Best Practices for Access Control

General Best Practices for Access Control

Review the following requirements and general best practices:

  • Use a prefilter policy to provide early blocking for unwanted traffic, and to fastpath traffic that does not benefit from access control inspection. For more information, see Best Practices for Prefiltering.

  • Although you can configure the system without licensing your deployment, many features require that you enable the appropriate licenses before you deploy.

  • For the system to affect traffic, you must deploy relevant configurations to managed devices using routed, switched, or transparent interfaces, or inline interface pairs.

    Sometimes, the system prevents you from deploying inline configurations to passively deployed devices, including inline devices in tap mode.

    In other cases, the policy may deploy successfully, but attempting to block or alter traffic using passively deployed devices can have unexpected results. For example, the system may report multiple beginning-of-connection events for each blocked connection, because blocked connections are not blocked in passive deployments.

  • Certain features, including URL filtering, application detection, rate limiting, and Intelligent Application Bypass, must allow some packets to pass in order for the system to identify the traffic.

    To prevent these packets from reaching their destination uninspected, see Best Practices for Handling Packets That Pass Before Traffic Identification and Specify a Policy to Handle Packets That Pass Before Traffic Identification.

  • You cannot perform file or malware inspection on traffic handled by the access control policy's default action.

  • Some features are only available on certain device models. Warning icons and confirmation dialog boxes designate unsupported features.

  • If you will use syslog or store events externally, avoid special characters in object names such as policy and rule names. Object names should not contain special characters, such as commas, that the receiving application may use as separators.

  • Logging for connections handled by the default action is initially disabled, though you can enable it.

  • Best practices for creating, ordering, and implementing access control rules are detailed in Best Practices for Access Control Rules and subtopics.

Best Practices for Access Control Rules

Properly configuring and ordering rules is essential to building an effective deployment. The following topics summarize rule performance guidelines.


When you deploy configuration changes, the system evaluates all rules together and creates an expanded set of criteria that target devices use to evaluate network traffic. If these criteria exceed the resources (physical memory, processors, and so on) of a target device, you cannot deploy to that device.

Best Practices for Ordering Rules

General guidelines:

  • In general, place top-priority rules that must apply to all traffic near the top of the policy.

  • Specific rules should come before general rules, especially when the specific rules are exceptions to general rules.

    Otherwise, traffic will match the general rule first and never hit the applicable specific rule.

  • Whenever possible, put specific drop rules near the top of the policy. This ensures the earliest possible decision on undesirable traffic.

  • Rules that drop traffic based on layer-3/4 criteria only (such as IP address, security zone, and port number) should come as early as possible.

  • URL filtering rules and application rules and others that require inspection should come after rules that drop traffic based on layer-3/4 criteria only (such as IP address, security zone, and port number), but before rules that specify file and intrusion policies.

  • Put URL filtering rules above application rules, and follow application rules with micro-application rules and Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) sub-classification application filtering rules.

  • Rules that specify file policies and intrusion policies should come at the bottom of the rule order. These rules require resource-intensive deep inspection, and you should eliminate as many threats as possible using less-intensive methods first, for performance reasons, in order to minimize the number of potential threats that require deep inspection.

  • Always order rules to suit your organization's needs.

Exceptions and additions to the above guidelines are noted in the sections below.

Rule Preemption

Rule preemption occurs when a rule will never match traffic because a rule earlier in the evaluation order matches the traffic first. A rule's conditions govern whether it preempts other rules. In the following example, the second rule cannot block Admin traffic because the first rule allows it:

  • Access Control Rule 1: allow Admin users
  • Access Control Rule 2: block Admin users

Any type of rule condition can preempt a subsequent rule. The VLAN range in the first SSL rule includes the VLAN in the second rule, so the first rule preempts the second:

  • SSL Rule 1: do not decrypt VLAN 22-33
  • SSL Rule 2: block VLAN 27

In the following example, Rule 1 matches any VLAN because no VLANs are configured, so Rule 1 preempts Rule 2, which attempts to match VLAN 2:

  • Access Control Rule 1: allow Source Network
  • Access Control Rule 2: allow Source Network, VLAN 2

A rule also preempts an identical subsequent rule where all configured conditions are the same:

  • QoS Rule 1: rate limit VLAN 1 URL
  • QoS Rule 2: rate limit VLAN 1 URL

A subsequent rule would not be preempted if any condition is different:

  • QoS Rule 1: rate limit VLAN 1 URL
  • QoS Rule 2: rate limit VLAN 2 URL
Example: Ordering SSL Rules to Avoid Preemption

Consider a scenario where a trusted CA (Good CA) mistakenly issued a CA certificate to a malicious entity (Bad CA), but has not yet revoked that certificate. You want to use an SSL policy to block traffic encrypted with certificates issued by the untrusted CA, but otherwise allow traffic within the trusted CA’s chain of trust. After you upload the CA certificates and all intermediate CA certificates, configure an SSL policy with rules in the following order:

  • SSL Rule 1: Block issuer
  • SSL Rule 2: Do not decrypt issuer

If you reverse the rules, you first match all traffic trusted by Good CA, including traffic trusted by Bad CA. Because no traffic ever matches the subsequent Bad CA rule, malicious traffic may be allowed instead of blocked.

Rule Actions and Rule Order

A rule's action determines how the system handles matching traffic. Improve performance by placing rules that do not perform or ensure further traffic handling before the resource-intensive rules that do. Then, the system can divert traffic that it might otherwise have inspected.

The following examples show how you might order rules in various policies, given a set of rules where none is more critical and preemption is not an issue.

If your rules include application conditions, also see Best Practices for Configuring Application Control.

Optimum Order: SSL Rules

Not only does decryption require resources, but so does further analysis of the decrypted traffic. Place SSL rules that decrypt traffic last.

  1. Monitor—Rules that log matching connections, but take no other action on traffic.

  2. Block, Block with reset—Rules that block traffic without further inspection.

  3. Do not decrypt—Rules that do not decrypt encrypted traffic, passing the encrypted session to access control rules. The payloads of these sessions are not subject to deep inspection.

  4. Decrypt - Known Key—Rules that decrypt incoming traffic with a known private key.

  5. Decrypt - Resign—Rules that decrypt outgoing traffic by re-signing the server certificate.

Optimum Order: Access Control Rules

Intrusion, file, and malware inspection requires resources, especially if you use multiple custom intrusion policies and variable sets. Place access control rules that invoke deep inspection last.

  1. Monitor—Rules that log matching connections, but take no other action on traffic. (However, see the important exception and caveat at Access Control Rule Monitor Action.)

  2. Trust, Block, Block with reset—Rules that handle traffic without further inspection. Note that trusted traffic is subject to authentication requirements imposed by an identity policy, and to rate limiting.

  3. Allow, Interactive Block (no deep inspection)—Rules that do not inspect traffic further, but allow discovery. Note that allowed traffic is subject to authentication requirements imposed by an identity policy, and to rate limiting.

  4. Allow, Interactive Block (deep inspection)—Rules associated with file or intrusion policies that perform deep inspection for prohibited files, malware, and exploits.

Content Restriction Rule Order

To avoid rule preemption in both SSL and access control policies, position rules governing YouTube restriction above rules governing Safe Search restriction.

When you enable Safe Search for an access control rule, the system adds the search engine category to the Selected Applications and Filters list. This application category includes YouTube. As a result, YouTube traffic matches to the Safe Search rule unless YouTube EDU is enabled in a rule with a higher evaluation priority.

A similar rule preemption occurs if you position an SSL rule with the safesearch supported filter higher in the evaluation order than an SSL rule with specific YouTube application conditions.

Application Rule Order

Rules with application conditions are more likely to match traffic if you move them to a lower order in your list of rules.

Access control rules that use specific conditions (such as networks and IP addresses) should be ordered before rules that use general conditions (such as applications). If you're familiar with the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model, use similar numbering in concept. Rules with conditions for layers 1, 2, and 3 (physical, data link, and network) should be ordered first in your access control rules. Conditions for layers 5, 6, and 7 (session, presentation, and application) should be ordered later in your access control rules. For more information about the OSI model, see this Wikipedia article.

For more information and an example, see Best Practices for Configuring Application Control and Best Practices for Application Control.

SSL Rule Order

In general, order your rules with specific conditions (such as IP addresses and networks) before rules with general conditions (such as applications).

Allow Traffic from Certificate Pinned Sites

Some applications use a technique referred to as TLS/SSL pinning or certificate pinning, which embeds the fingerprint of the original server certificate in the application itself. As a result, if you configured a TLS/SSL rule with a Decrypt - Resign action, when the application receives a resigned certificate from a managed device, validation fails and the connection is aborted.

To confirm that TLS/SSL pinning is occurring, attempt to log in to a mobile application like Facebook. If a network connection error is displayed, log in using a web browser. (For example, you cannot log in to a Facebook mobile application but can log in to Facebook using Safari or Chrome.) You can use Firepower Management Center connection events as further proof of TLS/SSL pinning


TLS/SSL pinning is not limited to mobile applications.

To allow this traffic, configure an SSL rule with the Do Not Decrypt action to match the server certificate common name or distinguished name. In the SSL policy, order this rule before all Decrypt - Resign rules that also match the traffic. You can retrieve the pinned certificate from the client's browser after a successful connection to the website. You can also view the certificate from the logged connection event, regardless of whether the connection succeeded or failed.

Prioritize ClientHello Modifications

To prioritize ClientHello modifications, place rules that match on conditions that are available in the ClientHello message before rules that match on ServerHello or server Certificate conditions.

When a managed device processes an SSL handshake, it can modify the ClientHello message to increase the likelihood of decryption. For example, it may remove compression methods because the Firepower System cannot decrypt compressed sessions.

The system modifies ClientHello messages only if it can conclusively match them to an SSL rule with a Decrypt - Resign action. The first time the system detects an encrypted session to a new server, server Certificate data is not available for ClientHello processing, which can result in an undecrypted first session. For subsequent connections from the same client, the system can match the ClientHello message conclusively to rules with server Certificate conditions and process the message to maximize decryption potential.

If you place rules that match on ServerHello or server Certificate conditions (certificate, distinguished names, certificate status, cipher suites, version) before rules that match on ClientHello conditions (zones, networks, VLAN tags, ports, users, applications, URL categories), you can preempt ClientHello modification and increase the number of undecrypted sessions.

Situation Where SSL Policy is Bypassed

The SSL policy is bypassed for any connections that match access control rules with actions of Trust, Block, or Block with reset if those rules:

  • Use security zone, network, geolocation, and port only as the traffic matching criteria.

  • Precede other rules that require inspection, such as rules that match connections based on application or URL, or allow rules that apply intrusion or file inspection.

URL Rule Order

For the most effective URL matching, place rules that include URL conditions before other rules, particularly if the URL rules are block rules and the other rules meet both of the following criteria:

  • They include application conditions.

  • The traffic to be inspected is encrypted.

If you configure exceptions to a rule, put the exception above the other rule.

Best Practices for Simplifying and Focusing Rules

Simplify: Do Not Overconfigure

If one condition is enough to match the traffic you want to handle, do not use two.

Minimize individual rule criteria. Use as few individual elements in rule conditions as possible. For example, in network conditions use IP address blocks rather than individual IP addresses.

Combining elements into objects does not improve performance. For example, using a network object that contains 50 individual IP addresses gives you only an organizational—not a performance—benefit over including those IP addresses in the condition individually.

For recommendations related to application detection, see Best Practices for Configuring Application Control.

Focus: Narrowly Constrain Resource-Intensive Rules, Especially by Interface

As much as possible, use rule conditions to narrowly define the traffic handled by resource-intensive rules. Focused rules are also important because rules with broad conditions can match many different types of traffic, and can preempt later, more specific rules. Examples of resource-intensive rules include:

  • SSL rules that decrypt traffic—Not only the decryption, but further analaysis of the decrypted traffic, requires resources. Narrow focus, and where possible, block or choose not to decrypt encrypted traffic.

  • Access control rules that invoke deep inspection—Intrusion, file, and malware inspection requires resources, especially if you use multiple custom intrusion policies and variable sets. Make sure you only invoke deep inspection where required.

For maximum performance benefit, constrain rules by interface. If a rule excludes all of a device’s interfaces, that rule does not affect that device's performance.

Maximum Number of Access Control Rules and Intrusion Policies

The maximum number of access control rules or intrusion policies that are supported by a target device depends on many factors, including policy complexity, physical memory, and the number of processors on the device.

If you exceed the maximum supported by your device, you cannot deploy your access control policy and must reevaluate.

Guidelines for intrusion policies:

In an access control policy, you can associate one intrusion policy with each Allow and Interactive Block rule, as well as with the default action. Every unique pair of intrusion policy and variable set counts as one policy.

You may want to consolidate intrusion policies or variable sets so you can associate a single intrusion policy-variable set pair with multiple access control rules. On some devices you may find you can use only a single variable set for all your intrusion policies, or even a single intrusion policy-variable set pair for the whole device.