About Smart Licensing

Cisco Unified SIP Proxy supports smart licensing. In smart licensing, the purchased licenses are not tied to the hardware and Product Activation Key (PAK). Licenses can be configured by communication to the Smart Manager.

The smart licenses can be configured using the following procedures:

Configuring Smart License


  1. Launch Cisco Unified SIP Proxy GUI and choose Administration > Smart License > Configuration.
 The Smart Agent License page appears.
  2. Click Enable radio button to configure smart licensing.
  3. Enter the details in the fields. See Smart Agent License Fields for field descriptions.
  4. Check the Enable Http(s) check box.
  5. Enter the proxy server address and port number in Http(s) Proxy Address field and Port fields.
  6. Click Update.


Step 1

Launch Cisco Unified SIP Proxy GUI and choose Administration > Smart License > Configuration.
 The Smart Agent License page appears.

Step 2

Click Enable radio button to configure smart licensing.

Step 3

Enter the details in the fields. See Smart Agent License Fields for field descriptions.

Step 4

Check the Enable Http(s) check box.

Step 5

Enter the proxy server address and port number in Http(s) Proxy Address field and Port fields.

Step 6

Click Update.

Smart Agent License Fields

Table 1. Smart Agent License Fields



Smart Agent Config

License Count (multiple of 5)

Activates the requested number of licenses. The count should be multiple of 5. The count should be less than or equal to the maximum call rate that the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy can handle.

License Server url

Enter the Smart Manager server URL that connects to the central licensing server. Use the following URL for registering to cloud CSSM:


Use an appropriate URL for registering to an on-prem license server.

License Token ID

Specifies the token ID. It can be generated by the license server for the account that the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy instance is registered to.

Transport Mode

Specifies the protocol used to communicate with Smart Software Manager. Call home is the recommended Cisco proprietary secure protocol. HTTP is another optional protocol for communicating with Smart Software Manager.


Smart Software Manager can be the cloud-based server or an on-premises license server.

Enable Http(s) Proxy

Enables the HTTP(S) proxy mode. You can use a web proxy to provide CUSP with access to CSSM over the Internet.

Http(s) Proxy Address

Sets the HTTP(S) proxy server address for accessing CSSM over the Internet. You can either use an IP address or FQDN.

Viewing the Smart License Summary

The system displays the summary of the configured smart licenses.

Table 2. License Summary

Smart License Client State

Displays the state of the Smart Agent. The following is the list of states:

  • Un-Configured—Smart licensing is not enabled.

  • Un-Identified—Smart licensing is enabled but the Smart Agent has not contacted Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM) to register.

  • Registered—The Smart Agent has contacted Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM) and registered.

  • Authorized—The Smart Agent enters Authorized state after registration when it receives a in compliance status in response to an entitlement authorization request to the Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM).

  • Out Of Compliance (OOC)—The Smart Agent enters out of compliance state after registration when it receives an Out of Compliance (OOC) status in response to an Entitlement Authorization request to the Cisco licensing authority.

  • Authorization Expired—If the device cannot communicate with Cisco for an extended period of time, usually 90 days, the agent goes into the Authorization expired state.

Product Serial Number

It's really a randomly generated unique virtual machine ID.

Product ID

Unique identifier for the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy.

License UDI

Combination of product ID and serial number generated randomly for identifying the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy.

License Server Address

Displays the address of the Smart Manager server provided while configuring.

HTTP Proxy Address

The proxy server address used, if configured, to reach the licensing server.

Smart Agent Transport Mode

Displays the protocol used to communicate with Smart Manager.

Licensing State

Displays the licensing entitlement status of this instance. The following are the status:

  • Eval—The Cisco Unified SIP Proxy is in Un-Identified state and the evaluation period has not expired.

  • InCompliance—The license count requested to the server is within the purchased limits.

  • OutOfcompliance—The license count requested is more than what is available in Cisco Smart Software Manager.

  • EvalExpried—Evaluation period of 90 days has expired. Calls are not allowed in EvalExpired state.

  • AuthorizationExpired—Authorization period has expired. Calls are not allowed in AuthorizationExpired state.

Product License Version

Displays the license version that the product instance is requesting. This is the same as the major software version.

Registration Expiry Date

Displays the expiry date and time when the license service identification certificate expires. Once expires, the device reverts to Un-Identified mode.

Next Auth Date

Displays the date and time for next license renewal.

Evaluation Period(in hrs)

Displays the number of hours left for Cisco Unified SIP Proxy to run on evaluation mode. The counter starts at 2160 (90 days) and counts down while in Un-Identified (unregistered) mode. This counter cannot be reset.

CPS Count Requested

Displays the number of calls per second licenses requested for. One license is used for every 5 calls per second requested.

Registration Successful

Identifies if registration was a success or failure.

Authorization Successful

Identifies if authorization was a success or failure.

Licensing Agent Status

Identifies if the Smart Agent is enabled or disabled.

Evaluation Mode

Identifies if the product is on evaluation mode.

Latest Failure Reason

Provides the reason due to which the latest license registration failed.