Table Of Contents
Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
Downloading IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
Configuring IBM WebSphere Notification Broker
Associating a Server with a Bus
Verifying WS-Notification Service
Configuring IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
Installing IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
Uninstalling IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
Part Number: OL-20895-01
This document describes how you can download, install and configure IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1).
•Downloading IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
•Configuring IBM WebSphere Notification Broker
–Associating a Server with a Bus
–Verifying WS-Notification Service
•Configuring IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
•Installing IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
•Uninstalling IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
•Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1) integrates IBM Communications Enabled Applications (CEA) with Cisco Unified Communications products that are supported by Cisco Unified Application Environment (CUAE) to incorporate call handling actions in their applications. IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1) exposes third-party call control APIs as web service interface to WebSphere CEA.
System Requirements
Hardware Requirements
Refer IBM WebSphere Application Server Documentation.
Software Requirements
•CEA FEP must run on IBM WebSphere Application Server
For detailed instructions to install CEA, refer
•Cisco Unified Application Environment 2.5.1 SR2
Downloading IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
You can download IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1) from Make sure you extract the contents of the ZIP file to your hard drive. The ZIP file contains the following files:
•Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
Configuring IBM WebSphere Notification Broker
This section contains the following topics:
•Associating a Server with a Bus
•Verifying WS-Notification Service
Creating Buses
Step 1 From the tree view on the left pane, go to Service Integration -> Buses.
Step 2 On the Buses page, click New.
Step 3 Specify a name for the Bus and clear the Bus Security check box
Step 4 Click Next.
Step 5 Review the summary of changes on the Confirm creation of new bus page and click Finish.
The new bus is listed on the Buses page.
Step 6 Click Save to save the changes to master configuration.
Associating a Server with a Bus
Step 1 From the tree view on the left pane, go to Service Integration -> Buses.
Step 2 Click the bus that you created in Creating Buses
Step 3 On the Buses -> <Bus name> -> Bus Members, click Add.
Step 4 Select the Server from the drop down list and click Next.
Step 5 Select the Type of message store.
The options are File store and Data store. The default value is File store.
Step 6 Click Next.
Step 7 Specify the file store properties on the Configure File store page using the default values and click Next.
Step 8 On the Improve messaging performance page, select the Change heap sizes check box if you want to modify the JVM heap sizes.
Step 9 Click Next.
The page displays a summary of the changes that you made in the previous steps.
Step 10 Click Finish.
Step 11 Click Save to save the changes.
Setting up WS-Notification
Step 1 From the tree view on the left pane, click Service Integration > WS-Notification -> Services
Step 2 On the WS-Notification service page, click New.
Step 3 On the New WS-Notification service page, Specify the name for the WS-Notification Service as CuaeConnectorService.
Step 4 Clear the Requires registration and Enable dynamic registration check boxes and select the Service Integration bus that is created in Creating Buses from the drop down list.
Step 5 Click Next.
Step 6 On the Select WS-Notification service type page, select Version 7.0 and click Next.
Step 7 On the Configure handler and web service policy settings page, select (none) from the JAX-WS handler list.
Step 8 Select Query WSDL check box and click Next.
Step 9 On the Create WS-Notification service points page, select Yes to create a new WS-Notification Service Point and click Next.
Step 10 On the to New WS-Notification service point page, specify the name of the WS-notification Service Point as CuaeConnectorServicePoint.
Step 11 From the drop down list, select the bus member that is created in Associating a Server with a Bus and click Next.
Step 12 On the Define Transport settings page, select the SOAP version 1.1.
Step 13 Select (none) for JAX-WS handler list settings and click Next
Step 14 On the Create WS-Notification Service Points page, select No when prompted to create another instance of WS-Notification Service Point.
Step 15 Click Next.
Step 16 On the Create permanent topic namespace page, select No when prompted to create a new namespace.
Step 17 On the Summary page, click Finish to complete the setup for Notification Broker Web Service.
Step 18 Click Save.
Verifying WS-Notification Service
Step 1 From the tree view on the left pane, go to Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
On the Enterprise Applications page, you can see WSN_CuaeConnectorService_CuaeConnectorServicePoint among the list of applications. The status of the application will be Stopped.
Step 2 Select the check box against WSN_CuaeConnectorService_CuaeConnectorServicePoint and click Start.
Step 3 Go to Services-> Service providers.
You can see the services with the status Running.
Configuring IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
Step 1 Go to http://<IP address>:9080/wascuaeconnector/connectorAdminLogin.jsp
Step 2 Click Login.
Step 3 Click Configure CUAE, and then click Add to add a new CUAE server.
Step 4 Enter the following details:
•CUAE Server IP—IP address of the CUAE server.
•CUAEServer Port—Port at which the Etch bridge is listening.
•User Name—User name that is configured on the CUAE server. CUAE Connector registers itself using this credential.
•Password—Password that is configured on the CUAE server.
•Partition—Partition that is configured for the CallControl.mca application.
•Device Pool Name—CTI monitored device pool that is configured on the CUAE server. This Pool is used for dynamic registration of device corresponding to the DN provided in OpenSession.
•Device Type—CTI monitor. The default value is CTI _MONITORED.
•ReConnect Delay—Time in milliseconds after which the client tries to reconnect to the listener/bridge after it goes down.
Step 5 Click Save.
Step 6 Click Configure Notification Broker and specify the following information:
•Notification Broker IP—IP address where the WebSphere notification broker is running. The default IP address is
•Notification Broker Port—Port where the WebSphere notification broker is running. The default port number is 9080.
Step 7 Click Add.
You can see the newly added server on the List CUAE Server page.
Note You can configure multiple servers for load-balancing.
Configuring CUAE
Step 1 Login to CUAE Server and create a CTI monitored pool. See Administration Guide for the Cisco Unified Application Environment for step-by-step procedures to create a CTI monitored pool)
Step 2 Upload the CallControll.mca file to CUAE server to install the application.
Step 3 Select the appropriate partition.
The partition should be the one that is specified in Configuring IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
Installing IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
This section describes the installation procedure for IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1).
Step 1 Go to https://<ip address>/ibm/console/ and login to the WebSphere Admin Console.
Step 2 On the left pane, go to Applications -> Application Types -> Web Sphere Enterprise Applications and click Install.
Step 3 Click Browse and locate the WASCuaeConnector-1.0.0.ear file.
Step 4 Click Next to start the installation.
Step 5 On the Preparing for the application installation page, select Fast Path and click Next.
Step 6 On the Install New Application page click Next retaining the default values.
Step 7 On the Map modules to server page, map controller service module in WASconnector to one of the clusters and service and click Apply.
Step 8 Click Next.
Step 9 On the Summary page, click Finish.
Step 10 Click Save to save the changes to the master configuration.
The installed application is listed on the Enterprise Applications page.
Step 11 Select the check box against the application and click Start to start the application.
Verifying Installation
Step 1 Login to Admin Console.
Step 2 Go to Services -> Service providers.
On the Service providers page you can see ControllerService listed.
Step 3 Click ControllerService to view details of the application.
Uninstalling IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
Step 1 Go to https://<ip address>/ibm/console/ and login to the CUAE Admin Console.
Step 2 On the left pane, go to Applications -> Application Types -> Web Sphere Enterprise Applications.
Step 3 Select the Application that you want to uninstall and click Uninstall.
Step 4 Click Save to save the changes.
Q. Connection timed out Exception
A. Check the following:
•Go to CUAE administration page and verify whether the CallControl application is deployed and enabled.
•Verify whether the CUAE Server IP address is valid.
Q. Value of CallState in CallStatus is "CALL_STATUS_FAILED" and "Failure Reason" is "No More Sessions Possible"
A. Check the following:
•Verify the connector configuration and the user credentials.
•Check the number of OpenSessions/active sessions. The connector may have reached the maximum limit of 2500 sessions per CUAE Server.
•If above steps do not help, restart the connector application from the WebSphere administration console.
Q. Value of CallState in CallStatus is "CALL_STATUS_FAILED" and "Failure Reason" is "errorCode=1000; errorString=InvalidArgument; detail=Failed to find etch app info, reg key:xxxxxx; data=null"
A. Restart the connector application from WebSphere Administration Console.
Q. How do I enable Detailed trace?
A. To enable Detailed trace for the Connector, the Etch interface, the CUAE JTAPI API Interface wrapper, and the CUAE JTAPI Event handler, set application server trace string to**=finestTo Enable detailed trace for Connector configuration Interface, set the application server trace to*=finestTo enable detailed trace for Connector Notification Broker client, set the application server trace to*=finestTo Configure Application server trace
Step 1 Select TroubleShooting > Logs and trace from the tree on the left panel.
Step 2 Click on Server instance (the one applicable for Connector) on the right Panel.
Step 3 Click on Diagnostic trace.
Step 4 Click on Runtime tab.
Step 5 Click on Change Log Detail Levels.
Step 6 Specify the above mentioned Server trace settings here.
Q. Where can I see the Connector logs?
A. You can view the SystemOut.log and trace.log at the following location:
<Websphere install dir>\AppServer\profiles\<ServerProfile>\logs\server1\
ServerProfile is the Websphere Server profile that the Connector uses.
For example, C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\logs\server1>
Q. Where can I see the CUAE logs?
A. Navigate to http://<server-ip-address>/cuaeadmin, and choose Server Logs > Select All > Archive Selected Logs.
Q. I get the error message "Device does not exist. Device is not registered with the CUAE Database".
A. Invoke DeviceListX Provider or restart the Application Server.
If the error appears again, check whether the device is controlled by the application user or the device is registered with CUCM.
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:
Subscribe to the What's New in Cisco Product Documentation as a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free service and Cisco currently supports RSS Version 2.0.
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Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere-CUAE Connector 1.0(1)
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