260 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Query Interval (sec) Enter an query interval in seconds.​ The default value is 125 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Query Response Interval (sec) Enter an query response interval in seconds.​ The default value is 10 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Last Member Count Enter an last member count.​ The default value is 2.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Last Member Response Time (sec) Enter an last member response time in seconds.​ The default value is 1 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Startup Query Count Enter an startup query count.​ The default value is 2.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Startup Query Interval (sec) Enter an startup query interval in seconds.​ The default value is 31 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Querier Timeout (sec) Enter an querier in seconds.​ The default value is 255 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Robustness Variable Enter an robustness variable.​ The default value is 2.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Version Choose Version 2, Version 3 as Version.​ The default value is Version 2.​ APIC Version Identity
Report Policy Route Map Select report policy route map.​ APIC_​TENANT_​ROUTE_​MAP_​POLICY_​IDENTITY
Static Report Route Map Select static report route map.​ APIC_​TENANT_​ROUTE_​MAP_​POLICY_​IDENTITY
Maximum Multicast Entries Enter an maximum multicast entries.​ gen_​text_​input
Reserved Multicast Entries Enter an reserved multicast entries.​ gen_​text_​input
State Limit Route Map Select state limit route map.​ APIC_​TENANT_​ROUTE_​MAP_​POLICY_​IDENTITY
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
OUTPUT_​IGMP_​INTERFACE_​POLICY_​NAME APIC IGMP Interface Policy Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input

Add NetFlow Monitor Policy to APIC Interface Profile

Adding a NetFlow Monitor Policy to APIC Interface Profile.
This task adds a NetFlow monitor policy to an APIC interface profile on the external routed network of an APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Logical Interface Profile Name Specify Logical Interface Profile Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Profile​Identity Y
Net​Flow IP Filter Type Choose the Net​Flow IP Filter Type APIC Net​Flow IP Filter Type Identity Y
Netflow Monitor Policy Select a Net​Flow Monitor Policy to associate with the Interface Profile APIC_​DEVICE_​TENANT_​NETFLOW_​MONITORING_​POLICY_​IDENTITY Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Routed Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​NODE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Logical Node Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Node​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​INTERFACE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Logical Interface Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​NETFLOW_​MONITOR_​POLICY_​NAME Net​Flow Monitor policy name gen_​text_​input

Create APIC Custom QOS Policy

Create Custom QoS Policy on APIC Tenant.
This task creates a custom QOS policy under a tenant on APIC.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Select a tenant name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Name Enter Custom QOS Policy Name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter a Custom QOS Policy description.​ The description can be up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​POLICY_​IDENTITY Custom QOS Policy Identity Apic​Tenant​Custom​Qos​Policy​Identity
OUTPUT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​POLICY_​NAME APIC Tenant Custom Qos Policy gen_​text_​input

Create APIC Data Plane Policing Policy

Create APIC Data Plane Policing Policy.
This task allows User to create APIC Data Plane Policing Policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Select a tenant name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Data Plane Policing Name Enter a unique name for the data plane policing.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Administrative State Choose disabled or enabled as the administrative state.​ The default value is disabled.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Admin State Identity
Policer Mode Choose bit policer or packet policer as the policer mode.​ The default value is bit policer.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Policer Mode Identity
Type Choose 1 rate 2 color or 2 rate 3 color as the type.​ The default value is 1 rate 2 color.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Rate Color Type Identity
Conform Action Choose drop or mark or transmit as the conform action.​ The default value is transmit.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Policy Action Identity
Conform mark cos Enter the conform mark cos.​ Permitted values are: unspecified, default​Value,0xffff or in the range [0-6].​ gen_​text_​input
Conform mark dscp Enter the conform mark dscp.​ Permitted values are: unspecified, default​Value,0xffff or in the range [0-63].​ gen_​text_​input
Exceed Action Choose drop or mark or transmit as the exceed action.​ The default value is drop.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Policy Action Identity
Exceed mark cos Enter the exceed mark cos.​ Permitted values are: unspecified, default​Value,0xffff or in the range [0-6].​ gen_​text_​input
Exceed mark dscp Enter the exceed mark dscp.​ Permitted values are: unspecified, default​Value,0xffff or in the range [0-63].​ gen_​text_​input
Violate Action Choose drop or mark or transmit as the violate action.​ The default value is drop.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Policy Action Identity
Violate mark cos Enter the violate mark cos.​ Permitted values are: unspecified, default​Value,0xffff or in the range [0-6].​ gen_​text_​input
Violate mark dscp Enter the violate mark dscp.​ Permitted values are: unspecified, default​Value,0xffff or in the range [0-63].​ gen_​text_​input
Sharing Mode Choose dedicated policer or shared policer as the sharing mode.​ The default value is dedicated policer.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Sharing Mode Identity
Burst Enter the committed burst size.​ This is number of packets allowed at line rate during burst.​ gen_​text_​input
Burst Units Choose the burst units.​ The default value is bytes/packets.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Burst Units Identity
Excessive Burst Enter an excessive burst.​ Permitted values are: unspecified, default​Value,0xffff or in the range [0-549755813760].​ gen_​text_​input
Excessive Burst Units Choose the excessive brusts units.​ The default value is bytes/packets.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Burst Units Identity
Rate Enter the allowed rate.​ This is committed rate at which the packets are allowed into the system (raw NTPD format).​ gen_​text_​input
Rate Units Choose the rate units.​ The default value is bytes/packets per second.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Rate Units Identity
Peak Rate Enter the peak rate.​ The value must be between 0 and 4398046510080.​ gen_​text_​input
Peak Rate Units Choose the rate units.​ The default value is bytes/packets per second.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Rate Units Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​DATA_​PLANE_​POLICING_​POLICY APIC Tenant's Data Plane policing Policy Identity APIC Data Plane Policing Policy Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​DATA_​PLANE_​POLICING_​POLICY_​NAME APIC Tenant's Data Plane policing Policy gen_​text_​input

Create APIC Destination Of Redirected Traffic

Create APIC Destination Of Redirected Traffic.
This task creates an APIC destination of redirected traffic.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Policy Based Redirect name Select a policy based redirect name.​ APIC_​L4_​L7_​POLICY_​BASED_​REDIRECT_​IDENTITY Y
IP Address Enter the IPv4 or IPV6 address.​ For example, 2.​2.​2.​2 or 1:1:1:1:2:2:2:2.​ ipaddress Y
Description Enter a description for destination of redirected traffic, up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
MAC Address Enter a valid MAC address.​ For example, aa:11:bb:11:cc:11.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Second IP Address Enter the secondary IPv4 or IPv6 address.​ For example, 2.​2.​2.​3 or 1:1:1:1:2:2:2:3.​ ipaddress
Pod ID Enter the pod ID from the valid range 1 to 255.​ The default value is 1.​ gen_​text_​input
Redirect Health Group Select a redirect health group.​ L4_​L7_​REDIRECT_​HEALTH_​GROUP_​IDENTITY
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity

Create APIC FHS Trust Control Policy

Create APIC FHS Trust Control Policy.
This task allows user to add FHS Trust Control Policy on an APIC Tenant.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Select a Tenant Name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Trust Control Policy Name Enter a unique name for the FHS trust control policy.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Trust Control Policy Description Enter a short description for the FHS trust control policy.​ The description can be up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
Trust DHCP v4 Server Check to allow the port to trust the DHCPv4 servers to get IP addresses and other information.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Trust DHCP v6 Server Check to allow the port to trust the DHCPv6 servers to get IP addresses and other information.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Trust Ipv6 Router Check to allow the port to trust the DHCPv6 routers to get IP addresses and other information.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Trust ARP Check to allow the port to trust ARP packets.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Trust ND Check to allow the port to trust neighbor discovery (ND) protocol packets.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Trust RA Check to allow the port to forward all router advertisement (RA) messages without being validated against the policy.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​FHS_​TRUST_​CONTROL_​POLICY APIC Tenant's FHS Trust Control Policy Identity APIC FHS Trust COntrol Policy Identity

Create APIC IP SLA Monitoring Policy

Create APIC IP SLA Monitoring Policy.
This task creates an IP Service Level Agreement (SLA) monitoring policy. IP SLAs performs active monitoring by generating and analyzing traffic to measure performance. Measurement statistics provided by IP SLA monitoring policy operations can be used for troubleshooting, problem analysis, and designing network topologies. With Cisco ACI, the IP SLA monitoring policy is associated with the service redirect policy. All the destinations under that policy are monitored with the configurations and parameters that are set.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant name Select a tenant name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Name Enter a unique name for the IP SLA monitoring policy.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter a description for the IP SLA monitoring policy, up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
SLA Frequency (sec) Enter the interval probe time to track a packet.​ The allowed SLA frequency range is 1 to 65535 seconds.​ The default value is 60 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
SLA Type Choose ICMP or TCP as the protocol types to track the policy.​ The default value is ICMP.​ Apic​Ip​SLAMoniering​Policy​SLAPolicy​Identity Y
SLA Port Enter a SLA port number to monitor.​ The default value is 0.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
APICIPSLAMonitoring​Policy APIC IP SLA Monitoring Policy APIC IP SLA Monitoring Policy Identity
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity

Create APIC L4-L7 Policy Based Redirect

Create APIC L4-L7 Policy Based Redirect.
This task creates an APIC L4-L7 policy-based redirect.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Select a tenant name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
L4-L7 Policy Based Redirect Name Enter a unique name for the L4-L7 Policy Based Redirect.​ gen_​text_​input Y
L4-L7 Policy Based Redirect Description Enter a short description for the L4-L7 Policy Based Redirect.​ The description can be up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
Enable Pod ID Aware Redirection Check to enable pod ID aware redirection.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Hashing Algorithm Choose sip-dip-prototype, dip, or sip as the hashing algorithm.​ The default value is sip-dip-prototype.​ APICL4L7Policy​Based​Redirect​Hashing​Algorithm​Type
Resilient Hashing Enabled Check to enable resilient hashing for mapping traffic flows to physical nodes.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Anycast Endpoint Check to enable anycast endpoint.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
IP SLA Monitoring Policy Select IP SLA Monitoring Policy.​ APIC IP SLA Monitoring Policy Identity
Min Threshold Percent (Percentage) Enter the minimum threshold percentage.​ The default value is 0.​ The allowed threshold range is from 0 to 100.​ gen_​text_​input
Max Threshold Percent (Percentage) Enter the maximum threshold percentage.​ The default value is 0.​ The allowed threshold range is from 0 to 100.​ gen_​text_​input
Threshold Down Action Choose permit action or deny action as the threshold down action.​ The default value is permit action.​ APICL4L7Policy​Based​Redirect​Threshold​Down​Action​Type
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​POLICY_​BASED_​REDIRECT Tenant's Policy Based Redirect gen_​text_​input

Create APIC Route Map Entry

Create APIC Route Map Entry.
This task creates a route map entry in a route map policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Route Map Policy Select a route map policy.​ APIC_​TENANT_​ROUTE_​MAP_​POLICY_​IDENTITY Y
Order Provide order value within the range 0 to 65535.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Group IP Enter a valid IP address with prefix, for example: 1.​2.​3.​1/22.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Source IP Enter a valid IP address with prefix, for example: 1.​2.​3.​1/22.​ gen_​text_​input Y
RP IP Enter a valid IP address with prefix, for example: 1.​2.​3.​1/22.​ gen_​text_​input
Action Choose permit or deny as the action.​ The default value is permit.​ APIC Route Map Entry Action Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity

Create APIC RouteMap Policy

Create APIC RouteMap Policy.
This task creates a route map policy under a tenant in APIC.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Select a tenant name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Name Enter a unique name for the route map policy name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter a short description for the route map policy.​ The description can be up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​ROUTE_​MAP_​POLICY_​NAME APIC Tenant Route​Map Policy Name gen_​text_​input

Create EIGRP Interface Policy

Create the policy on the EIGRP interface.
This task creates a policy on the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) interface with name, state, and interval time information.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant name Select an APIC Tenant.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Name Enter an APIC EIGRP Interface Policy name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter an APIC EIGRP Interface Policy description.​ gen_​text_​input
Control State Check/Uncheck multiple options for Control State.​ gen_​text_​input
Hello Interval(sec) Enter Hello Interval in seconds.​ Valid range is 1 to 65535 seconds.​ The default value is 5.​ gen_​text_​input
Hold Interval(sec) Enter Dead Interval in seconds.​ Valid range is 1 to 65535 seconds.​ The default value is 15.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
DEVICE_​TENANT_​EIGRP_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Apic Tenant EIGRP Interface Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EIGRPInterface​Identity

Create L4 L7 Redirect Health Group

Create a L4 L7 Redirect Health Group.
This task creates an L4-L7 redirect health group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Select a tenant name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Redirect Health Group Name Enter a unique name for L4-L7 redirect health group.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter a short description for L4-L7 redirect health group.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
OUTPUT_​L4_​L7_​HEALTH_​GROUP_​NAME APIC L4 L7 Health Group Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input

Create ND Interface Policy

Create an ND interface policy.
This task creates a ND interface policy on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant name Select an APIC Tenant.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Name Enter an APIC ND Interface Policy name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter a description for the APIC ND Interface Policy.​ Up to 128 characters are allowed.​ gen_​text_​input
Controller State Check to enable multiple options to Controller State.​ Default is that all Controller values are unchecked.​ gen_​text_​input
Hop Limit Enter maximum number of hops.​ Default Hop Limit value is 64.​ gen_​text_​input
NS Transmission Interval(msec) Enter NS Transmission Interval in milliseconds.​ Default Interval value is 1000.​ gen_​text_​input
MTU Enter Number of Maximum Transmission Units.​ Default Max Transmission value is 9000.​ gen_​text_​input
Retransmission Retry Count Enter Number of Retransmission Retries.​ Default Retry Count value is 3.​ gen_​text_​input
Route Advertise Interval(sec) Enter Route Advertise Interval in seconds.​ Default Interval value is 600.​ gen_​text_​input
Router Lifetime(sec) Enter Router Lifetime in seconds.​ Default Lifetime value is 1800.​ gen_​text_​input
Reachable Time(msec) Enter Reachable Time in milliseconds.​ Default Reachable value is 0.​ gen_​text_​input
Retransmit Timer(msec) Enter Retransmit Timer in milliseconds.​ Default Retransmit value is 0.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
DEVICE_​TENANT_​ND_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Apic Tenant ND Interface Policy Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​NDInterface​Policy​Identity

Create ND RA Prefix Policy

Create ND RA Prefix Policy.
This task will allow user to create ND RA Prefix policy for tenant in APIC.While ND interface policies are deployed under BDs, ND prefix policies are deployed for individual subnets. The ND prefix policy is on a subnet level. Every BD can have multiple subnets, and each subnet can have a different ND prefix policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Select a tenant name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Name Enter a unique name for the ND RA prefix policy.​ The name can be up to 64 alphanumeric characters.​ Special characters allowed are [ - , _​ ].​ gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter a description for the ND RA prefix policy, up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
Controller State
Auto Configuration Check to enable auto configuration.​ Defaults to checked.​ Boolean
On link Check to indicate that the prefix carried in the RA message can be allocated to the local link.​ Defaults to checked.​ Boolean
Router Address Check to enable the router address.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Valid Prefix Lifetime Enter the valid lifetime of the prefix.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Preferred Prefix Lifetime Enter the preferred lifetime of the prefix.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​NDRA_​PREFIX_​POLICY_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant's ND RA Prefix Identity APIC ND RA Prefix Policy Identity

Create OSPF Interface Policy

Create an OSPF interface policy.
This task creates an open shortest path first (OSPF) interface policy on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant name Select an APIC Tenant.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Name Enter an OSPF Interface Policy name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter additional description to OSPF Interface Policy.​ Up to 128 characters are allowed.​ gen_​text_​input
Network Type Select a network Type.​ Default Network Type is 'unspecified'.​ gen_​text_​input
Priority Enter Priority range from 0 to 255.​ The default value is 1.​ gen_​text_​input
Cost of Interface Enter Cost of Interface.​ Valid range is 1 to 65535.​ The default value is 0.​ gen_​text_​input
Interface Controls Check and uncheck multiple Interface Controls.​ gen_​text_​input
Hello Interval(sec) Enter Hello Interval in seconds.​ Valid range is 1 to 65535 seconds.​ The default value is 10.​ gen_​text_​input
Dead Interval(sec) Enter Dead Interval in seconds.​ Valid range is 1 to 65535 seconds.​ The default value is 40.​ gen_​text_​input
Retransmit Interval(sec) Enter Retransmit Interval in seconds.​ Valid range is 1 to 65535 seconds.​ The default value is 5.​ gen_​text_​input
Transmit Delay(sec) Enter Transmit Delay in seconds.​ Valid range is 1 to 450 seconds.​ The default value is 1.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
DEVICE_​TENANT_​OSPF_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Apic Tenant OSPF Interface Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​OSPFInterface​Identity

Create OSPF Timers

Create OSPF timer entries to a device via APIC.
This task creates open shortest path first (OSPF) timer entries to the device via APIC. The entry can include all OSPF time factor variables.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant name Select an APIC Tenant.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Name Enter OSPF Timer name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter a description of OSPF Timer.​ Up to 128 characters are allowed.​ gen_​text_​input
Bandwidth Reference(MBPS) Enter bandwidth​Reference (MBPS) within the range 1 to 4000000.​ gen_​text_​input
Admin Distance Preference Enter Admin Distance Preference within the range 1 to 255.​ gen_​text_​input
Maximum ECMP Enter Maximum ECMP within the range 1 to 16.​ gen_​text_​input
Initial SPF Schedule Delay Interval(MS) Enter the Initial SPF Schedule in milliseconds.​ Valid range is 1 to 600000.​ gen_​text_​input
Minimum Hold Time Between Spf Calculations (MS) Enter Minimum Hold Time in milliseconds.​ Valid range is 1 to 600000.​ gen_​text_​input
Maximum Wait Time Between Spf Calculations (MS) Enter Maximum wait in milliseconds.​ Valid range is 1 to 600000.​ gen_​text_​input
LSA Group Pacing Interval (SECS) Enter LSA Group pacing in seconds.​ Valid range is 1 to 1800.​ gen_​text_​input
Minimum Interval Between Arrival of a LSA (MS) Enter Minimum interval in milliseconds.​ Valid range is 1 to 600000.​ gen_​text_​input
LSA Generation Throttle Start Wait Interval (MS) Enter LSA Generation Throttle start wait in milliseconds.​ Valid range is 0 to 5000.​ gen_​text_​input
LSA Generation Throttle Hold Interval (MS) Enter LSA Generation Throttle Hold Interval in milliseconds.​ Valid range is 50 to 30000.​ gen_​text_​input
LSA Generation Throttle Maximum Interval (MS) Enter Generation Throttle Maximum Interval in milliseconds.​ Valid range is 50 to 30000.​ gen_​text_​input
Graceful Restart Controls Check to enable Graceful Restart Controls for Timer.​ Default Controls value is checked.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
DEVICE_​TENANT_​OSPF_​IDENTITY Apic Tenant OSPF Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​OSPFTimers​Identity

Delete APIC Custom QOS Policy

Delete APIC Custom QoS Policy from Tenant on APIC.
This task deletes a custom QoS policy from an APIC tenant.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Custom QOS Policy Name Select an custom QOS policy name to be deleted.​ Apic​Tenant​Custom​Qos​Policy​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Custom QOS Policy? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​POLICY_​IDENTITY Custom QOS Policy Identity Apic​Tenant​Custom​Qos​Policy​Identity

Delete APIC Data Plane Policing Policy

Delete APIC Data Plane Policing Policy.
This task allows User to delete APIC Data Plane Policing Policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Data Plane Policing Policy Name Select data plane policing policy to be deleted.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Policy Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected data plane policing policy? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​DATA_​PLANE_​POLICING_​POLICY APIC Tenant's Data Plane policing Policy Identity APIC Data Plane Policing Policy Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​DATA_​PLANE_​POLICING_​POLICY_​NAME APIC Tenant's Data Plane policing Policy gen_​text_​input

Delete APIC Destination Of Redirected Traffic

Delete APIC Destination Of Redirected Traffic
This task deletes an APIC destination of redirected traffic.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Destination Of Redirected Traffic Select a destination of redirected traffic to be deleted.​ APIC_​L4_​L7_​DESTINATION_​OF_​REDIRECT_​TRAFFIC_​IDENTITY Y
Do you want to delete the selected destination of redirected traffic? Do you want to delete the selected destination of redirected traffic? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity

Delete APIC FHS Trust Control Policy

Delete APIC FHS Trust Control Policy.
This task allows user to remove FHS Trust Control Policy from an APIC Tenant.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
FHS Trust Control Policy Name Select FHS trust control policy name to be deleted.​ APIC FHS Trust COntrol Policy Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected FHS trust control policy? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​FHS_​TRUST_​CONTROL_​POLICY APIC Tenant's FHS Trust Control Policy Identity APIC FHS Trust COntrol Policy Identity

Delete APIC IP SLA Monitoring Policy

Delete APIC IP SLA Monitoring Policy.
This task deletes an IP SLA monitoring policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
IP SLA Policy Select an IP SLA policy.​ APIC IP SLA Monitoring Policy Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected IP SLA Policy? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity

Delete APIC L4-L7 Policy Based Redirect

Delete APIC L4-L7 Policy Based Redirect.
This task deletes an APIC L4-L7 policy-based redirect.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Policy Based Redirect Name Select a policy based redirect name to be deleted.​ APIC_​L4_​L7_​POLICY_​BASED_​REDIRECT_​IDENTITY Y
Do you want to delete the selected Policy Based Redirect? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​POLICY_​BASED_​REDIRECT Tenant's Policy Based Redirect gen_​text_​input

Delete APIC Route Map Entry

Delete APIC Route Map Entry.
This task removes a route map entry from a route map policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Route Map Entry Select a route map entry to be deleted.​ APIC_​TENANT_​ROUTE_​MAP_​ENTRY_​IDENTITY Y
Do you want to delete the selected route map entry? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity

Delete APIC RouteMap Policy

Delete APIC RouteMap Policy.
This task deletes a route map policy under a tenant in APIC.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Route​Map Policy Select a route map policy to delete.​ APIC_​TENANT_​ROUTE_​MAP_​POLICY_​IDENTITY
Do you want to delete the selected route map policy? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​ROUTE_​MAP_​POLICY_​NAME APIC Tenant Route​Map Policy Name gen_​text_​input

Delete EIGRP Interface Policy

Delete the EIGRP timer entries to the device via APIC.
This task deletes the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) timer entries to the device of all configured information via APIC.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EIGRP Interface Policy Select an APIC EIGRP Interface Policy.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​EIGRPInterface​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Tenant EIGRP Interface Policy? Do you want to delete the selected Tenant EIGRP Interface Policy? Y
Output Description Type
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
DEVICE_​TENANT_​EIGRP_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Apic Tenant EIGRP Interface Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EIGRPInterface​Identity

Delete L4 L7 Redirect Health Group

Delete a L4 L7 Redirect Health Group.
This task delete an L4-L7 redirect health group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
L4 L7 Redirect Health Group Select a L4-L7 redirect health group to be deleted.​ L4_​L7_​REDIRECT_​HEALTH_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Y
Do you want to delete the selected L4-L7 Redirect Health Group? Do you want to delete the selected L4-L7 redirect health group? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
OUTPUT_​L4_​L7_​HEALTH_​GROUP_​NAME APIC L4 L7 Health Group Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input

Delete ND Interface Policy

Delete an ND interface policy.
This task deletes a ND interface policy on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
ND Interface Policy Name Select an APIC ND Interface Policy.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​NDInterface​Policy​Identity Y
Output Description Type
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
DEVICE_​TENANT_​ND_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Apic Tenant ND Interface Policy Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​NDInterface​Policy​Identity

Delete ND RA Prefix Policy

Delete ND RA Prefix Policy.
This task will allow user to delete a ND RA Prefix policy available in APIC tenant.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
ND RA Prefix Policy Select a ND RA prefix policy to be deleted.​ APIC ND RA Prefix Policy Identity Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​NDRA_​PREFIX_​POLICY_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant's ND RA Prefix Identity APIC ND RA Prefix Policy Identity

Delete OSPF Interface Policy

Delete a policy from the OSPF interface.
This task deletes a policy from the open shortest path first (OSPF) interface.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
OSPF Interface Policy Select OSPF Interface Policy.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​OSPFInterface​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Tenant OSPF Interface Policy? Do you want to delete the selected Tenant OSPF Interface Policy? Y
Output Description Type
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
DEVICE_​TENANT_​OSPF_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Apic Tenant OSPF Interface Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​OSPFInterface​Identity

Delete OSPF Timers

Delete OSPF timer entries from a device via APIC.
This task deletes open shortest path first (OSPF) timer entries from a device via APIC.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
OSPF Timer Name Select OSPF Timer name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​OSPFTimers​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Tenant OSPF Timers? Do you want to delete the selected Tenant OSPF Timers? Y
Output Description Type
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity

Remove DSCP from Priority Map in APIC Custom QoS Policy

Remove DSCP from Priority Map in APIC Custom QoS Policy.
This task removes a DSCP from a priority map in a custom QoS policy on an APIC tenant.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Priority Range Select an DSCP priority range to be deleted.​ Custom​Qos​Dscp​Priorityto​Map​Range Y
Do you want to remove the selected priority range from map? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​POLICY_​IDENTITY Custom QOS Policy Identity Apic​Tenant​Custom​Qos​Policy​Identity
OUTPUT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​DSCP_​PRIORITY_​RANGE Custom Qo​S's DSCP Priority Range to Map gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​DSCP_​PRIORITY_​RANGE_​IDENTITY Custom Qo​S's DSCP Priority Range to Map Identity Custom​Qos​Dscp​Priorityto​Map​Range

Remove Dot1P Classifier from Custom QOS Policy in APIC Protocol

Remove dot1P classifier from custom QoS policy in APIC protocol.
This Task deletes a Dot1P Classifier from an APIC tenant's custom QOS policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Dot1P Classifier Select a custom QOS Dot1P classifier to be deleted.​ APIC Custom QOS Dot1P Classifier Identity Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​POLICY_​IDENTITY Custom QOS Policy Identity Apic​Tenant​Custom​Qos​Policy​Identity
Custom​QOSDot1PClassifier​Identity Custom QOS Dot1P Classifier Identity APIC Custom QOS Dot1P Classifier Identity

Remove IGMP Interface Policy

Remove IGMP Interface Policy.
This task removes an IGMP interface policy from a tenant in APIC.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
IGMP Interface Policy Name Select IGMP interface policy name to be deleted.​ INTERFACE_​POLICY_​IDENTITY Y
Do you want to delete the selected IGMP Interface Policy? Do you want to delete the selected IGMP Interface Policy? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
OUTPUT_​IGMP_​INTERFACE_​POLICY_​NAME APIC IGMP Interface Policy Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input

Remove NetFlow Monitor Policy from APIC Interface Profile

Removes a NetFlow Monitor Policy from APIC Interface Profile.
This task removes a NetFlow monitor policy from an APIC interface profile on the external routed network of an APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Net​Flow Monitor Policy Name Select a Net​Flow Monitor policy to remove from Inteface profile APIC_​DEVICE_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​NETFLOW_​MONITORING_​POLICY_​IDENTITY Y
Do you want to delete the selected Net​Flow Monitor Policy From Logical Interface profile? Do you want to delete the selected Net​Flow Monitor Policy From Logical Interface profile? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Routed Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​NODE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Logical Node Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Node​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​INTERFACE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Logical Interface Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​NETFLOW_​MONITOR_​POLICY_​NAME Net​Flow Monitor policy name gen_​text_​input

Update APIC Data Plane Policing Policy

Update APIC Data Plane Policing Policy.
This task allows User to update APIC Data Plane Policing Policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Data Plane Policing Policy Select a data plane policing policy.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Policy Identity
Administrative State Choose disabled or enabled as the administrative state.​ The default value is disabled.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Admin State Identity
Policer Mode Choose Bit policer or Packet Policer as the policer mode.​ The default value is Bit policer.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Policer Mode Identity
Type Choose 1 Rate 2 Color or 2 Rate 3 Color as the type.​ The default value is 1 Rate 2 color.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Rate Color Type Identity
Conform Action Choose Drop or Mark or Transmit as the conform action.​ The default value is Transmit.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Policy Action Identity
Conform mark cos Enter the conform mark cos.​ Permitted values are: unspecified, default​Value,0xffff or in the range [0-6].​ gen_​text_​input
Conform mark dscp Enter the conform mark dscp.​ Permitted values are: unspecified, default​Value,0xffff or in the range [0-63].​ gen_​text_​input
Exceed Action Choose Drop or Mark or Transmit as the exceed action.​ The default value is Drop.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Policy Action Identity
Exceed mark cos Enter the exceed mark cos.​ Permitted values are: unspecified, default​Value,0xffff or in the range [0-6].​ gen_​text_​input
Exceed mark dscp Enter the exceed mark dscp.​ Permitted values are: unspecified, default​Value,0xffff or in the range [0-63].​ gen_​text_​input
Violate Action Choose Drop or Mark or Transmit as the violate action.​ The default value is Drop.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Policy Action Identity
Violate mark cos Enter the violate mark cos.​ Permitted values are: unspecified, default​Value,0xffff or in the range [0-6].​ gen_​text_​input
Violate mark dscp Enter the violate mark dscp.​ Permitted values are: unspecified, default​Value,0xffff or in the range [0-63].​ gen_​text_​input
Sharing Mode Choose Dedicated Policer or Shared Policer as the Sharing Mode.​ The default value is Dedicated Policer.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Sharing Mode Identity
Burst This is committed burst size.​ This is number of packets allowed at line rate during burst.​ gen_​text_​input
Burst Units Choose the burst units.​ The default value is Bytes/Packets.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Burst Units Identity
Excessive Burst Enter an excessive burst.​ Permitted values are: unspecified, default​Value,0xffff or in the range [0-549755813760].​ gen_​text_​input
Excessive Burst Units Choose the excessive brust units.​ The default value is Bytes/Packets.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Burst Units Identity
Rate An allowed rate.​ This is committed rate at which the packets are allowed into the system (raw NTPD format).​ gen_​text_​input
Rate Units Choose the rate units.​ The default value is Bytes/Packets per second.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Rate Units Identity
Peak Rate Enter the Peak Rate.​ The value must be between 0 and 4398046510080.​ gen_​text_​input
Peak Rate Units Choose the rate units.​ The default value is Bytes/Packets per second.​ APIC Data Plane Policing Rate Units Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​DATA_​PLANE_​POLICING_​POLICY APIC Tenant's Data Plane policing Policy Identity APIC Data Plane Policing Policy Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​DATA_​PLANE_​POLICING_​POLICY_​NAME APIC Tenant's Data Plane policing Policy gen_​text_​input

Update APIC Destination Of Redirected Traffic

Update APIC Destination Of Redirected Traffic
This task updates an APIC destination of redirected traffic.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Destination Of Redirected Traffic Select a destination of redirected traffic to update.​ APIC_​L4_​L7_​DESTINATION_​OF_​REDIRECT_​TRAFFIC_​IDENTITY Y
Description Enter a description for the destination of redirected traffic, up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
MAC Address Enter a valid MAC address.​ For example, aa:11:bb:11:cc:11.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Second IP Address Enter the secondary IPv4 or IPv6 address.​ For example, 2.​2.​2.​3 or 1:1:1:1:2:2:2:3.​ ipaddress
Pod ID Enter the pod ID from the valid range 1 to 255.​ The default value is 1.​ gen_​text_​input
Redirect Health Group Select a redirect health group.​ L4_​L7_​REDIRECT_​HEALTH_​GROUP_​IDENTITY
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity

Update APIC IP SLA Monitoring Policy

Update APIC IP SLA Monitoring Policy.
This task updates an IP SLA monitoring policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
IP SLA Policy Select an IP SLA policy.​ APIC IP SLA Monitoring Policy Identity Y
Description Enter a description for IP SLA monitoring policy, up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
SLA Frequency(sec) Enter the interval probe time to track a packet.​ The allowed SLA frequency range is 1 to 65535 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
SLA Type Choose ICMP or TCP as the protocol types to track the policy.​ Apic​Ip​SLAMoniering​Policy​SLAPolicy​Identity Y
SLA Port Enter the SLA port number that has to be monitored.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
APICIPSLAMonitoring​Policy APIC IP SLA Monitoring Policy APIC IP SLA Monitoring Policy Identity
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity

Update APIC L4-L7 Policy Based Redirect

Update APIC L4-L7 Policy Based Redirect.
This task updates an APIC L4-L7 policy-based redirect.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Policy Based Redirect Name Select a policy based redirect name to update.​ APIC_​L4_​L7_​POLICY_​BASED_​REDIRECT_​IDENTITY Y
L4-L7 Policy Based Redirect Description Enter a short description for the L4-L7 Policy Based Redirect.​ The description can be up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
Enable Pod ID Aware Redirection Check this box to enable pod ID aware redirection.​ By default, the check box is unchecked.​ Boolean
Hashing Algorithm Choose sip-dip-prototype, dip, or sip as the hashing algorithm.​ The default value is sip-dip-prototype.​ APICL4L7Policy​Based​Redirect​Hashing​Algorithm​Type
Resilient Hashing Enabled Check the box to enable resilient hashing for mapping traffic flows to physical nodes.​ By default, the check box is unchecked.​ Boolean
Anycast Endpoint Check the box to enable anycast endpoint.​ By default, the check box is unchecked.​ Boolean
IP SLA Monitoring Policy Select IP SLA Monitoring Policy.​ APIC IP SLA Monitoring Policy Identity
Min Threshold Percent (Percentage) Enter the minimum threshold percentage.​ The default value is 0.​ The allowed threshold range is from 0 to 100.​ gen_​text_​input
Max Threshold Percent (Percentage) Enter the maximum threshold percentage.​ The default value is 0.​ The allowed threshold range is from 0 to 100.​ gen_​text_​input
Threshold Down Action Choose permit action or deny action as the threshold down action.​ The default value is permit action.​ APICL4L7Policy​Based​Redirect​Threshold​Down​Action​Type
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​POLICY_​BASED_​REDIRECT Tenant's Policy Based Redirect gen_​text_​input

Update IGMP Interface Policy

Update IGMP Interface Policy.
This task updates an IGMP interface policy to a tenant in APIC.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
IGMP Interface Policy Name Select IGMP interface policy name to be updated.​ INTERFACE_​POLICY_​IDENTITY Y
Description Enter an description for the IGMP interface policy, up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
Allow v3 ASM Check to enable v3 ASM.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Fast Leave Check to enable fast leave.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Report Link Local Groups Check to enable report link local groups.​ Defaults to unchecked.​ Boolean
Group Timeout (sec) Enter an group timeout in seconds.​ The default value is 260 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Query Interval (sec) Enter an query interval in seconds.​ The default value is 125 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Query Response Interval (sec) Enter an query response interval in seconds.​ The default value is 10 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Last Member Count Enter an last member count.​ The default value is 2.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Last Member Response Time (sec) Enter an last member response time in seconds.​ The default value is 1 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Version Choose Version 2, Version 3 as Version.​ The default value is Version 2.​ APIC Version Identity
Startup Query Count Enter an startup query count.​ The default value is 2.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Startup Query Interval (sec) Enter an startup query interval in seconds.​ The default value is 31 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Querier Timeout (sec) Enter an querier in seconds.​ The default value is 255 seconds.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Robustness Variable Enter an robustness variable.​ The default value is 2.​ gen_​text_​input Y
State Limit Route Map Select state limit route map.​ APIC_​TENANT_​ROUTE_​MAP_​POLICY_​IDENTITY
Maximum Multicast Entries Enter an maximum multicast entries.​ gen_​text_​input
Reserved Multicast Entries Enter an reserved multicast entries.​ gen_​text_​input
Report Policy Route Map Select report policy route map.​ APIC_​TENANT_​ROUTE_​MAP_​POLICY_​IDENTITY
Static Report Route Map Select static report route map.​ APIC_​TENANT_​ROUTE_​MAP_​POLICY_​IDENTITY
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
OUTPUT_​IGMP_​INTERFACE_​POLICY_​NAME APIC IGMP Interface Policy Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input