Centralize threat data with Cisco and AWS

Cisco Secure Firewall protects your data with the Amazon Security Lake, revealing threats and blocking attacks that can harm your business.

Explore Cisco Firewall and Amazon Security Lake

Is your Amazon Security Lake missing important threat data?

Hybrid onprem and cloud environments widen the attack surface requiring greater visibility and threat sharing.

So, how do you get there? With Cisco Secure Firewall.

Cisco Secure Firewall uses advanced threat detection to block malicious ingress, egress, and east-west traffic, all while logging key info on threats, events, and anomalies and sharing them with the Amazon Security Lake. From firewall logs delivered in a structured, scalable way to security that protects your organization from multiple angles.

Watch our video to see how Cisco Secure Firewall delivers.

Centralize your threat data with Cisco Secure Firewall and Amazon Security Lake  
Explore this powerful integration 
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