EMC Unity - NFS Share Operations

This chapter contains the following sections:

EMC Unity - Add hosts to NFS Share

Add hosts to the NFS share with different access types.
This task map one or more hosts to an NFS share based on selected Access type. Same host can not be part of more than on Access Type group. E.g if a host is added to No Access hosts, it can not be part of Root Access or Read write Access or Read Access Groups. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity NFS Share: podName@accountName@spName@id@nasServerName@nasServerID@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@fileSystemName@fileSystemID@nfsShareName@nfsShareID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@TestNAS@nas_4@pool_7@Pool0@TestFS@fs_14@testNFS@NFSShare_18
  • Host Access Type: Select the default access Type
  • Host(s): Select the hosts to associate to NFS Share
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity NFS Share Select the NFS Share to associate new hosts EMCUnity​Nfs​Share​Identity Y
Host Access Type Select the host access type EMCUnity​NFSshare​Host​Access​Type
Host(s) Select the hosts to associate to NFS Share EMCUnity​Host​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​HOST_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Host Identity.​ EMCUnity​Host​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​NAME EMC Unity NFS Share Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​SNAPSHOT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Snapshot Identity EMCUnity​Snap​Shot​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​EXPORT_​PATH EMC Unity NFS Share Export Path gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​LOCAL_​PATH EMC Unity NFS Share Local Path gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NFS Share Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nfs​Share​Identity

EMC Unity - Create NFS Share

Create an NFS share on a file system or on a snapshot of the file system.
This task creates an NFS Share on an EMC Unity file system or on a snapshot of the file system. You can optionally associate Host during NFS Share creation. Same host can not be part of more than on Access Type. E.g if a host is added to No Access hosts, it can not be part of Root Access or Read write Access or Read Access Groups. If no hosts are selected, all hosts will have same access as selected in Default Access input. The rollback task for Create EMC Unity NFS Share is Delete EMC Unity NFS Share. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity Account Name: podName@AccountName. For example: Vblock@Unity_Hybrid
  • EMC Unity File System: podName@accountName@spName@id@nasServerName@nasServerID@storagePoolId@storagePoolName@fileSystemName@fileSystemID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@TestNAS@nas_4@pool_7@Pool0@TestFS@fs_14
  • Use Snapshot: Check box to create NFS Share on Snapshot
  • EMC Unity File System Snapshot: Select the file system to create NFS share on
  • Name: Valid Storage Pool Name - The following special characters are not allowed: " % & ' * + . / \ : ; < = > ? ^ @ | ,
  • Description: Valid Description
  • Path: Valid Path - Path destination should exist, if path is not given share is created on root directory
  • Default Access: Select the default access Type
  • Minimum Security: Select the minimum Security Type
  • No Access Hosts: Select the hosts that you want to prevent access to
  • Read Only Hosts: Select the hosts that you want to provide read-only access to
  • Root Access Hosts: Select the hosts that you want to provide root access to
  • Read Write Hosts: Select the hosts that you want to provide read-write access to
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity Account Select EMC Unity account to add NFS Share EMCUnity​Account​Identity Y
EMC Unity File System Select the file system to create NFS share on EMCUnity​File​System​Identity Y
Use Snapshot Select checkbox to create NFS share on a snapshot Boolean
EMC Unity File System Snapshot Select the file system snapshot to create NFS share on EMCUnity​Snap​Shot​Identity Y
Name Enter the name of the NFS Share.​ The following special characters are not allowed ", %, &, ', *, +, .​, /, \, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, ^, @, | and ," gen_​text_​input
Path Enter the path for the NFS Share.​ Path destination should exist, if path is not given share is created on root directory gen_​text_​input
Description Enter description for the NFS Share gen_​text_​input
Default Access Select the default access type EMCUnity​NFSshare​Host​Access​Type
Minimum Security Select the minimum security type EMCUnity​NFSshare​Minimum​Security​Type
No Access Hosts Select the hosts that you want to prevent access to EMCUnity​Host​Identity
Read Only Hosts Select the hosts that you want to provide read-only access to EMCUnity​Host​Identity
Read Write Hosts Select the hosts that you want to provide read-write access to EMCUnity​Host​Identity
Root Access Hosts Select the hosts that you want to provide root access to EMCUnity​Host​Identity
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​NAME EMC Unity NFS Share Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​SNAPSHOT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Snapshot Identity EMCUnity​Snap​Shot​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​EXPORT_​PATH EMC Unity NFS Share Export Path gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​LOCAL_​PATH EMC Unity NFS Share Local Path gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NFS Share Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nfs​Share​Identity

EMC Unity - Delete NFS Share

Delete an NFS Share from an EMC Unity Array.
This task deletes an NFS Share from an EMC Unity Array. This is the rollback task for Create EMC Unity NFS Share. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity NFS Share: podName@accountName@spName@id@nasServerName@nasServerID@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@fileSystemName@fileSystemID@nfsShareName@nfsShareID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@TestNAS@nas_4@pool_7@Pool0@TestFS@fs_14@testNFS@NFSShare_18
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity NFS Share Select EMC Unity NFS Share to delete EMCUnity​Nfs​Share​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​NAME EMC Unity NFS Share Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​SNAPSHOT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Snapshot Identity EMCUnity​Snap​Shot​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​EXPORT_​PATH EMC Unity NFS Share Export Path gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​LOCAL_​PATH EMC Unity NFS Share Local Path gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NFS Share Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nfs​Share​Identity

EMC Unity - Modify NFS Share

Modify an NFS Share.
This task modifies an NFS Share in the EMC Unity Array. Only Description, Default Access Type and Minimum security values can be modified using this task. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity NFS Share: podName@accountName@spName@id@nasServerName@nasServerID@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@fileSystemName@fileSystemID@nfsShareName@nfsShareID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@TestNAS@nas_4@pool_7@Pool0@TestFS@fs_14@testNFS@NFSShare_18
  • Description: Valid Description
  • Default Access: Select the default access Type
  • Minimum Security: Select the minimum Security Type
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity NFS Share Select the NFS Share to modify EMCUnity​Nfs​Share​Identity Y
Description Enter description for the NFS Share gen_​text_​input
Default Access Select the default access type EMCUnity​NFSshare​Host​Access​Type
Minimum Security Select the minimum security type EMCUnity​NFSshare​Minimum​Security​Type
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​NAME EMC Unity NFS Share Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​SNAPSHOT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Snapshot Identity EMCUnity​Snap​Shot​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​EXPORT_​PATH EMC Unity NFS Share Export Path gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​LOCAL_​PATH EMC Unity NFS Share Local Path gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NFS Share Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nfs​Share​Identity

EMC Unity - Remove hosts from NFS Share

Remove hosts from an NFS share with different access types.
This task unmaps one or more Hosts from an NFS share. Input Format:
  • EMC Unity NFS Share: podName@accountName@spName@id@nasServerName@nasServerID@storagePoolName@storagePoolId@fileSystemName@fileSystemID@nfsShareName@nfsShareID. For example: Default Pod@EmcUnity@SP A@spa@TestNAS@nas_4@pool_7@Pool0@TestFS@fs_14@testNFS@NFSShare_18
  • Host Access Type: Select the default access Type
  • Host(s): Select the hosts to unassociate from NFS Share
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EMC Unity NFS Share Select the NFS Share to unassociate existing hosts EMCUnity​Nfs​Share​Identity Y
Host Access Type Select the host access type EMCUnity​NFSshare​Host​Access​Type
Host(s) Select the hosts to unassociate from NFS Share EMCUnity​Host​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​HOST_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Host Identity.​ EMCUnity​Host​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​NAME EMC Unity NFS Share Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​SNAPSHOT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Snapshot Identity EMCUnity​Snap​Shot​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY EMC Unity Account Identity.​ EMCUnity​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​EXPORT_​PATH EMC Unity NFS Share Export Path gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​LOCAL_​PATH EMC Unity NFS Share Local Path gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EMC_​UNITY_​NFS_​SHARE_​IDENTITY EMC Unity NFS Share Identity.​ EMCUnity​Nfs​Share​Identity