ACI MSC - EPG Operations

This chapter contains the following sections:

ACI MSC - Add Contract to EPG

ACI MSC - Add Contract to EPG.
This task adds contract to EPG associated to the Schema Template of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Select an EPG name ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity Y
Contract Name Select a contract name ACIMulti​Site​Contract​Identity Y
Type Select a contract type.​ The default value is Consumer.​ ACIMulti​Site​Contract​Type​Identity Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​SCHEMA_​NAME Schema Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​TEMPLATE_​NAME Template Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​NAME ACI Multi-site Application Profile Name gen_​text_​input
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​NAME ACI Multi-site EPG Name gen_​text_​input
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
CONTRACT_​NAME ACI Multi-Site Contract Name gen_​text_​input
CONTRACT_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Contract Identity ACIMulti​Site​Contract​Identity
EPG_​CONTRACT_​ASSOCIATION_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site EPG Contract Association Identity ACIMulti​Site​Contract​To​EPGAssociation​Identity

ACI MSC - Add Domain to EPG

ACI MSC - Add Domain to EPG.
This task will allow the User to add Domain to the EPG of ACI Multi-Site controller. Note : Site EPG Identity will show site EPG identites with comma separated if EPG associate with multiple Site otherwise it will show only Site EPG Identity.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Select an EPG name ACIMulti​Site​EPGInfo​Identity Y
Site Name Select a site name ACIMulti​Site​Identity Y
Domain Association Type Select a domain association type ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Type​Identity Y
Domain Profile Select a domain profile ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Profile​Identity Y
Deployment Immediacy Select a deployment immediacy ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Deployment​Identity Y
Resolution Immediacy Select a resolution immediacy.​ The default value is On Demand.​ ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Resolution​Identity Y
Vlan Mode Select a VLAN mode.​ The default value is Dynamic.​ ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Vlan​Mode​Identity
Allow Micro-Segmentation Check to enable Allow Micro-Segmentation.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
EPG_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPG Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGInfo​Identity
SITE_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Site Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​Identity
DOMAIN_​TYPE ACI Multi-Site Domain Type ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Type​Identity
DOMIAN_​PROFILE ACI Multi-Site Domain Profile ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Profile​Identity
DEPLOYMENT ACI Multi-Site Domain Deployment ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Deployment​Identity
RESOLUTION ACI Multi-Site Domain Type ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Resolution​Identity
DOMAIN_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site EPG Domain Identity ACIMulti​Site​Domain​To​EPGIdentity
SITE_​EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGInfo​Identity
VLAN_​MODE ACI Multi-Site Vlan Mode ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Vlan​Mode​Identity
ALLOW_​MICRO_​SEGMENTATION ACI Multi-Site Allow Micro Segmentation Boolean
PRIMARY_​MICRO_​SEGMENTATION ACI Multi-Site Primary Micro Segmentation gen_​text_​input
SECONDARY_​MICRO_​SEGMENTATION ACI Multi-Site Secondary Micro Segmentation gen_​text_​input
PORT_​ENCAP_​MICRO_​SEGMENTATION ACI Multi-Site Domain Profile gen_​text_​input

ACI MSC - Add EPG to Template

ACI MSC - Add EPG to Template.
This task creates EPG to the Application Profile associated to the Schema Template of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Application Profile Name Select an Application Profile MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity Y
Display Name Provide the name of the EPG gen_​text_​input Y
USEG EPG Check to enable USEG EPG.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean Y
Intra EPG Isolation Select Intra-EPG isolation.​ Intra-EPG isolation is not supported in AVS-VLAN mode.​ setting intra-EPG isolation may cause the ports to go into a blocked state in these domains.​ Intra-EPG isolation is not supported if the BD is configured as "legacy BD mode".​ Preserving Qo​S Co​S priority setting is not supported when traffic is flowing from an EPG with isolation enforced to an EPG without isolation enforced.​ ACIMulti​Site​Intra​EPGIsolation​Identity Y
Bridge Domain Select a bridge domain ACIMulti​Site​BDIdentity Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​SCHEMA_​NAME Schema Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​TEMPLATE_​NAME Template Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​NAME ACI Multi-site Application Profile Name gen_​text_​input
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​NAME ACI Multi-site EPG Name gen_​text_​input
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
EPG_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPG Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGInfo​Identity

ACI MSC - Add Static Leaf to EPG

ACI MSC - Add Static Leaf to EPG.
This task will allow the User to Add Leaf to EPG of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Provide EPG Name ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity Y
Site Name Provide Site Name ACIMulti​Site​Identity Y
Leaf Leaf ACIMulti​Site​Leaf​Site​Identity Y
VLAN VLAN gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​SCHEMA_​NAME Schema Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
SITE_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Site Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​Identity
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
LEAF_​SITE_​EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Leafs Identity ACIMulti​Site​Leaf​Site​Identity
STATIC_​PORT_​LEAF_​ENCAP_​VLAN ACI Multi-site Static Leaf Encap VLAN gen_​text_​input

ACI MSC - Add Static Port to EPG

ACI MSC - Add Static Port to EPG.
This task will allow the User to add Static Port to the EPG of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EPG Select an EPG name ACIMulti​Site​EPGInfo​Identity Y
Site Name Select a site name ACIMulti​Site​Identity Y
Path Type Select a path type ACIMulti​Site​Path​Type​Identity Y
Select Path Select a path ACIMulti​Site​Path​Site​Identity Y
Port Encap VLAN Provide the VLAN number for the static port.​ When manually configuring the port encap on a domain for an EPG, the VLAN ID must belong to a static VLAN block within a Dynamic VLAN pool.​ Valid VLAN is between 1 to 4094.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Primary MICRO-SEG VLAN Provide the Primary micro-seg VLAN.​ Micro-segmentation associates endpoints from multiple EPGs into a micro-segmented EPG according to virtual machine attributes.​ Valid VLAN is between 1 to 4094.​ gen_​text_​input
Deployment Immediacy Select a deployment immediacy.​ The default value is On Demand.​ ACIMulti​Site​Deployment​Immediacy​Identity Y
Mode Select a mode.​ The default value is Trunk.​ ACIMulti​Site​Mode​Identity Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
EPG_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPG Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGInfo​Identity
SITE_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Site Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​Identity
STATIC_​PORT_​PATHTYPE ACI Multi-site Static Port Path​Type ACIMulti​Site​Path​Type​Identity
LEAF_​SITE_​EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Leafs Identity ACIMulti​Site​Leaf​Site​Identity
PATH_​SITE_​EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Paths Identity ACIMulti​Site​Path​Site​Identity
STATIC_​PORT_​PORT_​ENCAP_​VLAN ACI Multi-site Static Port Encap VLAN gen_​text_​input
STATIC_​PORT_​PRIMARY_​MICRO_​SEG_​VLAN ACI Multi-site Static Port Primary Micro Seg Vlan gen_​text_​input
STATIC_​PORT_​DEPLOYMENT_​IMMEDIACY ACI Multi-site Static Port Deployment Immediacy ACIMulti​Site​Deployment​Immediacy​Identity
STATIC_​PORT_​MODE ACI Multi-site Static Port Mode ACIMulti​Site​Mode​Identity

ACI MSC - Add Subnet to EPG

ACI MSC - Add Subnet to EPG.
This task will allow the User to Add Subnet To EPG of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Provide EPG Name ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity Y
Gateway IP Gateway IP gen_​text_​input Y
Description Description gen_​text_​input
Scope Scope MSCSubnet​To​BDScope​Type
Shared Between VRFs Shared Between VRFs? Boolean
No Default SVI Gateway No Default SVI Gateway? Boolean
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​SCHEMA_​NAME Schema Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​TEMPLATE_​NAME Template Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​NAME ACI Multi-site Application Profile Name gen_​text_​input
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​NAME ACI Multi-site EPG Name gen_​text_​input
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
SUBNET_​TO_​EPG ACI Multi-site Subnet to EPG gen_​text_​input
SUBNET_​TO_​EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Subnet to EPG Identity ACIMulti​Site​Subnet​To​EPGIdentity

ACI MSC - Add uSeg Attribute to EPG

ACI MSC - Add uSeg Attribute to EPG.
This task will allow the User to Add uSeg Attribute to EPG of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Select an EPG name ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity Y
USEG Attribute Name Provide a name for the USEG EPG gen_​text_​input Y
Description Provide additional descriptive information for the USEG EPG gen_​text_​input
Attribute Type Select an attribute type MSCUSEGAttr​Attibute​Type Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​SCHEMA_​NAME Schema Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
EPG_​USEG_​ATTR_​NAME ACI Multi-site EPG USEG Attribute Name gen_​text_​input
EPG_​USEG_​ATTR_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPG USEG Attribute Identity ACIMulti​Site​USEGAttr​To​EPGIdentity
OUTPUT_​EPG_​USEG_​ATTR_​TYPE ACI Multi-site EPG u​Seg Attribute Type ACIMulti​Site​USeg​Attribute​Type

ACI MSC - Delete uSeg Attribute to EPG

ACI MSC - Delete uSeg Attribute to EPG.
This task will allow the User to Delete uSeg Attribute to EPG of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
USEG Attribute Name Select a USEG attribute to be deleted ACIMulti​Site​USEGAttr​To​EPGIdentity Y
Do you want to delete the selected u​Seg Attribute From EPG in ACI Multi-Site Schema? This input is a label only.​ It does not take a value.​ Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​SCHEMA_​NAME Schema Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
EPG_​USEG_​ATTR_​NAME ACI Multi-site EPG USEG Attribute Name gen_​text_​input
EPG_​USEG_​ATTR_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPG USEG Attribute Identity ACIMulti​Site​USEGAttr​To​EPGIdentity

ACI MSC - Remove Contract from EPG

ACI MSC - Remove Contract from EPG.
This task deletes contract from EPG associated to the Schema Template of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Contract Select a contract to be removed from the EPG ACIMulti​Site​Contract​To​EPGAssociation​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Contract From ACI Multi-Site EPG? This input is a label only.​ It does not take a value.​ Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​SCHEMA_​NAME Schema Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​TEMPLATE_​NAME Template Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​NAME ACI Multi-site Application Profile Name gen_​text_​input
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​NAME ACI Multi-site EPG Name gen_​text_​input
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
CONTRACT_​NAME ACI Multi-Site Contract Name gen_​text_​input
CONTRACT_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Contract Identity ACIMulti​Site​Contract​Identity
EPG_​CONTRACT_​ASSOCIATION_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site EPG Contract Association Identity ACIMulti​Site​Contract​To​EPGAssociation​Identity

ACI MSC - Remove Domain from EPG

ACI MSC - Remove Domain from EPG.
This task will allow the User to remove Domain from the EPG of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Select an EPG name ACIMulti​Site​Domain​To​EPGIdentity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Domain Profile From EPG in ACI Multi-Site ? This input is a label only.​ It does not take a value.​ Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
EPG_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPG Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGInfo​Identity
SITE_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Site Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​Identity
DOMAIN_​TYPE ACI Multi-Site Domain Type ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Type​Identity
DOMIAN_​PROFILE ACI Multi-Site Domain Profile ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Profile​Identity
DEPLOYMENT ACI Multi-Site Domain Deployment ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Deployment​Identity
RESOLUTION ACI Multi-Site Domain Type ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Resolution​Identity
DOMAIN_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site EPG Domain Identity ACIMulti​Site​Domain​To​EPGIdentity

ACI MSC - Remove EPG from Template

ACI MSC - Remove EPG from Template.
This task deletes EPG from the Application Profile associated to the Schema Template of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Select an EPG name ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity Y
Do you want to delete the selected EPG From ACI Multi-Site ? This input is a label only.​ It does not take a value.​ Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​SCHEMA_​NAME Schema Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​TEMPLATE_​NAME Template Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​NAME ACI Multi-site Application Profile Name gen_​text_​input
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​NAME ACI Multi-site EPG Name gen_​text_​input
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity

ACI MSC - Remove Static Leaf from EPG

ACI MSC - Remove Static Leaf from EPG.
This task will allow the User to Remove Leaf from EPG of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Static Leaf Select Static Leaf MSC_​DEVICE_​STATIC_​LEAF_​EPG_​IDENTITY Y
Do you want to delete the selected Static Leaf From EPG in ACI Multi-Site Schema? Do you want to delete the selected Static Leaf From EPG in ACI Multi-Site Schema? Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​SCHEMA_​NAME Schema Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
SITE_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Site Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​Identity
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
STATIC_​PORT_​LEAF_​ENCAP_​VLAN ACI Multi-site Static Leaf Encap VLAN gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​STATIC_​LEAF_​NAME ACI Multi-Site Static Leaf Name gen_​text_​input

ACI MSC - Remove Static Port from EPG

ACI MSC - Remove Static Port from EPG.
This task will allow the User to remove Static Port from the EPG of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Static Port Select a static port name MSC_​DEVICE_​STATICPORT_​EPG_​IDENTITY Y
Do you want to delete the selected Static Port Profile From EPG in ACI Multi-Site ? This input is a label only.​ It does not take a value.​ Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
EPG_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPG Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGInfo​Identity
SITE_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Site Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​Identity

ACI MSC - Remove Subnet from EPG

ACI MSC - Remove Subnet from EPG.
This task will allow the User to Remove Subnet From EPG of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Gateway IP Gateway IP ACIMulti​Site​Subnet​To​EPGIdentity Y
Do you want to remove the Subnet from selected EPG? Do you want to remove the Subnet from selected EPG? Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​SCHEMA_​NAME Schema Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​TEMPLATE_​NAME Template Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​NAME ACI Multi-site Application Profile Name gen_​text_​input
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​NAME ACI Multi-site EPG Name gen_​text_​input
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
SUBNET_​TO_​EPG ACI Multi-site Subnet to EPG gen_​text_​input
SUBNET_​TO_​EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Subnet to EPG Identity ACIMulti​Site​Subnet​To​EPGIdentity

ACI MSC - Update Domain to EPG

ACI MSC - Update Domain to EPG.
This task will allow the User to update Domain to the EPG of ACI Multi-Site controller. Note : Site EPG Identity will show site EPG identities with comma separated if EPG associate with multiple Site otherwise it will show only Site EPG Identity.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Select an EPG name ACIMulti​Site​Domain​To​EPGIdentity Y
Domain Association Type Select a domain association type ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Type​Identity Y
Domain Profile Select a domain profile ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Profile​Identity Y
Deployment Immediacy Select a deployment immediacy ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Deployment​Identity Y
Resolution Immediacy Select a resolution immediacy.​ The default value is On Demand.​ ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Resolution​Identity Y
Vlan Mode Select a VLAN mode.​ The default value is Dynamic.​ ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Vlan​Mode​Identity
Allow Micro-Segmentation Check to enable Allow Micro-Segmentation.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean
Output Description Type
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
EPG_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPG Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGInfo​Identity
SITE_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Site Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​Identity
DOMAIN_​TYPE ACI Multi-Site Domain Type ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Type​Identity
DOMIAN_​PROFILE ACI Multi-Site Domain Profile ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Profile​Identity
DEPLOYMENT ACI Multi-Site Domain Deployment ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Deployment​Identity
RESOLUTION ACI Multi-Site Domain Type ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Resolution​Identity
DOMAIN_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site EPG Domain Identity ACIMulti​Site​Domain​To​EPGIdentity
SITE_​EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGInfo​Identity
VLAN_​MODE ACI Multi-Site Vlan Mode ACIMulti​Site​Domain​Vlan​Mode​Identity
ALLOW_​MICRO_​SEGMENTATION ACI Multi-Site Allow Micro Segmentation Boolean
PRIMARY_​MICRO_​SEGMENTATION ACI Multi-Site Primary Micro Segmentation gen_​text_​input
SECONDARY_​MICRO_​SEGMENTATION ACI Multi-Site Secondary Micro Segmentation gen_​text_​input
PORT_​ENCAP_​MICRO_​SEGMENTATION ACI Multi-Site Domain Profile gen_​text_​input

ACI MSC - Update EPG to Template

ACI MSC - Update EPG to Template.
This task will allow the User to update EPG to the ACI Multi-Site Template.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Select an EPG name ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity Y
Intra EPG Isolation Select Intra-EPG isolation.​ Intra EPG isolation is not supported in AVS-VLAN mode.​ setting Intra EPG isolation to be enforced may cause the ports to go into a blocked state in these domains.​ Intra EPG isolation is not supported if the BD is configured as "legacy BD mode".​Preserving QOS Cos priority setting is not supported when traffic is flowing from and EPG with isolation enforced to an EPG without an isolation enforced.​ ACIMulti​Site​Intra​EPGIsolation​Identity Y
Forwarding Control Proxy-ARP Check to enable forwarding control proxy-ARP.​ By default this field is unchecked.​ Boolean Y
Bridge Domain Select a bridge domain ACIMulti​Site​BDIdentity Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​SCHEMA_​NAME Schema Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​TEMPLATE_​NAME Template Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​NAME ACI Multi-site Application Profile Name gen_​text_​input
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​NAME ACI Multi-site EPG Name gen_​text_​input
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity

ACI MSC - Update Static Leaf to EPG

ACI MSC - Update Static Leaf to EPG.
This task updates a static leaf to EPG.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Static Leaf Select the Static Leaf from the report MSC_​DEVICE_​STATIC_​LEAF_​EPG_​IDENTITY Y
Select Leaf Select the Leaf ACIMulti​Site​Leaf​Site​Identity Y
VLAN Provide VLAN gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
EPG_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPG Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGInfo​Identity
SITE_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Site Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​Identity
STATIC_​LEAF_​SITE_​EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Static Leafs Identity ACIMulti​Site​Static​Leaf​Site​Identity
STATIC_​PORT_​LEAF_​ENCAP_​VLAN ACI Multi-site Static Leaf Encap VLAN gen_​text_​input

ACI MSC - Update Static Port to EPG

ACI MSC - Update Static Port to EPG.
This task updates a static port to External EPG.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Static Port Select a static port name MSC_​DEVICE_​STATICPORT_​EPG_​IDENTITY Y
Path Type Select a path type ACIMulti​Site​Path​Type​Identity Y
Select Path Select a path ACIMulti​Site​Path​Site​Identity Y
Port Encap VLAN Provide the VLAN number for the static port.​ When manually configuring the port encap on a domain for an EPG, the VLAN ID must belong to a static VLAN block within a dynamic VLAN pool.​ Valid VLAN is between 1 to 4094.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Primary MICRO-SEG VLAN Provide the Primary micro-seg VLAN.​ Micro-segmentation associates endpoints from multiple EPGs into a micro-segmented EPG according to virtual machine attributes.​ Valid VLAN is between 1 to 4094.​ gen_​text_​input
Deployment Immediacy Select a deployment immediacy.​ The default value is On Demand.​ ACIMulti​Site​Deployment​Immediacy​Identity Y
Mode Select a mode.​ The default value is Trunk.​ ACIMulti​Site​Mode​Identity Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
EPG_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPG Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGInfo​Identity
SITE_​INFO_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Site Info Identity ACIMulti​Site​Identity
STATIC_​PORT_​PATHTYPE ACI Multi-site Static Port Path​Type ACIMulti​Site​Path​Type​Identity
LEAF_​SITE_​EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Leafs Identity ACIMulti​Site​Leaf​Site​Identity
PATH_​SITE_​EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Paths Identity ACIMulti​Site​Path​Site​Identity
STATIC_​PORT_​PORT_​ENCAP_​VLAN ACI Multi-site Static Port Encap VLAN gen_​text_​input
STATIC_​PORT_​PRIMARY_​MICRO_​SEG_​VLAN ACI Multi-site Static Port Primary Micro Seg Vlan gen_​text_​input
STATIC_​PORT_​DEPLOYMENT_​IMMEDIACY ACI Multi-site Static Port Deployment Immediacy ACIMulti​Site​Deployment​Immediacy​Identity
STATIC_​PORT_​MODE ACI Multi-site Static Port Mode ACIMulti​Site​Mode​Identity

ACI MSC - Update Subnet to EPG

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Subnet Subnet ACIMulti​Site​Subnet​To​EPGIdentity Y
Gateway IP Gateway IP gen_​text_​input Y
Description Description gen_​text_​input
Scope Scope MSCSubnet​To​BDScope​Type
Shared Between VRFs Shared Between VRFs Boolean
No Default SVI Gateway No Default SVI Gateway Boolean
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​SCHEMA_​NAME Schema Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​TEMPLATE_​NAME Template Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​NAME ACI Multi-site Application Profile Name gen_​text_​input
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​NAME ACI Multi-site EPG Name gen_​text_​input
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
SUBNET_​TO_​EPG ACI Multi-site Subnet to EPG gen_​text_​input
SUBNET_​TO_​EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Subnet to EPG Identity ACIMulti​Site​Subnet​To​EPGIdentity

ACI MSC - Update uSeg Attribute to EPG

ACI MSC - Update uSeg Attribute to EPG.
This task will allow the User to Update uSeg Attribute to EPG of ACI Multi-Site controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
USEG Attribute Select a USEG attribute ACIMulti​Site​USEGAttr​To​EPGIdentity Y
USEG Attribute Name Provide a name for the USEG EPG gen_​text_​input Y
Description Provide additional descriptive information for the USEG EPG gen_​text_​input
Attribute Type Select an attribute type MSCUSEGAttr​Attibute​Type Y
Output Description Type
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​ACCOUNT ACI Multi-Site Account on which the selected operation was performed MSCDevice​Identity
SCHEMA_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-Site Schema Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​SCHEMA_​NAME Schema Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TEMPLATE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Template Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Template​Identity
ACI_​MULTI_​SITE_​TEMPLATE_​NAME Template Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​NAME ACI Multi-site Application Profile Name gen_​text_​input
APPLICATION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site Application Profile Identity MSCDevice​Schema​Application​Profile​Identity
EPG_​NAME ACI Multi-site EPG Name gen_​text_​input
EPG_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPGs Identity ACIMulti​Site​EPGIdentity
EPG_​USEG_​ATTR_​NAME ACI Multi-site EPG USEG Attribute Name gen_​text_​input
EPG_​USEG_​ATTR_​IDENTITY ACI Multi-site EPG USEG Attribute Identity ACIMulti​Site​USEGAttr​To​EPGIdentity