Cisco APIC Tasks

This chapter contains the following sections:

APIC Wrapper

Create an APIC wrapper.
This task creates a APIC wrapper.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Enter Tenant Name gen_​text_​input Y
Application Profile Name Enter Application Profile Name gen_​text_​input Y
Resource Lookup Result Map ID Enter Resource Lookup Result Map gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
WEB_​EPG Web EPG Name gen_​text_​input
APP_​EPG App EPG Name gen_​text_​input
DB_​EPG DB EPG Name gen_​text_​input
WEB_​APP_​CTRL_​PRTCL Web​To​App Contract Protocol gen_​text_​input
WEB_​APP_​CTRL_​PORT Web​To​App Contract Port gen_​text_​input
APP_​DB_​CTRL_​PRTCL App​To​DB Contract Protocol gen_​text_​input
APP_​DB_​CTRL_​PORT App​To​DB Contract Port gen_​text_​input


Add an ACL entry to an EPG.
This task adds an ACL Entry to endpoint group (EPG). It requires an EPG, a service graph name, and contract as inputs .
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Provide EPG Name Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity Y
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
Contract Name Provide Contract Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity Y
ACL List Name ACL List Name gen_​text_​input Y
ACL Entry Name ACL Entry Name gen_​text_​input Y
Protocol Protocol gen_​text_​input
Source Any Source Any gen_​text_​input
Source Address Source Address gen_​text_​input
Destination Any Destination Any gen_​text_​input
Destination Address Destination Address gen_​text_​input
Action Action gen_​text_​input
Order Order gen_​text_​input
Is shared parameter required? Is shared parameter required? gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​L4L7_​NODE_​ACL_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node ACL Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Node​Acl​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​L4L7_​EPG_​ACL_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph EPG ACL Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7EPGAcl​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​L4L7_​NODE_​ACCESS_​CONTROL_​ENTRY_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Access Control Entry Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Node​Access​Entry​Control​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​L4L7_​ACL_​EPG_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph ACL EPG Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Acl​EPGIdentity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​L4L7_​NODE_​ACLNAME_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph ACL Name Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Node​Acl​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​L4L7_​NODE_​ACLNAME APIC Tenant Service Graph ACL Name gen_​text_​input

Add ACL Entry To APIC Function Node

Add an ACL entry to a function node in UCSD.
This task adds an access control list (ACL) entry to a function node. Input includes protocol information and source and destination port range on the APIC Controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
ACL List Name ACL List Name gen_​text_​input Y
ACL Entry Name ACL Entry Name gen_​text_​input Y
Protocol Protocol gen_​text_​input
Source Any Source Any gen_​text_​input
Source Address Source Address gen_​text_​input
Destination Any Destination Any gen_​text_​input
Destination Address Destination Address gen_​text_​input
Action Action gen_​text_​input
Order Order gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​L4L7_​NODE_​ACL_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node ACL Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Node​Acl​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​L4L7_​NODE_​ACCESS_​CONTROL_​ENTRY_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Access Control Entry Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Node​Access​Entry​Control​Identity

Add ACL Entry To APIC Function Profile

Add an ACL entry to a function profile.
This task adds a ACL entry to a function profile on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Function Profile Name Provide Function Profile Name Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Identity
ACL List Name ACL List Name gen_​text_​input Y
ACL Entry Name ACL Entry Name gen_​text_​input Y
Protocol Protocol gen_​text_​input
Type Choose Type gen_​text_​input
Source Network Object Choose Source Network Object Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Network​Object​Identity
Source Network Object Group Choose Source Network Object Group Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Network​Object​Group​Identity
Source Network Object Choose Source Network Object Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Network​Object​Identity
Source Network Object Group Choose Source Network Object Group Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Network​Object​Group​Identity
Source Any Source Any gen_​text_​input
Source Address Source Address gen_​text_​input
Destination Any Destination Any gen_​text_​input
Destination Address Destination Address gen_​text_​input
Action Action gen_​text_​input
Order Order gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP Tenant Function Profile Group gen_​text_​input
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Group Identity Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Group​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​ACL_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile ACL Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Acl​Identity

Add APIC Application EPG to Attachable Access Entity Profile

Add APIC Application EPG to Attachable Access Entity Profile.
This task allows User to add APIC Application EPG to Attachable Access Entity Profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Attachable Entity Profile Name Select attachable entity profile name Apic​Associated​Attachable​Entity​Profile​Identity Y
EPG Name Provide EPG Name Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity Y
Encap Provide Port Encap VLAN gen_​text_​input Y
Primary Encap Provide Primary MICRO-SEG VLAN gen_​text_​input
Mode Select Mode ACIApic​Mode​Identity Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
ENTITY_​PROFILE Associated Attachable Entity Profile gen_​text_​input
ENTITY_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Associated Attachable Entity Profile Identity Apic​Associated​Attachable​Entity​Profile​Identity
EPG_​ENTITY_​PROFILE Associated Attachable Entity EPG Profile gen_​text_​input
EPG_​ENTITY_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Associated Attachable Entity Profile EPG Identity Apic​Associated​Attachable​Entity​Profile​EPGIdentity

Add APIC Bridge Group Interface To Function Profile

Add bridge group interface to a function profile.
This task adds a bridge group interface to a function profile on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Function Profile Name Provide Function Profile Name Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Identity Y
Bridge Group ID Bridge Group ID gen_​text_​input Y
IPv4 Address Value IPv4 Address Value gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP Tenant Function Profile Group gen_​text_​input
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Group Identity Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Group​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Identity Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​BRIDGE_​GROUP_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Bridge Group Interface Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Bridge​Group​Interface​Identity

Add APIC Contract to External Network

Add a contract to an external network.
This task adds a contract to an external network on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
External​Network External​Network Apic​Device​External​Network​In​Outside​Network​Identity Y
Contract Type Contract Type gen_​text_​input Y
Contract Contract Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity Y
Priority Provide Priority gen_​text_​input Y
Match​Type Provide match​Type gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Routed Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Routed Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​BRIDGED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Bridged Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​BRIDGED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Bridged Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​External​Bridge​Network​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​NAME External Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Network Identity Apic​Device​External​Network​Identity
DEVICE_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​IN_​OUTSIDE_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Network in Outside Network Identity Apic​Device​External​Network​In​Outside​Network​Identity
CONTRACT_​TYPE Contract Type gen_​text_​input
CONTRACT_​NAME Contract Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY External Network Contract Identity gen_​text_​input
QOS Qo​S gen_​text_​input

Add APIC Domain to Attachable Access Entity Profile

Add APIC Domain to Attachable Access Entity Profile.
This task add Domain to an attachable access entity profile on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Attachable Entity Profile Name Select attachable entity profile name Apic​Associated​Attachable​Entity​Profile​Identity Y
Domain Profile Provide Domain Profile Apic​VMNetworking​Domain​Profile​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
ENTITY_​PROFILE Associated Attachable Entity Profile gen_​text_​input
ENTITY_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Associated Attachable Entity Profile Identity Apic​Associated​Attachable​Entity​Profile​Identity
DOMAIN_​PROFILE Domain​Profile gen_​text_​input
EPG_​ENTITY_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Associated Attachable Entity Profile EPG Identity Apic​Associated​Attachable​Entity​Profile​EPGIdentity

Add APIC External Bridged Network

Add an external bridged network.
This task adds an external bridged network on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Provide Tenant Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
External Bridged Network Name External Bridged Network Name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Provide Description gen_​text_​input
Alias Provide External Bridged Network Alias gen_​text_​input
Tags Provide Tags gen_​text_​input
External Bridged Domain External Bridged Domain Apic​Device​Tenant​External​Bridge​Domain​Identity
Bridge Domain Provide Bridge Domain Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity
Encap Provide Encap gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​BRIDGED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Bridged Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​BRIDGED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Bridged Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​External​Bridge​Network​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN Bridge Domain Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY Bridge Domain Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity
EXTERNAL_​BRIDGED_​DOMAIN APIC Tenant Concrete Device Identity gen_​text_​input
EXTERNAL_​BRIDGED_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Concrete Interface Apic​Device​Tenant​External​Bridge​Domain​Identity

Add APIC Function Node to L4-L7 Service Graph

Add a function node to an L4-L7 service graph in UCSD.
This task adds a function node to an L4-L7 service graph. Input includes a tenant name, node name, and service graph name on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Node Name Node Name gen_​text_​input Y
Use Existing Graph Use Existing Graph
Service Graph Name Provide Service Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Service​Graph​Identity Y
Tenant Name Provide Tenant Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Service Graph Name Provide Service Graph Name gen_​text_​input Y
Service Graph Description Provide Service Graph Description gen_​text_​input
Function Name Function Name Apic​Tenant​Service​Graph​Function​Node​Identity Y
Add Params to EPG Add Params to EPG
Function Type Function Type Apic​Service​Graph​Node​Function​Type Y
Function Profile Select Function Profile Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Node​Identity
apply policy apply policy
Default Profile Default Profile Apic​L4L7Service​Graph​Function​Profile​Identity
Policy Select Policy Apic​L4L7Service​Graph​APICASAFunction​Profile​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Bidirectional Service Graph Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Service​Graph​Identity
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
TENANT_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​CONNECTION_​ONE_​IDENTITY Tenant Service Graph Node Connection One Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Service​Graph​Node​Connection​Identity
TENANT_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​CONNECTION_​TWO_​IDENTITY Tenant Service Graph Node Connection Two Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Service​Graph​Node​Connection​Identity

Add APIC Private Network Profile

Adds a private network profile.
This task adds a private network profile with subnets and supernets.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Private Network(s) Provide Private Network input details private​Network​Profile​Input​Type
Output Description Type
OUTPUT_​SUBNETS Subnets gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SUPERNETS Supernets gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​PRIVATE_​NETWORK_​NAMES Private Network Names gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​APIC_​PRIVATE_​NETWORK_​PROFILE APIC Private Network Profile gen_​text_​input

Add Access Sub Port Block To Interface Access Port Selector

Add Access Sub Port Block To Interface Access Port Selector.
This task configures the sub-port block of interface profile to which the leaf profile has to be applied. The sub port block is used for grouping ports between the node and the sub-interfaces. The sub-port block can be located on one or more modules.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Access Port Selector Select access port selector Apic​Fabric​Access​Port​Selector​To​Interface​Profile​Identity Y
Interface IDs Interface IDs gen_​text_​input Y
Description Description gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
FABRIC_​INTERFACE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Fabric Interface Profile Identity Apic​Fabric​Interface​Profile​Identity
FABRIC_​ACCESS_​PORT_​SELECTOR_​TO_​INTERFACE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Fabric Access Port Selector to Interface Profile Identity Apic​Fabric​Access​Port​Selector​To​Interface​Profile​Identity

Add Access Sub Port Block to FEX Profile Port Selector

Add Access Sub Port Block to FEX Profile Port Selector.
This task configures the sub-port block of FEX profile to which the leaf profile has to be applied. The sub port block is used for grouping ports between the node and the sub-interfaces. The sub-port block can be located on one or more modules.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Access Port Selector Select Access Port Selector Apic​Fabric​Access​Port​Selector​To​Fex​Profile​Identity Y
Interface IDs Interface IDs gen_​text_​input Y
Description Description gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
FABRIC_​FEX_​PROFILE Fabric FEX Profile gen_​text_​input
FABRIC_​FEX_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Fabric FEX Profile Identity Apic​Fabric​Fex​Profile​Identity
FABRIC_​ACCESS_​PORT_​SELECTOR_​TO_​FEX_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Fabric Access Port Selector to FEX Profile Identity Apic​Fabric​Access​Port​Selector​To​Interface​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​SUB_​PORT_​BLK_​TO_​FEX_​PROFILE_​ACCESS_​PORT_​SEL_​ID Fabric Access Sub Port Block to Port Selector FEX ID gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​SUB_​PORT_​BLK_​TO_​FEX_​PROFILE_​ACCESS_​PORT_​SEL_​IDENTITY Fabric Access Sub Port Block to Port Selector FEX Identity Apic​Fabric​Access​Sub​Port​Block​To​Fex​Profile​Port​Selector

Add Bridge Group Interface To APIC EPG

Add a bridge group interface to an EPG.
This task adds a bridge group interface with name and IP information to an endpoint group (EPG).
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Provide EPG Name Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity Y
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
Contract Name Provide Contract Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity Y
Bridge Group ID Bridge Group ID gen_​text_​input Y
IPv4 Address Value IPv4 Address Value gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Bidirectional Service Graph Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Service​Graph​Identity
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​GROUP_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Bridge Group Interface Identity Apic​Tenant​Bridge​Group​Interface​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​GROUP_​EPG_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Bridge Group EPG Interface Identity Apic​Tenant​Delete​Bridge​Group​Interface​Identity

Add Bridge Group Interface To APIC Function Node

Add a bridge group interface to a function node.
This task adds a bridge group interface with name and IP information to a function node.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
Bridge Group ID Bridge Group ID gen_​text_​input Y
IPv4 Address Value IPv4 Address Value gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Bidirectional Service Graph Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Service​Graph​Identity
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​GROUP_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Bridge Group Interface Identity Apic​Tenant​Bridge​Group​Interface​Identity

Add Context To APIC Routed Profile

Add a context to a routed profile.
This task adds a context to a routed profile for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Route Profile Route Profile Apic​Device​Tenant​Routed​Profile​To​Ext​Routed​Network​Identity Y
Context Name Context Name gen_​text_​input Y
Order Order gen_​text_​input Y
Description Description gen_​text_​input
Action Rule Profile Name Action Rule Profile Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Action​Rule​Profile​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Routed Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Routed Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
TENANT_​ROUTED_​PROFILE_​NAME Routed Profile Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​ROUTED_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Routed Profile Name Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Routed​Profile​To​Ext​Routed​Network​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​CONTEXT_​NAME Context Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​CONTEXT_​IDENTITY Context Identity Apic​Tenant​Context​To​Route​Profile​Identity
DEVICE_​TENANT_​ACTION_​RULE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Action Rule Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Action​Rule​Profile​Identity

Add Contract To APIC EPG

Add a contract to an EPG.
This task adds a contract to an endpoint group (EPG) for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG EPG Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity Y
Contract Type Contract Type gen_​text_​input Y
Contract Contract Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity Y
QOS QOS gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​APPLN_​PROFILE Tenant's Application Profile gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​APPLN_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Application Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Appln​Profile​Identity
TENANT_​EPG APIC Tenant EPG gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant EPG Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
CONTRACT_​TYPE Contract Type gen_​text_​input
CONTRACT_​NAME Contract Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity
TENANT_​EPG_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant EPG Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Label​Contract​Subject​Identity
QOS Qo​S gen_​text_​input

Add DHCP Label To APIC Tenant Bridge Domain

Add a DHCP label to tenant bridge domain.
This task adds a dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) label to a tenant bridge domain for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Bridge Domain Provide Bridge Domain Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity Y
scope Provide scope gen_​text_​input Y
DHCP Relay Name For Tenant Provide DHCP Label Name For Tenant Apic​Device​Tenant​Dhcp​Relay​Identity Y
DHCP Relay Name For Infra Provide DHCP Label Name For Infra Apic​Device​Fabric​Dhcp​Relay​Identity Y
DHCP Option Policy Provide Option Apic​Device​Tenant​Dhcp​Option​Policy​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN Bridge Domain Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY Bridge Domain Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Identity
TENANT_​DHCP_​RELAY_​NAME DHCP Relay Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DHCP_​RELAY_​IDENTITY DHCP Relay Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Dhcp​Relay​Identity
TENANT_​DHCP_​SCOPE DHCP Scope gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DHCP_​SCOPE_​IDENTITY DHCP Scope Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Dhcp​Scope​Identity
TENANT_​DHCP_​OPTION_​POLICY_​NAME DHCP Option Policy Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DHCP_​OPTION_​POLICY_​IDENTITY DHCP Option Policy Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Dhcp​Option​Policy​Identity
TENANT_​BRIDGE_​DOMAIN_​DHCP_​LABEL_​IDENTITY Bridge doamind DHCP label Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Bridge​Domain​Dhcp​Label​Identity
FABRIC_​DHCP_​RELAY_​NAME Fabric DHCP Relay Name gen_​text_​input
FABRIC_​DHCP_​RELAY_​IDENTITY Fabric DHCP Relay Identity Apic​Device​Fabric​Dhcp​Relay​Identity

Add DSCP to Priority Map in APIC Custom QoS Policy

Add DSCP to Priority Map in APIC Custom QoS Policy.
This task allows User to add DSCP to Priority Map in Custom QoS Policy on APIC Tenant.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Custom QOS Policy Name Select a Custom QOS Policy Name.​ Apic​Tenant​Custom​Qos​Policy​Identity Y
Priority Choose Priority.​ The priority level of the Qo​S can be unspecified, level1, level2 or level3.​ The default value is 'unspecified'.​ Apic​Custom​Qos​Priority​Identity Y
DSCP Range from Select DSCP Range from value between 0 to 63 and default value is none Apic​Custom​Qos​Policy​Dscp​Range​From​Identity Y
Enter DSCP Range from Enter DSCP Range from value between 0 to 63.​ gen_​text_​input Y
DSCP Range to Select DSCP Range to value between 0 to 63 and default value is none Apic​Custom​Qos​Policy​Dscp​Range​To​Identity Y
Enter DSCP Range to Enter DSCP Range to value between 0 to 63.​ gen_​text_​input Y
DSCP Target Select DSCP Target value between 0 to 64 and default value is 'unspecified' Apic​Custom​Qos​Policy​Dscp​Target​Identity
Enter DSCP Target Enter DSCP Target value between 0 to 64 and default value is 'unspecified' gen_​text_​input
Target Cos Select DSCP Target Cos value between 0 to 8 and default value is 'unspecified' Apic​Custom​Qos​Policy​Dscp​Target​Cos​Identity
Enter Target Cos Enter DSCP Target Cos value between 0 to 8 and default value is 'unspecified' gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​POLICY_​IDENTITY Custom QOS Policy Identity Apic​Tenant​Custom​Qos​Policy​Identity
OUTPUT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​DSCP_​PRIORITY_​RANGE Custom Qo​S's DSCP Priority Range to Map gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​CUSTOM_​QOS_​DSCP_​PRIORITY_​RANGE_​IDENTITY Custom Qo​S's DSCP Priority Range to Map Identity Custom​Qos​Dscp​Priorityto​Map​Range

Add Domain To APIC EPG

Add a domain to an EPG.
This task adds a domain to an endpoint group (EPG) for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG EPG Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity Y
Domain Profile Provide Domain Profile Apic​Domain​Profile​Identity Y
Deploy Immediacy Provide Deploy Immediacy gen_​text_​input
Resolution Immediacy Provide Resolution Immediacy gen_​text_​input
Allow Promiscuous Provide Allow Promiscuous gen_​text_​input
Forged Transmits Provide Forged Transmits gen_​text_​input
MAC Changes Provide Deploy Immediacy gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​APPLN_​PROFILE Tenant's Application Profile gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​APPLN_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Application Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Appln​Profile​Identity
TENANT_​EPG APIC Tenant EPG gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant EPG Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
DOMAIN_​TYPE Domain​Type gen_​text_​input
DOMAIN_​PROFILE Domain​Profile gen_​text_​input
DOMAIN_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Domain Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Domain​To​EPGIdentity
APIC_​DOMAIN_​DVSWITCH_​IDENTITY Apic Domain Distributed Virtual Switch gen_​text_​input
APIC_​DOMAIN_​DVSWITCH_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY Apic Domain Distributed Virtual Switch Port Group gen_​text_​input
EPG_​VLAN_​ID APIC EPG VLAN Identity gen_​text_​input
EPG_​INTEGER_​VLAN_​ID APIC EPG VLAN Integer gen_​text_​input
EPG_​INT APIC EPG VLAN Integer Identity vlan​ID
APIC_​DOMAIN_​DVSWITCH_​PORTGROUP APIC Domain DVSwitch Port​Group gen_​text_​input
VMWARE_​DVSWITCH_​PORTGROUP_​IDENTITY VMware DVPortgroup Identity VMware​DVPortgroup​Identity
EPG_​DOMAIN_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY EPG Domain Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Domain​Profile​To​EPGIdentity
HYPER_​V_​VM_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY Hyper-V VM Network Identity hyperv​VMNetwork​Identity
OUTPUT_​LOGICAL_​NETWORK Logical Network Identity hyperv​Logical​Network​Identity
OUTPUT_​LOGICAL_​NETWORK_​DEF_​IDENTITY Logical Network Definition (Site) Identity hyperv​Logical​Network​Def​Identity

Add External Network To APIC External Bridged Network

Add an external network to an external bridged network.
This task adds an external network to an external bridged network for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
External Bridged Network External Bridged Network Name Apic​Device​Tenant​External​Bridge​Network​Identity Y
External Network Name External Network Name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Description gen_​text_​input
Alias Alias gen_​text_​input
Tags Tags Apic​Device​Tag​Identity
QOS QOS gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​BRIDGED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Bridged Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​BRIDGED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Bridged Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​External​Bridge​Network​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​NAME External Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Network in External Bridged Network Identity Apic​Tenant​External​Network​In​External​Bridged​Network​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​ALIAS External Network Alias Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​TAGS_​IDENTITY External Network Tags Identity Apic​Device​Tag​Identity
QOS Qo​S gen_​text_​input
DEVICE_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​IN_​OUTSIDE_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Network in Outside Network Identity Apic​Device​External​Network​In​Outside​Network​Identity

Add External Network To APIC External Routed Network

Add an external network to an external routed network.
This task adds an external network to an external routed network for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
External Routed Network External Routed Network Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity Y
External Network Name External Network Name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Description gen_​text_​input
Alias Alias gen_​text_​input
Tags Tags Apic​Device​Tag​Identity
QOS QOS gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Routed Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Routed Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​NAME External Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Network in External Routed Network Identity Apic​Tenant​External​Network​To​External​Routed​Network​Identity
DEVICE_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​IN_​OUTSIDE_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Network in Outside Network Identity Apic​Device​External​Network​In​Outside​Network​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​ALIAS External Network Alias Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​TAGS_​IDENTITY External Network Tags Identity Apic​Device​Tag​Identity
QOS Qo​S gen_​text_​input

Add External Routed Network in APIC

Add an external routed network.
This task adds an external routed network for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Tenant Name Provide Tenant Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
External Routed Network Name External Routed Network Name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Provide Description gen_​text_​input
Alias Provide External Routed Network Alias
Tags Provide Tags Apic​Device​Tag​Identity
Network Provide Network Apic​Device​Tenant​Private​Network​Identity
External Routed Domain External Routed Domain Apic​Device​Tenant​Routed​Domain​Identity
BGP BGP gen_​text_​input
OSPF OSPF gen_​text_​input
OSPF Area ID Provide OSPF Area ID gen_​text_​input
OSPF Area Type Select Area Type gen_​text_​input
EIGRP Enable / Disable the EIGRP mode gen_​text_​input
Autonomous System Number Provide Autonomous System Number between 1-8000 gen_​text_​input
Route Control Enforcement
Export gen_​text_​input
Import Enable / Disable the Import mode gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​PRIVATE_​NETWORK Private Network on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
PRIVATE_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY Contract Interface Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Private​Network​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Routed Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Routed Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​DOMAIN_​IDENTITY External Routed Domain Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Routed​Domain​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​TAGS_​IDENTITY External Network Tags Identity Apic​Device​Tag​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​OSPF_​ID External Network OSPF Id gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​OSPF_​AREA_​TYPE External Network OSPF Area Type gen_​text_​input

Add Filter To APIC Contract Subject

Add a filter to a contract subject.
This task adds a filter to a contract subject for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Contract Subject Provide Contract Subject Apic​Tenant​Contract​Subject​Identity Y
Filter Provide Filter Apic​Device​Tenant​Filter​Identity Y
Apply Both Directions Apply Both Directions gen_​text_​input
Filter For Consumer To Provider Filter For Consumer To Provider Apic​Device​Tenant​Filter​Identity
Filter For Provider To Consumer Filter For Provider To Consumer Apic​Device​Tenant​Filter​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CONTRACT APIC Tenant Contract gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity
CONTRACT_​SUBJECT Contract Subject gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​SUBJECT_​IDENTITY Contract Subject Identity Apic​Tenant​Contract​Subject​Identity
TENANT_​FILTER Tenant's Filter gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​FILTER_​IDENTITY Tenant Filter Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Filter​Identity
TENANT_​IN_​TERM_​FILTER Tenant In Term Filter Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IN_​TERM_​FILTER_​IDENTITY Tenant In Term Filter Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Filter​Identity
TENANT_​OUT_​TERM_​FILTER Tenant Out Term Filter Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​OUT_​TERM_​FILTER_​IDENTITY Tenant Out Term Filter Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Filter​Identity

Add Filter To APIC ServiceGraph Node

Add a filter to a service graph node.
This task adds a filter to a service graph node's connector.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
Connecter Mode Connecter Mode Apic​Service​Graph​Node​Connector​Mode Y
Filter Name Filter Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Filter​Identity Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​FILTER Tenant's Filter gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​FILTER_​IDENTITY Tenant Filter Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Filter​Identity
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity

Add Function Config Parameters To APIC EPG

Add function config parameters to an EPG.
This task adds function configuration parameters to an endpoint group (EPG) on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Provide EPG Name Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity Y
Contract Name Provide Contract Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity Y
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
External Interface External Interface gen_​text_​input
Internal Interface Internal Interface gen_​text_​input
Is shared parameter required? Is shared parameter required? gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT APIC Tenant Contract gen_​text_​input
APPLICATION PROFILE Application Profile gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG APIC Tenant EPG gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
OUTPUT_​EPG_​EXTERNAL_​INTERFACE EPG Function Config External Interface gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​EPG_​INTERNAL_​INTERFACE EPG Funciton Config Internal Interface gen_​text_​input

Add Function Config Parameters To APIC Function Node

Add function config parameters to a function node.
This task adds function configuration parameters to a function node on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
External Interface External Interface gen_​text_​input Y
Internal Interface Internal Interface gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Bidirectional Service Graph Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Service​Graph​Identity
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
TENANT_​FUNCTION_​CONFIG_​PARAMETER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Function Config Parameter Identity gen_​text_​input

Add Function Config Parameters To APIC Function Profile

Add function config parameters to a function profile.
This task adds function configuration parameters to a function profile on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Function Profile Name Provide Function Profile Name Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Identity Y
External Interface External Interface Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Interface​Identity Y
Internal Interface Internal Interface Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Interface​Identity Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP Tenant Function Profile Group gen_​text_​input
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Group Identity Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Group​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Identity Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​EXTERNAL_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile External Interface Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Interface​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​INTERNAL_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Internal Interface Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Interface​Identity

Add Interface Profile To APIC Node Profile

Add an interface profile to a node profile.
This task adds an interface profile to a node profile on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Node Profile Name Specify Node Profile Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Node​Profile​Identity Y
Interface Profile Name Specify Interface Profile Name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Node Profile Description gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​BRIDGED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Bridged Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​BRIDGED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Bridged Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​External​Bridge​Network​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​NODE_​PROFILE Node Profile Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​NODE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Node Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Node​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​INTERFACE_​PROFILE_​NAME Interface Profile Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​INTERFACE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Interface Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Interface​Profile​Identity

Add Interface To APIC Concrete Device

Add interface details like name, path, and logical interface to a concrete device.
This task adds interface details like name, path, and logical interface to a concrete device that is part of a device cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Name Provide Device Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity Y
Concrete Interface Provide Concrete Interface gen_​text_​input Y
Path Provide Static Path Apic​Device​Static​Path​Identity
v​NIC Provide v​NIC gen_​text_​input
Interface Name Provide Interface Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Interface​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE APIC Tenant Device Cluster Concrete Device Identity gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Concrete Device Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​INTERFACE APIC Tenant Concrete Interface Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Interface​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​INTERFACE_​STATIC_​PATH APIC Tenant Concrete Interfaces Static Path gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​INTERFACE_​STATIC_​PATH_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Concrete Interfaces Static Path Identity Apic​Device​Static​Path​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Interface​Identity

Add Interface To APIC EPG

Add an interface to an EPG.
This task adds an interface to an endpoint group (EPG). It requires an EPG, a service graph name, and a contract as inputs.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Provide EPG Name Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity Y
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
Contract Name Provide Contract Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity Y
Interface Name Enter Interface Name gen_​text_​input Y
IPv4 Address IPv4 Address Value gen_​text_​input
Security Level Security Level Value gen_​text_​input Y
Bridge Group ID Bridge Group ID Apic​Tenant​Bridge​Group​Interface​Identity
Inbound ACL Inbound ACL Value Apic​Tenant​L4L7Node​Acl​Identity
Outbound ACL Outbound ACL Value Apic​Tenant​L4L7Node​Acl​Identity
Is shared parameter required? Is shared parameter required? gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Bidirectional Service Graph Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Service​Graph​Identity
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Interface Identity gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant EPG Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​L4L7_​EPG_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph EPG Interface Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7EPGInterface​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​L4L7_​INTERFACE_​EPG_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Interface EPG Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Interface​EPGIdentity

Add Interface To APIC Function Node

Add an interface to a function node.
This task adds an interface to a function node on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
Interface Name Enter Interface Name gen_​text_​input Y
IPv4 Address IPv4 Address Value gen_​text_​input
Security Level Security Level Value gen_​text_​input Y
Bridge Group ID Bridge Group ID Apic​Tenant​Bridge​Group​Interface​Identity
Inbound ACL Inbound ACL Value Apic​Tenant​L4L7Node​Acl​Identity
Outbound ACL Outbound ACL Value Apic​Tenant​L4L7Node​Acl​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Bidirectional Service Graph Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Service​Graph​Identity
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Interface Identity gen_​text_​input

Add Interface To APIC Function Profile

Add an interface to a function profile.
This task adds an interface to a function profile on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Function Profile Name Provide Function Profile Name Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Identity Y
Interface Name Enter Interface Name gen_​text_​input Y
Type Select Type gen_​text_​input
IPv4 Address IPv4 Address Value gen_​text_​input
Security Level Security Level Value gen_​text_​input
Bridge Group ID Bridge Group ID Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Bridge​Group​Interface​Identity
Inbound ACL Inbound ACL Value Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Acl​Identity
Outbound ACL Outbound ACL Value Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Acl​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP Tenant Function Profile Group gen_​text_​input
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Group Identity Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Group​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Interface Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Interface​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​BRIDGE_​GROUP_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Bridge Group Interface Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Bridge​Group​Interface​Identity

Add Interface To APIC Interface Profile

Add an interface to an interface profile.
This task adds an interface to an interface profile on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Interface Profile Interface Profile Apic​Device​Tenant​Interface​Profile​Identity Y
Path Type Path Type gen_​text_​input Y
Path Path Apic​Device​Static​Path​Identity Y
Target DSCP Target DSCP gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​BRIDGED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Bridged Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​External​Bridge​Network​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​NODE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Node Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Node​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​INTERFACE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Interface Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Interface​Profile​Identity
FABRIC_​PHYSICAL_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Physical Interface Identity Apic​Fabric​Physical​Interface​Identity

Add Interface To APIC Logical Interface Profile

Add an interface to a logical interface profile.
This task adds an interface to a logical interface profile on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Logical Interface Profile Logical Interface Profile Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Profile​Identity Y
Routed Interface Select this option to configure Routed Interface Profile Y
Routed Path Path Apic​Device​Static​Path​Identity Y
Routed IP Address Provide IP Address in the format i.​i.​i.​i ipaddress Y
Routed IP Prefix Provide IP Prefix gen_​text_​input Y
Routed MAC Address Enter MAC Address Format: EE:EE:EE:EE:EE:EE gen_​text_​input
Routed MTU(bytes) Enter MTU in bytes gen_​text_​input Y
Routed Target DSCP Target DSCP gen_​text_​input
Link-local address Provide the address in i​PV6 format gen_​text_​input
SVI Select this option to configure SVI Y
SVI Path Type Path Type gen_​text_​input Y
SVI Path Path Apic​Device​Static​Path​Identity Y
SVI Encapsulation Encapsulation gen_​text_​input
SVI IP Address Provide IP Address in the format i.​i.​i.​i gen_​text_​input Y
Link-local address Provide the address in i​PV6 format gen_​text_​input
Side A SVI IP Address Provide IP Address in the format i.​i.​i.​i ipaddress Y
Side B SVI IP Address Provide IP Address in the format i.​i.​i.​i ipaddress Y
SVI MAC Address Enter MAC Address​Format: EE:EE:EE:EE:EE:EE gen_​text_​input
SVI MTU(bytes) Enter MTU in bytes gen_​text_​input Y
SVI Target DSCP Target DSCP gen_​text_​input
Mode Select Mode gen_​text_​input
Routed Sub-Interface Select this option to configure Routed Sub-Interface Y
Routed Sub Interface Path Path Apic​Device​Static​Path​Identity Y
Routed Sub Interface Encapsulation Encapsulation gen_​text_​input
Routed Sub Interface IP Address Provide IP Address in the format i.​i.​i.​i ipaddress Y
Routed Sub Interface IP Prefix Provide IP Prefix gen_​text_​input Y
Routed Sub Interface MAC Address Enter MAC Address​Format: EE:EE:EE:EE:EE:EE gen_​text_​input
Routed Sub Interface MTU(bytes) Enter MTU in bytes gen_​text_​input Y
Routed Sub Interface Target DSCP Target DSCP gen_​text_​input
Link-local address Provide the address in i​PV6 format gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Routed Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​NODE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Logical Node Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Node​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​INTERFACE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Logical Interface Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Profile​Identity
FABRIC_​PHYSICAL_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Physical Interface Identity Apic​Fabric​Physical​Interface​Identity
FABRIC_​PHYSICAL_​SVI_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Physical SVI Interface Identity gen_​text_​input
FABRIC_​PHYSICAL_​ROUTED_​SUB_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Physical Routed Sub Interface Identity gen_​text_​input

Add Interfaces To APIC Device Cluster

Add interface details like name, path, and logical interface to a device cluster.
Adds interface details like name, path, and logical interface to a device cluster.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Name Provide Device Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity Y
Concrete Interface Provide Concrete Interface gen_​text_​input Y
Path Provide Static Path Apic​Device​Static​Path​Identity
v​NIC Provide v​NIC gen_​text_​input
Device Cluster Name Provide Device Cluster Name Apic​Device​Cluster​Device​Package​Identity Y
Interface Name Provide Interface Name gen_​text_​input Y
Interface Type Provide Interface Type Apic​Device​Package​Interface​Identity Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE APIC Tenant Device Cluster Concrete Device Identity gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​DEVICE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Concrete Device Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Device​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​INTERFACE APIC Tenant Concrete Interface Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Concrete​Interface​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​INTERFACE_​STATIC_​PATH APIC Tenant Concrete Interfaces Static Path gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​CONCRETE_​INTERFACE_​STATIC_​PATH_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Concrete Interfaces Static Path Identity Apic​Device​Static​Path​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Interface​Identity
DEVICE_​PACKAGE APIC Tenant Device Package gen_​text_​input
DEVICE_​PACKAGE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Package Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Package​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​DEVICE_​PACKAGE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Device Package Identity Apic​Device​Cluster​Device​Package​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE_​TYPE APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input

Add Label To APIC Contract Subject

Add a label to a contract subject.
This task adds a label to a contract subject on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Contract Subject Provide Contract Subject Apic​Tenant​Contract​Subject​Identity Y
Match​Type Provide match​Type gen_​text_​input Y
Label Name Provide Label Name gen_​text_​input Y
Label Tag Label Tag gen_​text_​input
Complement Complement
Match​Type Consumed match​Type gen_​text_​input Y
Label Name Consumed Label Name gen_​text_​input Y
Label Tag Label Tag gen_​text_​input
Complement Complement
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CONTRACT APIC Tenant Contract gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity
CONTRACT_​SUBJECT Contract Subject gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​SUBJECT_​IDENTITY Contract Subject Identity Apic​Tenant​Contract​Subject​Identity
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​SUBJECT_​PROVIDED_​LABEL Contract Subject Provided Label gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​SUBJECT_​PROVIDED_​LABEL_​IDENTITY Contract Subject Provided Label Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Label​Contract​Subject​Identity
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​SUBJECT_​PROVIDED_​LABEL_​TAG Contract Subject Provided Label Tag gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​SUBJECT_​PROVIDED_​LABEL_​TAG_​IDENTITY Contract Subject Provided Label Tag Identity gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​SUBJECT_​CONSUMED_​LABEL Contract Subject Consumed Label gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​SUBJECT_​CONSUMED_​LABEL_​IDENTITY Contract Subject Consumed Label Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Label​Contract​Subject​Identity
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​SUBJECT_​CONSUMED_​LABEL_​TAG Contract Subject Consumed Label Tag gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​SUBJECT_​CONSUMED_​LABEL_​TAG_​IDENTITY Contract Subject Consumed Label Tag Identity gen_​text_​input

Add Load Balancer Parameters To APIC EPG

Add load balancer parameters to an EPG via APIC.
This task adds load balancer (LB) parameters to an endpoint group (EPG) on the APIC Controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Provide EPG Name Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity Y
Contract Name Provide Contract Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity Y
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
External IP External IP gen_​text_​input
External Netmask External Netmask gen_​text_​input
Enable Dynamic Route (External IP) Specify Dynamic Route gen_​text_​input
Enable Host Route (External IP) Specify Host Route gen_​text_​input
Internal IP Internal IP gen_​text_​input
Internal Netmask Internal Netmask gen_​text_​input
Services Enter Service IP's with comma seperated gen_​text_​input
LB IPV4 IP LB IPV4 IP gen_​text_​input
LB IPV4 IP Netmask LB IPV4 IP Netmask gen_​text_​input
Enable Dynamic Route (VIP) Specify Dynamic Route gen_​text_​input
Enable Host Route (VIP) Specify Host Route gen_​text_​input
Protocol Specify Protocol Types gen_​text_​input
Port Provide Port gen_​text_​input
Is Ad-hoc specification required? Is Ad-hoc specification required? gen_​text_​input
Shared? Shared? gen_​text_​input
Cookie Name Enter Cookie Name gen_​text_​input
LB Method Specify LB Method gen_​text_​input
Persistence Type Persistence Type gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
TENANT_​EPG APIC Tenant EPG gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant EPG Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
TENANT_​CONTRACT APIC Tenant Contract gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity
NETWORK_​FOLDER Network Folder gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​VIP_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant VIP Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGL4L7IPv46Param​Identity

Add Load Balancer Parameters To APIC Function Node

Add load balancer parameters to a function node via APIC.
This task adds load balancer parameters to a function node on the APIC Controller. It requires a function name, a service graph name and a node as inputs.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
Use Existing Graph Use Existing Graph
Node Name Node Name gen_​text_​input Y
Use Existing Graph Use Existing Graph
Service Graph Name Provide Service Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Service​Graph​Identity Y
Tenant Name Provide Tenant Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity Y
Service Graph Name Provide Service Graph Name gen_​text_​input Y
Service Graph Description Provide Service Graph Description gen_​text_​input
Function Name Function Name Apic​Tenant​Service​Graph​Function​Node​Identity Y
Policy Select Policy Apic​L4L7Service​Graph​Function​Profile​Identity
Policy Select Policy Apic​L4L7Service​Graph​ASAFunction​Profile​Identity
External IP External IP gen_​text_​input Y
External Netmask External Netmask gen_​text_​input Y
Internal IP Internal IP gen_​text_​input Y
Internal Netmask Internal Netmask gen_​text_​input Y
IP Pool Option for Virtual IP IP Pool Option for Virtual IP gen_​text_​input Y
IP Pool Select IP Pool to get an unreserved IP for Virtual IP gen_​text_​input
IP Address Provide IP Pool to get an unreserved IP for Virtual IP gen_​text_​input
VIP Ntmask VIP Netmask gen_​text_​input Y
Services Enter Service IP's with comma seperated gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG APIC Tenant EPG gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT APIC Tenant Contract gen_​text_​input

Add Load Balancer Route Parameters To APIC EPG

Add load balancer route parameters to an EPG.
This task adds load balancer route parameters to an endpoint group (EPG) on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Provide EPG Name Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity Y
Contract Name Provide Contract Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity Y
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
Network Name Enter Network Name gen_​text_​input
Network IP Address Enter Network IP Address gen_​text_​input
Network Mask Enter Network Mask gen_​text_​input
Gateway Address Enter gateway address gen_​text_​input
Shared? Shared? gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
TENANT_​EPG APIC Tenant EPG gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant EPG Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
TENANT_​CONTRACT APIC Tenant Contract gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity

Add Load Balancer Service Parameters To APIC EPG

Add load balancer service parameters to an EPG.
This task adds load balancer service parameters to endpoint group (EPG) on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Provide EPG Name Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity Y
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
VIP VIP Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGL4L7IPv46Param​Identity Y
Services Enter Service IP's with comma seperated gen_​text_​input
Protocol Specify Protocol Types gen_​text_​input
Port Provide Port gen_​text_​input
Is Ad-hoc specification required? Is Ad-hoc specification required? gen_​text_​input
Shared? Shared? gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
TENANT_​EPG APIC Tenant EPG gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant EPG Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
TENANT_​LOAD_​BALANCER_​SERVER_​IP APIC Tenant Load Balancer Server IP gen_​text_​input

Add Logical Interface Profile To APIC Logical Node Profile

Add a logical interface profile to a logical node profile.
This task adds a logical interface profile to a logical node profile on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Logical Node Profile Name Specify Logical Node Profile Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Node​Profile​Identity Y
Logical Interface Profile Name Specify Logical Interface Profile Name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Logical Interface Profile Description gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Routed Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Routed Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​NODE_​PROFILE Logical Node Profile Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​NODE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Logical Node Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Node​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​INTERFACE_​PROFILE_​NAME Logical Interface Profile Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​INTERFACE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Logical Interface Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Profile​Identity

Add Logical Interface to APIC Device Cluster

Add a logical interface to a device cluster.
This task adds a logical interface to a device cluster on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Cluster Name Provide Device Cluster Name Apic​Device​Cluster​Device​Package​Identity Y
Interface Name Provide Interface Name gen_​text_​input Y
Interface Type Provide Interface Type Apic​Device​Package​Interface​Identity
Encapsulation Provide Encapsulation gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
DEVICE_​PACKAGE APIC Tenant Device Package gen_​text_​input
DEVICE_​PACKAGE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Package Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Package​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​DEVICE_​PACKAGE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Device Package Identity Apic​Device​Cluster​Device​Package​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Interface​Identity
DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​INTERFACE_​TYPE APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input

Add Logical Node to Logical Node Profile of APIC External Routed Network

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Logical Node Profile Name Logical Node Profile Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Node​Profile​Identity Y
Node Node Apic​Fabric​Node​Identity Y
Router Id Router ID gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Routed Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Routed Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​NODE_​PROFILE Logical Node Profile Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​NODE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Logical Node Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Node​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​NODE_​IDENTITY Logical Node Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Node​Identity

Add NS Parameters To APIC Device Cluster

Add NS parameters to a device cluster.
This task Adds an NS parameters to a device cluster on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Device Cluster Provide Device Cluster Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity Y
Features Feautres
Modes Modes
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER APIC Tenant Device Cluster gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​DEVICE_​CLUSTER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Device Cluster Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Device​Cluster​Identity

Add Network Object Group Parameters To APIC Function Profile

Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Function Profile Name Provide Function Profile Name Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Identity Y
Network Object Group Name Network Object Group Name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Description gen_​text_​input
Network Object Group Type Network Object Group Type gen_​text_​input
Host IP Address Provide Host IP Address gen_​text_​input
Network Address Network Address gen_​text_​input
Network Object Name Network Object Name Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Network​Object​Identity
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP Tenant Function Profile Group gen_​text_​input
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Group Identity Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Group​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Identity Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​NETWORK_​OBJECT_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Network Object Group Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Network​Object​Group​Identity

Add Network Object Parameters To APIC Function Node

Add network object parameters to a function node.
This task adds network object parameters to a function node on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
Name Name gen_​text_​input Y
Network Object Type Network Object Type gen_​text_​input
FQDN FQDN gen_​text_​input
Host IP Address Host IP Address gen_​text_​input
IP Address Range IP Address Range gen_​text_​input
Network IP Address Network IP Address gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Bidirectional Service Graph Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Service​Graph​Identity
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
TENANT_​NETWORK_​OBJECT_​PARAMETER_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Network Object Parameter Identity Apic​Tenant​Network​Object​Identity

Add Network Object Parameters To APIC Function Profile

Add network object parameters to a function profile.
This task adds a network object parameters to a function profile on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Function Profile Name Provide Function Profile Name Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Identity Y
Name Name gen_​text_​input Y
Network Object Type Network Object Type gen_​text_​input
FQDN FQDN gen_​text_​input
Host IP Address Host IP Address gen_​text_​input
IP Address Range IP Address Range gen_​text_​input
Network IP Address Network IP Address gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP Tenant Function Profile Group gen_​text_​input
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Group Identity Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Group​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Identity Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​NETWORK_​OBJECT_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Network Object Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Network​Object​Identity

Add Routed Control Profile To APIC External Routed Network

Add a routed control profile to an external routed network.
This task adds a routed control profile to an external routed network for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
External Routed Network External Routed Network Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity Y
Route Control Profile Name Route Control Profile Name Y
Description Description
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Routed Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Routed Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
TENANT_​ROUTED_​PROFILE_​NAME Routed Profile Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​ROUTED_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Routed Profile Name Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Routed​Profile​To​Ext​Routed​Network​Identity

Add SSL Offload Parameters to APIC EPG

Add secure sockets layer offload parameters to an EPG.
This task adds secure sockets layer (SSL) offload parameters to an endpoint group (EPG). SSL offloading increases the effectiveness of the security offered by the certificates in UCS Director.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Provide EPG Name Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity Y
Contract Name Provide Contract Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity Y
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
Cert Cert gen_​text_​input
Cert Key Cert Key gen_​text_​input
Key Key gen_​text_​input
IP Address IP Address ipaddress
Port Port gen_​text_​input
Service Type Service Type gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
TENANT_​EPG APIC Tenant EPG gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant EPG Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
TENANT_​CONTRACT APIC Tenant Contract gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​CONTRACT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Contract Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity

Add Service Object Parameters To APIC Function Profile

This task adds Service Object Parameters To APIC Function Profile
This task allows user to add Service Object Parameters to APIC Function Profile on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Function Profile Name Provide Function Profile Name Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Identity Y
Service Object Name Service Object Name gen_​text_​input Y
Description Description gen_​text_​input
Protocol Type Protocol Type gen_​text_​input
Service Object Type Service Object Type gen_​text_​input
Code Code gen_​text_​input
Type Type gen_​text_​input
Code Code gen_​text_​input
Type Type gen_​text_​input
High Port High Port gen_​text_​input
Type Type gen_​text_​input
Operator Operator gen_​text_​input
High Port High Port gen_​text_​input
Type Type gen_​text_​input
Operator Operator gen_​text_​input
High Port High Port gen_​text_​input
Type Type gen_​text_​input
Operator Operator gen_​text_​input
High Port High Port gen_​text_​input
Type Type gen_​text_​input
Operator Operator gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP Tenant Function Profile Group gen_​text_​input
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Group Identity Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Group​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Identity Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​SERVICE_​OBJECT_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Service Object Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Service​Object​Identity

Add Static Node To APIC EPG

Add a static node to an EPG.
This task adds a static node to an endpoint group (EPG) for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG EPG Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity Y
Node Node Apic​Fabric​Node​Identity Y
Encapsulation Encapsulation gen_​text_​input Y
Mode Mode gen_​text_​input Y
Deployment Immediacy Deployment Immediacy gen_​text_​input Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​APPLN_​PROFILE Tenant's Application Profile gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​APPLN_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Application Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Appln​Profile​Identity
TENANT_​EPG APIC Tenant EPG gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant EPG Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
TENANT_​EPG_​STATIC_​NODE Static Node gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​STATIC_​NODE_​IDENTITY Static Node Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Static​Node​To​EPGIdentity
TENANT_​EPG_​ENCAPSULATION Encapsulation gen_​text_​input

Add Static Path To APIC EPG

Add a static path to an EPG.
This task adds a static path to an endpoint group (EPG) for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG EPG Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity Y
Path Type Path Type gen_​text_​input Y
Path Path Apic​Device​Static​Path​Identity Y
Path Path Apic​Device​DPCStatic​Path​Identity Y
Path Path Apic​Device​VPCStatic​Path​Identity Y
Encapsulation For example,vlan-1 gen_​text_​input Y
Deployment Immediacy Deployment Immediacy Apic​Static​Path​Deploy​EPGAuthentication​Type Y
Mode Mode Apic​Static​Path​Immd​EPGAuthentication​Type Y
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​APPLN_​PROFILE Tenant's Application Profile gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​APPLN_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Application Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Appln​Profile​Identity
TENANT_​EPG APIC Tenant EPG gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant EPG Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity
TENANT_​EPG_​STATIC_​PATH Static Path gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​STATIC_​PATH_​IDENTITY Static Path Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Static​Path​To​EPGIdentity
TENANT_​EPG_​ENCAPSULATION Encapsulation gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​DPC_​STATIC_​PATH DPC Static Path gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​DPC_​STATIC_​PATH_​IDENTITY DPC Static Path Identity Apic​Device​DPCStatic​Path​Identity
TENANT_​EPG_​VPC_​STATIC_​PATH VPC Static Path gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EPG_​VPC_​STATIC_​PATH_​IDENTITY VPC Static Path Identity Apic​Device​VPCStatic​Path​Identity

Add Static Route To Interface On APIC EPG

Add a static route to an interface on an EPG via APIC in UCSD.
This task adds static route information to an interface on an endpoint group (EPG) on the APIC Controller. It requires an endpoint group (EPG), contract, and node name as inputs.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
EPG Name Provide EPG Name Apic​Device​Tenant​EPGIdentity Y
Contract Name Provide Contract Name Apic​Device​Tenant​Contract​Identity Y
Node Node Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity Y
Interface Name Interface Name gen_​text_​input
Network IP Address Enter Network IP Address gen_​text_​input
Network Mask Enter Network Mask gen_​text_​input
Gateway Address Enter gateway address gen_​text_​input
Shared? Shared? gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
SERVICE_​GRAPH Service Graph gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​L4L7_​SERVICE_​GRAPH_​NODE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph Node Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Service​Graph​Node​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​L4L7_​EPG_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph EPG Interface Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7EPGInterface​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​L4L7_​EPG_​STATIC_​ROUTE_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Service Graph EPG Static Route Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7EPGStatic​Route​Identity

Add Static Route To Interface On APIC Function Profile

Add a static route to an interface on an APIC function profile.
This task adds a static route to an interface on an APIC function profile.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Interface Name Interface Name Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Interface​Identity Y
Type Type gen_​text_​input
Gateway Address Enter gateway address gen_​text_​input Y
Network Mask Enter Network Mask gen_​text_​input Y
Network Enter Network IP Address gen_​text_​input Y
Metric Enter metric gen_​text_​input
Hop Count Enter hop count gen_​text_​input
Prefix Enter prefix gen_​text_​input Y
Tunnelled Tunnelled gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP Tenant Function Profile Group gen_​text_​input
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​GROUP_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Group Identity Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Group​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Identity Apic​Tenant​Function​Profile​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​INTERFACE_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Interface Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Interface​Identity
FUNCTION_​PROFILE_​STATIC_​ROUTE_​IDENTITY Tenant Function Profile Static Route Identity Apic​Tenant​L4L7Function​Profile​Static​Route​Identity

Add Static Route To Logical Node in APIC

Add a static route to a logical node.
This task adds static route information to a logical node.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Node Node Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Node​Identity Y
Static Route Prefix Static Route Prefix gen_​text_​input Y
Next Hop IP Next Hop IP ipaddress
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Routed Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Routed Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​NODE_​PROFILE Logical Node Profile Name gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​NODE_​PROFILE_​IDENTITY Logical Node Profile Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Node​Profile​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​STATIC_​ROUTE_​IP Static Route IP ipaddress
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​STATIC_​ROUTE_​IP_​PREFIX Static Route IP Prefix gen_​text_​input
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​STATIC_​ROUTE_​NEXT_​HOP_​IP Static Route Next​Hop IP ipaddress
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​STATIC_​ROUTE_​TO_​LOGICAL_​NODE_​IDENTITY Static Route To Logical Node Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Static​Route​To​Logical​Node​Identity
OUTPUT_​TENANT_​LOGICAL_​NODE_​IDENTITY Logical Node Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Node​Identity

Add Subnet To APIC External Network

Add a subnet to an external network.
This task adds a subnet to an external network for a tenant on the APIC controller.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
External Network Name External Network Name Apic​Tenant​External​Network​To​External​Routed​Network​Identity Y
Subnet Address Specify Subnet Address in the format i.​i.​i.​i ipaddress Y
Subnet Prefix Subnet Prefix gen_​text_​input
Export Route Control Subnet Select this option to set the Export Route Control Subnet Boolean
Import Route Control Subnet Select this option to set the Import Route Control Subnet Boolean
External Subnets for the External EPG Select this option to set the Configure VXLAN Boolean
Shared Route Control Subnet Select this option to set the Configure VXLAN Boolean
Shared Security Import Subnet Select this option to set the Configure VXLAN Boolean
Aggregate Export Select this option to set the Configure VXLAN Boolean
Aggregate Import Select this option to set the Configure VXLAN Boolean
Aggregate shared Routes Select this option to set the Configure VXLAN Boolean
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​NAME External Routed Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​ROUTED_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Routed Network Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​L3Out​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​NAME External Network Name gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​IDENTITY External Network Identity Apic​Device​External​Network​Identity
TENANT_​EXTERNAL_​NETWORK_​SUBNET_​ADDRESS Subnet Address for External Network gen_​text_​input

Add Subnet To APIC Logical Interface Context

Add Subnet To APIC Logical Interface Context.
This task allows User to Add Subnet To APIC Logical Interface Context.
Input Description Mappable To Type Mandatory
Logical Interface Context Select a logical interface context Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity Y
Ip address Enter a gateway IP in this format: valid ip/prefix length.​ For example: 1.​2.​3.​1/22 gen_​text_​input Y
Scope Choose a scope.​ The default value is private to VRF.​ APICSubnet​To​Logical​Interface​Context​Scope​Identity
Shared Between VRFs Check to enable shared between VRFs.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
Description Enter a description for the subnet to logical interface context gen_​text_​input
Subnet Control (ND RA Prefix) Check to enable subnet control ND RA Prefix.​ The default value is true.​ Boolean
Subnet Control (No Default SVI Gateway) Check to enable subnet control no default SVI gateway.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
Subnet Control (Querier IP) Check to enable subnet control querier IP.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
Preferred Check to enable preferred.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
Type Behind Subnet Check this to enable Any​Cast MAC.​ The default value is false.​ Boolean
MAC Address Enter a MAC Address in the format of XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX , for Example : aa:11:bb:11:cc:11 gen_​text_​input
Output Description Type
APIC_​ACCOUNT APIC Account on which the selected operation was performed Apic​Device​Identity
TENANT_​NAME Tenant Name on which the selected operation was performed gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​IDENTITY APIC Tenant Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Identity
TENANT_​CONNECTOR_​NAME_​IDENTITY Connector Name Identity Apic​Device​Tenant​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity
TENANT_​SUBNET_​OF_​LOGICAL_​INTERFACE_​CONTEXT Subnet of Logical Interface Context gen_​text_​input
TENANT_​SUBNET_​OF_​LOGICAL_​INTERFACE_​CONTEXT_​IDENTITY Subnet of Logical Interface Context Identity APICSubnet​Of​Logical​Interface​Context​Identity

Add Virtual IP To Logical Interface

Add Virtual IP To Logical Interface.