Troubleshooting Single Inbox Issues
You may face some issues with single inbox that you can troubleshoot using the information provided in the sections mentioned further.
Message Relay Not Working or is Not Working as Expected
If messages are not being relayed at all, confirm that you have specified the IP address for an SMTP smart host through which Unity Connection relays SMTP messages. (If DNS is configured, you can also specify the fully qualified domain name of the smart host.) To verify this, log in to Unity Connection Administration, navigate to the System Settings > SMTP Configuration > Smart Host page and verify the IP address or hostname of smart host.
If messages are being relayed but not as you expect, check how the message actions are relaying messages for a specific user through the Message Actions page in Unity Connection Administration for that user.
If messages are disappearing, see the Unity Connection Unable to Relay Messages.
Single Inbox Not Working for Anyone on Unity Connection
When single inbox is not working for any of the users on a Cisco Unity Connection server (for example, Unity Connection voice messages are not synchronized into Office 365 and the messages sent from ViewMail for Outlook are not delivered), do the following tasks.
On the primary server, in Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability, go to
, and confirm that the status of the Connection Mailbox Sync (in the Critical Services section) service is Started: -
If a firewall is configured between the Unity Connection and Exchange servers or between Unity Connection and Active Directory domain controllers, confirm that the necessary ports are opened. For more information, see the “IP Communications Required by Cisco Unity Connection” chapter in the Security Guide for Cisco Unity Connection, Release 12.x at
Single Inbox Not Working for Unified Messaging Users
When single inbox is not working only for the Unity Connection users whose unified messaging accounts are associated with the same unified messaging service, do the following tasks.
Note |
When a cluster is configured, do the Unity Connection-specific tasks only on the primary (active) server.
EWSEditor software and documentation are available on the Microsoft website.
Confirm DNS settings:
Confirm that the Exchange server is reachable from Unity Connection.
If you configured the unified messaging service to search for Exchange or Office 365 servers, confirm that the Unity Connection server is configured to use DNS.
If you configured the unified messaging service to search for Exchange or Office 365 servers, confirm that the name of the Exchange or Office 365 server is resolvable by the DNS server that Unity Connection is configured to use.
If you configured the unified messaging service to search for Exchange or Office 365 servers, confirm that the DNS server that Unity Connection is using is configured with appropriate records for auto-discovery.
Single Inbox is Not Working for a User or a Subset of Users
When single inbox is not working (for example, Unity Connection voice messages are not synchronized into Exchange, and messages sent from ViewMail for Outlook are not delivered), and when the problem is occurring for one or more Unity Connection users but not for all users associated with a unified messaging service, do the following tasks.
Note |
When a cluster is configured, do the Unity Connection-specific tasks only on the primary (active) server.
If the user’s Exchange mailbox was moved, and if the user is associated with a unified messaging service that specifies an Exchange server instead of allowing Unity Connection to search for Exchange servers, determine whether Unity Connection is able to automatically detect mailbox moves. See the “Configuring Unified Messaging” chapter in the Unified Messaging Guide for Cisco Unity Connection Release 12.x at
If the user’s Exchange mailbox is homed on a new Exchange server, confirm that the unified messaging services account has the permissions necessary to access the server. For more information, see the “Configuring Unified Messaging” chapter in the Unified Messaging Guide for Cisco Unity Connection Release 12.x at
If single inbox is not working for all of the Unity Connection users whose mailboxes are homed on the same Exchange server, confirm that the required services are running on the Exchange servers:
If the mailboxes are all homed on an Exchange 2013, Exchange 2010,Unity Connection or Exchange 2007 server, confirm that the EWS service is running on that Exchange server.
If the mailboxes are all homed on an Exchange 2003 server, confirm that the WebDav service is running on that Exchange server.
If single inbox is not working for all of the Unity Connection users whose mailboxes are homed on the same Exchange server, and if you are using HTTPS as the web-based protocol, confirm that SSL is properly configured:
In Unity Connection Administration, uncheck the Validate Certificates for Exchange Servers check box, and determine whether single inbox is now working.
Confirm that SSL certificates have been uploaded to the Unity Connection server.
Confirm that the SSL certificates have not expired.
Single Inbox Synchronization from Exchange is Delayed
If Unity Connection synchronization to Exchange is working (for example, voice messages are synchronized to users’ Exchange mailboxes) but synchronization from Exchange is delayed (for example, the message waiting indicator is not turned off immediately after the last Unity Connection voice message is heard in ViewMail for Outlook), do the following tasks.
In Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability, go to
and confirm that the service status for the Unity Connection Jetty service is Started. If not, activate and start the service, then test one of the affected users. -
At a command line on the Exchange server, run the following command to telnet from the Exchange server to the Unity Connection server (confirm that port 7080 is open in the firewall, if applicable):
telnet <IP address of the Unity Connection server> 7080
If no error message is returned, the Exchange server was able to connect to the Unity Connection server. If an error message is returned:
In Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability, confirm that the Unity Connection Jetty service is running.
Troubleshoot the network problem.
Press Ctrl-K to exit from Telnet.
In Cisco Unity Connection Administration, display the unified messaging account for one of the affected users and select Reset.
If synchronization from Exchange to Unity Connection starts working for the affected user, in Unity Connection Administration, display the unified messaging service associated with the affected user (Unified Messaging > Unified Messaging Services) and select Reset.
If you Reset a particular unified messaging service, the synchronization is delayed for all of the users associated with the unified messaging service as Unity Connection resynchronizes data with Exchange.
If the synchronization from Exchange is delayed, you can also check if the number of outstanding requests is consistently not exceeding 999. To check the number of outstanding request, you need to enable the CsMbxSync (level 19) traces. For more information on traces, see Traces in Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability.
If the number of outstanding requests is consistently increasing to a value greater than 999, check the EWS latency (EWS request-response RTT time) between Unity Connection and Exchange Server. If the latency is more than the supported value, calculate the number of connections and change the number of connections to a calculated value. For information on maximum EWS latency and the method to calculate connections, see the “Calculating the Number of Connections for One Unity Connection Server” section of the Single Inbox in Cisco Unity Connection 12.x chapter of Design Guide for Cisco Unity Connection Release 12.x
Single Inbox Synchronization from Office 365 is Delayed
If Unity Connection synchronization to Office 365 is working (for example, voice messages are synchronized to users’ Exchange mailboxes) but synchronization from Office 365 is delayed (for example, the message waiting indicator is not turned off immediately after the last Unity Connection voice message is heard in ViewMail for Outlook), do the following tasks.
In Cisco Unity Connection Administration, display the unified messaging account for one of the affected users, and select Reset.
If synchronization from Exchange to Unity Connection starts working for the affected user, in Unity Connection Administration, display the unified messaging service associated with the affected user (Unified Messaging > Unified Messaging Services) and select Reset.
Single Inbox Synchronization from Exchange Failed
If synchronization from Unity Connection to Exchange fails for set of users and the unified messaging account Reset button press is not resolving the problem, do the following tasks:
Run the following CLI command to get list of aliases having Mailbox Status field set as non-zero: run cuc dbquery unitydirdb select y.alias from vw_mailboxmap as x, vw_user as y where x.userobjectid=y.objectid AND x.status != 0.
If the above CLI execution gives list of user aliases then we need to check the reason of non-zero value of status for listed users. If required, we can update the status field to zero through the following CLI command: run cuc dbquery unitydirdb update tbl_mailboxmap set status = 0
Updating the value of "status" as zero is just a work around and we must investigate the reason of status getting changed.
Single Inbox Fails with Office 365 Using ADFS
If you are integrating Unity Connection with Office 365 for Single Inbox where the Unity Connection Account used to access Office 365 was created on active directory and imported into Office 365, the Single Inbox may not work as Unity Connection is not equipped to handle ADFS.
To get the Single Inbox working, the account must be created locally on the Office 365 side.
Duplicate Message Issue with Single Inbox
Internet Message ID is a unique identifier for internet messages. Cisco Unity Connection assigns a unique Internet message ID to each voice message. If messages are restored with same internet message ID, the duplicate messages are created in the mailbox of a user. When mailbox synchronizes with Exchange, the duplicate messages are reflected in the Single Inbox.
To resolve the issue of duplicate messages in Single Inbox, a user or administrator must delete the duplicate messages from the mailbox.
Note |
COBRA is one of the interfaces that provide the option to restore the messages as duplicate messages. To avoid the duplicate message issue in Single Inbox, do not select the option to restore the messages as duplicate messages. |