Software Upgrades

For information on upgrading Cisco Unity Connection to the shipping version, see the "Upgrading Cisco Unity Connection" chapter in the Install, Upgrade and Maintain guide for Cisco Unity Connection Release 14 at

For information on installing Cisco Unity Connection languages, see the "Maintaining Cisco Unity Connection Server" chapter in the Install, Upgrade and Maintain guide for Cisco Unity Connection Release 14 at .

Software Installation and Upgrade

The software upgrade options enable you to upgrade the software version that is running on the operating system or to install specific software options, including Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Locale Installers, dial plans, and TFTP server files.

From the Install/Upgrade menu option, you can upgrade system software from either a local disk or a remote server . The upgraded software gets installed on the inactive partition, and you can then restart the system and switch partitions, so the system starts running on the newer software version.


You must do all software installations and upgrades with the software upgrades features that are included in the Cisco Unified Communications Operating System GUI and command line interface. The system can upload and process only software that Cisco Systems approved. You cannot install or use third-party or Windows-based software applications that you may have been using with a previous version of Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

To upgrade Cisco Unity Connection, do the following procedure:


Step 1

From the Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration window, navigate to Software Upgrades > Install/Upgrade.

The Software Installation/Upgrade page displays.

Step 2

Do the following settings on the page for upgrading Unity Connection:



Use download credentials from Publisher

(Applicable only for Subscriber server) Check this check box to use the source configuration provided for the publisher server.

If check box is not checked, you must provide the all configuration for upgrade process.

By default, check box is checked.


Select the applicable option from the drop down menu:

  • DVD/CD: Select this option to upgrade from disk drive

  • Remote Filesystem: Select this option to upgrade from remoter server.

  • Local Filesystem: Select this option to use the previously downloaded ISO or COP files for the upgrade.


(Applicable for Remote Filesystem) Enter the path of the folder that contains the upgrade file.


(Applicable for Remote Filesystem) Enter the server name or IP address.

User Name

(Applicable for Remote Filesystem) Enter the alias that is used to sign in to the remote server.

User Password

(Applicable for Remote Filesystem) Enter the password that is used to sign in to the remote server.

Transfer Protocol

(Applicable for Remote Filesystem) Select the applicable transfer protocol either SFTP or FTP.

SMTP Server

Enter the IP address of the SMTP server.

Email Destination

Enter your email address along with the SMTP server.

Continue with Upgrade after Download 1

Check this check box to start the upgrade immediately when the file download completes and start the installation. No checksum and SHA details are displayed.

By default, check box is checked.

Switch-Version Server after Upgrade 1

Check this check box to reboot the system automatically after the completion of successful upgrade.

By default, check box is not checked.

1 The field is not applicable for Cisco Unity Connection.

For more information on upgrading Cisco Unity Connection, see "Upgrading Cisco Unity Connection" chapter of Install, Upgrade, and Maintenance Guide for Cisco Unity Connection Release 14 available at

Setting Up a Customized Log-on Message

To upload a customized log-on message, follow this procedure:


Step 1

From the Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration window, navigate to Software Upgrades > Customized Logon Message.

The Customized Logon Message window displays.

Step 2

Click Browse to select the text file (.txt) that contains the log-on message, which you want to display.

Step 3

Click Upload File.

The customized log-on message will be displayed on the login screen as well as home screen of the following interfaces of Unity Connection:
  • Cisco Unity Connection Administration
  • Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability
  • Cisco Unified Operating System Administration
  • Cisco Unified Serviceability
  • Disaster Recovery System Administration
  • Cisco Prime License Manager
  • Cisco Personal Communication Assistant
  • Real-Time Monitoring Tool
  • Command Line Interface
You cannot upload a file that is larger than 10kB.
Step 4

(Optional) Check the Require User Acknowledgment check box to display the customized log-on message in pop-up window as well whenever a user accesses the above interfaces along with Web Inbox. To successfully log in to the interface, user must explicitly acknowledge the pop-up window by clicking OK.

In case of Web Inbox, customized log-on message is displayed only in pop-up window
Step 5

To revert to the default log-on message, click Delete.

Your customized log-on message gets deleted, and the system displays the default log-on message.

Branding Customization in Unity Connection

Cisco Unity Connection supports feature Branding Customization by which the appearance of Unity Connection web applications can be modified based on the organizational requirements. This feature allows an Operating System Administrator to customize company logo, background colors, border colors and font colors of Unity Connection web applications. Branding can be applied on the following web applications of Unity Connection:

  • Cisco Unity Connection Administration
  • Cisco Personal Communications Assistant
  • Web Inbox


In Web Inbox, only company logo can be modified.

Prerequisite for Configuring Branding

To configure the branding in Unity Connection you must have a file that includes specified folders, sub folders and other image files. Unity Connection also provides template which allows you to rebrand Unity Connection web applications.

For more information on structure of file, see Branding File Structure.

Task List for Configuring Branding in Unity Connection

Do the following to configure the branding feature in Unity Connection:

  1. (Optional) Execute file get install CLI command to copy the template file to your remote server. After copying the file to remote server, you can modify it as per your organizational requirement and save it as For information on branding customization options and the procedure to modify them, see User Interface Branding Options.

    For more information on CLI command, seeCommand Line Interface Reference Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Solutions available at,

  2. Login to Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration page, navigate Software Upgrades > Branding. On the Branding page, select Choose File to browse file from your remote server and select Upload File.

  3. After successfully uploading the file, select Enable Branding.

    To disable the customized branding, select Disable Branding on the Branding page.


    To enable or disable the branding, you can also execute utils branding enable/disable CLI command.

    For more information on CLI, see Command Line Interface Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Solutions available at,
  4. Restart the Tomcat service to reflect the branding updates on Cisco Unity Connection web applications.


In case of a cluster, you must enable or disable the branding on each node of the cluster.

User Interface Branding Options

Below images describe the branding customization options for one of the web application of Unity Connection ( Example: Cisco Unity Connection Administration ).

Figure 1. Branding Options for Cisco Unity Connection Administration Login Screen

Figure 2. Branding Options for Cisco Unity Connection Administration Logged in Screen

The following table describes the items that can be modified:
Item Description Branding edits
1 Company Logo
To add your logo to Cisco Unity Connection, save your company logo as a 44*44 pixel image with the following filename:
(44*44 pixels)
To add your logo to Web Inbox and Mini Inbox, save your company logo as a 44*25 pixel image with the following filename:
2 Cisco Unity Connection Administration header font color heading.heading.color
3 Header Background

You can use a single image or a combination of six images to create a grading effect.

Single Image option— Save your header background as a single image:

  • brandingHeader.gif (652*1 pixel)

Graded background option:—Save your header background as six images for a graded effect:

  • brandingHeaderBegLTR.gif (652*1 pixel)
  • brandingHeaderBegRTL.gif (652*1 pixel)
  • brandingHeaderEndLTR.gif (652*1 pixel)
  • brandingHeaderEndRTL.gif (652*1 pixel)
  • brandingHeaderMidLTR.gif (652*1 pixel)
  • brandingHeaderMidRTL.gif (652*1 pixel)
4 Navigation text header.navigation.color
5 Go button




6 Username text splash.username.color
7 Password text splash.password.color
8 Reset button



9 Bottom background color – right


10 Login Button



11 Bottom background color – left splash.hex.code.2
12 Banner splash.hex.code.1
13 User text (for example, 'admin') header.admin.color
14 Search Documentation, About and Signout text

Unity Connection Administration text heading


System Version text


Branding File Structure

This section describes the structure of folder, subfolder and other files included in template. There are two options for the folder structure, depending on whether you want to use a single image for the header or a combination of six images in order to create a graded effect for the header.

Branding Option Folder Structure
Single Header Option

If you want a single image for the header background (callout item 3), your branding folder must contain the following subfolders and image files:

Branding (folder)
           ccmadmin (folder)
     (properties file)
              brandingHeader.gif (652*1 pixel image)
              ciscoLogo12pxMargin.gif (44*44 pixel image)
           branding_logo.png (44*25 pixel image)
Branding Option Folder Structure
Graded Header Option

If you want to create a graded image for the header background, you need six separate image files to create the graded effect. Your branding folder must contain these subfolders and files

           ccmadmin (folder)
               brandingHeaderBegLTR.gif (652*1 pixel image)
               brandingHeaderBegRTL.gif (652*1 pixel image)
               brandingHeaderEndLTR.gif (652*1 pixel image)
               brandingHeaderEndRTL.gif (652*1 pixel image)
               brandingHeaderMidLTR.gif (652*1 pixel image)
               brandingHeaderMidRTL.gif (652*1 pixel image)
               ciscoLogo12pxMargin.gif (44*44 pixel image)
           branding_logo.png (44*25 pixel image)

Branding Properties Editing Example

Branding properties can be edited by adding the hex code in the properties file ( properties file uses HTML-based hex code. For example, if you want to change the color of the Navigation text item (callout item #4) to red, add the following code to your properties file:


In this code, header.navigation.color is the branding property that you want to edit, and #FF0000" is the new setting (red).