Configuring SNMP Settings

About SNMP

Cisco Unified SIP Proxy supports SNMP MIBs and traps for monitoring its status. Cisco Unified SIP Proxy supports the following SNMP MIBs and traps:



Adding, Editing, and Deleting an SNMP Community String

Use this procedure to add or edit an SNMP community. Communities can either be read-only or read-write only.


You can only define up to five read-only community strings and up to five read-write community strings.


  1. Choose System > SNMP > Communities.
  2. To add an SNMP community string, do the following:
  3. To edit an existing SNMP community string, do the following:
  4. To remove an SNMP community string, do the following:


Step 1

Choose System > SNMP > Communities.

The system displays the SNMP Communities page.

Step 2

To add an SNMP community string, do the following:

  1. In an empty space, enter the SNMP community string.

    If there are no empty spaces, you must first delete another SNMP community string before you can add a new one. You can only define up to five read-only community strings and up to five read-write community strings.

  2. Click Update.

Step 3

To edit an existing SNMP community string, do the following:

  1. Go to the SNMP community string to edit and edit the name.

  2. Click Update.

Step 4

To remove an SNMP community string, do the following:

  1. Go to the SNMP community string to delete and highlight the name.

  2. Click Delete on your keyboard.

  3. Click Update.

Adding, Editing, and Removing an SNMP Trap Host

Configure an SNMP trap host to be notified of SNMP events. The system is configured to send all SNMP traps as they occur.


  • The hostname that you enter must be found in the DNS.

  • You cannot edit the hostname after it has been entered and saved.

Before you begin

Gather the following information:

  • The hostname of the SNMP trap host

  • The community string of the SNMP trap host


  1. Choose System > SNMP > Hosts.
  2. To add an SNMP trap host, do the following:
  3. To edit an existing SNMP trap host, do the following:
  4. To remove an SNMP trap host, do the following:


Step 1

Choose System > SNMP > Hosts.

The system displays the SNMP Trap Hosts page.

Step 2

To add an SNMP trap host, do the following:

  1. Click Add.

    The system displays the SNMP Host Profile page.

  2. Enter the hostname and the community string for the SNMP trap.

  3. Click Update.

Step 3

To edit an existing SNMP trap host, do the following:

  1. Click the underlined hostname of the SNMP trap host to edit.

    The system displays the SNMP Host Profile page.

  2. Edit the community string for the SNMP trap.

  3. Click Update.

Step 4

To remove an SNMP trap host, do the following:

  1. Check the check box next to the SNMP trap host.

  2. Click Remove.

Enabling SNMP Traps


Step 1

Choose System > SNMP > Traps.

The system displays the SNMP Trap page.

Step 2

Select if you want to enable or disable SNMP traps.

Check Select All to select all traps available.

Step 3

Click Update.

Displaying MIBs

Use this procedure to display a list of the MIBs for Cisco Unified SIP Proxy.


  1. Choose System > SNMP > MIBs.
  2. To enable the traps for all the SNMP MIBs, check Enable SNMP Traps and click Update.


Step 1

Choose System > SNMP > MIBs.

The system displays the SNMP MIBs page.

Step 2

To enable the traps for all the SNMP MIBs, check Enable SNMP Traps and click Update.

Editing the SNMPv2-MIB


The only MIB that you can edit is the SNMPv2-MIB.


  1. Choose System > SNMP > MIBs.
  2. Click the underlined name of the SNMPv2-MIB.
  3. Enter or update the contact or location for the SNMPv2-MIB.
  4. Click Update.


Step 1

Choose System > SNMP > MIBs.

The system displays the SNMP MIBs page.

Step 2

Click the underlined name of the SNMPv2-MIB.

The system displays the SNMPv2-MIB page.

Step 3

Enter or update the contact or location for the SNMPv2-MIB.

Step 4

Click Update.