Create APIC Physical Domain
- Summary
- Create a physical domain.
- Description
- This task creates a physical domain on the APIC controller.
- Inputs
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory APIC Account Name Select an APIC account name. ApicDeviceIdentity Y Physical Domain Name Enter the physical domain name. gen_text_input Y Associated Attachable Entity Profile Select Associated Attachable Entity profile. ApicAssociatedAttachableEntityProfileIdentity VLAN Pool Select VLAN Pool. ApicVlanPoolIdentity - Outputs
Output Description Type APIC_ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed ApicDeviceIdentity PHYSICAL_DOMAIN APIC Tenant Physical Domain gen_text_input PHYSICAL_DOMAIN_IDENTITY APIC Tenant Physical Domain Identity ApicPhysicalDomainIdentity PHYSICAL_DOMAIN_PROFILE_IDENTITY APIC Tenant Physical Domain Profile Identity ApicDomainProfileIdentity VMNETWORKING_PHYSICAL_DOMAIN_PROFILE_IDENTITY APIC Device VM Networking Physical Domain Profile Identity ApicVMNetworkingDomainProfileIdentity VLAN_POOL VLAN Pool gen_text_input VLAN_POOL_IDENTITY VLAN Pool Identity ApicVlanPoolIdentity ENTITY_PROFILE Associated Attachable Entity Profile gen_text_input ENTITY_PROFILE_IDENTITY Associated Attachable Entity Profile Identity ApicAssociatedAttachableEntityProfileIdentity