VMware VM Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Add Raw Device VM Disk

Add a LUN as an RDM disk to a VM.
This task adds a LUN as an RDM disk to a VM. Inputs include:
  • VM: Select the VM for which to add a raw device as a disk.
  • LUN: Select the LUN that is mapped with the ESXi host. The ESXi Host is identified based on the selected VM. This task input can also be mapped with input type LUN_NAA_ID.
  • Compatibility Mode: Virtual Compatibility Mode makes an RDM behave exactly like a virtual disk file, including the use of snapshots. Physical Compatibility Mode enables direct access of the SCSI device for those applications that need lower level control.
  • Virtual Device Node: Select the virtual device node.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM for which to add Raw device as disk.​ vm Y
Select Target LUN Select LUN for mapping to VM Disk.​ vmware​Host​Node​SCSILUN Y
Compatibility Mode Select Compatibility Mode.​ vmware​Disk​Raw​Device​Compatibility​Mode
Virtual Device Node Select Virtual Device Node.​ vmware​Virtual​Device​Node
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of the VM on which the selected operation was performed vm
OUTPUT_​VM_​DISK_​LABEL VM Disk Label gen_​text_​input

Assign VMs to VDC

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select cloud name.​ vmware​Account​Name Y
Select VM Select the VM multi​VM Y
v​DC Name Select v​DC to which VMs to migrated v​DC Y
No Outputs

Assign VMware Image to Group

Assign VMware image to group.
This task assigns a VMware image to a group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Image Select the image.​ image Y
Assign To Users Select this option to allow resource assignment to users.​
User Group ID Select the group to assign to resource pool.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Comments Enter comments gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​GROUP_​ID Group ID user​Group
IMAGE_​NAME Name of the Template on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​IMAGE_​IDENTITY Image identity image

Clone VM as Image

Creates an image from a virtual machine.
This task creates an image from a VM. This task can be used to clone the behavior of an existing VM. The output of this task is an image name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM from which image is cloned vm Y
Name for the Image Name for the Image (may include template parameters) gen_​text_​input
Assign Image To Group Select this option to assign newly created image to particular group gen_​text_​input
Group ID Image will be associated to selected group gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
IMAGE_​NAME Name of the Template on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​GROUP_​ID Group ID user​Group
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​IMAGE_​IDENTITY Image identity image

Convert VM as Image

Converts a VM to an image.
This task converts an existing VM to an image. After converting a VM to an image, the VM no longer exists. The output of this task is an image name, that was converted from a VM.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM which is converted to template vm Y
Assign Image To Group Select this option to assign newly created image to particular group gen_​text_​input
Group ID Image will be associated to selected group gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
IMAGE_​NAME Name of the Template on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​GROUP_​ID Group ID user​Group

Convert VMware Image to VM

Converts an image to a VM.
This task converts an existing image to a VM. After converting an image to VM, the image no longer exists. The output of this task is a VM name, that was converted from an image.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Image Select the Image which will be converted to VM image Y
Assign VM Select this option to assign vm to particular group Boolean
v​DC Virtual Data Center (cannot be a container) v​DC
Category VM Category vdc​Category
VM User Label VM User Label gen_​text_​input
Set Provision Time Select this to set VM Provision Time to the specified time.​ Boolean
Provision Date/Time VM Provision time will be set to specified time date_​time
Comments Comments gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of the VM on which the selected operation was performed vm

Create VM Disk

Creates a new virtual disk for the VM.
This creates a virtual hard disk as a storage device in a specified datastore for the VM. The Virtual hard disk can be created on the same datastore on which VM is configured or on a different datastore.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM for which disk need to be created vm Y
Disk Size (GB) Enter size of the disk gen_​text_​input Y
Select Disk Type Select Disk Type Disk​Type
Select Datastore/Datastore Cluster Select Datastore/Datastore Cluster Datastore​Or​Datastore​Cluster
Select Datastore Select a datastore name data​Store​Name
Select Datastore Cluster Select a datastore cluster name data​Store​Cluster​Name
Thin Provisioning Do you want to allocate and commit space on demand?
No Outputs

Create VM Snapshot

Creates a snapshot of a Virtual Machine.
This task backs up an existing VM as a snapshot for use as backup in case of failure. Output of this task is the name of the snapshot that was created.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM for which snapshot need to be created vm Y
Snapshot Name Name of the snapshot gen_​text_​input Y
Snapshot Memory Whether to do a snapshot of memory
Quiesce Filesystem Whether to quiesce file system
Output Description Type
SNAPSHOT_​NAME Name of the Snapshot on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of the VM on which the selected operation was performed vm

Delete Multiple VMware VM

Delete multiple VMware VMs.
This task deletes one or more VMware VMs.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VMs Select the VMs to be deleted multi​VM Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of the VM on which the selected operation was performed vm

Delete VM Disk

Deletes a virtual disk for the VM.
This task deletes the specified virtual hard disk for the VM.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM for which disk need to be deleted vm Y
Select Disk Name Select a disk name gen_​text_​input
No Outputs

Delete VMWare VM Snapshot

Delete a snapshot of Virtual Machine.
This task deletes an existing snapshot of a VM. Use this task to clean up old snapshots to free up disk space. Over time when lots of snapshots are created, older or unwanted snapshots can be deleted to free up disk space.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM to delete a snapshot vm Y
Snapshot Name Name of the snapshot to be deleted gen_​text_​input Y
Delete Children Deletes all children of the selected snapshot also
Output Description Type
SNAPSHOT_​NAME Name of the Snapshot on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of the VM on which the selected operation was performed vm

Delete VMware Image

Deletes a VMware image.
This task deletes a VMware image.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Image Select the Image to be deleted image Y
Output Description Type
IMAGE_​NAME Name of the Template on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input

Delete VMware VM

Deletes a VMware VM.
This task deletes a VMware VM.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM to be deleted vm Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of the VM on which the selected operation was performed vm

Delete all VMware VM Snapshots

Delete all the snapshots of a Virtual Machine.
This task deletes all the snapshots of a VM.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM to delete all snapshots vm Y
No Outputs

Execute VIX Script

Executes the VIX script to handle Guest OS commands.
This task executes commands on the guest OS. You to can configure parameters in the guest OS using the script commands. If the command parameters contain variables such as ${variable} then the command must escape backslashes using four backslashes '\\\\' instead of two.'\\'. For example: c:\\sqlinstall\\install.cmd ${SQL_INSTANCE_NAME} must be passed as c:\\\\sqlinstall\\\\install.cmd ${SQL_INSTANCE_NAME}. The output of this task is the status code of the VIX script. In a windows VM, when Output display and Invoke Guest Operations API are both set to false, then you must provide the /c flag in the script input. If the /c flag is missing under those conditions, then the task is blocked and UCSD times out. If Output display is false and Invoke Guest Operations API is true, then the task fails with error code -1.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM on which to execute the VIX Action vm Y
Credential Type Credential Type Y
Login Login gen_​text_​input
Password Password password
Script Script Y
Undo Script Undo Script
Error Codes Enter comma seperated error codes gen_​text_​input
Output Display Output Display gen_​text_​input Y
Invoke Guest Operations API Invoke Guest Operations API gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
EXIT_​STATUS_​CODE Exit Status code of VIX Script gen_​text_​input
ERROR_​STATUS_​MESSAGE Failure Message of VIX Script gen_​text_​input

Execute VM Command

Executes a command on the VM.
The task executes a command on the selected VM. You must provide the command path and command arguments.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM for which command to be run.​ vm Y
User Name Enter VM login user name.​ Y
Password Enter VM login password.​ Y
Command Path Enter command path.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Command Arguments Enter command arguments.​ gen_​text_​input
No Outputs

File Explorer

Uploads or downloads a file to or from the VM.
The task uploads a file to the VM or downloads a file from the VM.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM for which filer operation like upload/download need to be done.​ vm Y
User Name Enter VM login user name.​ Y
Password Enter VM login password.​ Y
File Upload Select option to upload file.​
Local File Path Select path of the local file.​ gen_​text_​input
Guest File Path Select path of the VM Guest file.​ gen_​text_​input
File Download Select option to download file.​
Guest File Path Select path of the VM Guest file.​ gen_​text_​input
Local Download Location Select path of the local file.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of the VM on which the selected operation was performed vm
OUTPUT_​UPLOAD_​TO_​VM_​FILE_​PATH Uploaded File Path gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​UPLOAD_​TO_​VM_​FILE_​NAME Uploaded File Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DOWNLOAD_​FROM_​VM_​FILE_​PATH Downloaded File Path gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​DOWNLOAD_​FROM_​VM_​FILE_​NAME Downloaded File Name gen_​text_​input

Guest Operations

Execute guest operations to handle a guest OS.
This task executes commands in a guest OS. You can configure parameters in a guest OS using script commands. If the command parameters contain variables such as ${variable} then the command must escape backslashes using four backslashes '\\\\' instead of two.'\\'. For example: c:\\sqlinstall\\install.cmd ${SQL_INSTANCE_NAME} must be passed as c:\\\\sqlinstall\\\\install.cmd ${SQL_INSTANCE_NAME}. You can upload a file to the guest and execute the uploaded file. The outputs of this task include status code, error messages, and command output.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM for which command to be run.​ vm Y
User Name Enter VM login user name.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Password Enter VM login password.​ password Y
OS Type Select Guest OS Type vmware​Guest​OSType​List Y
Guest Operations Select action to perform action on Guest vmware​VIXGuest​Operation​List
Upload File Select file that needs to be uploaded to Guest file​Upload
Guest OS Folder Path Enter Guest Guest OS Folder Path to which the files must be uploaded.​ Example folder Paths: Windows[C:\UCSDGuest​Files\], Linux[/tmp/UCSDGuest​Files/].​ gen_​text_​input
Wait Time To Complete(seconds) Enter wait time for VMWare Guest operation to complete.​ gen_​text_​input
Executable Path and Options Based on the executor path this task decides whether to execute through powershell or batch script.​ we can provide options along with Executor Path.​ Example:Power​Shell Path [C:\Windows\System32\Windows​Power​Shell\v1.​0\Power​Shell.​exe].​ Command​Line Path[C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.​exe] gen_​text_​input
Command Path Enter command path.​ gen_​text_​input
Undo Script Undo Script for rollback gen_​text_​input
Error Codes Enter comma seperated error codes gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
EXIT_​STATUS_​CODE Exit status code of Guest Operations script gen_​text_​input
ERROR_​STATUS_​MESSAGE Failure message of Guest Operations script gen_​text_​input
COMMAND_​OUTPUT Command Output of Guest Operations script gen_​text_​input

Guest Setup

Resets the Guest OS root password.
This task resets the root password on the Guest OS of the VM. The output of this task is a reset root password.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM to perform the Guest Setup action vm Y
Credential Options Credential Options gen_​text_​input
User ID VM User ID vm_​user​ID Y
Password VM Password vm_​password Y
Output Description Type
NEW_​PASSWORD New password password

Import OVF to VMware Cloud

Import an OVF image to a VMware cloud
This task imports OVF packages into the UCS Director system. For example, you can create a virtual machine within VMware and export it into an OVF package for installation, either within your organization or for distribution to other organizations. An OVF package consists of pre configured virtual machines that package applications with the operating system that they require. This task supports both files uploaded to UCS Director and HTTP URLs such as "". UCS Director uses this task to import virtual machines packaged in OVF format into the vCenter VMware Cloud. The output of this task is a virtual machine created on the vCenter VMware Cloud.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select v​DC Select v​DC on which to perform the action v​DC Y
Select file from Appliance Storage Select file from Appliance Storage
OVF File OVF File gen_​text_​input Y
OVF URL OVF URL gen_​text_​input Y
VM Name Unique VM Name gen_​text_​input
Username User Name gen_​text_​input
Password Password password
Enable Guest Customization Enable Guest Customization Boolean
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of the VM on which the selected operation was performed vm
OUTPUT_​OVF_​VM_​OSTYPE VM OS Type gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​OVF_​VM_​NICS VM NICs gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​OVF_​USERNAME OVF Username gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​OVF_​PASSWORD OVF Passowrd password
OUTPUT_​OVF_​VM_​VCPU No of v​CPUs gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​OVF_​VM_​MEMORYMB Memory(MB) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​OVF_​VM_​DISKGB Disk(GB) gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input

Mark/Unmark VMware VM As Golden Snapshot

Mark or Unmark a snapshot as a golden snapshot.
This task adds or removes the "golden snapshot" designation to a snapshot. A golden snapshot cannot be deleted. To delete a golden snapshot, revert it back to non-golden. Output of this task is the name of the snapshot whose status was changed.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM to mark a snapshot as golden snapshot vm Y
Name of the snapshot Name of the snapshot to be marked as golden snapshot gen_​text_​input Y
Mark As Golden Snapshot Mark or Unmark the selected snapshot as golden snapshot.​
No Outputs

Migrate VMWare VM

Migrates a VM to a new host or a new datastore.
This task migrates a VM to a new host, a new datastore, or to both a new host and a new datastore.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select the cloud name to migrate the Account Name vmware​Account​Name Y
Select VM Select the VM to be migrated vm Y
Migration Type Change the virtual machine's host, datastore or both vmware​Migration​Type​Selector Y
Host Node The hostnode where the VM need to be migrated to vmware​Host​Node​Identity
Datastore Select the datastore where the VM need to be migrated to data​Store​Name
Modify Networks Modify source VM networks to target host networks Boolean
VM Networks select one or more networks VMMigrate​Networks​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of the VM on which the selected operation was performed vm

Provision new VMware VM

Provision a new VM.
This task provisions a new VM using an ISO Image.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Catalog Select Catalog on which to perform the action catalog Y
Select v​DC Select v​DC on which to perform the action v​DC Y
VM Name Unique VM Name gen_​text_​input
Guest OS Guest OS Identifier VMWare​Guest​Os​To​ISOMapping​List Y
Number of v​CPUs Number of v​CPUs to allocate v​CPUCount
Cores Per Socket Cores per Socket cores​Per​Socket
Memory Amount of memory to allocate mem​Size​MB
Disk Amount of disk to allocate disk​Size​GB
Category This selection will override the catalog category ucsd​Application​Category
Storage Tier Storage Tier storage​Tier​Policy
Disk Datastores Disk Datastores
Override Datastore and Size ISODisk​Datastore​Override
VM Disks Enter Disk Datastores information in JSON Format gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
PROVISIONED_​VM_​ID ID of provisioned virtual machine vm
ISO_​IMAGE_​PATH ISO Image Path which is used for CDROM Mounting gen_​text_​input

Remove VMWare VM CD/DVD Drive

VM Remove a CD or DVD Drive.
This task removes a VMware CD or DVD drive.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM for which iso image need to be unmounted vm Y
Unit No Select the unit no of CD/DVD Drive which needs to be removed gen_​text_​input Y
Controller Key Select the controller key of CD/DVD Drive which needs to be removed gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of the VM on which the selected operation was performed vm

Resize VM Memory and CPU

Reconfigures the memory size and the CPU size of virtual machine .
This task modifies the VM's memory size and CPU size. You can reconfigure the VM's resources depending upon your requirements.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the on which to perform the action vm Y
Number of v​CPUs Number of v​CPUs to allocate v​CPUCount
Cores Per Socket Cores Per Socket cores​Per​Socket
Memory Amount of memory to allocate mem​Size​MB
No Outputs

Resize VMWare Generic Datastore

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Datastore Association Select the VM association status for the Datastore for which resize needs to be done Data​Store Association Y
Select VM Optionally select a VM for resizing the storage on vm Y
Datastore Name Datastore Name vmware​Datastore​Account​Identity Y
Storage Size (GB) Storage Size (GB) data​Store​Size Y
No Outputs

Resize VMWare VM Disk

Reconfigures the disk size of a virtual machine.
This task modifies the VM's disk size. You can reconfigure the VM's disk size depending upon your requirements.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM for which to be resized vm Y
Select Disk VM Disk gen_​text_​input Y
Total Provisioned (GB) VM Disk gen_​text_​input
New Disk Size (GB) New Disk Size of the VM gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Resync VMware VM

Resyncs a VM.
This task resyncs or refreshes a VM and gets the latest updates on the VM.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM to wait for network status vm Y
Max Wait Time (minutes) Max Wait Time in minutes Y
Output Description Type
VM_​ID VMID of the Selected VM gen_​text_​input
VM_​NAME Name of the Selected VM gen_​text_​input
VM_​ACCOUNTNAME Account Name of the Selected VM account​Name
VM_​PRIMARYIP Primary IP Address of the VM ipaddress
VM_​HOST Host Name of the selected VM vm​Host
VM_​STATUS Status the VM gen_​text_​input
VM_​NUM_​NICS Number of NICS on the VM gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC_​NAME_​0 Name of the NIC0 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC_​PORTGROUP_​0 Portgroup of the NIC0 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC_​IP_​0 IP Address of the NIC0 ipaddress
VM_​NIC_​NAME_​1 Name of the NIC1 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC_​PORTGROUP_​1 Portgroup of the NIC1 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC_​IP_​1 IP Address of the NIC1 ipaddress
VM_​NIC_​NAME_​2 Name of the NIC2 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC_​PORTGROUP_​2 Portgroup of the NIC2 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC_​IP_​2 IP Address of the NIC2 ipaddress
VM_​NIC_​NAME_​3 Name of the NIC3 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC_​PORTGROUP_​3 Portgroup of the NIC3 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC_​IP_​3 IP Address of the NIC3 ipaddress

Revert VM Snapshot

Revert a VM to a snapshot.
This task reverts a VM to a user-specified snapshot. Use this task when a VM is corrupted or there is loss of data to revert to any of the VM's snapshots.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM on which to perform snapshot revert action vm Y
Snapshot Name Name of the snapshot gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
SNAPSHOT_​NAME Name of the Snapshot on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of the VM on which the selected operation was performed vm

Save VMware VM as Template

Create a template from a virtual machine.
This task creates a template from a VM. This task can be used to clone the behavior of an existing VM. The output of this task is a template name.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM which should be saved as template vm Y
Name for the Template Name for the Template (may include template parameters) gen_​text_​input
Publish to Catalog When checked published as a catalog item to the initiating user group, incase of admin it is applied to all groups.​
Output Description Type
IMAGE_​NAME Name of the Template on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​CATALOG_​ID ID of the Catalog on which the selected operation was performed catalog

Sync Subscribed Content Library

Synchronizes a subscribed content library.
This tasks synchronizes the selected subscribed content library in the virtual account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name vmware​Account​Name Y
Select content Library Select content Library CONTENT_​LIBRARY_​IDENTITY_​OPTION Y
No Outputs

Unassign VMware Image from Group

Unassign VMware image from group.
This task unassigns a VMware image from a group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Image Select the image.​ image Y
No Outputs

VM Configure VNC

Configures VNC on the VM.
This task configures VNC console access on a VM.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the on which to perform VNC action vm Y
Keyboard Mapping Select the Keyboard Mapping vmware​Vm​VNCKey​Board​Map
No Outputs

VM Disable VNC

Disables VNC console access.
This task disables VNC Console access to the VM.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the on which to perform VNC action vm Y
No Outputs

VMware - Add Annotation To VMs

VMware - Add Annotation To VMs.
This task adds annotations to VMs. Note: Custom attributes apply to all virtual machines in the inventory.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VMs Select the VMs for which annotation need to be added multi​VM Y
Annotation Label Enter annotation label gen_​text_​input Y
Annotation Value Enter annotation value gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of virtual machine vm

VMware - Get Snapshots

Get the Snapshot information.
This task lists all the snapshots information for the selected VM Template.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VM Template Select VM Template.​ image Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​IMAGE_​IDENTITY Image identity image
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​CURRENT_​SNAPSHOT_​KEY VMware Snapshot Key.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​CURRENT_​SNAPSHOT_​NAME VMware Snapshot Name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ADDITIONAL_​SNAPSHOT_​ALL VMware Additional Snapshot Info.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ADDITIONAL_​SNAPSHOT_​1 VMware Additional Snapshot 1.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ADDITIONAL_​SNAPSHOT_​2 VMware Additional Snapshot 2.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ADDITIONAL_​SNAPSHOT_​3 VMware Additional Snapshot 3.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ADDITIONAL_​SNAPSHOT_​4 VMware Additional Snapshot 4.​ gen_​text_​input

VMware - Guest Customization

Apply Guest Customization on a VM.
This task helps to apply Guest Customization on a provisioned VM. Customization will be applied when the VM is powered on.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM to retrieve the properties vm Y
VM Image Type VM Image Type imagetype Y
Guest OS Host Name Guest OS Host Name gen_​text_​input Y
DNS Domain The IP domain to use for the VM, Ex :cisco gen_​text_​input Y
DNS Suffix List DNS suffixes to configure for the DNS lookup.​ Use commas to separate multiple entries.​ gen_​text_​input
DNS Server List The list of DNS server IP addresses.​ Use commas to separate multiple entries.​ gen_​text_​input
Linux Time Zone Time Zone to be customized for Linux VM linuxtimezone Y
Windows Parameters (applicable only for Windows) Windows Only
Product ID The Windows product ID or license key .​The key is mandatory here otherwise customization will fail.​ gen_​text_​input
License Owner Name Full name of license owner gen_​text_​input
Organization Name of the organization gen_​text_​input
License Mode License Mode licensemode
Number of License Users Number of license users for the OS gen_​text_​input
Primary WINS Primary WIN Server gen_​text_​input
Secondary WINS Secondary WIN Server gen_​text_​input
Auto Logon Automatically logon after system powers.​ Boolean
Auto Logon Count Automatically logon for the number of times as specified.​ gen_​text_​input
Administrator Password Password used for Auto Logon and system deployment.​ password
Windows Time Zone Time Zone to be customized for Windows VM windowstimezone
Domain/Workgroup Belongs to a Windows domain or workgroup? domain
Workgroup Specify Workgroup name.​ gen_​text_​input
Domain Domain.​ gen_​text_​input
Domain Username Domain Username gen_​text_​input
Domain Password Domain Password password
Validate Guest Customization Guest Customization needs to be validated? Boolean
Validation Max Wait Time (mins) Max Wait Time to Validate Guest Customization gen_​text_​input
Power On Select Power On to apply customization Boolean
NIC Configuration Enter the VM Networks with comma (,) separated in specific text format - @@@@@@@@@@@.​ Ex-NIC1@Flexible@vswitch1@portgroup@static@IPv4@172.​1.​1.​1@255.​255.​255.​1@172.​1.​1.​1, NIC2@Flexible@dvswitch1@dvportgroup@static@IPv6@0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:AC01:0101@0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:FFFF:FF01@0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:AC01:0101, NIC3@Flexible@dvswitch3@portgroup3@static@Both@172.​1.​1.​1@255.​255.​255.​1@172.​1.​1.​1@0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:AC01:0101@0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:FFFF:FF01@0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:AC01:0101, NIC4@Flexible@vswitch4@portgroup4@dhcp gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

VMware - Mount ISO on a VM

VM Mount an ISO as a CD ROM.
This task mounts a VMware ISO as a CD ROM.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM for which iso image need to be mounted vm Y
ISO Image Path Path of the iso image gen_​text_​input Y
CD/DVD Drive Mount Options Use Existing CD ROM use​Existing​CDROM Y
Select CD ROMs Select CD ROMs vm​CDROMs
Power Off VM Power Off required, when new device is connected to VM VMware​Power​Off​VM Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of provisioned virtual machine vm

VMware - Provision a Blank VM

Provision a Blank VM.
This task helps to provision a Blank VM without using vDC policies and Catalog.This task is not intended for publishing to the service end user.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Cloud Name Select the cloud name for provisioning a VM vmware​Account​Name Y
VM Name Enter the Unique VM Name for provisioning a VM.​ gen_​text_​input Y
CPU Cores Enter the number of CPU cores (Example: 1,2,3 etc.​) gen_​text_​input Y
Cores Per Socket Enter the number of Cores Per Socket (Example: 1,2,3 etc.​) gen_​text_​input
Memory Size Provide the required memory size gen_​text_​input Y
Memory Unit Select the memory unit for the provided memory vmware​Memory​Size​Unit Y
Host Node/Cluster Select the Host Node/Cluster scope vmwarehostscopeselectiontype Y
Host Node Select a host node to provision a VM on it vmware​Host​Node​Identity
Cluster Select a cluster for provisioning a VM on hosts in cluster vmware​Cluster​Identity
Resource Pool Select single Resource Pool for provisioning a VM vmware​Resource​Pool​Identity
Datastore/Datastore Cluster Select Datastore/Datastore Cluster Storage Scope vmwaredatastorescopeselectiontype Y
Datastore Select a Datastore for provisioning a VM vmware​Datastore​Identity
Datastore Cluster Select a Datastore Cluster for provisioning a VM vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
Guest OS Version Select Guest OS Version for provisioning a VM vmware​Guest​OSList​Provider Y
Controller Type Select Controller Type for provisioning a VM vmware​Disk​Controller​Type​List​Provider Y
Provision Disks in different Datastores/Datastore Clusters Check the checkbox to provision disks in different Datastores/Datastore Clusters Boolean
Disk Provisioning Options
Disk Provisioning Select Thin/Thick Provisioning Options vmware​Storage​Policy​Disk​Provision​Type​Lov​Provider Y
Disk Size Enter the disk with comma (,) separated in specific text format - [Disk Name]@[Disk Size(MB/GB/TB)].​ Ex - HD1@20GB,HD2@2TB gen_​text_​input
Disks Enter the disks with comma (,) separated in specific text format - [Disk Name]@[Disk Size (MB/GB/TB)]@[Disk Format (thin/thicklz/thickez)]@[Disk Datastore]@[Disk Datastore Cluster].​ Ex - HD1@20GB@thicklz@datastore1@,HD2@2TB@thickez@@datastore​Cluster1 gen_​text_​input
VM Networks Enter the VM Networks with comma (,) separated in specific text format - [NIC Alias]@[Adapter Type]@[Switch Name]@[Portgroup].​ Ex - NIC1@Flexible@vswitch1@portgroup, NIC2@E1000@@portgroup4 gen_​text_​input Y
Deploy to Folder Slash (/) separated folder names to which VM may be deployed.​ It may include parameterized variables such as ${GROUP_​NAME} gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of the VM on which the selected operation was performed vm
OUTPUT_​VM_​NIC_​CONFIGURATION VM Network Configuration gen_​text_​input

VMware - Provision a VM without VDC

VMware VM Provisioning without vDC and Catalog.
This task allows user to provision a VM without using vDC policies and Catalog.It helps to add NICs. It will allow the user to change the disk configuration for the VM to be provisioned.This task is not intended for publishing to the service end user.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
VM Name Enter the Unique VM Name for provisioning a VM.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Content Library Template Check the checkbox for provisioning a VM using content library template Boolean
Content Library VM Template Select the content library template for provisioning a VM vmware​Content​Library​Identity
VM Template Select a VM template for provisioning a VM image
CPU Cores Enter the number of CPU cores (Example: 1,2,3 etc.​) gen_​text_​input
Cores Per Socket Enter the number of Cores Per Socket (Example: 1,2,3 etc.​) gen_​text_​input
Memory Size Provide the required memory size gen_​text_​input
Memory Unit Select the memory unit for the provided memory vmware​Memory​Size​Unit
Host Node/Cluster Select the Host Node/Cluster scope vmwarehostscopeselectiontype Y
Host Node Select a host node to provision a VM on it vmware​Host​Node​Identity
Cluster Select a cluster for provisioning a VM on hosts in cluster vmware​Cluster​Identity
Resource Pool Select single Resource Pool for provisioning a VM vmware​Resource​Pool​Identity
Datastore/Datastore Cluster Select Datastore/Datastore Cluster Storage Scope vmwaredatastorescopeselectiontype Y
Datastore Select a Datastore for provisioning a VM vmware​Datastore​Identity
Datastore Cluster Select a Datastore Cluster for provisioning a VM vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
Use Linked Clone Check the checkbox for provisioning a VM using Linked Clone Boolean
Snapshot Name Select a snapshot key for provisioning a VM using Linked Clone gen_​text_​input
Provision Disks in different Datastores/Datastore Clusters Check the checkbox to provision disks in different Datastores/Datastore Clusters Boolean
Disk Provisioning Options
Disk Provisioning Select Thin/Thick Provisioning Options vmware​Storage​Policy​Disk​Provision​Type​Lov​Provider
Disk Resize Enter the disk with comma (,) separated in specific text format - [Disk Name]@[Disk Size (MB/GB/TB)].​ Ex - HD1@20GB,HD2@2TB gen_​text_​input
Disks Enter the disks with comma (,) separated in specific text format - [Disk Name]@[Disk Size(MB/GB/TB)]@[Disk Format (thin/thicklz/thickez)]@[Disk Datastore]@[Disk Datastore Cluster]@[Disk Linked Clone (true/false)].​ Ex - HD1@20GB@thicklz@datastore1@@true,HD2@2TB@thickez@@datastore​Cluster1@false gen_​text_​input
VM Networks Enter the VM Networks with comma (,) separated in specific text format - [NIC Alias]@[Adapter Type]@[Switch Name]@[Portgroup]@[DHCP/Static]@[IPv4/IPv6/Both]@[IPv4 IP Address]@[IPv4 Subnet Mask IP]@[IPv4 Gateway IP]@[IPv6 IP Address]@[IPv6 Subnet Mask IP]@[IPv6 Gateway IP].​ Ex-NIC1@Flexible@vswitch1@portgroup@static@IPv4@172.​1.​1.​1@255.​255.​255.​1@172.​1.​1.​1, NIC2@Flexible@dvswitch1@dvportgroup@static@IPv6@0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:AC01:0101@0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:FFFF:FF01@0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:AC01:0101, NIC3@Flexible@dvswitch3@portgroup3@static@Both@172.​1.​1.​1@255.​255.​255.​1@172.​1.​1.​1@0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:AC01:0101@0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:FFFF:FF01@0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:AC01:0101, NIC4@Flexible@vswitch4@portgroup4@dhcp.​ Guest Customization task needs to be executed for configuring the IP address.​ gen_​text_​input
Deploy to Folder Slash (/) separated folder names to which VM may be deployed.​ It may include parameterized variables such as ${GROUP_​NAME} gen_​text_​input
Power On Check the checkbox to Power On the VM after provisioning Boolean
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of the VM on which the selected operation was performed vm
OUTPUT_​VM_​NIC_​CONFIGURATION VM Network Configuration gen_​text_​input

VMware - Unmount ISO from a VM

Unmounts an ISO image from the CD-ROM.
This task unmounts an ISO image from the CD-ROM.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select VM Select the VM for which iso image need to be unmounted vm Y
Select CD ROMs Select CD ROMs vm​CDROMs Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VM_​ID ID of provisioned virtual machine vm

VMware Resource Allocation

Allocate VM resources.
This task allocates resources for provisioning VMs.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
No Inputs
Output Description Type
ALLOCATED_​IP_​ADDRESS IP Address of the allocated host on which selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
ALLOCATED_​NIC_​IP_​DETAILS IP Address of the additional v​NICs on the host gen_​text_​input

VMware VM Provision

Provision a VM.
This task provisions a VM.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
No Inputs
Output Description Type
PROVISIONED_​VM_​ID ID of provisioned virtual machine vm
VM_​Name VM Name gen_​text_​input
VM_​CPU_​Size VM CPU Size gen_​text_​input
VM_​Cores_​Per_​CPU VM Cores Per CPU gen_​text_​input
VM_​Memory_​Size VM Memory Size gen_​text_​input
VM_​Guest_​Host Name VM Guest Host Name gen_​text_​input
VM_​v​Center_​Name VM v​Center Account Name gen_​text_​input
VM_​Server_​Address VM v​Center Server Address gen_​text_​input
VM_​Datacenter_​Name VM Datacenter Name datacenter​Name
VM_​Datacenter_​Identity VM Datacenter Identity gen_​text_​input
VM_​Host VM Host gen_​text_​input
VM_​Host_​Identity VM Host Identity vmware​Host​Node​Identity
VM_​Cluster_​Name VM Cluster Name gen_​text_​input
VM_​Cluster_​Identity VM Cluster Identity vmware​Cluster​Identity
VM_​Resource_​Pool_​Name VM Resource Pool Name vmware​Resource​Pool​Name
VM_​Resource_​Pool_​Identity VM Resource Pool Identity vmware​Resource​Pool​Identity
VM_​Datastore Datastore Name associated with the vm vmware​Datastore​Name
Datastore_​Identity VM Datastore Identity vmware​Datastore​Identity
Datastore_​Info_​Identity VM Datastore Info Identity gen_​text_​input
VM_​Datastore_​Cluster_​Name VM Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
VM_​Datastore_​Cluster_​Identity VM Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
VM_​Disk_​Count Total Number of VM Disks gen_​text_​input
Datastore_​Name_​Disk1 VM Disk 1 Datastore Name data​Store​Name
Datastore_​Name_​Disk2 VM Disk 2 Datastore Name data​Store​Name
Datastore_​Name_​Disk3 VM Disk 3 Datastore Name data​Store​Name
Datastore_​Name_​Disk4 VM Disk 4 Datastore Name data​Store​Name
Datastore_​Name_​Disk5 VM Disk 5 Datastore Name data​Store​Name
Datastore_​Name_​Disk6 VM Disk 6 Datastore Name data​Store​Name
Datastore_​Name_​Disk7 VM Disk 7 Datastore Name data​Store​Name
Datastore_​Name_​Disk8 VM Disk 8 Datastore Name data​Store​Name
Datastore_​Name_​Disk9 VM Disk 9 Datastore Name data​Store​Name
Datastore_​Name_​Disk10 VM Disk 10 Datastore Name data​Store​Name
Datastore_​Identity_​Disk1 VM Disk 1 Datastore Name vmware​Datastore​Identity
Datastore_​Identity_​Disk2 VM Disk 2 Datastore Name vmware​Datastore​Identity
Datastore_​Identity_​Disk3 VM Disk 3 Datastore Name vmware​Datastore​Identity
Datastore_​Identity_​Disk4 VM Disk 4 Datastore Name vmware​Datastore​Identity
Datastore_​Identity_​Disk5 VM Disk 5 Datastore Name vmware​Datastore​Identity
Datastore_​Identity_​Disk6 VM Disk 6 Datastore Name vmware​Datastore​Identity
Datastore_​Identity_​Disk7 VM Disk 7 Datastore Name vmware​Datastore​Identity
Datastore_​Identity_​Disk8 VM Disk 8 Datastore Name vmware​Datastore​Identity
Datastore_​Identity_​Disk9 VM Disk 9 Datastore Name vmware​Datastore​Identity
Datastore_​Identity_​Disk10 VM Disk 10 Datastore Name vmware​Datastore​Identity
Datastore_​Cluster_​Name_​Disk1 VM Disk 1 Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
Datastore_​Cluster_​Name_​Disk2 VM Disk 2 Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
Datastore_​Cluster_​Name_​Disk3 VM Disk 3 Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
Datastore_​Cluster_​Name_​Disk4 VM Disk 4 Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
Datastore_​Cluster_​Name_​Disk5 VM Disk 5 Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
Datastore_​Cluster_​Name_​Disk6 VM Disk 6 Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
Datastore_​Cluster_​Name_​Disk7 VM Disk 7 Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
Datastore_​Cluster_​Name_​Disk8 VM Disk 8 Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
Datastore_​Cluster_​Name_​Disk9 VM Disk 9 Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
Datastore_​Cluster_​Name_​Disk10 VM Disk 10 Datastore Cluster Name vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Name
Datastore_​Cluster_​Identity_​Disk1 VM Disk 1 Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
Datastore_​Cluster_​Identity_​Disk2 VM Disk 2 Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
Datastore_​Cluster_​Identity_​Disk3 VM Disk 3 Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
Datastore_​Cluster_​Identity_​Disk4 VM Disk 4 Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
Datastore_​Cluster_​Identity_​Disk5 VM Disk 5 Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
Datastore_​Cluster_​Identity_​Disk6 VM Disk 6 Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
Datastore_​Cluster_​Identity_​Disk7 VM Disk 7 Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
Datastore_​Cluster_​Identity_​Disk8 VM Disk 8 Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
Datastore_​Cluster_​Identity_​Disk9 VM Disk 9 Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
Datastore_​Cluster_​Identity_​Disk10 VM Disk 10 Datastore Cluster Identity vmware​Datastore​Cluster​Identity
VM_​Mac Mac address associated with the vm gen_​text_​input
VM_​IPv4_​Address IPv4 address of the vm gen_​text_​input
VM_​IPv6_​Address IPv6 address of the vm gen_​text_​input
VM_​Port​Groups Port Groups associated with the vm gen_​text_​input
VM_​Nics_​Count Total Number of VM NICs gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC1_​MAC_​ADDRESS Mac address of the NIC1 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC1_​IPv4_​ADDRESS IPv4 address of the NIC1 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC1_​IPv6_​ADDRESS IPv6 address of the NIC1 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC1_​ADAPTER_​NAME Adapter name of NIC1 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC1_​GENERIC_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC1 vmware​Vm​Port​Group​Identity
VM_​NIC1_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC1 port​Group​Identity
VM_​NIC1_​DISTRIBUTED_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC1 VMware​DVPortgroup​Identity
VM_​NIC1_​Port​Group_​Name Port​Group Name of the NIC1 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC1_​Port​Group_​Type Port​Group Type of the NIC1 port​Group​Type
VM_​NIC1_​v​Switch_​Name v​Switch Name of the NIC1 v​Switch​Name
VM_​NIC1_​dv​Switch_​Name DV Switch Name of the NIC1 dv​Switch​Name
VM_​NIC1_​v​Switch_​Identity v​Switch Identity of the NIC1 vmware​VSwitch​Identity
VM_​NIC1_​dv​Switch_​Identity DV Switch Identity of the NIC1 VMware​DVSwitch​Identity
VM_​NIC2_​MAC_​ADDRESS Mac address of the NIC2 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC2_​IPv4_​ADDRESS IPv4 address of the NIC2 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC2_​IPv6_​ADDRESS IPv6 address of the NIC2 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC2_​ADAPTER_​NAME Adapter name of NIC2 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC2_​GENERIC_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC2 vmware​Vm​Port​Group​Identity
VM_​NIC2_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC2 port​Group​Identity
VM_​NIC2_​DISTRIBUTED_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC2 VMware​DVPortgroup​Identity
VM_​NIC2_​Port​Group_​Name Port​Group Name of the NIC2 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC2_​Port​Group_​Type Port​Group Type of the NIC2 port​Group​Type
VM_​NIC2_​v​Switch_​Name v​Switch Name of the NIC2 v​Switch​Name
VM_​NIC2_​dv​Switch_​Name DV Switch Name of the NIC2 dv​Switch​Name
VM_​NIC2_​v​Switch_​Identity v​Switch Identity of the NIC2 vmware​VSwitch​Identity
VM_​NIC2_​dv​Switch_​Identity DV Switch Identity of the NIC2 VMware​DVSwitch​Identity
VM_​NIC3_​MAC_​ADDRESS Mac address of the NIC3 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC3_​IPv4_​ADDRESS IPv4 address of the NIC3 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC3_​IPv6_​ADDRESS IPv6 address of the NIC3 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC3_​ADAPTER_​NAME Adapter name of NIC3 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC3_​GENERIC_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC3 vmware​Vm​Port​Group​Identity
VM_​NIC3_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC3 port​Group​Identity
VM_​NIC3_​DISTRIBUTED_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC3 VMware​DVPortgroup​Identity
VM_​NIC3_​Port​Group_​Name Port​Group Name of the NIC3 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC3_​Port​Group_​Type Port​Group Type of the NIC3 port​Group​Type
VM_​NIC3_​v​Switch_​Name v​Switch Name of the NIC3 v​Switch​Name
VM_​NIC3_​dv​Switch_​Name DV Switch Name of the NIC3 dv​Switch​Name
VM_​NIC3_​v​Switch_​Identity v​Switch Identity of the NIC3 vmware​VSwitch​Identity
VM_​NIC3_​dv​Switch_​Identity DV Switch Identity of the NIC3 VMware​DVSwitch​Identity
VM_​NIC4_​MAC_​ADDRESS Mac address of the NIC4 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC4_​IPv4_​ADDRESS IPv4 address of the NIC4 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC4_​IPv6_​ADDRESS IPv6 address of the NIC4 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC4_​ADAPTER_​NAME Adapter name of NIC4 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC4_​GENERIC_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC4 vmware​Vm​Port​Group​Identity
VM_​NIC4_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC4 port​Group​Identity
VM_​NIC4_​DISTRIBUTED_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC4 VMware​DVPortgroup​Identity
VM_​NIC4_​Port​Group_​Name Port​Group Name of the NIC4 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC4_​Port​Group_​Type Port​Group Type of the NIC4 port​Group​Type
VM_​NIC4_​v​Switch_​Name v​Switch Name of the NIC4 v​Switch​Name
VM_​NIC4_​dv​Switch_​Name DV Switch Name of the NIC4 dv​Switch​Name
VM_​NIC4_​v​Switch_​Identity v​Switch Identity of the NIC4 vmware​VSwitch​Identity
VM_​NIC4_​dv​Switch_​Identity DV Switch Identity of the NIC4 VMware​DVSwitch​Identity
VM_​NIC5_​MAC_​ADDRESS Mac address of the NIC5 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC5_​IPv4_​ADDRESS IPv4 address of the NIC5 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC5_​IPv6_​ADDRESS IPv6 address of the NIC5 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC5_​ADAPTER_​NAME Adapter name of NIC5 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC5_​GENERIC_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC5 vmware​Vm​Port​Group​Identity
VM_​NIC5_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC5 port​Group​Identity
VM_​NIC5_​DISTRIBUTED_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC5 VMware​DVPortgroup​Identity
VM_​NIC5_​Port​Group_​Name Port​Group Name of the NIC5 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC5_​Port​Group_​Type Port​Group Type of the NIC5 port​Group​Type
VM_​NIC5_​v​Switch_​Name v​Switch Name of the NIC5 v​Switch​Name
VM_​NIC5_​dv​Switch_​Name DV Switch Name of the NIC5 dv​Switch​Name
VM_​NIC5_​v​Switch_​Identity v​Switch Identity of the NIC5 vmware​VSwitch​Identity
VM_​NIC5_​dv​Switch_​Identity DV Switch Identity of the NIC5 VMware​DVSwitch​Identity
VM_​NIC6_​MAC_​ADDRESS Mac address of the NIC6 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC6_​IPv4_​ADDRESS IPv4 address of the NIC6 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC6_​IPv6_​ADDRESS IPv6 address of the NIC6 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC6_​ADAPTER_​NAME Adapter name of NIC6 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC6_​GENERIC_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC6 vmware​Vm​Port​Group​Identity
VM_​NIC6_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC6 port​Group​Identity
VM_​NIC6_​DISTRIBUTED_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Port​Group Identity of NIC6 VMware​DVPortgroup​Identity
VM_​NIC6_​Port​Group_​Name Port​Group Name of the NIC6 gen_​text_​input
VM_​NIC6_​Port​Group_​Type Port​Group Type of the NIC6 port​Group​Type
VM_​NIC6_​v​Switch_​Name v​Switch Name of the NIC6 v​Switch​Name
VM_​NIC6_​dv​Switch_​Name DV Switch Name of the NIC6 dv​Switch​Name
VM_​NIC6_​v​Switch_​Identity v​Switch Identity of the NIC6 vmware​VSwitch​Identity
VM_​NIC6_​dv​Switch_​Identity DV Switch Identity of the NIC6 VMware​DVSwitch​Identity