次の例では、2 つのピア グループ ipv4_ucast_pg1 と ipv4_ucast_pg2 を設定します。 のネイバーは ipv4_ucast_pg1 に属し、低速ピア検出が 120 秒に設定されます。
のネイバーは ipv4_ucast_pg2 に属し、低速ピア検出が 140 秒に設定されます。
router bgp 13
no bgp default route-target filter
no bgp enforce-first-as
bgp log-neighbor-changes
neighbor ipv4_ucast_pg1 peer-group
neighbor ipv4_ucast_pg2 peer-group
neighbor ipv4_ucast_pg1 remote-as 13
neighbor ipv4_ucast_pg2 remote-as 13
neighbor peer-group ipv4_ucast_pg1
neighbor peer-group ipv4_ucast_pg2
address-family ipv4
neighbor ipv4_ucast_pg1 slow-peer detection threshold 120
neighbor ipv4_ucast_pg1 slow-peer split-update-group dynamic
neighbor ipv4_ucast_pg2 slow-peer detection threshold 140
neighbor ipv4_ucast_pg2 slow-peer split-update-group dynamic
次の出力に、ピア グループ ipv4_ucast_pg1 に関する情報を示します。
RouterA# show ip bgp peer-group ipv4_ucast_pg1
BGP peer-group is ipv4_ucast_pg1, remote AS 13
BGP version 4
Neighbor sessions:
0 active, is multisession capable
Default minimum time between advertisement runs is 0 seconds
For address family: IPv4 Unicast
BGP neighbor is ipv4_ucast_pg1, peer-group internal, members:
Index 0
Slow-peer detection is enabled, threshold value is 120
Slow-peer split-update-group dynamic is enabled
Update messages formatted 0, replicated 0
Number of NLRIs in the update sent: max 0, min 0
次の出力に、ピア グループ ipv4_ucast_pg2 に関する情報を示します。
RouterA# show ip bgp peer-group ipv4_ucast_pg2
BGP peer-group is ipv4_ucast_pg2, remote AS 13
BGP version 4
Neighbor sessions:
0 active, is multisession capable
Default minimum time between advertisement runs is 0 seconds
For address family: IPv4 Unicast
BGP neighbor is ipv4_ucast_pg2, peer-group internal, members:
Index 0
Slow-peer detection is enabled, threshold value is 140
Slow-peer split-update-group dynamic is enabled
Update messages formatted 0, replicated 0
Number of NLRIs in the update sent: max 0, min 0