Automatic Generation of CAR Reports and Alerts

Before You Begin

Before you start generating reports with CAR, configure the system.

The following table displays the list of reports that the system enables or disables for automatic generation, the report generation interval, and the recipients of the report.

Table 1. Automatically Generated Reports

Name of Report

Report Generation Interval


Department Bill Summary


  • CAR managers
  • CAR administrators

Gateway Summary


  • CAR administrators

Individual Bill


  • Individual users configured in Cisco Unified CM.
  • CAR administrators

    Administration users do not get access to this report.

Individual Bill Summary


  • Individual users configured in Cisco Unified CM
  • CAR managers
  • CAR administrators

Conference Summary


  • CAR administrators

Conference Detail


  • CAR administrators

QoS Summary


  • CAR managers
  • CAR administrators

System Overview


  • CAR administrators

Top N Charge


  • CAR managers
  • CAR administrators

Top N Charge


  • CAR managers
  • CAR administrators

Top N Duration


  • CAR managers
  • CAR administrators

Top N Duration


  • CAR managers
  • CAR administrators

Top N Calls


  • CAR managers
  • CAR administrators

Top N Calls


  • CAR managers
  • CAR administrators

Traffic Summary - Day of Month


  • CAR administrators

Traffic Summary - Day of Week


  • CAR administrators

Traffic Summary - Hour of Day


  • CAR administrators

Conference Bridge Util - Day of Week


  • CAR administrators

Voice Messaging Util - Day of Week


  • CAR administrators

Route Pattern/Hunt Pilot Util - Day of Week


  • CAR administrators

Route/Hunt List Util - Day of Week


  • CAR administrators

Route Group Util - Day of Week


  • CAR administrators

Line Group Util - Day of Week


  • CAR administrators

Gateway Util - Day of Week


  • CAR administrators


In large setups, with a large number of gateways, route groups, route lists, and route patterns, enabling all the Utilization reports (Gateway Utilization, Line Group Utilization, Route Group Utilization, Route List Utilization, and Route Pattern Utilization) increases the CPU usage of the system, therefore increasing the time in which reports are generated. This also affects system performance. Cisco recommends that you enable only Gateway Utilization reports for automatic generation, due to the number of gateways that are typically found in a large system. You can generate all Utilization reports on demand by selecting five or less gateways, route groups, route lists, or route groups.

Automatically generating reports involves a two-step process:

  • First, enable the reports that you want to generate unless they are enabled by default.
  • Second, schedule the reports for the day and time that you want them to generate. (CAR provides a default schedule. If the default schedule is acceptable, only enable the reports that you want to generate automatically.)

CAR provides e-mail alerts for various events. Enabling the system for e-mail alerts involves a two-step process:

  • First, enable the e-mail alerts. Default enables some, but not all, reports.
  • Second, configure the e-mail that is sent when the alert criteria are met.

Enable Automatic Generation Reports

This section describes how to enable or disable one or all reports for automatic generation. You can also customize the report parameters and enable a mailing option, so reports get e-mailed when they are created. When the report gets mailed, CAR generates the e-mail address by using the mail ID for the CAR administrator(s) and the mail domain that is configured in the Mail Parameters window; that is, CAR uses <mail ID for the CAR administrator> @ <domain that is configured in the mail parameters window>.

For all new installations of Unified Communications Manager, you must first enable the e-mail alerts and reports for automatic generation. The default status for all reports and alerts specifies Disabled.

For all Unified Communications Manager upgrades from Release 5.x to a later release of Unified Communications Manager, the tbl_pregenmail_option table data migrates only if the CAR Scheduler service is active.

When you upgrade to another version of Unified Communications Manager, disable all reports and alerts while the upgrade is in process to conserve system resources. Remember to enable the reports and alerts after the upgrade completes.

The Generated Report Schedule describes reports that are enabled by default.


Step 1

Choose Report Config > Automatic Generation/Alert.

The Automatic Report Generation/Alert Option window displays.

Step 2

In the Reports [Report Generation Interval] box, choose the report that you want to automatically generate based on the schedule that you defined in the System Scheduler. See the CAR System Scheduler.

Step 3

In the Status field, choose Enabled or Disabled.

Step 4

To customize the report or have the report e-mailed when it is generated, click the Customize Parameters button.

The Customize Parameters window displays.


Each report provides different customization options, depending on the type of report.

Step 5

Choose the CSV or PDF radio button, depending on the type of report that you want the system to mail.

Step 6

To have the report mailed to all CAR administrators, check the Mailing Option check box.

Step 7

To save the values that you specified, click the Update button.

The Customize Parameters window closes.

Step 8

To enable or customize other reports, repeat the previous steps.

Step 9

Click the Update button.

Changes take effect at midnight. You can force the change to take effect immediately by stopping and restarting the CAR Scheduler service.

Enable Email Alerts

There are two Alerts by Mail that are available. These alerts are:

  • Charge Limit Notification
  • QoS Notification

See the Set Notification Limits for information on how to configure these alerts.

This section describes how to enable these alerts to be mailed to users.


Step 1

Choose Report Config > Automatic Generation/Alert.

The Automatic Report Generation/Alert window displays.

Step 2

In the Alerts by Mail box, choose the alert that you want to enable or disable.

Step 3

In the Status field, choose Enabled or Disabled.

Step 4

Click the Update button.

Step 5

To enable or disable alerts by mail, repeat the previous steps.

Changes take effect at midnight. You can force the change to take effect immediately by stopping and restarting the CAR Scheduler service.

Additional Documentation

  • Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager

  • Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide

  • Cisco Unified Communications Manager Call Detail Records Administration Guide