EMC Unity - Create SMB Share
- Summary
- Create an SMB/CIFS Share object on an EMC Unity array.
- Description
This task creates an SMB/CIFS Share on an EMC Unity storage array.
This task creates two types of shares:
- An SMB Share created on a file system.
- An SMB Share created on a snapshot.
- EMC Unity Account: podName@AccountName. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid
- EMC Unity File System: podName@accountName@spName@id@nasServerName@nasServerID@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@fileSystemName@fileSystemID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@TestNAS@nas_4@pool_7@Pool0@TestFS@fs_14
- Use Snapshot: Check box-To create SMB Share on Snapshot
- EMC Unity File System Snapshot: Select the file system to create SMB share on
- Name: Valid Storage Pool Name - The following special characters are not allowed: " % & ' * + . / \ : ; < = > ? ^ @ | ,
- Description: Valid Description
- Path: Valid Path - Path destination should exist, if path is not given share is created on root directory
- Access-based Enumeration: Check box-Filter directory entries according to client access permission
- Branch Cache Enabled: Check box-Supports hash generation for branch cache retrieval of data
- Protocol Encryption: Check box-Encrypt data as it is transmitted between the array and the host
- Continuous Availability: Check box-Gives continuous access to the share following an NAS Server failover
- Offline Availability: Check box-Manage the offline cashing of the files by the client
- UMASK: Valid UMASK. For example: 022 Specifies the default UNIX UMASK for new files created on the share
- Inputs
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory EMC Unity Account Select the EMC Unity account to create SMB Share on EMCUnityAccountIdentity Y EMC Unity File System SMB Share Will be Created on the File System EMCUnityFileSystemIdentity Y Use Snapshot Indicates if the Snapshot of the file system used for share creation Boolean Path Absolute Path of the SMB Share related to the NAS Server gen_text_input Share Name Name of the SMB Share. The following special characters are not allowed ", %, &, ', *, +, ., /, \, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, ^, @, | and ," gen_text_input Description Description of the SMB Share gen_text_input Access-based Enumeration Filter directory entries according to client access permission Boolean Branch Cache Enabled Supports hash generation for branch cache retrieval of data Boolean Protocol Encryption Encrypt data as it is transmitted between the array and the host Boolean Continuous Availability Gives continuous access to the share following a NAS Server failover Boolean Offline Availability Manage the offline cashing of the files by the client EMCUnitySMBShareOfflineAvailabilityType UMASK Specifies the default UNIX UMASK for new files created on the share gen_text_input - Outputs
Output Description Type OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_CIFS_SHARE_IDENTITY EMC Unity SMB Share Identity EMCUnitySMBShareIdentity OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_CIFS_SERVER_IDENTITY EMC Unity SMB Server Identity EMCUnitySMBServerIdentity OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_SNAPSHOT_IDENTITY EMC Unity Snapshot Identity EMCUnitySnapShotIdentity OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_FILE_SYSTEM_IDENTITY EMC Unity File System Identity. EMCUnityFileSystemIdentity OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_CIFS_SHARE_NAME EMC Unity SMB Share Name gen_text_input OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_CIFS_SHARE_EXPORT_PATH EMC Unity SMB Share Export Path gen_text_input OUTPUT_EMC_UNITY_ACCOUNT_IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity. EMCUnityAccountIdentity