Configuring Route Policies

Viewing a List of Route Policies

A route policy defines the behavior of the route.


Route policies are also called lookup policies in the CLI.


  1. Choose Configure > Route Policies.
  2. To delete a route policy, do the following:
  3. To revert a route policy to the settings it had at the time of the last commit, do the following:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Route Policies.

The system displays the Route Policies page, containing the fields described in Route Policy Fields.

Step 2

To delete a route policy, do the following:

  1. Check the check box next to the name of the route policy to delete.

  2. Click Remove.

  3. In the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy header, click Commit Candidate Configuration to commit this change.

Step 3

To revert a route policy to the settings it had at the time of the last commit, do the following:

  1. Check the check box next to the name of the route policy whose settings you want to revert back to.

  2. Click Revert.

  3. In the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy header, click Commit Candidate Configuration to commit this change.

Route Policy Fields

The table lists the fields on the Route Policies page.

Table 1. Route Policy Fields




Can be one of the following:

  • New—New record. Will be added to the active configuration when it is committed.

  • Modified—Modified record. Will become the active configuration when it is committed.

  • Deleted—Deleted record. Will be removed from the active configuration when it is committed.

  • Active—Active record and active configuration.


Name of this route policy.

Route Policy Step Fields

The table lists the fields on the Route Policy Step page.

Table 2. Route Policy Step Fields



Route Table


The name of the route table to which this route policy is attached.

Lookup Key Matches:

Can be one of the following:

  • Exactly (default)—Specifies that the lookup policy searches for the exact match of the key in the specified table.

  • Prefix-Longest-Match—Specifies that the lookup policy searches for the longest prefix match.

  • Subdomain—Specifies that the lookup policy searches for the longest subdomain of the keys in the table. Domain name matching is case-sensitive and the most specific match prevails, and IP address matching must be exact. If a request contains a non-SIP request URI, this lookup fails. To prevent this from happening, check the check box next to Case Sensitive.

  • Subnet—Specifies that the lookup policy searches for the longest IP addresses of the keys in the table.

  • Prefix-Fixed-Length—Specifies that a fixed number of characters from the key is looked up instead of the complete key.

Case Sensitive

Check this check box if you want the lookup policy for the route table to be case sensitive.

Route Table Lookup Key

Lookup Key

Select a target destination from the drop-down menu. Values are:

  • Request URI—Specifies the lookup policy to apply to the Request-URI header.

  • Field

  • SIP Header—Specifies the header for which the lookup policy is applicable.

Select a URI component from the drop-down menu, Values are:

  • URI—Specifies the lookup policy to apply to the full URI.

  • User—Specifies the lookup policy to apply to the user URI component.

  • Phone—Specifies the lookup policy to apply to the phone URI component.

  • Host—Specifies the lookup policy to apply to the host URI component.

  • Host-Port—Specifies the lookup policy to apply to the host-port URI component.

  • Param—Specifies the URI component parameter name.

Lookup Key Modifiers

Regular Expression Match

Specifies the key modifier to match the regular expression.

Regular Expression Replace

Specifies the key modifier to replace the regular expression.

Adding a Route Policy

Before you begin

You must create and configure at least one route table before you can add a route policy. See Configuring Route Tables.


  1. Choose Configure > Route Policies.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter a name for this route policy.
  4. Enter route policy steps. See Adding or Editing a Route Policy Step.
  5. In the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy header, click Commit Candidate Configuration to commit this change.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Route Policies.

The system displays the Route Policies page.

Step 2

Click Add.

The system displays the Route Policy (New) page.

Step 3

Enter a name for this route policy.

Click Add.

The system displays the Route Policy Step (New) page.

Step 4

Enter route policy steps. See Adding or Editing a Route Policy Step.

Step 5

In the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy header, click Commit Candidate Configuration to commit this change.

Viewing a List of Route Policy Steps


  1. Choose Configure > Route Policies.
  2. Click the underlined name of the route policy for which you want to see the route policy steps.
  3. To delete a route policy step, do the following:
  4. To revert a route policy step to the settings it had at the time of the last commit, do the following:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Route Policies.

The system displays the Route Policies page.

Step 2

Click the underlined name of the route policy for which you want to see the route policy steps.

The system displays the Route Policy ‘<name of route policy>’ Steps page and displays all the steps associated with this route policy.

Step 3

To delete a route policy step, do the following:

  1. Check the check box next to the name of the route policy step to delete.

  2. Click Remove.

  3. In the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy header, click Commit Candidate Configuration to commit this change.

Step 4

To revert a route policy step to the settings it had at the time of the last commit, do the following:

  1. Check the check box next to the name of the route policy step whose settings you want to revert back to.

  2. Click Revert.

  3. In the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy header, click Commit Candidate Configuration to commit this change.

Adding or Editing a Route Policy Step


When you edit a route policy, you can only edit the steps associated with it.


  1. Choose Configure > Route Policies.
  2. Click the underlined name of the route policy for which you want to add or edit a route policy step.
  3. To add a route policy step, do the following:
  4. To edit a route policy step, do the following:
  5. To move a route policy step, check the check box next to it and click the up or down arrows.
  6. In the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy header, click Commit Candidate Configuration to commit this change.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Route Policies.

The system displays the Route Policies page.

Step 2

Click the underlined name of the route policy for which you want to add or edit a route policy step.

The system displays the Route Policy Steps: <name of route policy> page and displays all the steps associated with this route policy.

Step 3

To add a route policy step, do the following:

  1. Click Add. The system displays the Route Policy Step (New) page.

  2. Enter information about the route policy step as described in Route Policy Step Fields.

  3. Click Add.

Step 4

To edit a route policy step, do the following:

  1. Click the underlined name of the route policy step. The system displays the Route Policy Step: Edit page.

  2. Make changes to the values for the route policy step as described in Route Policy Step Fields.

  3. Click Update.

Step 5

To move a route policy step, check the check box next to it and click the up or down arrows.

Step 6

In the Cisco Unified SIP Proxy header, click Commit Candidate Configuration to commit this change.