Configure Smart Licensing
Use this procedure to configure Smart Licensing:
Step 1 Launch Cisco Unity Express GUI, and choose Administration > Smart License > Configuration. The Configuration page appears.
Step 2 To set up Transport mode, select one of the three modes under Transport Settings section.
- Direct—Select this option to send data directly to Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM).
- Transport Gateway—Select this option to use a Cisco Call Home transport gateway or a premise-installed Smart Software Manager satellite. Specify the URL for the respective Smart Software Manager satellite or CSSM.
- HTTP/HTTPS Proxy—Select this option to use an intermediate HTTP/HTTPS proxy to send data. Enter the proxy server address and port number in IP Address and Port fields respectively.
Click Apply to update the Smart Licensing transport mode.
Step 3 To generate a token ID, log in to your Smart Account in CSSM or your Smart Software Manager satellite. Navigate to the virtual account containing the licenses to be used by this product instance. Generate a product instance Registration Token, and copy or save the token ID.
Step 4 To register your product instance, enter or paste your Token into the Product Instance Registration Token field under Smart Software Licensing Product Registration section. Then, click Register.
Step 5 To re-register the product instance, enter or paste your Token into the Product Instance Registration Token field, select the Reregister this product instance if already registered check box, and then click Register.
Step 6 To unregister the product instance, click Deregister.
Step 7 To renew the ID certificate, click Renew Registration. By default, registration is automatically renewed every six months.
Step 8 To renew authorization with CSSM or Smart Software Manager satellite, and enable the product instance to remain compliant, click Renew Authorization. By default, authorization periods are renewed every 30 days.
Note Cisco Unity Express Virtual, Transport Gateway, and satellite or proxy must have connection to CSSM or for registration and license renewal.