Configuring SMTP

Set up Cisco Unity Express to notify users of voice-mail events by phone, pager, or email. Cisco Unity Express contacts these devices to let users know that they have received a voice-mail message. This feature is not enabled by default, and is enabled on a system-wide basis. See Configuring Message Notification.
Notifications for email and text pager devices are sent using a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ( SMTP) server. You must configure the SMTP server for these notification types to work.

Importing SMTP Settings

You can import SMTP settings from email clients.

Use this procedure to import SMTP settings from an email client.

Step 1blank.gif Choose System > SMTP Settings. The System SMTP Settings window appears.

Step 2blank.gif From the Import SMTP Settings drop-down menu, select the email client.

Step 3blank.gif Click Apply to save your settings.


Configuring the SMTP Server

Use this procedu re to configure the SMTP server.

Step 1blank.gif Choose System > SMTP Settings. The System SMTP Settings window appears.

Step 2blank.gif Enter the hostname or IP address of the external SMTP server.

Step 3blank.gif Select the security mode from the drop-down menu. Select one of the following:

    • None: No security setting is enabled.
    • SSL: Specifies that SSL is enabled.
    • STARTTLS: Specifies that STARTTLS is enabled.

Step 4blank.gif Enter the port number used to connect to the SMTP server.

Step 5blank.gif Enter the username and password for the server.

Step 6blank.gif Click Apply to save your settings.


Testing the SMTP Connection

Use this procedure to test the SMTP connection to an email address.

Step 1blank.gif Choose System > SMTP Settings. The System SMTP Settings window appears.

Step 2blank.gif Enter the Test Email Address.

Step 3blank.gif Click Send Test Email.