APIC - Bridge Domain Operations

This chapter contains the following sections:

Add DHCP Label To APIC Tenant Bridge Domain

Add a DHCP label to tenant bridge domain.
This task adds a dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) label to a tenant bridge domain for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Bridge Domain Select a bridge domain.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity Y
scope Choose Scope, either infra or tenant.​ gen_​text_​input Y
DHCP Relay Name For Tenant Select a DHCP Relay name for Tenant.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Dhcp​Relay​Identity Y
DHCP Relay Name For Infra Select a DHCP Relay name for Infra.​ Apic​Device​Fabric​Dhcp​Relay​Identity Y
DHCP Option Policy Select a DHCP Option Policy.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Dhcp​Option​Policy​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN Bridge Domain Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY Bridge Domain Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity
TENANT_​DHCP_​RELAY_​NAME DHCP Relay Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DHCP_​RELAY_​IDENTITY DHCP Relay Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Dhcp​Relay​Identity
TENANT_​DHCP_​SCOPE DHCP Scope gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DHCP_​SCOPE_​IDENTITY DHCP Scope Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Dhcp​Scope​Identity
TENANT_​DHCP_​OPTION_​POLICY_​NAME DHCP Option Policy Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DHCP_​OPTION_​POLICY_​IDENTITY DHCP Option Policy Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Dhcp​Option​Policy​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​DHCP_​LABEL_​IDENTITY Bridge doamind DHCP label Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Dhcp​Label​Identity
FABRIC_​DHCP_​RELAY_​NAME Fabric DHCP Relay Name gen_​text_​input
FABRIC_​DHCP_​RELAY_​IDENTITY Fabric DHCP Relay Identity Apic​Device​Fabric​Dhcp​Relay​Identity

Create APIC Tenant Bridge Domain

Create a tenant bridge domain.
This task creates a bridge domain on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Provide Tenant Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Bridge Domain Name Provide Bridge Domain Name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Description gen_​text_​input
Network Provide Network Apic​Device​Tenant​Private​Network​Identity
Forwarding Select the forwarding parameters gen_​text_​input
L2 Unknown Unicast Select the L2 Unicast parameter gen_​text_​input
Unknown Multicast Flooding Select Multicast parameter gen_​text_​input
ARP Flooding Select this option to enable ARP flooding Boolean
Unicast Routing Select this option to enable Unicast routing Boolean
Custom Mac​Address Select this option to Configure the Bridge Domain macaddress
Mac​Address Macaddress configuration gen_​text_​input
Endpoint Dataplane Learning Check this option to enable Endpoint Dataplane Learning.​ The default value is true.​ gen_​text_​input
Limit IP Learning To Subnet Check this option to Limit IP Learning To Subnet.​ The default value is true.​ gen_​text_​input
IGMP Snoop Policy IGMP Snoop Policy Apic​Device​Tenant​IGMPPolicy​Identity
Associated L3 Out Provide associated L3 Out Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
L3 Out for Route Profile L3 out for Route Profile Apic​Device​Tenant​Routed​Profile​To​Ext​Routed​Network​Identity
Monitoring Policy Provide Monitoring Policy Apic​Device​Tenant​Monitoring​Policy​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN Bridge Domain Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY Bridge Domain Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity

Create Subnet To APIC Bridge Domain

Create a subnet to a bridge domain.
This task creates a subnet to a bridge domain on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Bridge Domain Select a bridge domain.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity Y
Gateway IP (Address) Enter a gateway IP address in the format i.​i.​i.​i.​ Ex: 10.​1.​1.​1 ipaddress Y
Gateway IP (Prefix) Enter a gateway IP prefix in the range 1 to 30.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Shared Subnet Check this option to enable Subnet Control for a shared subnet.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
Public Subnet Check this option to enable Subnet Control for a public subnet.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
Private Subnet Check this option to enable Subnet Control for a privet subnet.​ The default value is true.​ Boolean
Description Enter a description.​ The description can be up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
Subnet Control (Querier IP) Check this option to enable Subnet Control.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
L3 Out for Route Profile Select L3 Out for Route Profile Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
Route Profile Select a Route profile.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Routed​Profile​To​Ext​Routed​Network​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN Bridge Domain Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY Bridge Domain Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Routed Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Routed Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
TENANT_​SUBNET_​NAME Subnet Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​SUBNET_​IDENTITY Subnet Identity gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​SUBNET_​TO_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY Subnet Identity Apic​Tenant​Subnet​To​Bridge​Domain​Identity

Delete APIC Tenant Bridge Domain

Delete a tenant bridge domain.
This task deletes a bridge domain for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Bridge Domain Name Select a bridge domain name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Tenant Bridge Domain? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN Bridge Domain Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY Bridge Domain Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity

Delete DHCP Label From APIC Tenant Bridge Domain

Delete a DHCP label from a tenant bridge domain in UCSD.
This task deletes a dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) label from a tenant bridge domain on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
DHCP Relay Name Select a DHCP Relay Label name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Dhcp​Label​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected DHCP Label from Tenant Bridge Domain? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN Bridge Domain Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY Bridge Domain Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity
TENANT_​DHCP_​RELAY_​NAME DHCP Relay Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DHCP_​RELAY_​IDENTITY DHCP Relay Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Dhcp​Relay​Identity

Delete Subnet From APIC Bridge Domain

Delete a subnet from a bridge domain.
This task deletes a subnet from a bridge domain on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Subnet Select a subnet.​ Apic​Tenant​Subnet​To​Bridge​Domain​Identity Y
Do you want to delete the selected Subnet From Bridge Network? Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN Bridge Domain Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY Bridge Domain Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity
TENANT_​SUBNET_​NAME Subnet Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​SUBNET_​IDENTITY Subnet Identity gen_​text_​input

Modify APIC Tenant Bridge Domain

Modify a tenant bridge domain.
This task modifies a tenant bridge domain on the APIC controller. A bridge domain represents a Layer 2 forwarding construct within the fabric.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Bridge Domain Name Select a bridge domain name.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity Y
Description Enter a description.​ The description can be up to 128 alphanumeric characters.​ gen_​text_​input
Network Select a network.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Private​Network​Identity
L2 Unknown Unicast Choose the L2 Unicast parameter, either flood or hardware proxy.​ The default value is 'flood'.​ gen_​text_​input
Unknown Multicast Flooding Choose the Multicast parameter, either flood or optimized flood.​ The default value is 'flood'.​ gen_​text_​input
ARP Flooding Check this option to enable ARP flooding.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
Unicast Routing Check this option to enable Unicast routing.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
Custom Mac​Address Check this option to configure the Bridge Domain MAC address.​
Mac​Address Enter a MAC address in the format aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff.​ For example: 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88.​ gen_​text_​input
Endpoint Dataplane Learning Check this option to enable Endpoint Dataplane Learning.​ The default value is true.​ gen_​text_​input
Limit IP Learning To Subnet Check this option to Limit IP Learning To Subnet.​ The default value is true.​ gen_​text_​input
IGMP Snoop Policy Select an IGMP Snoop Policy.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​IGMPPolicy​Identity
Associated L3 Out Select an associated L3 Out.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
L3 Out for Route Profile Select an L3 Out for Route profile.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Routed​Profile​To​Ext​Routed​Network​Identity
Monitoring Policy Select a Monitoring policy.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Monitoring​Policy​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN Bridge Domain Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY Bridge Domain Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity

Update Subnet To APIC Bridge Domain

Update a subnet on a bridge domain.
This task updates a subnet on a bridge domain on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Subnet Select a subnet.​ Apic​Tenant​Subnet​To​Bridge​Domain​Identity Y
Shared Subnet Check this option to enable Subnet Control for a shared subnet.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
Public Subnet Check this option to enable Subnet Control for a public subnet.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
Private Subnet Check this option to enable Subnet Control for a privet subnet.​ The default value is true.​ Boolean
Subnet Control (Querier IP) Check this option to enable Subnet Control.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
L3 Out for Route Profile Select L3 Out for the route profile.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
Route Profile Select a route profile.​ Apic​Device​Tenant​Routed​Profile​To​Ext​Routed​Network​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN Bridge Domain Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY Bridge Domain Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Routed Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Routed Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
TENANT_​SUBNET_​NAME Subnet Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​SUBNET_​IDENTITY Subnet Identity gen_​text_​input