NetApp OnCommand Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

Add Dataset Member using NetApp OnCommand

Add members to a dataset using OnCommand.
This task adds members to an existing dataset.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Filer Name Filer Name filer​Identity Y
Dataset Name Select Dataset Name On​Command​Volume​Dataset​Identity Y
Select Member Type Select the Type of Dataset Member.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Dataset Member Name Select the Dataset Member to be created.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​DATASET_​MEMBER_​NAME Member of the Dataset net​App​On​Command​Group​Member

Add Group Member Using NetApp OnCommand

Adds a member to a group using OnCommand.
Adds a member to the selected group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Account Name On​Command​Account​Identity Y
Group Name Select the Group Name in which the new Group Member needs to be created.​ net​App​On​Command​Groups Y
Dataset Name Select the Dataset to be deleted.​ On​Command​All​Dataset​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​LUN_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the LUN Dataset On​Command​LUNDataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​VOLUME_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the Volume Dataset On​Command​Volume​Dataset​Identity
ONCOMMAND_​GROUP_​NAME Name of the On​Command Group net​App​On​Command​Group​Name
OUTPUT_​DFM_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Account On​Command​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​DFM_​UNASSIGNED_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Un​Assigned Dataset On​Command​Un​Assigned​Dataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​DFM_​ASSIGNED_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Assigned Dataset On​Command​Assigned​Dataset​Identity

Add LUN to Dataset using NetApp OnCommand

Create a LUN under the dataset based on the provisioning policy of the dataset using OnCommand.
This task will create a LUN under the selected dataset, because of all the datasets listing in the task were having the provisioning policy storage container type is "LUN", So that any member added under the dataset can be created as LUN.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Dataset Name Select Dataset Name On​Command​LUNDataset​Identity Y
Storage Name Enter the name of Storage.​ lun​Name
Storage Size (GB) Enter the size of Storage.​ net​App​Lun​Size Y
Snapshot Reserve (%) Enter the Snapshot reserve in pecentage of Storage Size.​ gen_​text_​input
LUN Export Settings Enter the export settings for the LUN.​ gen_​text_​input
Export Protocol Type Select a protocol type for exporting a LUN.​ gen_​text_​input Y
OS Type Select the operating system type of the initiators in this group.​ ostype Y
Initiator Name Enter the name of the Initiator that needs to be created.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
LUN_​ID ID of the LUN gen_​text_​input
LUN_​PATH Path of the LUN on which the selected operation was performed net​App​Lun​Path

Add Resource Pool to Dataset using NetApp OnCommand

Assign a primary resource pool to the dataset using OnCommand.
This task will assign a resource pool either filer/aggregate to the dataset selected in the task using OnCommand. Resources may be either Filer/Aggregates. Once the resources can be added to the pool, Datasets can be used later.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Dataset Name Select the Dataset to be deleted.​ On​Command​All​Dataset​Identity Y
Resource Pool Name Enter the Name of the Resouce pool to be created.​ On​Command​Resource​Pool​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​LUN_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the LUN Dataset On​Command​LUNDataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​VOLUME_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the Volume Dataset On​Command​Volume​Dataset​Identity

Add Volume to Dataset using NetApp OnCommand

Create a volume under the dataset based on the provisioning policy of the dataset using OnCommand.
This task will create a volume under the selected dataset, because of all the datasets listing in the task were having the provisioning policy storage container type is "Volume", So that any member added under the dataset can be created as volume.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Dataset Name Select Dataset Name On​Command​Volume​Dataset​Identity Y
Volume Name Enter the Name of the Volume to be created.​ gen_​text_​input
Storage Size (GB) Enter the size of Storage.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Snapshot Reserve (%) Enter the Snapshot reserve in pecentage of Storage Size.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
VOLUME_​NAME Name of the Volume on which the selected operation was performed volume
OUTPUT_​VOLUME_​IDENTITY Identity of the Volume volume​Identity
OUTPUT_​FILER_​IDENTITY Identity of the Filer filer​Identity
OUTPUT_​VFILER_​IDENTITY Identity of the v​Filer v​Filer​Identity
OUTPUT_​VFILER_​VOLUME_​IDENTITY Identity of the v​Filer Volume v​Filer​Volume​Identity
OUTPUT_​DATASET_​MEMBER_​NAME Member of the Dataset net​App​On​Command​Group​Member
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Dataset On​Command​All​Dataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​QTREE_​IDENTITY Identity of the Qtree net​App​QTree​Identity
OUTPUT_​VFILER_​QTREE_​IDENTITY Identity of the v​Filer Qtree v​Filer​Qtree​Identity
OUTPUT_​ALL_​VFILER_​VOLUME_​IDENTITY Identity of the All v​Filers volume Allv​Filer​Volume​Identity

Attach Storage Service to Dataset using NetApp OnCommand

Attach the storage service having protection/provision policies to the dataset using OnCommand.
This task will attach the storage service to the selected dataset using OnCommand. So that any member can be added to the dataset according to the set of policies (provision, protection) of the storage service applied to the dataset.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Storage Service Select Storage Service On​Commands​Storage​Service​Identity Y
Dataset Name Enter the Name of the Dataset to be created.​ On​Command​All​Dataset​Identity Y
Output Description Type
DATASET_​NAME Name of the On​Command Dataset.​ dataset​Name
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Dataset On​Command​All​Dataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​DFM_​ASSIGNED_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Assigned Dataset On​Command​Assigned​Dataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​DFM_​UNASSIGNED_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Un​Assigned Dataset On​Command​Un​Assigned​Dataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​DFM_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Account On​Command​Account​Identity

Create Dataset on vFiler using NetApp OnCommand

Create a dataset with the seconday resource pool as vfiler using OnCommand.
This task will create a dataset with the seconday resource pool as vfiler using OnCommand. So that, if any members of this datasets were added based on the provisioning policy that will be added to the vfiler.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​Filer Name Select v​Filer Name dfmvfiler​Identity Y
Dataset Name Enter the Name of the Dataset to be created.​ dataset​Name Y
Provisioning Policy Select Provisioning Policy.​ On​Command​Provis​Policy​Identity Y
Output Description Type
DATASET_​NAME Name of the On​Command Dataset.​ dataset​Name
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Dataset On​Command​All​Dataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​DFM_​UNASSIGNED_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Un​Assigned Dataset On​Command​Un​Assigned​Dataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​VFILER_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command v​Filer dfmvfiler​Identity
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​VOLUME_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the Volume Dataset On​Command​Volume​Dataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​LUN_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the LUN Dataset On​Command​LUNDataset​Identity

Create Dataset using NetApp OnCommand

Create a Dataset using OnCommand.
A Dataset is a set of Storage units (Volumes, QTree, LUN). This task if for creating a dataset by adding existing storage units to the dataset.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Account Name On​Command​Account​Identity Y
Dataset Name Enter the Name of the Dataset to be created.​ dataset​Name Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Dataset On​Command​All​Dataset​Identity
DATASET_​NAME Name of the On​Command Dataset.​ dataset​Name
OUTPUT_​DFM_​UNASSIGNED_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Un​Assigned Dataset On​Command​Un​Assigned​Dataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​DFM_​ASSIGNED_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Assigned Dataset On​Command​Assigned​Dataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​DFM_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Account On​Command​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​VOLUME_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the Volume Dataset On​Command​Volume​Dataset​Identity

Create Group using NetApp OnCommand

Create a Group within OnCommand
A group manages multiple datasets. A dataset is a set of storage units (volumes, Qtree, LUN). This is a logical grouping to group multiple datasets.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Account Name On​Command​Account​Identity Y
Parent Group Name Select the Parent Group in which new Group need to be created.​ net​App​On​Command​Groups
Group Name Enter the Name of the Group to be created.​ net​App​On​Command​Group​Name
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​DFM_​GROUP On​Command Group Name net​App​On​Command​Groups
OUTPUT_​DFM_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Account On​Command​Account​Identity

Create vFiler Setup using NetApp OnCommand

This task will helps to run setup in the context of this vfiler on the storage system using OnCommand.
When a vfiler is created using, a set of default options is created. After a new vfiler is created it will be in a running state, but no protocol servers will be running. This task will helps to run setup in the context of this vfiler. This task will work for only OnCommand accounts.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​Filer Name v​Filer Name dfmvfiler​Identity Y
Root Password Enter root password password
Subnet Mask Enter Subnet Mask gen_​text_​input Y
Interface Name Select interface name gen_​text_​input
Protocols Select the Protocols.​ Y
Output Description Type
VFILER_​NAME Name of the v​Filer on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​VFILER_​IDENTITY Identity of the v​Filer v​Filer​Identity

Create vFiler using NetApp OnCommand

Create a vFiler using the OnCommand
A vFiler is a logical unit of storage. We can manage multiple Filers using OnCommand. Multiple vFilers can be created on a physical filer subject to filer capacity. vFiler can be assigned to a Group within UCSD. In this task we create a vFiler using OnCommand
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Filer Name Filer Name dfm​Filer​Identity Y
IP Space Name Enter the Name of the IP Space to be used for v​Filer.​ ip​Space​Identity Y
v​Filer Name Enter the Name of the v​Filer to be created.​ vfiler​Name Y
IP Address Provide IP address range or comma separated IP addresses or both gen_​text_​input Y
Setup vfiler setup
Root Password Enter root password password
Subnet Mask Enter Subnet Mask gen_​text_​input Y
Interface Name Select interface name gen_​text_​input
Protocols Select the Protocols.​ Y
Dry Run Dry Run
Output Description Type
VFILER_​NAME Name of the v​Filer gen_​text_​input
VFILER_​IP_​ADDRESS IP Address of the v​Filer on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​VFILER_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command v​Filer dfmvfiler​Identity
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​FILER_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Filer dfm​Filer​Identity
IPSPACE_​NAME Name of the IP Space on which the selected operation was performed ip​Space​Name
VLAN_​INTERFACE_​NAME Name of the v​Lan Interface on which the selected operation was performed v​LANinterface​Name
OUTPUT_​VFILER_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Identity of the interface which is assigned to vfiler.​ vfiler​Interface​Identity
VFILER_​IDENTITY Identity of the v​Filer gen_​text_​input

Delete DFM Group using NetApp OnCommand

Delete a Group within OnCommand
A group manages multiple datasets. A dataset is a set of storage units (volumes, Qtree, LUN). This is a logical grouping to group multiple datasets. This task is to delete a Group within OnCommand.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Account Name On​Command​Account​Identity Y
Group Name Select the Group that needs to be deleted.​ net​App​On​Command​Group​Name Y
No Outputs

Delete Dataset using NetApp OnCommand

Delete a Dataset using OnCommand
A Dataset is a set of Storage units (Volumes, QTree, LUN). This task is for deleting a dataset.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Dataset Name Select the Dataset to be deleted.​ On​Command​All​Dataset​Identity Y
Force Forcibly Delete.​ gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Destroy LUN using NetApp OnCommand

Remove a LUN member under the dataset using OnCommand.
This task will remove a LUN member under the selected dataset, So that LUN cannot be seen as a member to the dataset.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Dataset Member Name Select the dataset member name.​ On​Command​Dataset​Member​LUNIdentity Y
No Outputs

Destroy Resource Pool using NetApp OnCommand

Delete the resource pool using OnCommand.
This task will delete the resources pool using OnCommand. So that if any datasets that were associated with this resource pool can be in accessible.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Resource Pool Name Enter the Name of the Resouce pool to be created.​ On​Command​Resource​Pool​Identity Y
Force Forcibly destroy gen_​text_​input
No Outputs

Destroy vFiler using NetApp OnCommand

Destroy the vfiler permanantly on the storage system using OnCommand.
This task will destroy the selected vfiler permanantly from the storage system. This task will work for only OnCommand accounts.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
v​Filer Name Select v​Filer Name dfmvfiler​Identity Y
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​VFILER_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command v​Filer dfmvfiler​Identity

Detach Storage Service from Dataset using NetApp OnCommand

Detach the storage service having protection/provision policies from the dataset using OnCommand.
This task will detach the storage service from the selected dataset using OnCommand. So that no more members can be added to the dataset after detaching the storage servicet.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Dataset Name Enter the Name of the Dataset to be created.​ On​Command​Assigned​Dataset​Identity Y
Output Description Type
DATASET_​NAME Name of the On​Command Dataset.​ dataset​Name
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Dataset On​Command​All​Dataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​DFM_​ASSIGNED_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Assigned Dataset On​Command​Assigned​Dataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​DFM_​UNASSIGNED_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Un​Assigned Dataset On​Command​Un​Assigned​Dataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​DFM_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Account On​Command​Account​Identity

Modify LUN Export settings using NetApp OnCommand

Modify the export setting of a LUN member under the dataset using OnCommand.
Modify the export setting of a LUN member under the dataset using OnCommand.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Dataset Name Select Dataset Name On​Command​LUNDataset​Identity Y
LUN Path Select LUN Name gen_​text_​input
Export Protocol Type Select a protocol type for exporting a LUN.​ gen_​text_​input Y
OS Type Select the operating system type of the initiators in this group.​ ostype Y
Initiator Name Enter the name of the Initiator that needs to be created.​ gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Provision Dataset with Storage Service Using NetApp OnCommand

Creates a dataset with specified storage service and adds it to the specified OnCommand group as a member.
This task creates a dataset with the specified storage service using OnCommand and adds it to the specified OnCommand group as a member.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Select an Account On​Command​Account​Identity Y
Group Name Select the Name of the Group.​ net​App​On​Command​Groups Y
Storage Service Name Select the Storage Service Name net​App​On​Command​Storage​Services Y
Dataset Name Enter the Name of the Dataset to be provisioned.​ gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
DATASET_​NAME Name of the Dataset gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Dataset On​Command​All​Dataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​DFM_​ACCOUNT_​IDENTITY Identity of the On​Command Account On​Command​Account​Identity
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​LUN_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the LUN Dataset On​Command​LUNDataset​Identity
OUTPUT_​ONCOMMAND_​VOLUME_​DATASET_​IDENTITY Identity of the Volume Dataset On​Command​Volume​Dataset​Identity
DATASET_​NAME Name of the On​Command Dataset.​ dataset​Name

Remove Dataset Member using NetApp OnCommand

Removes selected member from dataset using OnCommand.
This task removes member from a dataset. Only members explicitly added to the dataset (direct members) can be removed.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Dataset Name Select the Dataset to be deleted.​ On​Command​All​Dataset​Identity Y
Dataset Member Name Select the Dataset Member that needs to be deleted.​ gen_​text_​input Y
No Outputs

Remove Group Member using NetApp OnCommand

Deletes a member from the group using OnCommand.
Deletes a member from the selected group.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Account Name Account Name On​Command​Account​Identity Y
Group Name Select the Group Name from which Group Member need to be deleted.​ net​App​On​Command​Group​Name Y
Member Name Enter the Name of the Group Member that needs to be deleted.​ net​App​On​Command​Group​Member Y
No Outputs