Description: Root object for operational data |
Child objects: |
<AAA> - AAA operational data |
<AIB> - AIB operational data |
<APS> - SONET Automatic Protection Switching (APS) info |
<ARP> - ARP operational data |
<ARP_GMP> - ARP-GMP global operational data |
<ATM> - ATM operational data |
<ATM_ILMI> - ATM ILMI operational data |
<ATM_OAM> - ATM OAM operational data |
<ATM_VCClass> - ATM VC class data |
<ATM_VCM> - ATM VCM operational data |
<AccessListHardware> - Root class of accesslist hardware |
<AlarmLogger> - Alarm Logger operational data |
<AlphaDisplay> - Alpha Display Operational data space |
<AutoRP> - AutoRP operational data |
<BFD> - Bidirectional Forwarding Detection(BFD) operational data |
<BGP> - BGP operational data |
<BundleInformation> - Bundle information |
<Bundles> - Bundle operational data |
<BundlesAdjacency> - Bundle operational data from the adjacency processes |
<CDP> - CDP operational data |
<CFM> - CFM operational data |
<CHDLC_MA> - Per interface operational data for the cHDLC MA |
<CLNS> - CLNS statistics |
<CRSIngressQ> - IngressQ operational data |
<Cinetd> - Cisco Inetd (cinetd) Operational data |
<ControllerPLIM> - PLIM ASIC drivers data for CRS platform |
<ControllerPSE> - Packet Switching Engine(PSE) driver data |
<Correlator> - Correlator operational data |
<DHCPV6D> - IPV6 DHCP operational data |
<DPT> - DPT operational data |
<DWDM> - DWDM operational data |
<Diag> - CRS diag information |
<EFD> - Ethernet Fault Detection operational data |
<EIGRP> - EIGRP operational data |
<ES_ACL> - Root class of ES ACL Oper schema tree |
<Environment> - Environment operational data |
<ErrorDisable> - Error Disable operational data |
<EtherLinkOAM> - Ethernet Link OAM operational data |
<EthernetDriver> - Ethernet operational data |
<EthernetRing> - Ethernet Ring Protection operational data |
<ExplicitPaths> - Configured IP explicit paths |
<FHRPOutput> - First Hop Redundancy Protocols Output process oper commands. |
<FIB> - FIB operational data |
<FIBStatistics> - cef interface drops operational data |
<FIB_MPLS> - FIB MPLS operational data |
<FrameRelay> - FR operational data |
<FrameRelayLMI> - FR LMI operational data |
<GenericInterfaceListTable> - Generic Interface List Table |
<HSRP> - HSRP operational data |
<HardwareModule> - Hardware module operational data |
<HardwareModuleQoS> - CRS QoS operational information |
<ICCP> - ICCP operational data |
<IGMP> - IGMP operational data |
<IMA> - IMA operational data |
<IPAddressPoolProxy> - IP address pool proxy operational data |
<IPAddressPoolServer> - IP address pool operational data |
<IPDomain> - Domain server and host data |
<IPHC> - IPHC operational information |
<IPHCProfile> - IPHC operation information |
<IPHCStatistics> - IPHC statistics |
<IPSLA> - IPSLA operational data |
<IPV4ARM> - IPv4 Address Repository Manager (IPv4 ARM) operational data |
<IPV4Network> - IPv4 network operational data |
<IPV4_ACLAndPrefixList> - Root class of IPv4 Oper schema tree |
<IPV4_DHCPD> - IPV4 DHCPD operational data |
<IPV6ARM> - IPv6 Address Repository Manager (IPv6 ARM) operational data |
<IPV6Network> - IPv6 network operational data |
<IPV6NodeDiscovery> - IPv6 node discovery operational data |
<IPV6_ACLAndPrefixList> - Root class of IPv6 Oper schema tree |
<IPV6_IO> - IPv6 IO Operational Data |
<IPV6_MFWD> - IPV6 MFWD operational data |
<IPV6_MRIB> - IPV6 MRIB operational data |
<IPV6_PIM> - IPV6 PIM operational data |
<IPV6_RIB> - RIB operational data |
<IPv4MPA> - IPv4 MPA operational data |
<IPv4Mhost> - IPv4 mhost operational data |
<IPv6MPA> - IPv6 MPA operational data |
<IPv6Mhost> - IPv6 mhost operational data |
<ISIS> - IS-IS operational data |
<InfraPacketManager> - Packet manager infrastructure |
<InfraStatistics> - Statistics Infrastructure |
<Install> - Information of software packages and install operations |
<InterfaceAttributes> - Hardware and software attributes for interfaces |
<InterfaceDampening> - Interface dampening data |
<InterfaceProperties> - Non feature-specific interface operational data |
<Interfaces> - Interface operational data |
<Inventory> - Logical Router Inventory operational data |
<Keychain> - Keychain operational data |
<L2Snoop> - L2Snoop connection operational data |
<L2TP> - L2TP operational data |
<L2TPv2> - L2TPv2 operational data |
<L2VPN> - L2VPN operational data |
<L2VPNForwarding> - Show L2VPN forwarding |
<L2VPNv2> - L2VPN operational data to support active and standby. L2VPN has been deprecated |
<L3VPN> - L3VPN operational data |
<LACPBundleMembers> - LACP Bundle Member operational data |
<LACPBundles> - LACP bundle data |
<LACPData> - LACP data |
<LISP> - LISP operational data |
<LLDP> - Link Layer Discovery Protocol operational data |
<LMP> - Main common UCP/OLM operational data |
<LR> - Information about the current LR scoped state of LR inventory. |
<MACAccounting> - MAC accounting operational data |
<MFWD> - MFWD operational data |
<MLD> - MLD operational data |
<MPLSForwarding> - MPLS forwarding operational data |
<MPLS_EA> - MPLS IO EA operational data |
<MPLS_LCAC> - MPLS-LCAC operational data |
<MPLS_LDP> - MPLS LDP operational data |
<MPLS_LSD> - MPLS LSD operational data |
<MPLS_LSDNodeTable> - Location MPLS LSD operational data |
<MPLS_MLDP> - MPLS MLDP operational data |
<MPLS_OAM> - MPLS OAM operational data |
<MPLS_PCE> - MPLS PCE operational data |
<MPLS_TE> - MPLS Traffic Engineering operational data |
<MPLS_TP> - MPLS transport profile operational data |
<MRIB> - MRIB operational data |
<MSDP> - MSDP operational data |
<ManagementPlaneProtection> - Management Plane Protection (MPP) operational data |
<Media> - Media operational data |
<MemorySummary> - Memory summary information |
<MgmtIma> - MgmtIma controller operational data |
<MgmtMultilink> - MgmtMultilink controller operational data |
<Mirror> - Disk mirror operational data |
<Multilink> - Multilink operational data |
<NETCONF> - NETCONF operational information |
<NTP> - NTP operational data |
<NetFlow> - NetFlow operational data |
<ONEP> - Connected apps operational data |
<OSPF> - OSPF operational data |
<OSPFv3> - OSPFv3 operational information |
<ObjectTracking> - Object Tracking operational data |
<OnlineDiagnostics> - Diagnostics information |
<PIM> - PIM operational data |
<PIM6_MA> - PIM6 MA operational data |
<PIM_MA> - PIM MA operational data |
<PLIM_QOS> - PLIM QOS operational data |
<POS> - POS operational data |
<PPP> - PPP operational data |
<PerfManagement> - History operational data |
<PerfMgmt> - Performance Management agent operational data |
<PerformanceManagement> - DWDM performace data |
<Platform> - Platform information |
<PlatformFabricQueue> - Fabric information |
<PlatformInventory> - Inventory operational data |
<PlatformManager> - Platform manager operational data for CRS platform |
<PlatformQoS> - QoS EA operational data |
<PlatformStatistics> - Platform statistics data for HFR platform |
<PolicyManager> - Policy-map operational data |
<QOS> - QoS operational data |
<RADIUS> - RADIUS operational data |
<RAW> - RAW operational information |
<RCC> - Route consistency check information |
<RCMD> - Show command for Route Convergence Monitoring & Diagnostics |
<RIB> - RIB operational data |
<RIP> - RIP operational data |
<RSVP> - RSVP operational data |
<RoutingPolicy> - Routing policy operational data |
<SAM> - Software authentication manager certificate information |
<SAP> - SAP operational data |
<SLA> - SLA oper commands |
<SNMP> - SNMP operational data |
<SONET> - SONET operational data |
<SONET_SDH> - SONET-SDH operational data |
<SRLG> - RSI SRLG operational data |
<SRP> - SRP operational data |
<SelectiveVRFDownload> - Selective VRF Download operational data |
<ServiceRedundancy> - Service Redundancy operational data |
<ServiceRole> - Service Role Daemon operational data |
<SpanMonitorSession> - Monitor Session operational data |
<Suppression> - Suppression operational data |
<Syslog> - System message operational data |
<SystemMonitoring> - Processes operational data |
<SystemProcess> - Process information |
<SystemTime> - System time information |
<T1E1> - T1E1 operational data |
<T3E3> - T3E3 operational data |
<TCP> - IP TCP Operational Data |
<TCPConnection> - TCP connection operational data |
<TCP_NSR> - TCP NSR operational data |
<TTY> - TTY Line Configuration |
<TunnelIPAttributes> - Tunnel IP interface attributes |
<TunnelTemplate> - Tunnel Template attributes |
<UDP> - IP UDP Operational Data |
<UDPConnection> - UDP connection operational data |
<VLAN> - VLAN operational data |
<VRRP> - VRRP operational data |
<WANPHY> - WANPHY operational data |
<Watchdog> - Watchdog information |
<XML> - xml sessions information |
Available Paths: |