Peer NF Failure Handling Support

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Table 1. Summary Data

Applicable Products or Functional Area


Applicable Platform(s)


Feature Default Setting

Disabled - Configuration Required

Related Changes in this Release

Not Applicable

Related Documentation

Not Applicable

Revision History

Table 2. Revision History

Revision Details


RAT type FHT support and graceful timeout handling and its related statistics introduced.


First introduced.


Feature Description

The SMF utilizes the failover support for all the network functions such as Charging Function (CHF), Policy Control Function (PCF), Unified Data Management (UDM), and User Plane Function (UPF). The failure handling feature provides flexibility for the operator to take action upon failure, based on the message type and failure status code received.

The SMF uses the NRF Client Profile configuration and the NRF Failure Profile configuration to achieve the NF failover functionality.

This chapter describes how the SMF implements the failure handling functionality for CHF, PCF, UDM, and UPF.

Offline Failover Support for Charging

Feature Description

The SMF supports offline failover for charging when a CHF server fails. When the SMF continues after the CHF server failure, the SMF relays the offline charging services to the offline CHF server.

Failure Handling Profile contains the configurations that are invoked when a failure occurs. The Failure Handling feature supports the N11 and GTPC interfaces. With the dynamic configuration, you can change the dynamic attributes associated with the Failure Handling Profile while the SMF is running.

How it Works

The offline failover support for the charging feature works as follows.

Selecting a CHF Server

The CHF server selection involves the following steps:

  1. The smf-service sends packets to rest-ep. The NF library of rest-ep attempts to search a CHF server through NRF discovery. This library receives a CHF server IP address or the list along with the priority as a search result.

  2. The NF library selects the CHF server based on the priority from the list that is received through NRF discovery. If no CHF server is selected, NF library falls back to the static configuration that exists in the CHF network profile.

After selecting a CHF server or a list, NF library relays the message to the first CHF server according to the priority.

Handling a CHF Server Failure

The CHF server failure occurs when the selected CHF sends failure response or sends no response. For a CHF server failure, the NF library sends status code that is based on the failure template. This template is associated with the CHF network profile. The smf-service sends the profile information to smf-rest-ep while sending the IPC message.

The failure template is configured with the list of HTTP error codes and the associated failure actions and retry count, as required. Following are the failure actions as available in the feature template for this feature:

  • Retry and Continue—For this failure action, NF library attempts until the configured number of times before fallback. After the configured number of times completes, the NF library falls back to the lower priority CHF server IP address. If the failure or no response is received from CHF server, the "continue" action is returned to the smf-service.

  • Terminate—For this failure action, NF library does not attempt to send message to other CHF servers. The library sends a reply to smf-service with the action as "terminate". For the "terminate" failure action, the smf-service deletes the session.

  • Continue—For this failure action, the smf-service continues the session and sends the charging message to the offline CHF server. This server is configured as part of the local static CHF profile that is meant for the offline purpose. In addition, the failure handling profile for offline CHF is configured.


For the "continue" failure action, you must configure the offline CHF server at SMF in a separate profile. SMF will use this profile after the CHF server failure. If the offline CHF server is not confgured, the session is continued without imposing any charging.

Relaying to an Offline CHF Server

After CHF server failure, when the SMF continues, it converts the ongoing charging services as follows:

  • Converts the services with both online and offline charging method to the offline charging method.

  • Converts the services with online charging method to the offline charging method.

  • Makes no change for the services with the offline charging method.

Failure Handling Profile

The Failure Handling Profile defines the various parameters for failure handling.

The following table lists the configurations that allow dynamic update.

Table 3. Failure Handling Profile Parameters

Configuration Parameters


Dynamic Change

Impact on Existing Sessions

profile failure-handling

profile failure-handling name interface gtpc/n11 message message cause-code cause_code action action timeout timeout max-retry retry_count

Supported values:

  • interface: gtpc or n11

  • message:

    • gtpc-message:

      • S5S8CreateBearerReq

      • S5S8CreateBearerReq

      • S5S8CreateBearerReq

    • N11-message: n1n2transfer

  • cause-code:

    • gtpc-cause-code: temp-fail

    • N11-cause-code: temp-reject-handover/ temp-reject-register

  • action: retry/clear/terminate

  • timeout: Range: [1000-5000] (default: 1000)

  • max-retry: Range: [0-5] (default: 1)

  • The timeout and max-retry parameters are applicable only if the action is set to ‘retry’.

  • The CLI supports only the ‘retry’ action.


Sessions that use the old value in a call flow and procedure continues to use the old value.

HTTP Cause Code Mapping with Failure Actions

Following table lists the mapping of failure actions with the associated HTTP cause code. Based on the network requirements, you can change the mapping.

Table 4. HTTP Cause Code Mapping with Failure Actions
Http-2 Cause Codes and Description Converged CHF Failure Action Offline CHF Failure Actions
Code Description CDR-I CDR-U CDR-T CDR-I CDR-U CDR-T
400 Bad Request Terminate No config No config Terminate No config No config
403 Forbidden Terminate No config No config Terminate No config No config
404 Not found Terminate No config No config Terminate No config No config
405 Method Not allowed Retry and Continue Retry and Continue Retry and Continue Terminate No config No config
408 Request Timeout Retry and Continue Retry and Continue Retry and Continue Terminate Retry and Continue Retry and Continue
500 Internal Server Error Retry and Continue Retry and Continue Retry and Continue Terminate Retry and Continue Retry and Continue
503 Service Unavailable Retry and Continue Retry and Continue Retry and Continue Terminate Retry and Continue Retry and Continue
508 Gateway Timeout Retry and Continue Retry and Continue Retry and Continue Terminate Retry and Continue Retry and Continue
0 No reply from server Retry and Continue Retry and Continue Retry and Continue Terminate Retry and Continue Retry and Continue

SMF Behaviour for Failure Actions

The following table describes the SMF behaviour on receiving different failures (Continue, Ignore, and Terminate) in CDR-(I/U/T).

CHF Failure Actions

Converged CHF

Offline CHF








Send CDR to offline CHF. If offline CHF is not configured, continue the session without charging.

Send CDR to offline CHF. If offline CHF is not configured, continue the session without charging.

Send CDR to offline CHF if offline CHF is configured

Continue the session without charging

Continue the session without charging

Continue the session deletion


Delete the session

Delete the session

Continue the session deletion

Delete the session

Delete the session

Continue the session deletion


Delete the session

No action taken. Record(s) will be reattempted in the next CDR request.

Continue the session deletion

Delete the session

No action taken. Record(s) will be reattempted in the next CDR request.

Continue the session deletion

Standards Compliance

The offline failover support for charging feature complies with the following standards:

  • 3GPP TS 32.255

  • 3GPP TS 32.290

  • 3GPP TS 32.291


The offline failover support for charging feature has the following limitations:

  • Session Level Limits are mandatory from CHF or you must configure them locally. As per the 3GPP specification, the last linked URR cannot be removed when online URR needs to be delinked from the offline URR.

Configuring the Offline Failover Support for Charging

This section describes how to configure the offline failover support for charging.

Configuring the offline failover support for charging feature involves the following steps:

  1. Configuring Failure Handling Profile in an NF Library

  2. Configuring an Offline Server Client and an Offline Failure Handling Profile

Configuring Failure Handling Profile in an NF Library

Use the following sample configuration to configure the failure handling profile in an NF library.

You can configure the HTTP status code with the corresponding action for the CHF Create, Update, or Release messages. Based on the configuration of the failure handling profile, the NF library takes an action when the CHF server failure occurs.

   profile nf-client-failure nf-type nf_name 
      profile failure-handling failurehandling_name 
         service name type servicename_type 
            message type messagetype_value 
               status-code httpv2  statuscode_value 
                  action failureaction_value 


  • profile nf-client-failure nf-type nf_name : Specify the name of the network function that is required after the NF client failure.

  • profile failure-handling failurehandling_name : Specify the name of the profile for failure handling.

  • service name type servicename_type : Specify the name of the service type. servicename_type can be one of the following values:

    • nchf-convergedcharging

    • nchf-spendinglimitcontrol

  • message type messagetype_value : Specify the value for type of message. messagetype_value can be one of the following values:

    • ChfConvergedchargingCreate

    • ChfConvergedchargingUpdate

    • ChfConvergedchargingDelete

  • status-code statuscode_value : Specify the status code as per the configured failure template. statuscode_value must an integer in the range of 0–599. The range of status codes is separated by either '-' or ','.

  • action failureaction_value : Specify the value for the failure action as per the configured failure template. failureaction_value can be one of the following values:

    • continue

    • retry-and-continue

    • retry-and-ignore

    • retry-and-terminate

    • terminate

Configuring an Offline Server Client and an Offline Failure Handling Profile

This section describes how to configure the offline server client and offline failure handling profile.

Use this CLI to configure the offline client profile and offline failure handling profile for the selected CHF server.

   profile network-element chf chf_name 
      nf-client-profile nf_client_profile_name 
      failure-handling-profile failure_handling_profile_name 
      query-params [ dnn ] 
      nf-client-profile-offline nf_client_profile_offline_IP_port_number 
      failure-handling-profile-offline failure_handling_profile_offline_name 


  • profile network-element chf – Enter the name of the CHF server.

  • nf-client-profile – Enter the name of the client profile.

  • failure-handling-profile – Enter the name of the failure handling profile.

  • query-params – Enter the query parameter value, which is the data network name.

  • nf-client-profile-offline – Enter the name of the offline client profile.

  • failure-handling-profile-offline – Enter the name of the offline failure handling profile.

SMF Failover to Secondary PCF

Feature Description

The SMF utilizes the NF Failover support to achieve the PCF failover functionality.

The NF Failover feature supports the following functionality:

  • Multiple endpoints for a service as primary and secondary endpoints. The endpoints can be configured using the NRF Client Profile configuration and the NRF Failure Profile configuration.

  • Failure behavior based on:

    • Message Type

    • HTTP Status Codes in the response messages

SMF PCF Failure Handling

This section describes the working of SMF for message-level failure handling and the corresponding HTTP status code-based failure.

The SMF PCF failover supports the following messages that are initiated from the SMF.

  • PcfSmpolicycontrolCreate

  • PcfSmpolicycontrolUpdate

  • PcfSmpolicycontrolDelete

During the PDU session lifecycle, the SMF exchanges the messages at various stages with the PCF. Depending on the HTTP status code configured in the NRF failure profile, the SMF receives one of the following actions:

  • Ignore

  • Continue

  • Terminate

Table 5. Relationship between SMF PCF Failover Messages and Actions

PcfSmpolicy controlCreate

PcfSmpolicy controlUpdate

PcfSmpolicy controlDelete


Continue with locally configured/UDM-provided policy parameters.


Do not contact PCF for subsequent messages.

PCF-Interaction Status: OFF

Continue with ‘currently available snapshot’ of policy parameters.

Contact PCF for subsequent messages.

PCF-Interaction Status: ON

Current failure ignored.

Session is deleted.

PCF-Interaction Status: Session deleted


Continue with locally configured/UDM-provided policy parameters.


Do not contact PCF for subsequent messages.

PCF-Interaction Status: OFF

Continue with ‘currently available snapshot’ of policy parameters.


Do not contact PCF for subsequent messages.

PCF-Interaction Status: OFF

Current failure ignored.

Session is deleted.

PCF-Interaction Status: Session deleted


Terminate the session.

Terminate the session.

Terminate the session.

PCF Interaction Status

This feature supports the following status messages for SMF-initiated and PCF-initiated messages:

  • PCF-Interaction Status: ON

    SMF-initiated messages—The SMF continues to initiate the messages towards the PCF whenever the criteria is met.

    PCF-initiated messages—The SMF continues to accept all the messages initiated from the PCF towards the SMF.

  • PCF-Interaction Status: OFF

    SMF-initiated messages—The SMF does not initiate or send the messages towards the PCF whenever the criteria is met. The SMF treats the PCF as if it is not available and continues further actions.

    PCF-initiated messages—There are two messages initiated by the PCF.

    • SmPolicyUpdateNotifyReq: On receiving this message, the SMF sends a 404 error code in response and cleans up the session and does not send the Delete Request to the PCF.



    • SmPolicyAssociationTerminationReq—On receiving this message, the SMF sends a success response and cleans up the session. As part of this interaction, the SMF sends a Delete Request to the PCF.


      This is an exception when the PCF-Interaction Status is set to OFF.

Configuring SMF Failover to Secondary PCF Support

Configuring the PCF Failure Handling Profile

Use the following sample configuration to configure the PCF failure handling profile with action.

   profile nf-client-failure nf-type pcf 
      profile failure-handling fhprofile_name 
         service name type npcf-smpolicycontrol 
            message type PcfSmpolicycontrolCreate 
               status-code httpv2 status_code 
               action { continue | retry-and-continue | retry-and-ignore | retry-and-terminate } retry retry_value 


  • profile failure-handling fhprofile_name : Specify the failure handling profile name.

  • service name type npcf-smpolicycontrol : Specify the PCF service name type.

  • message type PcfSmpolicycontrolCreate : Specify the message type.

  • status-code httpv2 status_code : Specify the HTTPv2 status code as an integer in the range of 0–599, separated by either '-' or ','.

  • action { continue | retry-and-continue | retry-and-ignore | retry-and-terminate } retry retry_value : Specify the action and the number of retry attempts. retry_value must be an integer in the range of 1–10.

Configuring the Association of Failure Handling Profile

Use the following sample configuration to configure the association of FH profile in the respective network element.

profile network-element pcf pcfprofile_name 
   nf-client-profile nfprofile_name 
   failure-handling-profile fhprofile_name 
   query-params [ dnn ] 
   rulebase-prefix rbprefix_name 
   predefined-rule-prefix preruleprefix_name 


  • nf-client-profile nfprofile_name : Specify the NF client profile name.

  • failure-handling-profile fhprofile_name : Specify the failure handling profile name.

  • query-params [ dnn ] : Specify the query parameter for NF discovery.

  • rulebase-prefix rbprefix_name : Specify the rulebase prefix to be added.

  • predefined-rule-prefix preruleprefix_name : Specify the predefined rule prefix to be added.

Configuring Secondary and Tertiary IP Addresses

Use the following sample configuration to configure secondary and tertiary IP addresses:

   profile nf-client nf-type pcf 
      pcf-profile PP1 
         locality LOC1 
            priority 30 
            service name type npcf-smpolicycontrol 
               endpoint-profile EP1 
                  capacity   30 
                  uri-scheme http 
                  endpoint-name EP1 
                  priority 56 
                  primary ip-address ipv4 primary_ipv4 
                  primary ip-address port 8098 
                  secondary ip-address ipv4 secondary_ipv4 
                  secondary ip-address port 9098 


  • primary ip-address ipv4 primary_ipv4 : Specify the primary IPv4 address.

  • primary ip-address port 8098 : Specify the port number of the primary IPv4 address.

  • secondary ip-address ipv4 secondary_ipv4: Specify the secondary IPv4 address.

  • secondary ip-address port 9098 : Specify the port number of the secondary IPv4 address.

SMF Failover to Secondary PCF OAM Support

This section describes operations, administration, and maintenance information for this feature.

Statistics Support

The following statistics are added in support of SMF Failover to Secondary PCF feature.

  • PcfSmpolicyControlCreate

    • Number of ignore responses

    • Number of continue responses

    • Number of terminate responses

  • PcfSmPolicyControlUpdate

    • Number of ignore responses

    • Number of continue responses

    • Number of terminate responses

  • PcfSmpolicyControlDelete

    • Number of ignore responses

    • Number of continue responses

    • Number of terminate responses

  • PolicyUpdateNotifyReq

    • Number of accepted requests

    • Number of rejected requests

    • Number of skipped requests

  • PolicyDeleteReq

    • Number of accepted requests

    • Number of rejected requests

    • Number of skipped requests

  • PolicyUpdateRequest

    • Number of accepted requests

    • Number of rejected requests

    • Number of skipped requests

  • Gauge counter for number of subscribers with policy type local/pcf.

Unified Data Management Failure Handling

Feature Description

The Unified Data Management (UDM) is responsible for primarily storing the subscriber data, which SMF accesses for managing the user sessions on the network.

The UDM failure handling support on SMF introduces a new failure handling template (FHT) profile. This profile is associated with the UDM profile in SMF.

The FHT template provides flexibility for SMF to fine tune its interactions with UDM over N10 for the sessions. It supports the SMF to handle the HTTP status codes in response from UDM for both new and existing sessions.

The NF failover support is available in the SMF using the NRF Client profile configuration and the NRF failure profile configuration. This feature supports the following functionality:

  • Configure multiple endpoints for a service as primary and secondary endpoints.

  • Specify the failure handling behavior based on:

    • Message Type

    • HTTP Status Codes in the response messages

How it Works

The SMF utilizes the NF Failover to achieve the UDM failover support functionality. This section provides information on how the SMF handles message-level failures and the corresponding HTTP status code-based failures.

The UDM failover supports the following messages that are initiated from the SMF.

  • UE-Connection-Management (UE-CM)

    • Nudm_UECM_Registration

    • Nudm_UECM_DeRegistration

  • UE-Subscription-Management (UE-SDM)

    • Nudm_SDM_Get

    • Nudm_SDM_Subscribe

    • Nudm_SDM_Unsubscribe

During the PDU session lifecycle, the SMF exchanges the preceding messages at various stages with the UDM. Depending on the HTTP status code configured in the NRF failure profile, the SMF performs one of the following actions:

  • Ignore

  • Continue

  • Terminate

The SMF provides the following actions to attempt the same request to other available UDM servers.

  • retry-and-terminate

  • retry-and-ignore

  • retry-and-continue

When all the retry attempts fail, the SMF takes the appropriate failure handling action. For example, if the FH action is retry-and-terminate, the SMF terminates the call after all the attempts fail.


The SMF allows dynamic changes to the failure handling template configuration. Any changes to the configuration apply only to the new calls.

Table 6. Relationship between N10 Messages and Failover Actions






Success Response

Handling of Failure Response




PDU Session Creation procedures in 5G, 4G, WiFi

Inter-RAT Handover procedures





If the Nudm UECM Registration is not done and the access type is not 4G

Send the message

Mark the Registration is successful

Terminate call

Continue call

Continue call



If the Nudm UECM Registration is done

Send the message

No action

Terminate call

Terminate call

Terminate call

PDU Session Creation procedures in 5G, 4G, WiFi



If skipping the subscription fetch config is not enabled

Send the message

Mark the subscription fetch is successful

Terminate call

Continue call

Continue call




If the subscription fetch is successful

Send the message

No action

Terminate call

Continue call if the subscription is not done

Continue call if the subscription is not done

PDU Session Release procedures in 5G, 4G, WiFi




If the subscription fetch is successful and the registration isns

Send the message

No action

Terminate call

Continue call

Continue call


  • Terminate: The SMF terminates the call in any message type.

  • Continue: The SMF ignores the current failure and skips the subsequent interaction for the other messages in the same service group.

  • Ignore: The SMF ignores failure only for the current interaction and proceeds with the call. The SMF processes the subsequent message interaction.

  • Perform UDM subscription fetch only during the session establishment in EPS and NR network.

    If the UDM subscription fetch fails and the FH action is ‘Ignore’ or the configuration to skip subscribe-to-notification is enabled, then the SMF skips the subscribe-to-notification interaction.

  • When the UDM failure handling template is not configured, the default failure handling action is 'Terminate'.

Configuring UDM Failure Handling Support

Configuring UDM Failure Handling Profile

Use the following sample configuration to configure the UDM failure handling profile with action.

   profile nf-client-failure nf-type udm 
      profile failure-handling fh_profile_name 
         service name type { nudm-ee | nudm-pp | nudm-sdm | nudm-ueau 
         | nudm-uecm } 
         message type { UdmRegistrationReq | UdmSdmGetUESMSubscriptionData 
         | UdmSdmSubscribeToNotification | UdmSubscriptionReq 
         | UdmUecmRegisterSMF | UdmUecmUnregisterSMF |  
         UdmSdmUnsubscribeToNotification } 
            status-code httpv2 0 
               action { continue | retry-and-continue | retry-and-ignore 
              | retry-and-terminate | terminate } 

Configuring Association of FH profile

Use the following sample configuration to configure the association of FH profile in the respective network element.

   profile network-element udm udmprofile_name 
      nf-client-profile profile_name 
      failure-handling-profile fh_profile_name 
      failure-handling-profile-rat nr fh_rat_profile_name 
      query-params [ dnn ] 
      rulebase-prefix cbn# 
      predefined-rule-prefix crn# 
      response-timeout timeout_duration 


  • failure-handling-profile-rat nr fh_rat_profile_name : Specify the failure handling profile specific to RAT type. fh_rat_profile_name must be a string representing the corresponding NRF failure handling network profile name.

  • response-timeout timeout_duration : Specify the response timeout in milliseconds.

    Default: 4000

Verifying the RAT based FH Profile

This section describes how to verify RAT based FH profile in the respective network element.

Use the show running-config profile network-element udm profile network-element udm udmprofile_name command to verify the feature configuration details.

The following is a sample output.

nf-client-profile UP1
failure-handling-profile FH1
query-params [ dnn ]
failure-handling-profile-rat nr
failure-handling-profile FH4

Configuring Secondary and Tertiary IP Addresses

Use the following sample configuration to configure secondary and tertiary IP addresses.

   profile nf-client nf-type udm 
      udm-profile udmprofile_name 
         locality LOC 
            priority priority_value 
            service name type { nudm-ee | nudm-pp | nudm-sdm | 
            nudm-ueau | nudm-uecm } 
               endpoint-profile epprofile_name 
                  capacity capacity_value 
                  uri-scheme http 
                  endpoint-name endpoint_name 
                     priority priority_value 
                     primary ip-address ipv4 primary_ipaddress 
                     primary ip-address port port_num 
                     secondary ip-address ipv4 secondary_ipaddress 
                     secondary ip-address port port_num 

Configuring Response Timeout Handling

Use the following configuration to configure response timeout for fail-open support over the UDM interface (N10).

   profile network-element udm udm_profile_name 
      response-timeout timeout_value 


  • response-timeout timeout_value : Configures the response timeout in milliseconds.

Verifying the Response Timeout Handling Configuration

The following is a sample configuration.

[unknown] smf# show running-config profile network-element udm
profile network-element udm udm1
nf-client-profile UP1
failure-handling-profile FH4
query-params [ dnn ]
response-timeout 2000
[unknown] smf#


New statistics added for all the UDM message status with status as Attempted/Success/Skipped/Failed for all UDM services and message combination.

udm_end_point="",udm_msg="UdmSmSubscription”} 1
udm_msg="UdSmSubscription"} 1

UDM Failure Handling OAM Support

This section describes the operations, administration, and maintenance information for this feature.

Statistics Support

The SMF maintains the following statistics in support of the UDM Failure Handling feature.

  • Nudm_UECM_Registration

    • Number of ignore responses

    • Number of continue responses

    • Number of terminate responses

  • Nudm_UECM_DeRegistration

    • Number of ignore responses

    • Number of continue responses

    • Number of terminate responses

  • Nudm_SDM_Get

    • Number of ignore responses

    • Number of continue responses

    • Number of terminate responses

  • Nudm_SDM_Subscribe

    • Number of ignore responses

    • Number of continue responses

    • Number of terminate responses

  • Nudm_SDM_Unsubscribe

    • Number of ignore responses

    • Number of continue responses

    • Number of terminate responses

The "udm_msg_processing_status" statistic in smf-service tracks the number of UDM messages with status as — Attempted, Success, Skipped, Failed

For example:

service_name="smf-service",udm_end_point="",udm_msg="UdmSmSubscription"} 1
service_name="smf-service",udm_end_point="",udm_msg="UdSmSubscription"} 1

User Plane Function Failure Handling

Feature Description

During a session, if the User Plane function (UPF) is in congested state, it rejects the Packet Forwarding Control Protocol (PFCP) establishment messages from SMF with a cause code in the response message. To reduce call loss, the SMF retries to send PFCP establishment messages to a different UPF. Then, SMF selects a UPF based on priority (configuration) and capacity (load information from UPF).

The UPF failure handling support on N4 interface feature in SMF introduces a new failure handling template (FHT) profile for PFCP. This profile is associated with the UPF profile in SMF (in network elements).

The FHT template provides flexibility for SMF to fine tune its interactions with UPFs for sessions. It supports SMF to handle the error cause codes in response from UPF for both new and existing sessions. Based on the error cause codes in response from UPF, this feature provides the following configurable actions:

  • terminate

  • retry-terminate

Configuring the UPF Failure Handling on N4 Interface

Use the following sample configuration to configure the UPF failure handling on N4 interface.

   profile failure-handling pfcp_name 
      interface pfcp message { N4SessionEstablishmentReq | N4SessionModificationReq } 
      cause-code pfcp-entity-in-congestion 
      action retry-terminate max-retry value 


  • profile failure-handling : Specify the UPF profile that is associated with FHT.

  • interface pfcp message { N4SessionEstablishmentReq | N4SessionModificationReq } : Specify the failure handling for N4SessionEstablishmentReq (for new sessions) and N4SessionModificationReq messages (for existing sessions).


    UPF reselection is not applicable for message type N4SessionModificationReq because the session is already active on a UPF.

  • cause-code { pfcp-entity-in-congestion | mandatory-ie-incorrect | mandatory-ie-missing | session-ctx-not-found | system-failure | service-not-supported | no-resource-available | no-response-received | reject } : Specifies the error codes that SMF receives in the failure response message from UPF.


    • The no-response-received cause code is introduced in this feature to identify the scenarios where SMF does not receive any response from UPF.

    • FHT does not support the following cause codes, which are configured with their default behaviour:

      request-reject-unspecified , cond-ie-missing , invalid-length , invalid-fw-policy , invalid-fteid-alloc-opt , no-established-pfcp-assoc , rule-creation-mod-failure .

    • pfcp-entity-in-congestion : Specify the cause code when UPF is congested.

    • reject : Specify the option to handle the cause codes in the failure response message from UPF, which are not configured by using the CLI commands available for this feature.

  • action { retry-terminate | terminate } : Specify the action to perform based on the error cause code received in the failure response message from UPF.

    • retry-terminate : Specifies a retry attempt to an alternate UPF. If the retry attempt fails, the session is terminated.


      If all UPFs are in congested state, call fails even if the action is set to continue .

    • max-retry : Specifies the number of retry attempts to reselect an alternate UPF.

      • Default value: 2

      • Maximum value: 5

Verifying the UPF Failure Handling Configuration

Use the show running-config command to view the configuration.

The following is a sample output of the show running-config command.

show running-config
profile network-element upf upf1
pfcp pfcp-failure-profile pfcp1
node-id      n4-peer-upf1
n4-peer-address ipv4
n4-peer-port 0000
keepalive    60
 dnn-list     [ uncarrier.5g ]
capacity     10
priority     1
profile failure-handling pfcp1
 interface pfcp message N4SessionEstablishmentReq
  cause-code pfcp-entity-in-congestion
   action retry-terminate max-retry 2
interface pfcp message N4SessionModificationReq
  cause-code mandatory-ie-incorrect
   action terminate

Configuring the Failure Profile Association

Use the following sample configuration to configure the failure profile association.

   profile upf-group upf upf_group_name 
      failure-profile pfcp_name 


  • profile upf-group upf upf_group_name : Specify the UPF group.

  • failure-profile pfcp_name : Specify the FHT profile for PFCP.

Configuration Matrix

This section describes the configuration options available for N4 Session Establishment Request and N4 Session Modification Request messages.

Message Type Applicable Action Applicable Cause Code Default Behaviour
N4SessionEstablishmentReq retry-terminate
  • pfcp-entity-in-congestion

  • system-failure

  • service-not-supported

  • no-resource-available

  • no-response-received




  • mandatory-ie-incorrect

  • session-ctx-not-found

  • no-response-received
