Configuring Groups

Viewing a List of Groups


You cannot modify the default group and associated capabilities. You can only associate the non-default group with one or more newly created privileges.

You cannot associate the default or non-default group as a member of a non-default group.

You can delete the non-default group only on unsubscribing all the users who are subscribed as its members.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Groups.

The system displays the Configure Groups page, containing the following fields:

  • Group ID

  • Display Name

  • Primary Extension

  • Privileges

Step 2

To see a different number of groups on each page, choose another number from the drop-down box on the top right and click Go. You can choose to see 10, 25, 50, 100, or all groups.

Step 3

To move to another page, use the left and right arrow buttons on the bottom right, or enter another page number and press Enter.

Step 4

To sort groups, click any of the headers.

Group Fields

The table lists the fields on the page.

Table 1. Group Parameters



Group ID

Alphanumeric user identifier.

Full name

Long name of the group as it should appear on telephone displays.


Description of the group. The word “group” is automatically added to the Group ID entry.

Primary Extension

Primary extension of the group.

Primary E.164 Number

Associates a full telephone number and area code with this group.

Fax Number

Associates a fax number with this group.

Adding a New User Group

Before you begin

  • Configuring one or more groups is optional.

  • Determine the primary extension to be assigned to the group. Ensure that this extension is active.


  1. Choose Configure > Groups.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter information into the fields shown below:
  4. Check the check box next to the capabilities for this group to have. See About Capabilities.
  5. Click Add.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Groups.

The system displays the Configure Groups page.

Step 2

Click Add.

The system displays the Add a New Group page.

Step 3

Enter information into the fields shown below:

  • Group ID

  • Full name

  • Description—The word “group” is automatically added to the Group ID entry. You can add more text to this description.

  • Primary Extension for the group

  • Primary E.164 Number

  • Fax Number

Step 4

Check the check box next to the capabilities for this group to have. See About Capabilities.

Step 5

Click Add.

The system displays the Configure Groups page, with the new group in the table.

Subscribing Members or Owners to a Group

To subscribe members or owners of a group, complete the following steps:


  1. Choose Configure > Groups.
  2. Click the underlined name of the group to which you are adding new members or owners.
  3. Click the Owners/Members tab.
  4. To add a new member, click Subscribe Member. To add a new owner, click Subscribe Owner.
  5. Under type, select either users or groups. Enter the user ID or Group ID, name or description, or the extension of the person or group to add to this group.
  6. Click > Find.
  7. Do one of the following:
  8. To add more members or owners to the group, repeat Step 4 through Step 7.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Groups.

The system displays the Configure Groups page.

Step 2

Click the underlined name of the group to which you are adding new members or owners.

The system displays the Group Profile page for that group.

Step 3

Click the Owners/Members tab.

The system displays all owners and members of the group.

Step 4

To add a new member, click Subscribe Member. To add a new owner, click Subscribe Owner.

The system displays the Find page.

Step 5

Under type, select either users or groups. Enter the user ID or Group ID, name or description, or the extension of the person or group to add to this group.

Step 6

Click > Find.

The system displays all users or groups that meet the search criteria.

Step 7

Do one of the following:

  • Add one or more member or owner to the group by checking the check box next to each selected member’s or owner’s name and clicking Select Rows. The system displays the Group page with the new member or owner added.

  • Look for other people to add by clicking Back to Find without checking a check box next to any name. The system displays the Find page. Return to Step 5 and continue.

Step 8

To add more members or owners to the group, repeat Step 4 through Step 7.

Unsubscribing Members and Owners from a Group


Only group owners can delete members and owners.


  1. Choose Configure > Groups.
  2. Click the underlined name of the group to manage.
  3. Click the Owners/Members tab.
  4. Check the check box next to the name of each member or owner who you want to unsubscribe from this group.
  5. Click Unsubscribe.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Groups.

The system displays the Configure Groups page.

Step 2

Click the underlined name of the group to manage.

The system displays the Group Profile page for this group.

Step 3

Click the Owners/Members tab.

The system displays all owners and members of the group.

Step 4

Check the check box next to the name of each member or owner who you want to unsubscribe from this group.

Step 5

Click Unsubscribe.

The system displays the Group Members page with the members or owners removed.

Displaying or Modifying Group Parameters


  1. Choose Configure > Groups.
  2. Click the underlined name of the group to view or modify.
  3. To edit these fields, enter the new information and click SaveApply.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Groups.

The system displays the Configure Groups page.

Step 2

Click the underlined name of the group to view or modify.

The system displays the Group Profile page for this group, with the following fields:

  • Group ID

  • Full name

  • Description

  • Primary Extension

  • Primary E.164 number

  • Fax Number

  • Capabilities. See About Capabilities.

Step 3

To edit these fields, enter the new information and click SaveApply.

Viewing Owners and Members of a Group


  1. Choose Configure > Groups.
  2. Click the underlined name of the group to view.
  3. Click the Owners/Members tab to see the users who are owners or members of this group.
  4. Click any column heading to sort by that subject.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Groups.

The system displays the Configure Groups page.

Step 2

Click the underlined name of the group to view.

The system displays the Group Profile page for that group.

Step 3

Click the Owners/Members tab to see the users who are owners or members of this group.

The system displays the Owners/Members page.

Step 4

Click any column heading to sort by that subject.

Modifying Group Ownership and Membership in Other Groups

A group has its own set of members, but a group can also be assigned as a member or an owner of one or more other groups. If a group is assigned as an owner of another group, any individual member of the owner group has privileges as an owner of the owned group. For example, if the Administrator group is added as an owner of the Technical Support group, any individual member of the Administrator group can add, modify, or delete members of the Technical Support group. Additionally, individual users that do not belong to another group can be added as owners of the Technical Support group.


  1. Choose Configure > Groups.
  2. Click the name of the group whose membership you want to modify.
  3. Click the Owner/Member of Groups tab.
  4. To see a different number of groups on each page, on the top right, choose another number from the drop-down box and click Go. You can choose to see 10, 25, 50, 100, or 500 groups.
  5. To move to another page, use the left and right arrow buttons on the bottom right, or enter another page number and press Enter.
  6. To sort groups, click any of the headers.
  7. To designate your group as an owner of another group, click Subscribe as owner. To subscribe your group as a member of another group, click Subscribe as member.
  8. Enter the group ID, description, or extension of the groups to find.
  9. Click Find.
  10. To select one or more groups, check the check box next to each group's name and click Select Rows.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Groups.

The system displays the Configure Groups page.

Step 2

Click the name of the group whose membership you want to modify.

The system displays the Group Profile page for that group.

Step 3

Click the Owner/Member of Groups tab.

The system displays the Owner/Member of Groups page.

Step 4

To see a different number of groups on each page, on the top right, choose another number from the drop-down box and click Go. You can choose to see 10, 25, 50, 100, or 500 groups.

Step 5

To move to another page, use the left and right arrow buttons on the bottom right, or enter another page number and press Enter.

Step 6

To sort groups, click any of the headers.

Step 7

To designate your group as an owner of another group, click Subscribe as owner. To subscribe your group as a member of another group, click Subscribe as member.

The system displays the Find page.

Step 8

Enter the group ID, description, or extension of the groups to find.

Step 9

Click Find.

The system displays all the groups that meet the search criteria.

Step 10

To select one or more groups, check the check box next to each group's name and click Select Rows.

The system adds the new groups to the list of groups on the Owner/Member of Groups page.

Deleting a Group

Deleting a group does not delete the members of the group.


  1. Choose Configure > Groups.
  2. Check the check box next to the name of the group to delete.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. At the prompt, click OK to delete the group.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Groups.

The system displays the Configure Groups page.

Step 2

Check the check box next to the name of the group to delete.

Step 3

Click Delete.

Step 4

At the prompt, click OK to delete the group.

Finding a Group

Use this procedure to search for a group.


  1. Choose Configure > Groups.
  2. Click Find. The following fields appear in the Find Groups window:
  3. Enter the search criteria in one or more fields and click Find.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Groups.

The system displays the Configure Groups page.

Step 2

Click Find. The following fields appear in the Find Groups window:

  • Group ID

  • Description

  • Extension

Step 3

Enter the search criteria in one or more fields and click Find.

The system displays the Configure Groups page with the results of your search.

About Capabilities

You can assign capabilities to groups. Cisco Unified SIP Proxy has three capabilities:

  • pfsread—Allows users to read from the public file system (PFS).

  • pfsreadwrite—Allows users to read from and write to the PFS.

  • superuser—Gives administrator privileges to users in this group.