Configuring Local Policies

Restrictions for Configuring Local Policies

  • The policy map attributes supported on the device are QoS, VLAN, session timeout, and ACL.

  • Apple iphone 6s will get classified as "workstation" after HTTP profiling.

Information About Configuring Local Policies

Local policies can profile devices based on HTTP and DHCP to identify the end devices on the network. Users can configure device-based policies and enforce the policies per user or per device policy on the network.

Local policies allow profiling of mobile devices and basic onboarding of the profiled devices to a specific VLAN. They also assign ACL and QoS or configure session timeouts. You can configure local policies as two separate components:

  • Defining policy attributes as service templates specific to clients joining the network and applying policy match criteria.

  • Applying match criteria to the policy.

The following policy match attributes are used for configuring local policies:

  • Device—Defines the type of device. Windows-based computer, Smart phone, Apple devices such as iPad and iPhone.

  • Username—Defines the username of the user.

  • User role—Defines the user type or the user group the user belongs to, such as a student or employee.

  • MAC—Defines the mac-address of the end point.

  • MAC OUI—Defines the mac-address OUI.

Once the device has a match corresponding to these parameters per end point, the policy can be added. Policy enforcement allows basic device on-boarding of mobile devices based on the following session attributes:
  • VLAN

  • QoS

  • ACL

  • Session timeout

You can configure these policies and enforce end points with specified policies. The wireless clients are profiled based on MAC OUI and DHCP. The device uses these attributes and predefined classification profiles to identify devices.

Replacing Default Profile Text File

If a new device is not classified, contact the Cisco support team with the device MAC address. The Cisco support team will provide a new dc_default_profile.txt file with the MAC address included in the file. You need to replace the dc_default_profile.txt file with the earlier file. Follow these steps to change the dc_default_profile.txt file:
  1. Stop device classifier by entering this command:

    device(config)# no device classifier

  2. Copy the file by entering this command:

    device# device classifier profile location filepath

  3. Start the device classifier by entering this command:

    device(config)# device classifier

Disabling session monitor on trunk ports

On uplink trunk ports, you should not create any session monitoring. By default, session monitoring is enabled. You should disable session monitoring.
  1. Enter into global configuration mode by entering this command:

    device# configure terminal

  2. Enter into interface configuration mode by entering this command:

    device(config)# interface interface-id

  3. Disable session monitoring by entering this command:

    device(config-if)# no access-session monitor

Configuring Local Policies (CLI)

To configure local policies, complete these procedures:

  1. Create a service template.
  2. Create an interface template.
  3. Create a parameter map.
  4. Create a policy map.
  5. Apply a local policy on a WLAN.

Creating an Interface Template (CLI)


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

template interface-template-name


Device(config)# template cisco-phone-template

Enters interface template configuration mode.

Step 3

switchport mode access


Device(config-template)# switchport mode access

Sets the interface as a nontrunking nontagged single-VLAN Ethernet interface. An access port can carry traffic in one VLAN only. By default, an access port carries traffic for VLAN1.

Step 4

switchport voice vlan vlan_id


Device(config-template)# switchport voice vlan 20

Specifies to forward all voice traffic through the specified VLAN. You can specify a value from 1 to 4094.

Step 5



Device(config)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Creating a Parameter Map (CLI)

Parameter map is preferred to use than class map.


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

parameter-map type subscriber attribute-to-service parameter-map-name


Device(config)# parameter-map type subscriber attribute-to-service Aironet-Policy-para

Specifies the parameter map type and name.

Step 3

map-index map { device-type | mac-address | oui | user-role | username} { eq | not-eq | regex filter-name }


Device(config-parameter-map-filter)# 10 map device-type eq "WindowsXP-Workstation"

Specifies parameter map attribute filter criteria.

Step 4

interface-template interface-template-name


Device(config-parameter-map-filter-submode)# interface-template cisco-phone-template

Enters service template configuration mode.

Step 5



Device(config)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Creating a Class Map (CLI)


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

class-map type control subscriber class-map-name { match-all | match-any | match-first }


Device(config)# class-map type control subscriber CLASS_AC_1 match-all

Specifies the class map type and name.

Step 3

match { device-type | mac-address | oui | username | userrole} filter-type-name


Device(config-class-map)# match device-type Cisco-IP-Phone-7961

Specifies class map attribute filter criteria.

Step 4



Device(config)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Creating a Policy Map (CLI)


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

policy-map type control subscriber policy-map-name


Device(config)# policy-map type control subscriber Aironet-Policy

Specifies the policy map type.

Step 3

event identity-update { match-all | match-first}


Device(config-policy-map)# event identity-update match-all

Specifies match criteria to the policy map.

Step 4

class_number class { class_map_name | always } { do-all | do-until-failure | do-until-success}


Device(config-class-control-policymap)# 1 class local_policy1_class do-until-success
Configures the local profiling policy class map number and specifies how to perform the action. The class map configuration mode includes the following command options:
  • always —Executes without doing any matching but return success.
  • do-all —Executes all the actions.
  • do-until-failure —Execute all the actions until any match failure is encountered. This is the default value.
  • do-until-success —Execute all the actions until any match success happens.
Step 5

action-index map attribute-to-service table parameter-map-name


Device(config-policy-map)# 10 map attribute-to-service table Aironet-Policy-para

Specifies parameter map table to be used.

Step 6



Device(config)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Applying a Local Policy for a Device on a WLAN (CLI)

Before you begin

If the service policy contains any device type-based rules in the parameter map, ensure that the device classifier is already enabled.


You should use the device classification command to classify the device for it to be displayed correctly on the show command output.


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

wlan wlan-name


Device(config)# wlan wlan1

Enters WLAN configuration mode.

Step 3

service-policy type control subscriber policymapname


Device(config-wlan)# service-policy type control subscriber Aironet-Policy

Applies local policy to WLAN.

Step 4

profiling local http (optional)


Device(config-wlan)# profiling local http

Enables only profiling of devices based on HTTP protocol (optional).

Step 5

profiling radius http (optional)


Device(config-wlan)# profiling radius http

Enables profiling of devices on ISE (optional).

Step 6

no shutdown


Device(config-wlan)# no shutdown

Specifies not to shut down the WLAN.

Step 7



Device(config)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Monitoring Local Policies

The following commands can be used to monitor local policies configured on the device.

Table 1. Monitoring Local Policies Command



show access-session

Displays the summary of access session with authorization status, method and domain for each client or MAC address displayed.

show access-session cache

Displays the latest classification for the client.

show device classifier attached detail

Displays the latest classification for the client based on parameters such as Mac, DHCP, or HTTP.

show access-session mac mac-address details

Displays the policy mapped, service template used, and attributes for the client.


If the show access-session detail command output is not displaying session timeout details, you should enable client profiling with session timeout in client access session and then run the show access-session mac mac-address details command to see the session timeout details.

show access-session mac mac-address policy

Displays the policy mapped, service template used, and attributes for the client.

In addition, you can view the Resultant Policy that displays the following information:
  • The final attributes applied to the session when the session has locally configured attributes.

  • Attributes applied from the server.

Examples: Local Policies Configuration


At the end of each configuration command line, enter CTRL Z to execute the command and proceed to the next line.

This example shows how to create interface template:

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)#template cisco-phone-template
Device(config-template)#switchport mode access
Device(config-template)#switchport voice vlan 20
Device(config-template)# end
This example shows how to create parameter map:

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)#parameter-map type subscriber attribute-to-service param-wired
Device(config-parameter-map-filter)#10 map device-type regex Cisco-IP-Phone
Device(config-parameter-map-filter-submode)#10 interface-template cisco-phone-template
Device(config-parameter-map)# end
This example shows how to create policy map:

Device(config)# policy-map type control subscriber apple-tsim
Device(config-policy-map)# event identity-update match-all
Device(config-policy-map)# 1 class always do-until-failure
Device(config-policy-map)# 1 map attribute-to-service table apple-tsim-param
Device(config-policy-map)# end
This example shows how to apply policy to a device on a WLAN:

Device(config)# wlan wlan1
Device(config-wlan)# client vlan VLAN0054
Device(config-wlan)# profiling local http
Device(config-wlan)# service-policy type control subscriber apple-tsim
Device(config-wlan)# no shutdown
Device# end

Additional References for Configuring Local Policies

Related Documents

Related Topic Document Title
Security commands

Security Command Reference Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release 3SE (Cisco WLC 5700 Series)

Standards and RFCs

Standard/RFC Title


All the supported MIBs for this release.

To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco IOS releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:

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Feature History for Performing Local Policies Configuration

Release Feature Information

Cisco IOS XE 3E

This feature was introduced.