clear mac address-table dynamic
Removes all dynamic entries.
clear mac address-table dynamic address mac-address
Removes a specific MAC address.
clear mac address-table dynamic interface interface-id
Removes all addresses on the specified physical port or port channel.
clear mac address-table dynamic vlan vlan-id
Removes all addresses on a specified VLAN.
show clock [detail]
Displays the time and date configuration.
show ip igmp snooping groups
Displays the Layer 2 multicast entries for all VLANs or the specified VLAN.
show mac address-table address mac-address
Displays MAC address table information for the specified MAC address.
show mac address-table aging-time
Displays the aging time in all VLANs or the specified VLAN.
show mac address-table count
Displays the number of addresses present in all VLANs or the specified VLAN.
show mac address-table dynamic
Displays only dynamic MAC address table entries.
show mac address-table interface interface-name
Displays the MAC address table information for the specified interface.
show mac address-table move update
Displays the MAC address table move update information.
show mac address-table multicast
Displays a list of multicast MAC addresses.
show mac address-table notification {change | mac-move | threshold}
Displays the MAC notification parameters and history table.
show mac address-table secure
Displays the secure MAC addresses.
show mac address-table static
Displays only static MAC address table entries.
show mac address-table vlan vlan-id
Displays the MAC address table information for the specified VLAN.