Configuring VDSL2 Bonding and Single-Wire Pair

Very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line 2 (VDSL2) bonding combines two copper wire pairs to increase the capacity or extend the copper network's reach. For a customer, this means enhanced data rate and operation on longer loops. A single-wire pair enables you to configure profile 8a through 17a and ADSL on line 0, and profile 8a through 30a on line 1. VDSL2 bonding and single-wire pair are supported on C897VAB-K9 series router.

This chapter contains the following sections:


The following restrictions are applicable to VDSL2 bonding on the Cisco 800 Series Routers:

  • VDSL2 bonding is supported only on the C897VAB-K9 Series Router.

  • Even though C897VAB-K9 is a bonding SKU, bonding is not the default configuration. The ADSL mode and VDSL single-wire mode are supported in the default configuration. You should enable bonding using the line-mode bonding command.
  • The no line-mode bonding and default line-mode bonding commands change the configuration to 'single-wire' on Line 0, which is the default configuration.
  • The line-mode configuration is removed from the router whenever you change the operating mode. You have to run the command again in the new operating mode to configure bonding.

Configuring Bonding in Auto Mode

You can configure bonding either in auto mode or VDSL2. The default configuration is auto.

Perform the following tasks to configure bonding in auto mode:


    1.    configure terminal

    2.    controller VDSL slot

    3.    operating mode mode

    4.    line-mode bonding

    5.    exit

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 configure terminal

    router#configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode when using the console port.

    Step 2controller VDSL slot

    router(config)# controller vdsl 0
    Enters controller configuration mode.  
    Step 3operating mode mode

    router(config)# operating mode auto
    Specifies the operating mode. The operating mode is auto.  
    Step 4line-mode bonding

    router(config-controller)# line-mode bonding
    Enables bonding mode in CPE.  
    Step 5exit

    router(config-controller)# exit
    Exits controller configuration mode.  

    Configuring Bonding in VDSL2 Mode

    Perform the following tasks to configure bonding in VDSL2 mode:


      1.    configure terminal

      2.    controller VDSL slot

      3.    operating mode mode

      4.    line-mode bonding

      5.    exit

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 configure terminal

      router#configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode when using the console port.

      Step 2controller VDSL slot

      router(config)# controller vdsl 0
      Enters controller configuration mode.  
      Step 3operating mode mode

      router(config)# operating mode vdsl2
      Specifies the operating mode. The operating mode is VDSL2.  
      Step 4line-mode bonding

      router(config-controller)# line-mode bonding
      Enables bonding mode in CPE.  
      Step 5exit

      router(config-controller)# exit
      Exits the controller mode.  

      Configuring a Single-Wire Pair on Line 0

      Perform the following tasks to configure single-wire pair on line 0:


        1.    configure terminal

        2.    controller VDSL slot

        3.    line-mode single-wire line line-number

        4.    exit

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 configure terminal

        router#configure terminal

        Enters global configuration mode when using the console port.

        Step 2controller VDSL slot

        router(config)# controller vdsl 0
        Enters controller configuration mode.  
        Step 3line-mode single-wire line line-number

        router(config-controller)# line-mode single-wire line 0
        Enables 8a through 17a profile and ADSL on line 0 in single-wire (nonbonding) mode.  
        Step 4exit

        router(config-controller)# exit
        Exits controller configuration mode.  

        Configuring a Single-Wire Pair on Line 1

        Perform the following tasks to configure single-wire pair on line 1.


          1.    configure terminal

          2.    controller VDSL slot

          3.    line-mode single-wire line line-number [profile 30a]

          4.    exit

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 configure terminal

          router#configure terminal

          Enters global configuration mode when using the console port.

          Step 2controller VDSL slot

          router(config)# controller vdsl 0
          Enters controller configuration mode.  
          Step 3 line-mode single-wire line line-number [profile 30a]

          router(config-controller)# line-mode single-wire line 1 profile 30a
          Enables profile 8a through 30a profile on line 1 in single-wire (non-bonding) mode. If profile 30a is not specified, profiles 8a to 17a are enabled on that line.  
          Step 4exit

          router(config-controller)# exit
          Exits the controller mode.  

          Configuration Examples

          The following example shows how to enable bonding in auto mode:

          router# configure terminal
          router(config)# controller vdsl 0
          router(config)# operating mode auto
          router(config-controller)# line-mode bonding
          router(config-controller)# exit

          The following example shows how to enable VDSL2 bonding:

          router# configure terminal
          router(config)# controller vdsl 0
          router(config)# operating mode vdsl2
          router(config-controller)# line-mode bonding
          router(config-controller)# exit

          The following example shows how to remove bonding:

          router# configure terminal
          router(config)# controller vdsl 0
          router(config)# no operating mode 
          router(config-controller)# no line-mode bonding
          router(config-controller)# exit

          The following example shows how to enable profile 8a through 17a on line 0:

          router# configure terminal
          router(config)# controller vdsl 0
          router(config-controller)# line-mode single-wire line 0
          router(config-controller)# exit

          The following example shows how to enable profile 30a on line 1:

          router# configure terminal
          router(config)# controller vdsl 0
          router(config-controller)# line-mode single-wire line 1 profile 30a
          router(config-controller)# exit

          The following example shows how to remove profile 30a from line 1:

          router# configure terminal
          router(config)# controller vdsl 0
          router(config-controller)# no line-mode single-wire line 1
          router(config-controller)# exit