Configuration: Thread Management
Maximum Threads
The maximum thread pool size in the VXML Server Java Virtual Machine.
100 to 1000
Statistics Aggregation Interval
Interval during which the VXML Server publishes statistics.
30 minutes
10 to 1440 minutes
Log File Properties
Max Log File Size
Enter the maximum size of a log file in megabytes before a new log file is created. The log file name follows this format:
CVP.DateStamp.SeqNum.log .
For example: CVP.2006-07-04.00.log
Every midnight, a new log file is automatically created with a new date stamp. Also, when a log file exceeds the maximum log
file size, a new one with the next sequence number is created. For example, when CVP.2006-07-04.00.log reaches 5 MB, CVP.2006-07-04.01.log is created automatically.
To increase the log file size, go to C:\Cisco\CVP\conf, open log4j_vxml.xml file and update the MaxFileSize value as shown:
<param name="MaxFileSize" value="10000000"/>
Save the file and restart VXML Server to deploy the changes.
10 MB
1 through 100 MB
Max Log Directory Size
Enter the maximum size of the directory containing VXML Server log files.
Modifying the value to a setting that is below the default value might cause logs to be rolled over quickly. Consequently,
log entries might be lost, which can affect troubleshooting.
20,000 MB
500 to 500000 MB
The value of Max Log File Size must be less than Max Log Directory Size.
The value of the Max Log File size must be greater than 1.
The value of Max Log directory Size or Max Log File Size must not be greater than 5000.
Configuration: Primary Syslog Settings
Primary Syslog Server
Hostname or IP address of Primary Syslog Server to send syslog events from a CVP Application.
Valid IP address or hostname.
Primary Syslog Server Port Number
Port number of Primary Syslog Server.
Any available port number. Valid port numbers are integers between 1 and 65535.
Primary Backup Syslog Server
Hostname or IP address of the Primary Backup Syslog Server to send syslog events from a CVP Application when the Syslog Server
cannot be reached.
Valid IP address or hostname.
Primary Backup Syslog Server Port Number
Port number of Primary Backup Syslog Server.
Any available port number. Valid port numbers are integers between 1 and 65535.
Configuration: Secondary Syslog Settings
Secondary Syslog Server
Hostname or IP address of Secondary Syslog Server to send syslog events from a CVP Application.
Valid IP address or hostname.
Secondary Syslog Server Port Number
Port number of Secondary Syslog Server.
Any available port number. Valid port numbers are integers between 1 and 65535.
Secondary Backup Syslog Server
Hostname or IP address of the Secondary Backup Syslog Server to send syslog events from a CVP Application when the Syslog
Server is not reachable.
Valid IP address or hostname.
Secondary Backup Syslog Server Port Number
Port number of Secondary Backup Syslog Server.
Any available port number. Valid port numbers are integers between 1 and 65535.