API Usecases

This chapter contains the following sections:

Add Netapp Ontap Account

This task adds a physical account in the category "Storage" and account type "Netapp ONTAP."
The added accound is visible under Administration > Physical Accounts > Physical Accounts tab.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select POD Pod name Y
Account Name Account name to be created gen_​text_​input Y
Server Server or Filer address ipaddress Y
Username User ID gen_​text_​input Y
Password password password Y
Transport Type protocol : http/https gen_​text_​input Y
Port Ex:For Http port is 80,for Https port is 443 gen_​text_​input Y
Description Description gen_​text_​input
Contact Email Contact email
Location Location
Service Provider Service provider
No Outputs

Add Nexus Account custom task

This task adds a Networking device in category "Cisco Nexus OS."
The added network device is visible under Administration >Physical Accounts > Managed Network Elements tab.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Pod Select a pod for the Network Device.​ Y
Device IP Provide an IP address for the Network Device gen_​text_​input Y
Protocol Select the protocol for the Network Device.​ Y
Port Port number Y
Login login gen_​text_​input Y
Password Password password Y
Output Description Type
device networking_​device


This task adds Initiator comments to any SR. To add comments to the current SR enter SR id as 0.
The Initiator comments are visible under Organization > Service Requests and associated with the Service Request specified in the specified workflow call.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
SR ID Specify Service Request Id for which initiator comments need to be added gen_​text_​input Y
Comments Specify the Input Field Comments for the Service Request specified by srid gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Adding UCSM Account custom task

This task adds an account in the category "Computing" and of type "UCSM."
You can find the account that was added under Administration > Physical Accounts > Physical Accounts tab.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select POD Pod name Y
Account Name Name of the account going to be created.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Server Ip of the UCSM account ipaddress Y
Username Username of the UCSM account.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Password password password Y
Transport Type protocol can be http/https gen_​text_​input Y
Port Ex:For Http port is 80,for Https port is 443 gen_​text_​input Y
Description Description gen_​text_​input
Contact Email Contact email
Location Location
Service Provider Service provider
No Outputs

Collect Inventory Collection On Selected VM

This task collects inventory on selected VM(s).
This task collects inventory on selected VM(s).
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select one VM vm Y
No Outputs

Create Custom Workflow Input From CSV custom task

This task reads data from a CSV file and creates custom workflow input.
Before running this task, ensure a CSV file uploaded to the server. For example. in the path /opt/Demo.csv. The uploaded CSV file should contain data in the the following format: Texas,1 Florida,2 Oklahoma,44 California,17 The lov will be registered with the provided lovname.You can find the registered lov under Policies > Orchestration >Custom Workflow Input. Note:Do not edit the registered Custom Workflow Input from UCSD GUI. Otherwise, the data will differ between the CSV file and the UCSD database. If you want to update the lov then update the CSV file accordingly.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
CSV File Name With Path Provide the full path of the CSV file.​Ex - /opt/Demo.​csv gen_​text_​input Y
Lov Name Provide a lov name which will be created.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Input Type Input Type must be selected as Generic Text Input/gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Create VMware Computing Policy

The task is used to create VMWare compute policy.
The task accepts VDC profile, Compute Policy Name,Description, Cluster, Resource pool as input and creates a VMWare compute policy. The newly created policy can be accessed from the following location : Policies -> Virtual/Hipervisor Policies -> Computing -> Create VMware Computing Policy
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​DC Profile Select v​DC Profile v​DCProfile Y
Compute Policy Name Provide a Computing policy name which will be created gen_​text_​input Y
Description gen_​text_​input
Cluster Select Cluster name cluster​List Y
Resource Pool Select Resource pool from The popup table vmware​Resource​Pool​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​COMPUTING_​POLICY_​NAME It returns created Policy Name gen_​text_​input

Create VMware Network Policy

The task is used to Create VMWare Network Policy.
The task accepts VDC profile, Network Policy Name, Description, Nic Alias, Port Group,Static IP Pool as input and creates a VMWare Network policy. The newly created policy can be accessed from the following location : Policies -> Virtual/Hipervisor Policies -> Network -> Create VMware Network Policy
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​DC Profile Select the v​DC profile v​DCProfile Y
Network Policy Name Provide a Network policy name which will be created gen_​text_​input Y
Description It defines the description of policy gen_​text_​input
NIC Alias Provide a NIC name which will be created gen_​text_​input Y
Port Group Select the valid Port Group vmware​Vm​Port​Group​Identity Y
Static IP Pool Select which static IP Pool you need.​ VMWare​IPPool​Policy Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​NETWORK_​POLICY_​NAME It returns created Policy Name gen_​text_​input

Create VMware Storage Policy

The task is used to create VMware Storage Policy.
The task accepts VDC profile, Storage Policy Name, Description,Datastores/Datastore Clusters Scope and Vlaue for the selected scope as input and creates a VMware Storage Policy. The newly created policy can be accessed from the following location : Policies -> Virtual/Hipervisor Policies -> Storage -> VMware Storage Policy
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​DC Profile Select v​DC Profile v​DCProfile Y
Storage Policy Name Provide VMware Storage Policy Name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Policy Description gen_​text_​input
Datastores/Datastore Clusters Scope Specify type of data store/datastore clusters scope: include/exclude or all gen_​text_​input
Select Datastores List of data stores selected for include/exclude data​Store​Name Y
Select Datastore Clusters List of Datastore Clusters for include/exclude data​Store​Cluster​Name Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​STORAGE_​POLICY_​NAME Name of the VMware Storage Policy Created by the task gen_​text_​input

Create VMware System Policy

The task Creates a VMware system Policy.
The task creates a VMware System Policy. A VMware System Policy defines the system specific information such as the template to use, time zone, OS specific information and the domain in which the VM must be provisioned, for a VM to be provisioned. It gives created VMware System Policy name as output.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Policy Name Policy Name gen_​text_​input Y
Policy Description Policy Description gen_​text_​input
VM Name Template If empty, name provided by end user is taken as VM name gen_​text_​input
VM Name Validation Policy Enter a valid VM Name Validation Policy gen_​text_​input
End User VM Name or VM Prefix Allow end user to provide VM Name or VM Prefix? Boolean
Power On Needs to be powered on after provisioning? Boolean
Host Name Template Host Name Template gen_​text_​input Y
Host Name Validation Policy Enter a valid Hostname Validation Policy gen_​text_​input
Linux Time Zone Please click on help icon to get to know valid list of time zones gen_​text_​input Y
Linux VM Max Boot Wait Time in Minutes Linux VM Max Boot Wait Time gen_​text_​input Y
DNS Domain DNS Domain gen_​text_​input Y
DNS Suffix List DNS Suffix List gen_​text_​input
DNS Server List DNS Server List gen_​text_​input
VM Image Type VM Image Type gen_​text_​input Y
Product ID Product ID gen_​text_​input
License Owner Name Full name of license owner gen_​text_​input Y
Organization Name of the Organization gen_​text_​input Y
License Mode License Mode gen_​text_​input Y
Number Of License Users Number of license users for the OS gen_​text_​input
Primary WINS Primary WIN Server, Enter valid IPV4 IP address gen_​text_​input
Secondary WINS Secondary WIN Server, Enter valid IPV4 IP address gen_​text_​input
Windows VM Max Boot Wait Time in Minutes Windows VM Max Boot Wait Time gen_​text_​input Y
Create a Unique SID Create a unique SID for the new system Boolean
Auto Logon Automatically logon after system powers Boolean
Auto Logon Count Automatically logon for the number of times as specified gen_​text_​input
Administrator Password Password used for auto Logon and system deployment password Y
Windows Time Zone Please click on help icon to get to know valid list of time zones gen_​text_​input Y
Domain/Workgroup Belongs to a Windows domain or workgroup? gen_​text_​input Y
Domain Domain gen_​text_​input Y
Domain Username Domain Username gen_​text_​input Y
Domain Password Domain Password password Y
Workgroup Specify workgroup name gen_​text_​input Y
Define VM Annotation After you select this option, you can define the VM annotation Boolean
VM Annotation Notes of the Annotation gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​SYSTEM_​POLICY_​NAME Name of VMware System Policy created by the task gen_​text_​input


This task exports all assets at provided location on server in zip format.
This task exports all UCSD assets: - activities - workflows - tasks - activities and - script modules at provided location on server in zip format.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
File Name gen_​text_​input Y
Target Directory gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
export​File​Path Generated file location gen_​text_​input

Fetch VMs for SR

List of VMs provisioned by Workflow
This task is to fetch list of VMs provisioned by completed workflow
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
SR Id Enter SR Id gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Generate License Utilization History Report CSV File

Generates License Utilization History Report CSV File for user specified period.
Generates License Utilization History Report CSV File and uploads at /opt/infra/web_cloudmgr/apache-tomcat/webapps/cloupia/cloudmgr/reports/csv folder for a user specified period, i.e., previous day/ week/month/year. The CSV file location information will be provided as task output.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Report time period Select time period to generage the report Y
Output Description Type
url Report CSV file url gen_​text_​input

Get Email Setup

Retrieves email setup information
Task returns mail setup information if available otherwise logs the error message as âMail settings are not available. Please configure Mail setup from Administration menu using System and Mail setup tab
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
No Inputs
Output Description Type
smtp​Server SMTP Server gen_​text_​input
smtp​User SMTP User name gen_​text_​input
smtp​Port SMTP Port details gen_​text_​input
password Password password
cuic​Ip​Address CUIC IP Address gen_​text_​input
from​Email​Address From Email Address email_​address_​list

Get Login Profile

Get the user profile details
This task is to get the profile details of user such as First name,Last Name, Access Level, Email Id, Group Name and Group Id
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Username Enter username gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​FIRSTNAME First Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​LASTNAME Last Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​ROLE Access Level gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMAILID Email Id gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​GROUPNAME Group Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​GROUPID Group Id gen_​text_​input

Get VMware VM Details

Get details of a selected VMware VM.
It will get details of a selected VMware VM.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select a VM vm Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​OVERVIEW_​VM_​ID VM Id gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​OVERVIEW_​INSTANCE_​NAME Instance Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​OVERVIEW_​STATUS Power Status gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​OVERVIEW_​IP_​ADDRESS VM IP Address gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​OVERVIEW_​HOSTNAME VM Hostname gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​OVERVIEW_​CLOUD_​NAME Cloud Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​OWNERSHIP_​GROUP Group Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​OWNERSHIP_​VDC VDC Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​OVERVIEW_​FOLDER VM Folder gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​OVERVIEW_​VCENTER_​VM_​ID VCenter VM Id gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​RESOURCES_​CPU_​SHARES CPU Shares gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​RESOURCES_​MEMORY_​MB Resources Memory in MB gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​STORAGE_​NO_​OF_​DISKS Number of disks gen_​text_​input

GetFreeVlansOfVlanPoolPolicy custom task

This task provides the number of free VLANS available inside the specified VLAN pool policy.
This task provides the number of free VLANS available inside the specified VLAN pool policy.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Vlan Pool Policy Name Vlan pool policy name.​ Y
Output Description Type
no​Of​Free​Vlans It contains the no of free vlans in a VLAN Pool Policy gen_​text_​input

Modify SCSI Controller Type

Modify SCSI Controller Type to LSI Logic SAS
This task is to modify SCSI Controller Type to LSI Logic SAS for selected VM
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VM Id Select VM vm Y
Account IP Address Enter VMWare Account IP Address gen_​text_​input Y
Username Enter Account Username gen_​text_​input Y
Password Enter Account password password Y
No Outputs

Modify VM Label

Modify VM Label for VM
This task is to add/update VM Label of the provided VM
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VM Id Select VM Id vm Y
VM Label Enter VM Label gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Modify VMWare System Policy - Linux Only

To update a VMware system Policy with Linux Only VM Image Type
This task is to update VMWare system policy with Linux only attributes
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Policy Name Policy Name gen_​text_​input Y
Policy Description Policy Description gen_​text_​input
VM Name Template If empty, name provided by end user is taken as VM name gen_​text_​input
End User VM Name or VM Prefix Allow end user to provide VM Name or VM Prefix? Boolean
Power On Needs to be powered on after provisioning? Boolean
Host Name Template Host Name Template gen_​text_​input Y
Linux Time Zone Please click on help icon to get to know valid list of time zones gen_​text_​input Y
Linux VM Max Boot Wait Time in Minutes Linux VM Max Boot Wait Time Y
DNS Domain DNS Domain gen_​text_​input Y
Define VM Annotation After you select this option, you can define the VM annotation Boolean
VM Annotation Notes of the Annotation gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​SYSTEM_​POLICY_​NAME Updated VMWare System Policy Name gen_​text_​input

Ping To Port Custom Task

Test if a device is reachable or not.
Ping to a device with the given IP Address and Wait Time (for response) and see if it is reachable or not.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
IP Address Ip Address of the Device to ping gen_​text_​input Y
Wait Time Timeout Duration gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
is​Reachable It shows whether the Device (ip​Address) is Reachable or not gen_​text_​input

SFTPFileUpload custom task

This task uploads the file to the specified location.
This task locates the file specified in the local file path field and uploads to the specified remote directory (absolute path) using SFTP client.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
User Name User name of the remote server gen_​text_​input Y
Password password of the remote server gen_​text_​input Y
Host Name IP address or Host name of the remote server gen_​text_​input Y
Remote directory absolute path Remote server location to upload the file gen_​text_​input Y
Local File Path Local file path location where the file is located gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Send email with attachment custom task

Creates an email with attachement sends it to the specified email address
The tasks creates an email and attaches the file from the location specified by the user as input parameter.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Email Address(To) Email address of the person you are sending the email email_​address_​list Y
Email subject Email subject gen_​text_​input
Email body Email body gen_​text_​input
Email attachment location path File location gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs