This chapter contains the following sections:

Add Hosts to VNX Storage Group

Add Hosts to VNX Storage Group.
Add Hosts to specified VNX Storage Group
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EMC Account Choose an EMC VNX account EMC_​Account​Identity Y
Storage Group Choose a storage group emc​Storage​Group​Identity Y
Show Hosts Choose the hosts Y
Hosts Connected Choose one or more hosts to add to the storage group emc​Host​Identity
Hosts Not Connected Choose one or more hosts to add to the storage group emc​Host​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​STORAGE_​GROUP_​INDENTITY Storage Group Identity emc​Storage​Group​Identity
OUTPUT_​HOST_​IDENTITY Host Identity emc​Host​Identity
OUTPUT_​HOST_​IDENTITY_​LIST Comma-separated hosts.​ emc​Multiple​Host​List

Add VNX CIFS Server

Add EMC VNX CIFS Server.
Creates a new CIFS server on a Data Mover.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EMC Account Choose an EMC VNX account EMC_​Account​Identity Y
Data Mover Choose a data mover emc​Mover​Identity Y
Server Type Choose a server type emc​Vnx​CIFSServer​Type​List
Computer Name Enter a computer name for the CIFS server gen_​text_​input
Net​BIOS Name Enter a Net​BIOS name gen_​text_​input Y
Aliases Enter one or more alternative names for the CIFS server.​ Separate the names with commas.​ gen_​text_​input
Workgroup Enter a workgroup gen_​text_​input Y
Domain Enter the Windows domain to which the server belongs gen_​text_​input Y
Join Domain Check to join the domain gen_​text_​input
Domain Admin Enter the domain admin name gen_​text_​input Y
Domain Password Enter the domain password gen_​text_​input Y
Organizational Unit Enter one or more organizational units.​ Separate the organizational units with commas.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Enable Local Users Check to enable local users gen_​text_​input
Set Local Admin Password Enter the local admin password password Y
Confirm Local Admin Password Enter the local admin password to confirm password Y
Interfaces Choose one or more interfaces emc​Data​Mover​Interface​Identity Y
Output Description Type
ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
DATACENTER_​NAME Name of the datacenter on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
CIFS_​SERVER_​IDENTITY Name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed emc​Cifs​Server​Identity

Add VNX CIFS Share

Creates a CIFS share and make an existing file system available to CIFS clients.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EMC Account Choose an EMC VNX account EMC_​Account​Identity Y
Data Mover Choose a data mover emc​Mover​Identity Y
File Systems Choose a file system emc​File​System​Identity Y
CIFS Share Name Enter the share name gen_​text_​input Y
Path Path gen_​text_​input Y
CIFS Server Choose one or more CIFS servers emc​Cifs​Server​Identity Y
User Limit Enter the user limit gen_​text_​input
Comment Enter a comment gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
DATACENTER_​NAME Name of the datacenter on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​CIFS_​SHARE_​IDENTITY CIFS Share Identity.​ emc​Cifs​Share​Identity
CIFS_​SHARE_​NAME Name of the CIFS Share created gen_​text_​input

Add VNX DNS Domain

Add EMC VNX DNS Domain.
Creates a DNS domains,which can have three DNS servers to a Data Mover.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EMC Account Choose an EMC VNX account EMC_​Account​Identity Y
Name Enter a new DNS domain name gen_​text_​input Y
Mover Choose a data mover emc​Mover​Identity Y
DNS Servers Enter one to three IP addresses of DNS servers, separated with commas Y
Protocol Choose the protocol emc​Dns​Domain​Protocol​Type​Selector Y
Output Description Type
ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
DATACENTER_​NAME Name of the datacenter on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
DNS_​DOMAIN_​NAME_​IDENTITY Name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed emc​Dns​Domain​Identity

Add VNX Host Initiator Entry

Add Host Initiator Entry.
This task allows to register a new or existing HBA initiator.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EMC Account Choose an EMC VNX account EMC_​Account​Identity Y
Add Initiator to Choose a new host or an existing host emc​Add​Initiator​Type​Selector Y
Host Choose the host to which you want to add an initiator emc​Host​Identity Y
Host Name Enter the host name gen_​text_​input Y
IP Address Enter the host IP address gen_​text_​input Y
Existing Host WWN Enter the host WWN gen_​text_​input Y
New Host WWN Enter the host WWN gen_​text_​input Y
SP Port Choose one or more SP ports emc​SPPort​Identity Y
Initiator Type Choose an initiator type emc​Initiator​Type​Selector Y
Failover Mode Choose a failover mode Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​SP_​A Storage Port SP A gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SP_​B Storage Port SP B gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​HOST_​IDENTITY Host Identity emc​Host​Identity
OUTPUT_​INITIATOR_​IDENTITY Initiator Identity emc​Initiator​Identity

Add VNX LUN to Storage Group

Add LUN to Storage Group.
This task Adds a LUN to a storage group and makes the LUN accessible to the servers connected to the storage group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
LUNs to Add Choose a LUN to add to the storage groups emc​LUNIdentity Y
Storage Group Choose one or more storage groups emc​Storage​Group​Identity Y
Let system specify Host LUN ID Check to let the system specify the host LUN ID
Host LUN ID Enter the host LUN ID gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​LUN_​IDENTITY LUN Identity emc​LUNIdentity
OUTPUT_​HOST_​LUNID Host LUN ID gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​STORAGE_​GROUP_​IDENTITY_​LIST Comma separated Names for storage group gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​STORAGE_​GROUP1 Storage Group1 that was created as part of Add LUN To Storage Group gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​STORAGE_​GROUP2 Storage Group2 that was created as part of Add LUN To Storage Group gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​STORAGE_​GROUP3 Storage Group3 that was created as part of Add LUN To Storage Group gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​STORAGE_​GROUP4 Storage Group4 that was created as part of Add LUN To Storage Group gen_​text_​input

Add VNX NFS Export

Add NFS Export.
By adding an NFS Export you can specify export permissions that enable or disable client access to the export.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Data Mover Choose a data mover emc​Mover​Identity Y
File System Path Choose a file system gen_​text_​input Y
Read only Hosts Enter one or more read only hosts.​ Separate the host names with commas.​ Enclose any IPv6 addresses in brackets.​ For example: [2001:db8::1].​ gen_​text_​input
Read/Write Hosts Enter one or more read/write hosts.​ Separate the host names with commas.​ Enclose any IPv6 addresses in brackets.​ For example: [2001:db8::1].​ gen_​text_​input
Root Hosts Enter one or more root hosts.​ Separate the host names with commas.​ Enclose any IPv6 addresses in brackets.​ For example: [2001:db8::1].​ gen_​text_​input
Access Hosts Enter one or more access hosts.​ Separate the host names with commas.​ Enclose any IPv6 addresses in brackets.​ For example: [2001:db8::1].​ gen_​text_​input
Host Access Read-only Export Check to make access to the exported host read-only
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​NFS_​EXPORT_​PATH Name of the nfs export.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​NFS_​EXPORT_​IDENTITY NFS Export Identity.​ emc​Nfs​Export​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Account Identity.​ EMC_​Account​Identity

Associate VNX LUN as Datastore

Associate VNX LUN as Datastore.
This task associates an existing VNX LUN as datastore.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Storage Processor Choose a storage processor EMC_​Storage​Processor​Identity Y
Data store Name Enter a new data store name gen_​text_​input
Select Host Node Choose one or more host nodes with which to create the data store gen_​text_​input Y
Initiator Type Choose the initiator type gen_​text_​input
LUN Name Choose a LUN name to associate with the data store emc​LUNIdentity Y
VDC Name Choose a v​DC to assign storage policy to v​DC
Success Criteria Choose a success criterion emc​Vnx​Mount​Datastore​Success​Criteria Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​DATASTORE_​NAME Datastore name data​Store​Name
OUTPUT_​STORAGE_​VMFS_​DATASTORE_​NAME Storage VMFS Datastore Name data​Store​Name
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Datastore name identity vmware​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​INFO_​IDENTITY Datastore Info identity gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​IDENTITY VMware Host Node Identity vmware​Host​Node​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​NAME Host Node Name.​ vmware​Host​Multi​Select
OUTPUT_​VM_​PROVISIONING_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY VM Provisioning Datastore Identity vmware​Datastore​Identity

Create VNX Block Storage Pool

Create Block Storage Pool.
Creates storage pool with specified name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EMC Account Choose an EMC VNX account EMC_​Account​Identity Y
Storage Pool Name Enter a storage pool name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Enter a description gen_​text_​input
Raid Type Choose a RAID type emc​Raid​Type​Selector
Disks Choose one or more disks emc​Free​Disks​Multi​Select Y
Percent Full Threshold(%) Enter a percentage for the full threshold Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​BLOCK_​STORAGE_​POOL_​IDENTITY Storage Pool For Block Identity emc​Block​Storage​Pool​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Account Identity.​ EMC_​Account​Identity

Create VNX File Storage Pool

Creates an EMC VNX File storage pool
This task is used to create a file storage pool on a VNX File and Unified device.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EMC Account Choose the EMC account Y
Name Enter the storage pool name gen_​text_​input
Create from Choose from where to create the storage pool EMCVNXFile​Storage​Pool​Source​Type Y
Description Enter the storage pool description gen_​text_​input
Template Pool Choose the template pool for the storage pool emc​Storage​Pool​Identity Y
Mimimum Pool Size(MB) Enter the minimum pool size gen_​text_​input Y
Stripe Size (KB) Enter the stripe size gen_​text_​input Y
Volume Choose the volume for creating the storage pool emc​Volume​Identity Y
Slice Pool Volumes By Default Check to slice the storage pool volumes by default Boolean
Output Description Type
ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
DATACENTER_​NAME Name of the datacenter on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
STOARGE_​POOL_​NAME Name of the storage pool created gen_​text_​input
Type Type of the storage resource gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​STORAGE_​POOL_​IDENTITY Storage Pool Identity.​ emc​Storage​Pool​Identity

Create VNX File System

Create EMC VNX File System.
This task Creates VNX File System on a datamover.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EMC Account Choose an EMC VNX account EMC_​Account​Identity Y
Name Enter a unique name for the new file system gen_​text_​input
Create from Choose to create the file system from a storage pool or a metavolume.​ The selections on this page change based on your choice.​ emc​Vnx​File​System​Source​Type​List Y
Storage Pool Select the storage pool from which you want to allocate storage to the file system.​ emc​Storage​Pool​Identity Y
Storage Capacity Enter the amount of storage to allocate to the file system.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Capacity Units Enter the file system capacity units EMCSize​Unit Y
Volume Select the underlying metavolume for the file system.​ emc​Volume​Identity Y
Contain Slices If the Slice Pool Volumes by Default option is selected on the Create Storage Pool page, this option is selected by default.​ In this case, volumes in the storage pool are sliced when pool space is allocated to a new file system.​ gen_​text_​input
Data Mover Choose a data mover emc​Mover​Identity Y
Output Description Type
FILE_​SYSTEM_​NAME Name of the file system created gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​FILE_​SYSTEM_​MOUNT_​PATH File System Mount path.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​FILE_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY File System Identity.​ emc​File​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​MOVER_​IDENTITY Mover Identity.​ emc​Mover​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Account Identity.​ EMC_​Account​Identity

Create VNX LUN

Create LUN.
This task allows user to create VNX LUN of StoragePool type or RAID Group type.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EMC Account Select name of the EMC Account in this system EMC_​Account​Identity Y
Storage Pool Type Choose a storage pool type emc​Storage​Pool​Type​Selector Y
Automatically assign LUN IDs as LUN Names Check to automatically assign LUN IDs as LUN names Boolean
LUN Name Enter a new LUN name gen_​text_​input
LUN ID Enter a LUN ID gen_​text_​input
Raid Type Choose a RAID type emc​Raid​Type​Selector Y
Raid Group Name for New LUN Choose a RAID group emc​RAIDGroup​Identity Y
Storage Pool for New LUN Choose a storage pool emc​Block​Storage​Pool​Identity Y
Thin Check to create a thin LUN Boolean
Ignore Thresholds Check to ignore storage pool threshold limits Boolean
MAX Check to create the MAX LUN size Boolean
User Capacity Enter the LUN capacity gen_​text_​input Y
Capacity Units Choose the LUN capacity units EMCSize​Unit Y
Enable Auto Assign Check to enable auto-assign Boolean
Alignment Offset(LBA) Enter the alignment offset gen_​text_​input
SP Read Cache Check to enable the SP read cache Boolean
SP Write Cache Check to enable the SP write cache Boolean
No Initial Verify Check to avoid initial verify Boolean
Rebuild Priority Choose a rebuild priority emc​VNXPriority​Selector Y
Verify Priority Choose a verify priority emc​VNXPriority​Selector Y
Default Owner Choose the default owner emc​VNXStorage​Processor​Selector Y
Initial Tier Placement Choose an initial tier placement emc​VNXInitial​Tier​Placement​Selector Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​LUN_​IDENTITY LUN Identity emc​LUNIdentity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Account Identity.​ EMC_​Account​Identity

Create VNX MetaLUN

Create Meta LUN.
This task allows to dynamically expand the capacity of a single LUN by adding LUNs to base LUN for RAID Group type LUNs or increase the capacity of Storage Pool type LUN.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
LUN to Expand Choose a LUN to expand emc​LUNIdentity Y
Expansion Type Choose an expansion type
Flare LUNs Choose a traditional LUN to add to the base LUN emc​LUNIdentity Y
Meta LUN Name Enter a new LUN name gen_​text_​input
MAX Check to create a meta-LUN with a maximum LUN size
User Capacity Enter the LUN capacity Y
Capacity Units Choose the LUN capacity units
Default Owner Choose the default owner gen_​text_​input Y
Element size Multiplier Enter an element size multiplier
Alignment Offset Enter an alignment offset
Enable Auto Assign Check to enable auto-assign
Expansion Rate Choose an expansion rate gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type

Create VNX Network Interface

Create Network Interface.
Creates Network Interface.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Name Enter a name for the interface gen_​text_​input Y
Data Mover Choose a data mover emc​Mover​Identity Y
Device Name Choose a device emc​Data​Mover​Interface​Identity Y
IP Address Enter an IP address gen_​text_​input Y
Subnet Mask Enter a subnet mask gen_​text_​input Y
MTU Enter a MTU gen_​text_​input Y
VLAN ID Enter a VLAN ID gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
ACCOUNT_​NAME Name of the Account on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
DATACENTER_​NAME Name of the datacenter on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
DATA_​MOVER_​INTERFACE_​IP_​ADDRESS IP Address of the Data Mover Interface created gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DATA_​MOVER_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Data Mover Interface Identity.​ emc​Data​Mover​Interface​Identity

Create VNX RAID Group

Create RAID Group.
This task allows to create a new RAID Group with specific name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EMC Account Choose an EMC VNX account EMC_​Account​Identity Y
Let System Specify RAID Group ID Check to let the system automatically assign a RAID group ID
RAID Group ID Enter a RAID group ID gen_​text_​input Y
Raid Type Choose the RAID type emc​Raid​Type​Selector Y
Automatically Destroy after last LUN is unbound Check to automatically destroy the group after last LUN is unbound
Expansion/Defragmentation Priority Choose the priority for expansion and defragmentation
Allow Power Saving Check to allow power saving
Disks Choose the disks emc​Free​Disks​Multi​Select Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​RAID_​GROUP_​IDENTITY RAID Group Identity emc​RAIDGroup​Identity

Create VNX Storage Group

Create Storage Group.
This task allows to create a new Storage Group with specific name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EMC Account Choose an EMC VNX account EMC_​Account​Identity Y
Storage Group Name Enter a name for the storage group gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​STORAGE_​GROUP_​INDENTITY Storage Group Identity emc​Storage​Group​Identity

Create VNX Volume

Create EMC VNX Volume.
Creates Volume of Stripe type,meta type or slice type.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EMC Account Choose an EMC VNX account EMC_​Account​Identity Y
Name Unique name for the new volume.​ gen_​text_​input
Type Select the type of volume you want to create.​ The page reappears with different content depending on the volume type you select.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Volumes Select one or more volumes to create a stripe volume or metavolume.​ Striping volumes of different sizes uses the minimum size for striping and creates unused space in volumes larger than the minimum size.​ emc​Volume​Identity Y
Size (MB) For a slice volume, type the size of the slice volume in megabytes.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Stripe Size (KB) For a stripe volume, select the stripe depth in multiples of 8 kilobytes.​ Recommended size is 256 KB (default) for file systems run in a CIFS or NFS environment with a storage system.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Volumes For Slice Select a volume from which to create a slice volume.​ Available only for slice volumes.​ emc​Volume​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VOLUME_​IDENTITY Volume Identity.​ emc​Volume​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Account Identity.​ EMC_​Account​Identity

Delete VNX Block Storage Pool

Delete Block Storage Pool.
This task deletes the specified storage pool.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Storage Pool Choose an EMC VNX storage pool to delete emc​Block​Storage​Pool​Identity Y
Are you sure you want to delete the selected storage pool? Storage pool delete warning message Y
No Outputs

Delete VNX CIFS Server

Delete EMC VNX CIFS Server.
This task deletes the specified CIFS server.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
CIFS Server Choose an EMC VNX CIFS server to delete emc​Cifs​Server​Identity Y
No Outputs

Delete VNX CIFS Share

Delete EMC VNX CIFS Share.
This task deletes the specified CIFS share.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
CIFS Share Choose an EMC VNX CIFS share to delete emc​Cifs​Share​Identity Y
No Outputs

Delete VNX DNS Domain

Delete EMC VNX DNS Domain.
This task deletes the specified DNS Domain.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
DNS Domain Choose an EMC VNX domain to delete emc​Dns​Domain​Identity Y
No Outputs

Delete VNX File System

Delete EMC VNX File System.
This task deletes the specified File System.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
File System Choose an EMC VNX file system to delete emc​File​System​Identity Y
No Outputs

Delete VNX LUN

Delete LUN.
This task deletes the specified LUN.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select LUN Choose the LUN that needs to be deleted emc​LUNIdentity Y
Are you sure you want to delete the selected LUN ? LUN delete warning message Y
No Outputs

Delete VNX MetaLUN

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Meta​LUN Choose the Meta​LUN to be deleted emc​Meta​LUNIdentity Y
Are you sure you want to delete the selected Meta​LUN ? Meta​LUN delete warning message Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​LUN_​IDENTITY LUN Identity emc​LUNIdentity

Delete VNX NFS Export

Delete EMC VNX NFS Export.
Deletes the specified NFS Export Path.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
NFS Export Choose an EMC VNX NFS Export to delete emc​Nfs​Export​Identity Y
Recursive Delete Check to perform a recursive delete gen_​text_​input
No Outputs

Delete VNX Network Interface

Delete EMC VNX Network Interface.
Deletes EMC VNX Network Interface.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Interface Choose an EMC VNX interface to delete emc​Data​Mover​Interface​Identity Y
No Outputs

Delete VNX RAID Group

Delete RAID Group.
Deletes the specified VNX RAID Group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select RAID Group Choose a RAID group to delete emc​RAIDGroup​Identity Y
Are you sure you want to delete the selected Raid group? Raid group delete warning message Y
No Outputs

Delete VNX Storage Group

Delete Storage Group.
Deletes the specified VNX Storage Group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Storage Group Choose a storage group to delete emc​Storage​Group​Identity Y
Are you sure you want to delete the selected storage group? Storage group delete warning message Y
No Outputs

Delete VNX Storage Pool

Delete EMC VNX Storage Pool.
Deletes the specified VNX Storage Pool
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Storage Pool Select EMC VNX Storage Pool to delete emc​Storage​Pool​Identity Y
Recursive Delete Check this option to perform Recursive Delete gen_​text_​input
No Outputs

Delete VNX Volume

Delete EMC VNX Volume.
Deletes the specified Volume
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Volume Choose an EMC VNX volume to delete emc​Volume​Identity Y
Recursive Delete Check to perform a recursive delete gen_​text_​input
No Outputs

Expand VNX Block Storage Pool

Expand VNX Block Storage Pool.
Expands specified Block Storage Pool.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EMC Account Choose an EMC VNX account EMC_​Account​Identity Y
Storage Pool Name Choose a storage pool name gen_​text_​input Y
Disks Choose one or more disks emc​Free​Disks​Multi​Select Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​BLOCK_​STORAGE_​POOL_​IDENTITY Storage Pool For Block Identity emc​Block​Storage​Pool​Identity

Expand VNX LUN

Expand Storage Pool LUN.
This task expands storage pool type LUNs.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
LUN to Expand Choose a LUN to expand emc​LUNIdentity Y
User Capacity Enter the LUN capacity gen_​text_​input Y
Capacity Units Choose the LUN capacity units EMCSize​Unit
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​LUN_​IDENTITY LUN Identity emc​LUNIdentity

Extend VNX FileSystem

Extend EMC VNX FileSystem.
Extends EMC VNX File System.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select EMC Account Choose an EMC VNX account EMC_​Account​Identity Y
File Systems Choose a file system to be extended emc​File​System​Identity Y
Extend From Choose whether to use a storage pool or volume to extend the file system emc​Vnx​File​System​Source​Type​List Y
Storage Pool Choose a storage pool emc​Storage​Pool​Identity
Volume Select the underlying metavolume for the file system.​ emc​Volume​Identity Y
Size (MB) Enter the size of the storage pool to extend gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
FILE_​SYSTEM_​NAME Name of the file system created gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​FILE_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY File System Identity.​ emc​File​System​Identity

Modify VNX NFS Export

Modify NFS Export.
Modifies NFS Export of specified File System in a Data Mover.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Data Mover Choose a data mover emc​Mover​Identity Y
File System Path Choose a file system gen_​text_​input Y
Read Only Hosts Enter one or more read only hosts.​ Separate the host names with commas.​ Enclose any IPv6 addresses in brackets.​ For example: [2001:db8::1].​ gen_​text_​input
Read/Write Hosts Enter one or more read/write hosts.​ Separate the host names with commas.​ Enclose any IPv6 addresses in brackets.​ For example: [2001:db8::1].​ gen_​text_​input
Root Hosts Enter one or more root hosts.​ Separate the host names with commas.​ Enclose any IPv6 addresses in brackets.​ For example: [2001:db8::1].​ gen_​text_​input
Access Hosts Enter one or more access hosts.​ Separate the host names with commas.​ Enclose any IPv6 addresses in brackets.​ For example: [2001:db8::1].​ gen_​text_​input
Host Access Read-only Export Check to make access to the exported host read-only
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​NFS_​EXPORT_​PATH Name of the nfs export.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​NFS_​EXPORT_​IDENTITY NFS Export Identity.​ emc​Nfs​Export​Identity

Remove Hosts from VNX Storage Group

Remove Host from Storage Group.
Removes the specified Hosts from the given VNX Storage Group
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Storage Group Choose a storage group emc​Storage​Group​Identity Y
Select Host Choose a host to remove from the storage group emc​Host​Identity Y
No Outputs

Remove LUN from VNX Storage Group

Remove LUN from Storage Group.
Remove the specified LUN from VNX Storage Group
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Storage Group Choose a storage group emc​Storage​Group​Identity Y
Select LUN Choose the LUN that you want to remove from the storage group emc​LUNIdentity Y
No Outputs

Remove VNX Initiator

Remove Initiator.
Remove the specified VNX Initiator.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Initiator Choose one or more initiators to delete emc​Initiator​Identity Y
No Outputs