Welcome to Cisco Unity Express

Welcome to the online help pages for Cisco Unity Express. To search for help topics in this file, choose Search in the menu at the top of this page. For information on using help, choose Using Help.

For more information about Cisco Unity Express, see the Cisco Unity Express software and related documentation at the following URL:



Noteblank.gif The online help pages describe both user and administrator features of Cisco Unity Express. If you are a user, the GUI displays only a subset of all of the features and parameters described in the online help.


Tipblank.gif When you use Cisco Unity Express, you can use the Back and Forward buttons on your browser to view information in another window, but if you make changes in that window and submit your changes, you will receive an error and your changes will not be saved. Do not submit information after using your browser's navigation tools to move to another window. Click the appropriate button or menu to reach the window in which you want to enter information.