EMC Isilon Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Add Member To Isilon Group

Add Member To Existing Isilon Group
This task is used to add member to existing group of either USER or WELLKNOWN member Type.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Enter Isilon Group Enter Isilon Group gen_​text_​input Y
Member Type Select the type of the member.​ EMCIsilon​Member​Type
Member Enter the member of the group.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​GROUP_​NAME EMC Isilon Group Name EMCIsilon​Group​Name
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​MEMBER_​NAME EMC Isilon Member Name EMCIsilon​Member​Name
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​MEMBER_​TYPE EMC Isilon Member Type EMCIsilon​Member​Type

Add Permisions to Isilon SMB Share

Add Permissions to Isilon SMB Share
This task is used to add permission for the User/Group/wellknown of SMB Share on Isilon Device.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
SMB Share Name Select Isilon SMB Share EMCIsilon​SMBShare​Identity Y
Type Select Mapping Type EMCIsilon​SMBMapping​Types​List Y
Name Enter Name of Trustee gen_​text_​input Y
Permission Select the permission for the User/Group EMCIsilon​SMBPermission​Types​List Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SMB_​SHARE_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon SMB Share Identity EMCIsilon​SMBShare​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SMB_​SHARE_​PERMISSION_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon SMB Share Permission Identity EMCIsilon​SMBShare​Permission​Identity

Copy Isilon File System Directory

Copies Isilon File System Directory
This task is used to copy a selected Directory to a specified Directory in Isilon File System.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Directory Enter Directory Path to be copied gen_​text_​input Y
Destination Directory Enter Path where the selected Directory need to be copied gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Create ISILON NFS Datastore

Create ISILON NFS Datastore
This task is used to Create/Mount NFS Export as datastore.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Host Node Select Hosts to create Datastore vmware​Host​Node​Identity Y
NFS Path Select NFS Path to mount EMCIsilon​Nfs​Path​Identity Y
Datastore Name Enter Datastore Name gen_​text_​input
Access Mode Select Access Mode gen_​text_​input Y
Success Criteria Success Criteria gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​ACCOUNT_​NAME VMware account name.​ gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​NAME Datastore name data​Store​Name
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​IDENTITY Datastore name identity vmware​Datastore​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​DATASTORE_​INFO_​IDENTITY Datastore Info identity gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​IDENTITY VMware Host Node Identity vmware​Host​Node​Identity
OUTPUT_​VMWARE_​HOST_​NODE_​NAME Host Node Name.​ vmware​Host​Multi​Select

Create Isilon File System

Create Isilon File System
This task is used to create Directory or file in Isilon File System.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Type Select Type Directory or file EMCIsilon​File​System​Type​List Y
Full Path Enter Full path of Dir/File to be created gen_​text_​input Y
Set Access Control List Sets the access control list.​
Select ACL Select the access control for the Directory or file gen_​text_​input
Enter POSIX Enter a POSIX mode in octal string incase ACL is selected as None gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​FILE_​PATH EMC Isilon File Path EMCIsilon​File​Path
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​DIRECTORY_​PATH EMC Isilon Directory Path EMCIsilon​Directory​Path

Create Isilon Group

Create Isilon Group
This task is used to create group with multiple members.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Group Name Enter Isilon Group gen_​text_​input
Member Type Select the type of the member.​ EMCIsilon​Member​Type
Members Enter the Members of the group.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​GROUP_​NAME EMC Isilon Group Name EMCIsilon​Group​Name
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​MEMBER_​NAME EMC Isilon Member Name EMCIsilon​Member​Name
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​MEMBER_​TYPE EMC Isilon Member Type EMCIsilon​Member​Type

Create Isilon NFS Export

Create Isilon NFS Export
This task is used to create NFS Export in isilon device with following parameters. 1.Export path 2.Description of the Export 3.Clients have access to export 4.Clients who have read only access 5.Clients who have read-write access 6.Clients who have root access 7.Enabling mount access to subdirectories 8.Restrict access to read-only for the export created.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Path The paths under /ifs that are exported.​ EMCIsilon​Directory​Path Y
Description A human readable description of the export.​ gen_​text_​input
Clients Clients that have access to the export.​ gen_​text_​input
Read-Only Clients Clients that have read only access to the export.​ gen_​text_​input
Read-Write Clients Clients that have read and write access to the export, even if the export is read-only.​ gen_​text_​input
Root Clients Clients that have root access to the export.​ gen_​text_​input
Enable mount access to subdirectories If Selected, all directories under the specified paths are mountable.​
Restrict access to read-only If Selected, the export is read-only.​
Mapping access Specify the access for Users/Groups Mapping EMCIsilon​NFSUser​Access​Type Y
Specify Username Enter the Username gen_​text_​input
Specify User Group(s) gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​EXPORT_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon NFS Export Identity EMCIsilon​Nfs​Export​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​NFS_​EXPORT_​PATH EMC Isilon NFS Export Path EMCIsilon​Nfs​Export​Path
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​NFS_​EXPORT_​DESCRIPTION EMC Isilon NFS Export Description EMCIsilon​Nfs​Export​Description
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​NFS_​PATH_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon NFS Path Identity EMCIsilon​Nfs​Path​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​DIRECTORY_​PATH EMC Isilon Directory Path EMCIsilon​Directory​Path

Create Isilon Namespace Access Point

Creates Namespace Access Point
This task is used to create an EMC Isilon Namespace Access Point for a selected ISILON account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Namespace Access Point Name gen_​text_​input
Path Namespace Access Point Path EMCIsilon​Directory​Path Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​NAMESPACE_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Namespace Identity EMCIsilon​Namespace​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​NAMESPACE_​ACCESS_​POINT_​NAME EMC Isilon Namespace Access Point Name EMCIsilon​Create​Namespace​Access​Point​Name
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​NAMESPACE_​ACCESS_​POINT_​PATH EMC Isilon Namespace Access Point Path EMCIsilon​Create​Namespace​Access​Point​Path

Create Isilon Node Pool

Create EMC ISILON Node Pool
This task is used to Create manually managed Node pool. Node pool name and node lnn is mandatory
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Node Pool Name Enter name for the selected Node Pool gen_​text_​input
Nodes Select Nodes which need to be added to node pool EMCIsilon​Node​Identity
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​NODE_​POOL_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Node Pool Identity EMCIsilon​Node​Pool​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​NODE_​POOL_​NAME EMC Isilon Node Pool Name EMCIsilon​Node​Pool​Name

Create Isilon Quota

Creates a new Isilon Quota
This task is used to create a new Isilon Quota.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Type The type of quota.​ EMCIsilon​Quota​Type Y
User Select the user gen_​text_​input Y
Group Select the group gen_​text_​input Y
Path The /ifs path governed.​ EMCIsilon​Directory​Path Y
Include Snapshots If true, quota governs snapshot data as well as head data.​ Y
Thresholds Include Overhead If true, thresholds apply to data plus filesystem overhead required to store the data (i.​e.​ 'physical' usage).​ Y
Enforced True if the quota provides enforcement, otherwise a accounting quota.​ Y
Advisory Usage in limit value at which notifications will be sent but writes will not be denied.​ gen_​text_​input
Advisory Limit Defining the Advisory Usage Limit.​ EMCIsilo​NSize​Type​List
Hard Usage in limit value at which further writes will be denied.​ gen_​text_​input
Hard Limit Defining the Hard Usage Limit.​ EMCIsilo​NSize​Type​List
Soft Usage in limit value at which notifications will be sent and soft grace time will be started.​ gen_​text_​input
Soft Limit Defining the Soft Usage Limit.​ EMCIsilo​NSize​Type​List
Soft Grace specify the grace period in days/hours.​ gen_​text_​input
Soft Grace Limit specify the grace period in days/hours.​ EMCIsilont​Time​Period​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​QUOTA_​ENFORCED EMC Isilon Quota Enforced EMCIsilon​Quota​Enforced
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​QUOTA_​INCLUDE_​SNAPSHOT EMC Isilon Quota Include Snapshot EMCIsilon​Quota​Include​Snapshot
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​QUOTA_​THRESHOLD_​INCLUDE_​OVERHEAD EMC Isilon Quota Threshold Include Overhead EMCIsilon​Quota​Threshold​Include​Overhead
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​QUOTA_​TYPE EMC Isilon Quota Type EMCIsilon​Quota​Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​QUOTA_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Quota Identity EMCIsilon​Quota​Identity

Create Isilon Quota Report

Creates a new Isilon Quota Report
This task is used to new Isilon Quota Report.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Do you want to manually schedule the Quota Report? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​QUOTA_​SUMMARY_​REPORT_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Quota Summary Report Identity EMCIsilon​Quota​Report​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​QUOTA_​DETAIL_​REPORT_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Quota Detailed Report Identity EMCIsilon​Quota​Report​Identity

Create Isilon SMB Share

This task is used to Create SMB Share on Isilon Device with the following parameters 1. SMB Share Name 2. SMB Share Desciption 3. SMB Share path
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
SMB Share Name Enter SMB Share Name gen_​text_​input
SMB Share Description Enter Description gen_​text_​input
Path Enter SMB Share Path EMCIsilon​Directory​Path Y
Allow Variable Expansion Expand path variables (%U, %L, %D, %Z) in the share directory path
Auto-Create Directories If the share path includes path variables, the share will automatically create directories when users access the share for the first time.​
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SMB_​SHARE_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon SMB Share Identity EMCIsilon​SMBShare​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SMB_​SHARE_​PATH EMC Isilon SMB Share Path Identity EMCIsilon​SMBShare​Path
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​DIRECTORY_​PATH EMC Isilon Directory Path EMCIsilon​Directory​Path

Create Isilon Snapshot

Create Isilon Snapshot
This task is used to create snapshot with alias name and expiry date.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Snapshot Name A human readable name of the Snapshot.​ gen_​text_​input
Directory Path The /ifs path governed.​ EMCIsilon​Directory​Path Y
Create an Alias True if the alias is provided, otherwise there is no alias Y
Alias Name Name of the Snapshot Alias gen_​text_​input
Snapshot Expiration True if the Snapshot expires .​ EMCIsilon​Snapshot​Expiry
Snapshot Expiration Date Enter the Snapshot Expiry date in MM/DD/YYYY format.​ date
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SNAPSHOT_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Snapshot Identity EMCIsilon​Snapshot​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SNAPSHOT_​NAME EMC Isilon Snapshot Name EMCIsilon​Snapshot​Name
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​DIRECTORY_​PATH EMC Isilon Directory Path EMCIsilon​Directory​Path
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SNAPSHOT_​ALIAS_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Snapshot Alias Identity EMCIsilon​Snapshot​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SNAPSHOT_​ALIAS_​NAME EMC Isilon Snapshot Alias Name EMCIsilon​Snapshot​Name

Create Isilon Storage Pool Tier

Create Isilon Storage Pool Tier
This task is used to create Storage Pool Tier in isilon Device.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Storage Pool Tier Name Enter Storage Pool Tier name gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​STORAGE_​POOL_​TIER_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Storage Pool Tier Identity EMCIsilon​Storage​Pool​Tier​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​STORAGE_​POOL_​TIER_​NAME EMC Isilon Storage Pool Tier Name EMCIsilon​Storage​Pool​Tier​Name

Create Isilon User

Create Isilon User
This task is used to create user with following information. 1.Ful name 2. Email Address 3.Home Directory 4.Unix Shell 5. Account Expiry date. 6. Enabling the User Account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Name A user name.​ gen_​text_​input
Password A password for a user name.​ password
Allow Password to Expire If Selected, passwords will get expired periodically.​
Full Name User's full name.​ gen_​text_​input
Email Address User's Email address email_​address_​list
Primary Group Select Primary Group gen_​text_​input
Home Directory User's home directory gen_​text_​input
Unix Shell User's Unix Shell.​ EMCIsilon​Unix​Shell
Allow Account to Expire If Selected, Account will be expired on the selected date
Account Expiration Date Specify Account Expiry Date date
Enable the Account If Selected, account will get enabled.​
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​USER_​NAME EMC Isilon User Name EMCIsilon​User​Name

Delete All Isilon Quotas

Delete All Isilon Quotas from the system
This task is used to delete all the Quotas availabe in ISILON Device.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Do you want to delete All Quotas? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Delete All Isilon Storage Pool Tier

Delete All Isilon Storage Pool Tier from the system
This task is used to delete all the storage tier availabe in ISILON Device.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Do you want to delete All Storage Pool Tiers? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Delete Isilon File System

Deletes Isilon File System
This task is used to delete the Directory or file created on Isilon File System. Recursive must be enabled if target directory is not empty
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Directory/File Enter Directory or file to remove from Isilon System gen_​text_​input Y
Do you want to delete selected Dir/File? Y
Recursive Select if the selected directory is not empty
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Delete Isilon Group

Delete Isilon Group
This task is used to delete the group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Select Isilon Group Select Isilon Group gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Delete Isilon NFS Export

Delete Isilon NFS Export
This task is used to delete NFS Export in isilon device.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon NFS Export Select Isilon NFS Export EMCIsilon​Nfs​Export​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected NFS Export? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Delete Isilon Namespace Access Point

Deletes Namespace Access Point
This task is used to delete a selected EMC Isilon Namespace Access Point from a specified ISILON account.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Namespace Access Point EMCIsilon​Namespace​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Namespace Access Point? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Delete Isilon Node Pool

Delete manually Isilon Node Pool
This task is used to delete the manually managed EMC Isilon Storage Node Pool.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Node Pool Select Isilon Manually Manages Node Pool EMCIsilon​Node​Pool​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Node Pool? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Delete Isilon Quota

Deletes the Isilon Quota
This task is used to delete the existing quota.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Quota Select Isilon Quota EMCIsilon​Quota​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Quota? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Delete Isilon Quota Report

Deletes the Isilon Quota Report
This task is used to delete the existing Isilon Quota Report.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Quota Report Select Isilon Quota Report EMCIsilon​Quota​Report​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Quota Report? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Delete Isilon SMB Share

This task is used to delete the selected SMB share.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon SMB Share Select Isilon SMB Share EMCIsilon​SMBShare​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Share? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SMB_​SHARE_​PATH EMC Isilon SMB Share Path Identity EMCIsilon​SMBShare​Path

Delete Isilon Snapshot

Delete Isilon Snapshot
This task is used to delete snapshot and its alias if any.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Snapshot Select Isilon Snapshot EMCIsilon​Snapshot​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Snapshot and its alias ? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Delete Isilon Storage Pool Tier

Delete Isilon Storage Pool Tier
This task is used to delete the selected storage tier availabe in ISILON Device.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Storage Pool Tier Select Isilon Storage Pool Tier EMCIsilon​Storage​Pool​Tier​Identity Y
Do you want to delete selected Storage Pool Tier? Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Delete Isilon User

Delete Isilon User
This task is used to delete user account in isilon device.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Select Isilon User Select Isilon User gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Modify Isilon Active Job

Modify the state of Isilon Active Job
This task is used to modify the state of currrently running/paused Isilon Job.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Active Job Select Isilon Active Job EMCIsilon​Active​Job​Identity Y
Impact Policy Select Impact Policy of the job EMCIsilon​Job​Policy​Identity
Priority Select Priority EMCIsilon​Job​Priority​List
State Select State EMCIsilon​Job​State​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​ACTIVE_​JOB_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Active Job Identity EMCIsilon​Active​Job​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​JOB_​POLICY_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Job Policy Identity EMCIsilon​Job​Policy​Identity

Modify Isilon NFS Export

Modifies the selected Isilon NFS Export
This task is used to modify the NFS Export Path ,description and its different access clients.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon NFS Export Select Isilon NFS Export EMCIsilon​Nfs​Export​Identity Y
Path The paths under /ifs that are exported.​ EMCIsilon​Directory​Path Y
Description A human readable description of the export.​ gen_​text_​input
Clients Clients that have access to the export.​ gen_​text_​input
Read-Only Clients Clients that have read only access to the export.​ gen_​text_​input
Read-Write Clients Clients that have read and write access to the export, even if the export is read-only.​ gen_​text_​input
Root Clients Clients that have root access to the export.​ gen_​text_​input
Enable mount access to subdirectories If Selected, all directories under the specified paths are mountable.​
Restrict access to read-only If Selected, the export is read-only.​
Mapping access Specify the access for Users/Groups Mapping EMCIsilon​NFSUser​Access​Type
Specify Username Enter the Username gen_​text_​input
S(s) gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​EXPORT_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon NFS Export Identity EMCIsilon​Nfs​Export​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​NFS_​EXPORT_​PATH EMC Isilon NFS Export Path EMCIsilon​Nfs​Export​Path
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​NFS_​EXPORT_​DESCRIPTION EMC Isilon NFS Export Description EMCIsilon​Nfs​Export​Description
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​DIRECTORY_​PATH EMC Isilon Directory Path EMCIsilon​Directory​Path

Modify Isilon Node Pool

Modify EMC ISILON Node Pool
This task is used to Modify any of the following values for the selected Node Pool. 1. Node Pool Name 2. Node Pool tier association 3. Node Pool Protection level
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Node Pool Select Isilon Node Pool to modify EMCIsilon​Node​Pool​Identity Y
Node Pool Name Enter new name for the selected Node Pool gen_​text_​input
Storage Pool Tier Select Tier to which node pool need to be associated EMCIsilon​Storage​Pool​Tier​Identity
Protection Policy Select Proctection Policy value EMCIsilon​Protection​Policy​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​NODE_​POOL_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Node Pool Identity EMCIsilon​Node​Pool​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​NODE_​POOL_​NAME EMC Isilon Node Pool Name EMCIsilon​Node​Pool​Name
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​STORAGE_​POOL_​TIER_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Storage Pool Tier Identity EMCIsilon​Storage​Pool​Tier​Identity

Modify Isilon Quota

Modifies Isilon Quota
This task is used to modify the existing quota.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Quota Select Isilon Quota EMCIsilon​Quota​Identity Y
Thresholds Include Overhead If true, thresholds apply to data plus filesystem overhead required to store the data (i.​e.​ 'physical' usage).​ Y
Enforced True if the quota provides enforcement, otherwise a accounting quota.​ Y
Advisory Usage in limit value at which notifications will be sent but writes will not be denied.​ gen_​text_​input
Advisory Limit Defining the Advisory Usage Limit.​ EMCIsilo​NSize​Type​List
Hard Usage in limit value at which further writes will be denied.​ gen_​text_​input
Hard Limit Defining the Hard Usage Limit.​ EMCIsilo​NSize​Type​List
Soft Usage in limit value at which notifications will be sent and soft grace time will be started.​ gen_​text_​input
Soft Limit Defining the Soft Usage Limit.​ EMCIsilo​NSize​Type​List
Soft Grace specify the grace period in days/hours.​ gen_​text_​input
Soft Grace Limit specify the grace period in days/hours.​ EMCIsilont​Time​Period​List
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​QUOTA_​ENFORCED EMC Isilon Quota Enforced EMCIsilon​Quota​Enforced
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​QUOTA_​INCLUDE_​SNAPSHOT EMC Isilon Quota Include Snapshot EMCIsilon​Quota​Include​Snapshot
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​QUOTA_​THRESHOLD_​INCLUDE_​OVERHEAD EMC Isilon Quota Threshold Include Overhead EMCIsilon​Quota​Threshold​Include​Overhead
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​QUOTA_​TYPE EMC Isilon Quota Type EMCIsilon​Quota​Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​QUOTA_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Quota Identity EMCIsilon​Quota​Identity

Modify Isilon Quota Report Setting

Modify Isilon Quota Report Setting
This task is used to modify quota report for following parameters. 1.Directory path where manual /live reports to be stored. 2.Number of manual reports to keep. 3. The Schedule date to generate reports. 4.Directory path where scheduled reports to be stored. 5. Number of scheduled reports to keep.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Live Directory The directory on /ifs where manual or live reports will be placed.​ EMCIsilon​File​System​Identity Y
Live Retain The number of manual reports to keep.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Schedule The isidate schedule used to generate reports.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Scheduled Directory The directory on /ifs where schedule reports will be placed.​ EMCIsilon​File​System​Identity Y
Scheduled Retain The number of scheduled reports to keep.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Modify Isilon SMB Share

This task is used to Modify any of the following values for the selected SMB share. 1. SMB Share Name 2. SMB Share Desciption 3. SMB Share path
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon SMB Share Select Isilon SMB Share EMCIsilon​SMBShare​Identity Y
SMB Share Name Enter new name for the selected SMB Share gen_​text_​input Y
SMB Share Description Enter Description gen_​text_​input
Path Enter new shared Directory EMCIsilon​Directory​Path Y
Allow Variable Expansion Expand path variables (%U, %L, %D, %Z) in the share directory path
Auto-Create Directories If the share path includes path variables, the share will automatically create directories when users access the share for the first time.​
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SMB_​SHARE_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon SMB Share Identity EMCIsilon​SMBShare​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SMB_​SHARE_​PATH EMC Isilon SMB Share Path Identity EMCIsilon​SMBShare​Path
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​DIRECTORY_​PATH EMC Isilon Directory Path EMCIsilon​Directory​Path

Modify Isilon Snapshot

Modify Isilon Snapshot
This task is used to modify snapshot and its alias .Expiry date will not be prompted while modifying snapshot alias.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Snapshot Select Isilon Snapshot EMCIsilon​Snapshot​Identity Y
Snapshot Name Snapshot Name .​ gen_​text_​input
Snapshot Expiration True if the Snapshot expires .​ EMCIsilon​Snapshot​Expiry
Snapshot Expiration Date Snapshot's Expiration Date .​ date
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SNAPSHOT_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Snapshot Identity EMCIsilon​Snapshot​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SNAPSHOT_​NAME EMC Isilon Snapshot Name EMCIsilon​Snapshot​Name

Modify Isilon Storage Pool Setting

Modify Isilon Storage Pool Setting
This task is used to modify the selected storage pool with following settings. 1.Automatically manage IO Optimization settings/protection settings 2.Enabling for namespace operations by storing metadata. 3.Adding additional protection level to all directories 4.Spill writes into other pools 5.Deny writes into reserved virtual hot spare space 6.Hide reserved virtual hot spare space from free space counts 7.The number of drives to reserve for the virtual hot spare 8.The percent space to reserve for the virtual hot spare.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
IO Optimization Automatically manage IO optimization settings on files.​ EMCIsilon​IOOptimization​List
Manage Protection Automatically manage protection settings on files.​ EMCIsilon​Manage​Protection​List
Acceleration Enabled Optimize namespace operations by storing metadata on SSDs.​ EMCIsilon​Boolean​List
Protect Directories Automatically add additional protection level to all directories.​ EMCIsilon​Boolean​List
Spillover Enabled Spill writes into other pools as needed.​ EMCIsilon​Boolean​List
Virtual Hot Spare Deny Writes Deny writes into reserved virtual hot spare space.​ EMCIsilon​Boolean​List
Virtual Hot Spare Hide Spare Hide reserved virtual hot spare space from free space counts.​ EMCIsilon​Boolean​List
Virtual Hot Spare Limit Drives The number of drives to reserve for the virtual hot spare, from 0-4.​ gen_​text_​input
Virtual Hot Spare Limit Percent The percent space to reserve for the virtual hot spare, from 0-20.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Modify Isilon Storage Pool Tier

Modify Isilon Storage Pool Tier
This task is used to modify Storage Pool Tier's name in isilon Device.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Storage Pool Tier Select Isilon Storage Pool Tier EMCIsilon​Storage​Pool​Tier​Identity Y
Storage Pool Tier Name Enter new name for the selected Storage Pool Tier gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​STORAGE_​POOL_​TIER_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon Storage Pool Tier Identity EMCIsilon​Storage​Pool​Tier​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​STORAGE_​POOL_​TIER_​NAME EMC Isilon Storage Pool Tier Name EMCIsilon​Storage​Pool​Tier​Name

Move Isilon File System Directory

Moves Isilon File System Directory
This task is used to move a selected Directory to a specified Directory in Isilon File System.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Directory Enter a Directory Name to be copied gen_​text_​input Y
Destination Directory Enter Destination Directory where the selected Directory need to be moved gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Remove Member From Isilon Group

Remove Member From Existing Isilon Group
This task is used to remove member from existing group of USER member Type.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Enter Isilon Group Enter the Name of the Group.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Member Enter Member to be removed from group.​ gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Remove Permisions from Isilon SMB Share

Remove Permissions from Isilon SMB Share
This task is used to remove user/group/wellknown from the SMB Share.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
SMB Share Name Select Isilon SMB Share EMCIsilon​SMBShare​Identity Y
User / Group Permission Select Users or Groups to be removed from Share EMCIsilon​SMBShare​Permission​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SMB_​SHARE_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon SMB Share Identity EMCIsilon​SMBShare​Identity

Set the ACL of a directory or file

Set the ACL of a directory or file
This task is used to provide specified access rights/type for the directory/file to the trustee in Isilon Device.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Account Select Isilon Account EMCIsilon​System​Identity Y
Directory/File Select the directory or file EMCIsilon​Directory​Path Y
Trustee Select the user gen_​text_​input Y
Access Type Select an Access Type.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Access Rights Select an Access Rights.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​IDENTITY EMC Isilon System Identity EMCIsilon​System​Identity

Start Isilon System Job

Start an EMC Isilon System Job
This taks is used to start an EMC Isilon system job.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Select Isilon Job Type Select Isilon Job Type to start EMCIsilon​System​Job​Type Y
Do you want to run the selected System Job? Y
Allow Duplicate Jobs
Priority Set Priority
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​ISILON_​SYSTEM_​JOB_​TYPE EMC Isilon System Job Type EMCIsilon​System​Job​Type